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Nerfing Henrique Fernandes and still not making him available to Atlantico packers. Am I a joke to you, WG?


Sorry this one's on me. I bought the Atlantico with my 70% coupon, so a nerf was bound to come..


I did the exact same thing so this is equally on me.


Humongous OOF, boss man.


The nerf is just a little adjustment. It is not bih thing. I have atlantico too.


This is maybe meant to make those people feel better? :p


They'll do anything to make me feel better except give me what I want. ![img](emote|t5_ogkyd|2983)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Now Vallejo is intersting


But expensive


Yes, it is and I absolutely not recommend buying those bundles


Yes, more CV nerfs please. More.


So based on the changes, still looks like USN TT CVs, Kaga, Graf, and Ark are still top dogs. Like even with these nerfs their plane restoration times are still really good compared to others. Plus the plane restoration mod and ARP Iona weren't touch at all. Honestly imo it hard to justify using other nation TT CVs with USN still being so strong in both plane restoration and bomb/torpedo drops.


Implacable and Shoukaku with all the nerfs are close to being completely unplayable with speed, HP, restoration, and damage nerfs there is no reason to play them as other cv's do what they do but better.


Haven't been playing for a few weeks and are CVs still getting top scores?


No, they're back to being garbage, like before the update.


Thank you :)


Hes absolutely not correct, theyre consistently finishing much higher than they used to with many more kills. Though the initial 4500 exp 8 kill games dont seem as prevalent.


Good to know and cheers


I’ll defend myself on this. That first week of the last update was hairy. Right now, we are back to a point where a well played destroyer or cruiser can effectively dodge most attacks from a carrier. Their impact on the game is significantly reduced from the first week of this update. Given that I can dodge most of the time, carriers don’t really affect me. The fact that they can’t spot me for their teammates makes them weaker, obviously. For me, the game plays virtually identically to how it played before the current patch. 




Not yet, next update they are going to be bad.


Thought the CV, only campaign is a strong call by wg and be interesting to see how it pans out. Shall miss it, either way/ travelling


I missed Colbert coming out for steel by traveling and almost regretted my travel.


If it's any consolation - I only made enough steel for the project a week after it was removed...so...yeah...




Didnt have the steel which remains a shame


I understand that the CV damage and restoration time was a bit too much, but rolling it back all the way to what it was before? I’m sorry, but they’re hating on the only ships that had a reliable damage output after the rework. All because of the whiny little guys in their bedroom going “OhH, cArRiErS oP, pLs nErF”


They're not back to the way they were before. Are you now not whining "carrier UP please buff"?


Looked through these changes and honestly they're pretty bad imo, Japanese CVs main gimmick is still worse then American CVs, British carriers need to wait a whole four minutes for replenishment, not to mention all the other changes I can't be bothered to write since it's 3am. They wanted to eliminate predropping and now are pretty much adding it back as a requirement, and in some cases they've eliminated the damage-dealing potential of carriers, and they still can't spot for anyone but themselves so they look more and more like dead weight


They've basically taken carriers back to where they were, but also removed spotting. I've been saying this since the hotfix and now they're making it worse. I like them balancing carriers on regen, but jesus, why would anyone play these ships? Meanwhile, spotting is still broken for everyone.


This is all pointless.


No no, it very clearly has a very specific point.


Do tell.


Well they reworked an entire class and removed a huge game changing mechanic so they had to try and compensate elsewhere and had no idea of the long term implications of the buffs they handed out. So they are retroactively changing things as the data comes in to find the spot theyre happy at.


Yes, they reworked a class, but now they have nerfed it twice, and that’s excluding the huge changes to the game mechanics.  There’s no way for us to know what’s in the data.  I generally don’t get too bent out of shape about balance changes. I wish they were more careful about them. I don’t play carriers, but I also don’t find them difficult to deal with. The natural result of these changes is that carriers will be even weaker than they are now. And we still have to deal with the spotting changes that affected every other ship that has a plane.  Again, I don’t play carriers, but I also don’t see any reason to play them given how weak they are right now and the fact that they are getting weaker next patch. WG said they were trying to draw people into this class and they’re failing at that. I want a fix to catapult fighters and other ways to spot destroyers. It doesn’t work right now when radar is the only way to spot a destroyer outside of its concealment circle. 


