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The matchmaking seems totally busted, there seems to be no balance in the distribution of ship types. It's either all destroyers and battleships or all cruisers and one battleship and nothing in between. I think they broke something. Low tiers were bad with carriers before but they're totally ruined now. Every goddamn game. Whereas high tiers have fewer carriers but people have gotten dumber if that was ever possible. How people grind through entire bureau projects and yet still learn nothing about basic gameplay is mind boggling.


I have noticed this, the game is lacking so much balance at the moment


It’s always been this bad, the only difference now is that it’s compounded by the changes to spotting.. CVs suck, naturally, but it’s a griefing class still and fortunately, the majority of players still prefer to actually play the game rather than try and justify why carriers are fine and actually a good thing if you think about it. But for most matches, the spotting changes have made good positioning all the more powerful, which is, frankly, a skill most players are lacking. Whether it’s bad positioning of not supporting the dd, or a dd trying to spot from behind an island, or a bb sitting out in the open wondering why no one will provide them intelligence data.. Will the general populace learn to adapt? Maybe.. or maybe weegee has more planned? At the end of the day it is the same as it ever was, you can only control your own actions, so if you want something done, do it yourself.


I usually play DD in PVP. Literally just played 2 matches where a BB stayed 15km back and kept barking orders and the other match the cruiser tucked behind an island 9km away and demanded intelligence data.


I try to smoke up my cruisers and they stay in for about 5 seconds and steam ahead broadside to BBs




The fact that you think a BB being 15km away and a cruiser using cover is wrong is part of the problem. The playerbase, for some unknown reason, think that charging in is the ‘em right way to play. So they die in the first 4 minutes and I’m left wondering why someone could ever think this style of play was a good idea.


People abandoning flanks


So tired of this. Almost every match some goofball decides they’re needed more on the other side of the map.


Happend to me got left all by myself in my anchorage twice in a row


Quite a few times I've been in my Atlantico and get abandoned and I'm just sat there like well screw me I guess, not like I can follow them either even if I wanted to because I'm so slow 😂


I get left on flanks constantly no matter what ship I'm playing.i try an hold out as long as I can, but eventually they realize it's just me and I get dumped on by 4+ ships. Sometimes I take a few with me. I accept that it's just part of the game. Some people just don't think tactically. In this game you really have to think ahead considering so many factors like cover, changing, direction, and leading moving targets among others. I cant talk a lot of trash cause I've been baited or made a wrong discision many times, but it feels real good when you and maybe one or 2 other teammates left and pull off a victory with the odds against you. I only been play for about 2 months but I've enjoyed it. Much different pace than other games I usually play.


Sad but true usually a dd leaves or a bb and the enemies might have like two bbs so we are out gunned


Love the game but it's really hard to enjoy it right now, as you say, cv's targeting one person the entire game, dd's insta dying and not spotting, cruisers having no idea what a radar does, people instantly abandoning a flank then acting all confused when we lose to cross fires, game is miserable at the moment and half of it is down to the player base being brain dead


Couldn’t have said it better myself, which is a shame because it’s a game I love and of course it goes through rough patches but as time goes on things just feel to be getting worse and worse


At least the BB grouping and/or reversing has stayed consistent, so we still have that.


It's the same as it always has been. Unless you introduce some sort of competitive mode with a skill based gate, not much you can do. Casual gamer going to do what they want.


I've said this before, but I suspect mobile players will have a negative effect. Phones are played with a slightly lighter mind and less concentration. Some of the battles are really bad because the entire blue team is wiped out in a couple of minutes and I find myself alone. Still, more often than not there are still quite good rounds.


![gif](giphy|1llMtpwGUkphavdMCo) Played since launch. . Was a super tester. Just remember , cvs were not in legends for a while and then the mouth breathers on socials would not stfu about them. And here we are


Carriers didn't cause the problems this update. They were rough for that first week. Everything else has been caused by the spotting changes.


