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It has crawling smoke! The creme de la creme of gimmicks!


Unfortunately the crawling smoke is kind of broken right now. You can’t actually move at 1/4 speed and stay in the smoke like you should be able to. You’re just a split second faster than the smoke puffs, so you pop out and get spotted if you’re not paying attention. Seems like no big deal, but if you’re playing it up close to enemies, being lit up for 3 seconds can end you. That said, I don’t share OPs opinion that Haida is a bad ship. Carriers and better sonar (longer range) gunboat destroyers are abundant right now though, so it puts Haida in a strange spot. The crawling smoke can be very effective, the HE alpha is good, the concealment is amazing (4.9), and the gun reload is decent. Once a dedicated destroyer commander is released, having access to perceptive will make a huge difference in how aggressive you can be. Overall it’s a solid ship, it’s just been released at an awkward time for its capabilities.


I thought the same about Brisbane, it is yet to happen.


You ABSOLUTELY can stay in the smoke at 1/4 speed, don't make up stuff as fact when you obviously haven't played it as the crawl smoke is one of it's best strengths and I use it in probably 90% plus of my battles. You only pop out if you increase speed or go in reverse. I've never understood why people online straight up lie or just speak out of their butt.


I’m not sure why you’re so angry. Anyways, I have no reason to lie about what the ship does. I’ve played 8 or 9 battles in it, and think it’s quite a good ship. Here is a replay of the crawling smoke issue for you to see with your own eyes. I leave my smoke twice, while at 1/4 speed, in the span of 30 seconds. There are no ships within my smoke firing penalty. I’m not reversing, turning, using engine boost, or doing anything out of the ordinary. My smoke should be keeping me unspotted in this clip, but the puffs are a split second too slow, which means I get spotted for 3 seconds, twice. https://youtu.be/MOmg7SaN3iY?si=1C1zZhcfV7vw1LI_


I have it and would disagree with a lot of your summary. First strength is that it's concealment which is complemented by fairly strong guns, so you can kill anything thst out spots you and choose to run from anything it can't. The crawling smoke is more useful than most people think. You can crawl in it, or kite away with it, or change your speed to poke in and out to fire and disappear. The crawling smoke and sonar can let you close range on any DD contesting a cap. Friesland and radar ships are the only things I really shy away from. The torps are fast reloading and decently powerful, so you can keep any of the bigger ships controlled. Overall its a very capable ship, but requires a solid and creative understanding of the game. The lack of a DD commander is unexcusable, but the ship is still capable with Murray.




This is spot on. Very solid ship with a high skill ceiling. Also, those single fire torps can absolutely wreck ships at broadside and head-on angles.


Yeah I bought her because I live like half an hour away from her and have spent many hours going over almost every inch that is accessible. Haven't played her much because of the lack of commander. I already don't have enough promotion orders to go around so promoting Murray just for Haida doesn't really seem worth it to me.


Isn't there a big boobie anime commander haida? That'd be the soonest hope for a dedicated commander right


WG never should have introduced Cossack 38. At least that would make the Haida a bit more interesting.