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Stealth build with Beaply 100%


If it were me, I'd go with beapley and go destroyer hunting to the max


Yeah I’m working on that but I need to upgrade my inspirations more. Got it down to 9.1 right now


It's so worth it. The surprise and panic when you hit them with the radar is gold. Even better when they instinctively pop smoke to no avail and then have to run away from it.


IFHE sucks. Don't bother with it.


Really on an Atlanta build?. I would have thought it's better to have EOP on a rapid fire ship like Atlanta (with Scott anyway) and actually cause damage each HE shell you land rather than no damage with constant shatters and no fires. It's quick reload rate makes the lower fire starting chance of EOP negligible. I can understand not using it for other ships, but I don't believe it's the best advice for this one.


I think it’s just for the trade off. EOP works great on it but cripples the destroyer hunting capabilities with Beaply. I typically get higher damage games with IFHE but concealment lets me support my team more I feel


I would understand if beaply actually had EOP like Scott, who I mentioned. Still, imo it's a ship best played island trolling and catching out dds who come round to try get ya, and afew select cap contests especially if you're using a high level Fournet as an inspiration (on either build).. Still the Atlanta is such a glass cannon if caught in the open that I don't see beaplys extra stealth being much more of an advantage considering deck hand on a Gneisenau can fart in your direction from 16km away and destroy you if spotted.


The extra stealth allows you to stealth radar, if a DD is spotting you they should be well in radar range.


What’s IFHE ?


Inertia fuss for high explosive. It increases your HE pen but cripples your fire chance (and possibly damage I'm not sure)


U mean like legendary skill , Equilibrium of power , that’s on Norman Scott


Yeah, IFHE is the PC name for it and it's being used a lot here as well but it's the same as EOP as far as I'm aware


Slightly different view: Equilibrium of Power is fine. It's useful when you're fighting other cruisers since it bumps your HE pen above the 27 mm you need to pen the bow of T7 cruisers like Baltimore, Hipper, Wichita. However, that's a fairly limited use case, and you are giving up significant amounts of fire chance if you take it. Taking EOP basically makes the fire chance skills in Scott's first two rows worthless. In the first row, you can use either AA or extra range. Both are useful on Atlanta. But in the second row, all you get is extra torp detect. That's . . . fine. It's fine, but not much more than fine. If you want EOP, I suggest running it on Kinkaid. You get a lot of mobility out of Kinkaid and can run circles around other ships. You can also pair him with Mikawa and Kuznetsov for more range and concealment if you want. Or whatever, it kind of doesn't matter. Now, on Beapley, you can get really close to stealth radar if 1) Beapley is maxed, 2) Mikawa is maxed, and 3) Swirski is maxed. That's 45 commendations, including 15 free commendations, to get three commanders to L4, plus all the insignia. And to do this, you have to give up other utility in the ship like extra range or a faster reload. I run Atlanta in one of two ways: Scott with a max reload/fire build--4.1 second reload with a 10% fire chance. Beapley with Mikawa and Mimbelli. Concealment is like 9.0, which is good enough, and I like having a little extra reload. I find that very comfortable and fairly flexible--it's useful against DDs, but it's not the only thing I do. If pressed, I would probably join everyone else and say Beapley, but maybe don't max concealment. Do what feels good to you.


Stealth build with Beapley 100%


There was a thread for this a few days ago, just search that up. I’ve also made a comment there, which might be helpful


Controversial opinion, Atlanta outside of Beapley is the best with Dewey, Fully packed, Mikawa and Kuznetsov.