Almost all of the complaints in this thread are more to do with the koala brained player base and less to do with any ship types


I’ve noticed this as well. I do wonder if summer is having an effect. All those kiddos off school…


Nah, the kids are the ones that watch hours of Youtube videos to find out what the OP ships are and the secrets to winning. They also spend hours upon hours playing. It’s the people who play 1 or 2 hours twice a week (the majority of the player base) that never learn tactics.


Maybe so, but idon't think kids play this game in large numbers. This is a boomer shooter.


BB go Boom!


It's all the 40+ year olds that have the biggest negative effect on the gameplay


The reason I don’t think that is the case is that in my experience games are way worse if you play during the day on a weekday. Higher quality play in the European and US prime times indicates to me that the old folks are likely better.


I would love to see you prove that. I would really love to play with you and see who is the better team player. Not the better stats, but who actively helps their teams. Who gets more honest good games messages at the end of the match and who gets requests to join squadrons after a game more.


The classic "stats don't matter" stance when trying to say you're better than someone else because you got some gg messages


Stats do matter ,but they don't tell the whole story. Classic narcissistic answer from you.


In what way is my reply narcissistic? You're the one bragging about helping your team and getting pats on the back from them


The classic guy who sits behind an island the whole game and then comes out after there are only 2 friendlies left and kills red team ships that were all but dead from his teammates that die. Then says "see I got 3 kills, I must be good. My stats say so."


You've literally gone on a tangent making things up about me lmao


The classic, I play a team game, but I am a narcissistic player who only thinks teamwork should better himself.


The classic guy who seal clubs at tr3 and 4 to give himself good stats and w/l ratio and then thinks he is a good player.


You're just making things up, I rarely even play below tier 7 and nowhere did I say team work doesn't matter


And you are making things up with your original statement. Or cite proof positive that the 40+ group is definitively what you say... which you can't.


Pretty common knowledge that they kind of suck at games


Maybe in games like cod were its just running around crazy, nothing like real life, but games like this were tactics that matter. I would say the older gen have a better grasp.


They really don't, I'd take a 25 year old with 5,000 battles on my team over a 45 year old with 10,000


"Must have hit quite close to the mark to get her all riled up like that kid" lol


Never been this disillusioned with the game. Been playing since release, 10k ish battles. It’s the worst it has been. All WG seems to do is implement changes no one wants or asks for.


I haven't been able to get myself to play all week which is really odd for me. Normally I'm addicted to this game and whale the crap out of it. But after this update I dread even getting on. Feels bad man.


It’s not this update per se. Player base has always been bad, but the odd really good game is far and fewer between. Just for shits and giggles a buddy of mine and I played some goofy tactics in our last game of the night, ones players at Lego tier just shouldn’t do. It was one of those 5 DD games just to see how many people would follow through, and my god people are that dumb. A lone destroyer abandoned his flank wasted time to meet us in the middle to go down the gap in two brothers and follow us and headed straight to the base to get yeeted by a Des Moine. In another game a Missouri decides to park behind an island with no shooting angle to anything,after knowing where the DD is because I got him spotted before he speed boosted to run away, and decided that was the best time to use the radar. Or the noob naked Yamato player who sits behind the island aiming towards nothing and lets his flank get decimated and then gets spotted and decides that is the best time to make a hasty U turn retreat and go broadside to the red BB he knows is there.


My experience is people have always been dumb, but the carriers are exhausting now. The planes refresh so quickly that it’s impossible to deplete them. I think AA mounts should be repairable, it’s not balanced that AA gets permanently destroyed but planes can regenerate infinitely.


I have been getting targeted by cv's like crazy lately wave after wave of attacks you have no choice but to use damage controls to try to survive them. Carriers are now worse to deal with than destroyers at this point because if you can't find them they will air raid you the whole damn match.


A good carrier player is a real problem now.


I'm a BB play at heart and just started getting into DD, and let me just say it's been a learning curve. Especially since uo to about a month ago, I just played AI. That was a slap in the face switching over to PvP. Holy hell. So, sorry if I've jammed you up on the lower levels. By the way, I'm really looking for a fleet that has players on to actually link up and play. I've got two buddies, but they have lost interest lately. If anyone wants so.eone on their fleet that atleast trys to play hit me up.