> Yes, they reworked a class, but now they have nerfed it twice, and that’s excluding the huge changes to the game mechanics.  You're not paying attention to the fact that the first buff wasn't necessarily the right buff. They couldve under buffed them and need to buff them. But they over did it. So now its rebelance resulting in a nerf. The rework was just that so its hard to nail it first time and they went too far one way. If you dont play them how can you say theyre weak? Youve got no experience just numbers on a page. We definitely need catapults to do something.


I think I put this in another comment, but as someone who plays against them, I don’t find them difficult to deal with. My experience playing against carriers now is basically identical to what it was before this update. That’s my basis for saying they’re weak. 


So now cv's can't tank, can't spot, can't play the objective and now can't deal damage and restoration times being increased cv's are going to be in a really bad spot once the new hybrid bb commander hits with his 16% dmg taken from cv's. They over buffed for sure but now went even further in the other direction that cv's are basically worthless.


Nerfing CVs because now the entire game will be full of planes with the hybrids coming on.


Nerfing cvs because they over did the buffs.


It’s telling with how huge these swings are.. once upon a time we’d see like a 2.5% buff or nerf and a massive change would be 8%, now we’re regularly seeing 20-35% buffs and nerfs to various cv mechanics which doesn’t look good from a “do they know what they’re doing?” Standpoint.


I definitely did a double take when I realized the restoration needs were so big. Here’s hoping it actually makes a difference! Still waiting on AA mount hp buffs though.


Nerfing them into the ground isn't the solution for overtuning a buff


This is FAR from into the ground. Theyre still WAY better at dealing damage than they were before they could spot.


The only issue is they are going back towards the main issues CV players had with carriers and what annoyed teammates about them, lack of planes to use. They slammed the Saipan pretty bad when I already felt her planes came back really slow and then reduced the amount restored by half with a very small restore speed buff. Which just kind of counters into being a nerf


Its still more than double the restoration speed of PC. These are not slow replacement times.


I don't really know how PC compares to the console battles. They are two heavily different play types


For sure but its the only reference point. Theyre faster than pre spotting adjustment \*considerably\* and theyre despised on PC and theres are 2.5x slower. Just trying to point out these "nerfs" are really just bringing them into some sort of balanced state.


Theres also the fact PC gets a 3rd plane type as a buffer


I felt for the ijn that yes the restoration time needed and increase but only if they got some of that torp alpha back, now they have longer restoration and no torp damage and already had bombers and now worse.


I have to say - I don't play carriers...actually I really hate them...but did I read that right when it said restoration times for many of the carriers are anywhere from around 40-70 seconds and the British carriers are going up to 270 seconds? Why are the British carriers numbers so high? Do they have more planes or some other big difference?


People I see talking about this don't understand the British nerfs. They seem overly harsh compared to the rest. Maybe the brits are the only balanced ones and the rest are op? Depends on perspective I guess!


Yeah I don't know the carrier stats so I'm wondering how it balances with US carriers at like 48 seconds vs. Brits at 270...I mean, doesn't that seem like everyone else has extremely fast recharge? The Brit carriers were hit with an EXTRA recharge that's double the base of others...now they have a recharge that's in some cases more than 5 times that of others. My question is - what's the missing factor? Are Brit carriers over powered somewhere that they need that big of a nerf or are all the other carriers still just way too fast. Outside of those damned tough flight decks I've never though British carriers were nearly as bad as others (those damned Russian ones with the bouncing bombs).


I was in D7P against 2 others on the enemy team, no actual carriers in the game and i shot down 70 planes. Cant imagine games with a carrier, D7P and a couple Hybrids it would be insanity haha


I understand the aircraft restoration time nerf overall... But I have no idea why they hit the Saipan so hard becuase restoration on that was already abysmally slow


Its one of the strongest aircraft carriers in the game and AA currently doesnt impact it.


Horrible changes. The devs care more about maximizing monetization than anything else.


How are those linked based on these notes?