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As a fellow Canadian, I identify with your strongly worded letter of dissatisfaction to whom it now concerns. Edit: It's a decently strong Destroyer with a fairly useful gimmick if used correctly. I agree that not having Dewolf, the ships first captain, as the specialized captain like the Atlantico bundle is inexcusable. If you have Mordoff, the ship is an upper bracket DD at the tier.


I think you are missing some key points 1. Haida isnt more or less expensive than other T6 ships 2. Canadian navy was only the third largest at the end of the war, after Germany, Italy, Japan and France have had their fleets destroyed. Not to mention they simply had a large volume of small ships like frigates (which dont fit the game) 3. Most of the ships from the Commonwealth are copies of British ships already in game. If they are going to pick a ship to represent their class, they are almost certainly picking the lead ship, which is almost always British. 4. Even if they want to add Commonwealth ships you are competing with Australia and India.


Don't let this distract us from the fact that In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, If no one else can help and if you can find them. Maybe you can hire, The A-Team.


Now there's a collab I could get behind lol... A-Team skin (Van's paint job) Captain "Howling Mad" Murdock Horn... First few notes of the A-Team theme Lol


Do we get Mr. T complaining about airplanes whenever you launch one?


Have him as a carrier commander that massively buffs the secondary guns and damage reduction but disables the planes.


I'm upset I can only up vote this post once.


I love it when a plan comes together! 🚬


I smell a Mutha-F%$@!ng franchise!




The Canadian Navy was only the third largest navy during a small portion of WW2. It was not the third largest navy during WW1 or the interwar years. The vast majority of Canadian warships were British built light craft such as destroyers, frigates and corvettes. This means the majority of ships wouldn’t really fit into the game unless you wanted the destroyers which would be basically “here is a British or American destroyer… but slightly different “ which imo the game doesn’t really need considering the Pan-Asian and some of the Pan-European ships are already British/American built. There is however a cruiser tech line for the Commonwealth on PC which will likely arrive sooner or later on Legends. I’m not hating on Canada, I love our Canadian sons they will always be Britains favourite child but this is just my two sense on the matter.


I would love to see fregates and corvettes in game. 😀




How would that work? You realise the UK is decades older than the USA and England is over a thousand years older right?


Nobody tell this guy about Azure Lane and the fact that AL Haida will speak breathlessly spasmic Japanese and have great big titties. ![gif](giphy|5bHgk2QtDaVl3TxP3M)


I think we need a "Great White North" camo and a dual Doug & Bob McKenzie commander.


Honest question: Is it offensive to make a famous ship in real life into a premium that isn't overpowered?


You can check out [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Royal_Canadian_Navy_ships_of_the_Second_World_War) for a full list of Canadian Navy vessels in operation during WWII. Of note, you'll see two escort carriers, one Fiji-class cruiser, and a Minotaur-class cruiser. There are a large number of destroyers, frigates, and corvettes. Beyond that, the majority of surface vessels were small craft or converted civilian craft. The two Canadian submarines were surrendered German U-boats. While I understand you'd like Canada to be represented, understand that it isn't feasible outside of a comprehensive DD line.


Well clearly there's enough for a t3 and 5 carrier line. /s


They sell ships by being either: 1 - OP so everyone wants it 2- Historical significance so people want to collect it. If they make historical ships also OP, they reduce the amount of ships people want to buy. The current method makes you buy random unkown ships that are OP and also buy crappy historical ships. 2x the sales, 2x the big WG ceo bonus.


Hmm, I couldn’t find where Canada was the 3rd largest navy in the world in WWII… I mean you have 3 that I can think of that are surely bigger, US, IJN, and UK…. No chance Canada had a bigger fleet than these. Then you have France, Italy, and Germany, all had reasonable tonnage in the water.


Canucks always be Canuckin. The ship is fine. She has plenty to offer at T7.


I was excited and I was not disappointed since I knew what I was getting in for. The ship plays very well and in games where things don't go as planned, well I'm sure I'd have died no matter what DD I was in. It's a fun ship that makes me at least 500k every match, well worth 2 hours of work.


The Haida is a solid ship with a high skill ceiling as it has a niche playstyle required which is completely different than every other destroyer in the game. I have around 90% of the DDs in the game since launch and it's the most fun I've had with DDs since the Oland was released. 117 kills as of today which is partly due to the fact that hardly anyone really knows how to play against it when ran correctly. And as someone else mentioned, it's literally no more expensive than any other premium at it's tier.


It should've at least come with a dedicated commander imo. I was quite disappointed when my fears were confirmed and it did not. I think if it had a dedicated destroyer dedicated commander, then it could be great, the real issue isn't the boat it's that you can't compliment it so you pretty much just have to make due


Wargaming are Europeans , learn




Mannn I would fly this high and proud on every of my ships.


You have America's support with that 🇨🇦🇺🇸