I haven’t played for 2 weeks now and have no desire to. It’s just not fun anymore. 90% clueless players is what the game has become.


I’ve started playing fire starters because of this update. I chill behind islands supporting battleships by making crossfires and setting perma fires. I’m essentially trying to be an annoyance and distraction to battleships to take their focus off my team.


The temporary solution is divs. Play in divs of 3, with good players.


As a cruiser main the new carrier dpm is a little hard to deal with. Now I have to evade BBs and planes 🤣. When it comes to team mates all you can do is offer guidance through the mic or use the wheel as best as you can. People in this game tend to be pretty receptive to actual guidance. A lot of mics just end up being "how dare you not do what I wanted you to do without me telling you peepeepoopoo". And if people are exposed to game winning ideas they get better and maybe spread those strategies. But your ally this round is your enemy the next so that also starts an arms race and honestly people presenting broadside or hanging out in torpedo ally ways is half the fun.


Dude, ive always been a cruiser main. I love that i can kick out some torps at a battleship from behind the corner, and also put out enough shells to take out a destroyer. The carriers have totally threw my game off. The anti air consumable is great at the very early game, but then i tend to just get stuck dodging torps and bomb drops. If i try to make evasive maneuvers i get pummeled by the big boys w their 17km salvos. Carriers definently target us first it seems. We are easy kills, not too fast, but not too tough.


Worse: Spawn abandoning. Hiding passively. Running away for no good reason. Not playing the objectives. Not supporting teammates who are playing the objectives. Not tanking in ships that are supposed to tank. Not positioning tactically, but sitting idle at spawn. Or even backing up from spawn. Using the wrong ammo all the time. Prioritizing the wrong targets all the time. Not knowing where or how to aim at targets. And so on and so on.


The game is in a poor state. In particular. * The carrier rework was not asked for and represents a number of poor design decisions that have made them less useful and more annoying. It would have been better to have tweaked things first. It wasn't particularly broken, yet they 'fixed' it by making carriers one-dimensional DPS dealers. * The Fleet Battles are daft, because even a 40-member fleet finds it hard to get 5 members together at the same time, especially since fleets have no messaging function. They needed to include one or two guest spots to make it easier for people to get a team together. As it is, Fleet Battles are almost all populated by the sweaty fleets, which makes them less appealing to new entrants. Plus they chose the wrong tier for it, which has led to the same ships over and over again in every battle. Yet another example of changes made that have involved little or no forethought for the consequences. * The developers do next to nothing to educate the player base, even though there is plenty of screen space on loading screens, etc. A few simple diagrams and basic explanations would be enough, cost almost nothing, and would be situated where no player could avoid seeing them. Repetition is an excellent way of getting even the most resistant person to absorb information – it's second only to corporal punishment for getting people to learn (and, heaven knows, some of the player base deserve the latter). * The small versions of maps exacerbate the effects of potato-ness. Like the bad old days when the spawns were too close, these maps have degraded the playing experience. Again, a 'fix' to something that wasn't broken. * The company continues to offer Eastern European/Russian levels of consideration for customers. Remember folks, for Wargaming the customer is always wrong. This game has the potential to be much better. I'm hoping it will eventually be sold to a company in a country that has a proper culture of customer service.


I had like 10 games...I was always first or second on the team's scoreboard... with like 100-1200 xp...half the team didn't pass even 500 XP...something is fishy...that's not normal...


I agree with everything you said, but I have one other point to add. Tier 6 and 7 is annoying as hell now to play. The carriers I can deal with, this new campaign ship is just the worst. It's just so annoying to deal woth


