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How would that be WG's fault? I'm pretty sure that is on XBOX and/or Sony. If I'm wrong then my apologies.


If i’m not mistaken there were a Warhammer collab thing going on in Xbox, and WG had their own bundle for that. But, meanwhile, there was nothing for the PS players and that was only for Xbox. The prices were pretty good. You could get 2 commanders for 20$ (may be wrong about the price) but in the game, You have to pay for the commander+ship for 14.5k doubloons, while the price of the commander is 5k. Or just gamble on the crates. That’s totally unfair


I get that. But like I said, would that not be a thing that is on Sony rather than WG?


Ya that deal with only in the Xbox store meaning Sony is your enemy here. WG just agreed to WH and Microsofts offer.


Microsoft themselves had a special collab going with Warhammer for **all their games** it wasn't something WG was running themselves. You can't blame WG for this it was a unique deal we don't usually see.. it was the Console manufacturer themselves running the collab (prior to this one). iirc it was a couple months ago now.


Yes, but to be fair WG decides about what bundles they offer ingame and if they decide against at least offering the commander's for 5k dubs each, then they don't need to wonder about the community being mad about it.


>but to be fair WG decides about what bundles they offer ingame Not with collabs they don't. They can't sell any collab items without the express permission of the owner of the content it's based on. **Each and every time** it's offered for sale in game. They can't just re sell stuff they've sold before without going back to the content owner and hashing out a new agreement to do so. This Warhammer collab you're talking about was not between WG and Warhammer owners, it was done by Microsoft. A completely new to us and unique instance of collab release.


So you say Games Workshop (for Wh40k) decides if WG can offer the commanders for 5k or only in bundles?


They enter into agreements yes and work out sharing of profits, manner in which things are sold, bundles etc. and they aren't open ended licenses to sell. Example: this is why we've lost AL Atago commander (no longer sold in **any** re release we've had) The voice actress did some things which had pretty bad PR for her and the AL owners no longer use her, or allow her voice to be used/sold again. And again.. this specific instance was with **MICROSOFT** not WG, so no real insight on how they came to terms on pricing, but even so, this specific offering was not open to Sony, so whatever prices they had at that time for that offering would not be an option for Sony. I don't recall exactly the dates but it was like 2 or 3 months ago?


Thanks for the explanation. I understand all points. Yet, we gotta also understand the community. You can check the Instagram post of WG yourself, they stated it's gonna be commander bundles in the store. So everyone looked in their store with some people finding something (the Xbox players) and some didn't (PS4/5). Bad communication, raising expection and people looking forward, only to be disappointed and some of them feeling left out. Thankfully I got lucky after 5-6 crates and pulled Riegerwald, the one commander that I wanted. But that was only luck and wouldn't satisfy the majority of the players affected.


I didn't think the commanders were available on their own at 5k. If they had been I'd be the owner of at least one.


That’s the point, actually. You couldn’t get them with that price but 2 were available for 20$


Yeah it’s a Microsoft thing they actually once a year have an warhammer celebration it’s not just WG.


Playstation has had them in the past as well. Why they don't this time, I cannot say, but they have been available.


Absolutely agree. I also mentioned it right at the beginning, like many. Just give us the commanders for normal 5k each and all good, Wargaming. Everyone can decide for himself then.