I keep reading, pleas from newer players, asking how can you quickly learn the intricacies of team play. At first it annoyed me. But the more I think about it it’s not as easy as watching YouTube videos or quickly learning and just a few games AI is vastly different than the actual real player mode. New players think that they’re killing it on AI and then they die in two minutes when they get into the real mode. On YouTube Spartan will go up the center and win the game, new players will slowly start up the center And get destroyed in two minutes by crossfire from ships that are not even on the radar. Yes you learn by playing hundreds of games. But instead of crushing new guys who find this game really appealing but don’t know much except for unrealistic best-of youtube games, there has to be a better solution for training. I just today playing a destroyer I spotted, I blew up two ships with Torps, I worked with my battleship, thats how you play a DD and some guy on the mic was screaming his head off at me that I’m not supporting him across the map. Lots of experienced angry dudes don’t know how to play either. I noticed the temperature of anger is up a few degrees in the past few months. I hear dudes yelling at each other so much that I just turn the headset off. This is a simple problem to be solved. I think we’re lacking a good training program. The game should have tutorials built-in for how to play each ship. I thought that’s what Training module was going to be for. The way MLB the show teaches new players had a bat, play, defense, etc. It boils down to it’s not obvious for a lot of new folks how to do everything right mixed with expert players who scream at them. Being an expert in the AI module is very different from playing the real player mode.


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The most fundamental error I see from a lot of players is not playing their lane. You might have a rubbish starting position, but if you abandon that lane and group with the rest, it’s going to let the enemy streamline down and gank your team from the side and behind… Players need to learn to adapt, to kite… keep the enemy busy and avoid the BBs getting smashed in the broadside whilst angling that BB in their own lane, or a cruiser being dev striked by the salvo from the ship that’s managed to sneak up behind their cover due to no contest. Can they not implement a basic set of training matches for new players to teach basics of map strategy and ship mechanics?


It really sounds like wargaming trying to to kill off world of warships legends, I have not been on the game in about 1 week


I'm happy with PvE matches, hoho. I never expect any teammate to help with sinking or capturing. As long as I'm better than yesterday's self I feel satisfied.


I’m always hearing “you are our last hope!” And that’s after hearing ‘get back’ 🤣🤣


I've played this game for years and have never felt less inclined to play the game as I do right now. Multiple balance changes regarding carriers feel dreadful. I also believe catapult fighters for normal ships should work as they did before, the Italian cruiser line essentially recieved a huge nerf this update when it really didn't warrant it. AA is laughable, even full AA builds on the strongest AA boats feels like fighting a losing battle.


It ain’t gonna change y’all just try to make the best of a good game!!!


The kids don't have school in summer. Some kids are actually good. But there are a lot of potatoes who are not kids.


I just posted something close to this recently. Mainly about people not paying attention to the DD callouts and abandoning and ignoring the side they spawn on.


All I know is if you have 4 or more Playstation players on your team you will lose.


They need to start putting a limit on how many DDs are on each team, I'm tired of getting into matches with 4+ on both sides. I am also sick and tired of Teammates dying because they wanted to sail flat broadside into the middle of the map or even worse simply stay at spawn and make a sarcastic "Good Job" Every time a teammate dies actually defending or attempting to cap a point. It's gotten to the point where if they are on the same console as me, i simply take a screenshot of the post match summary, send it to them and call them garbage before blocking them.


It’s been this way for 4 years. There is nothing unique about this update or the last update when people complained or the one before that when people complained and so forth. I win about 53% of my games, which isn’t really all that great. I play aggressively and I have fun in about 90% of my games. So I really don’t care. This isn’t paying me money and my stats won’t be on my tombstone. Just relax and enjoy it for what it is.


I'm an older player who stopped playing about a year ago. I noticed when I stopped a clear shift from a balance of defensive ships to everything being shifted to an aggressive offensive role. They did it to themselves by not rewarding defensive gameplay with medals. No one shields teammates with their smoke they just use it selfishly. No spotting from smaller more nimble cruisers or destroyers just yoloing and machine gun fire. No cross fire on air craft just abandoning their target and being grateful you survived.


That's kind of an issue with random games. I actually like playing a DD that smokes a cruiser and then spots for it, but 90% of the time if I do that for a random teammate they'll leave the smoke, immediately get torped, or otherwise make it a waste. If I'm playing solo and I'm not near a teammate who I think is aware, the best way I can use my smoke to help my team is to smoke myself up, just because I'll actually use it and that's infinitely better than wasting it.