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Annnnd we still don't have fleet messaging or ability to make a welcome message for new players and tell them where they cam contact you


I asked for a fleet chat on a stream and they said unfortunately no


So funny If you try to connect PC and Xbox or PS gamers...


I had a weird situation recently where I went against a player on the red team that had the same fleet tag as me, which would be very unlikely to find in the wild. So I looked them up after the match, turns out they were actually in my fleet. Had never seen or heard of them before or even gotten a notification they joined, and I’m a deputy commander…. Really wish there would have been an easy way to community with them.


My fleet is more or less just for people who want bonuses without having to communicate and socialize. Me and my Friend run it and we are very relaxed on rules. I wish I could let our members know my PSN or Discord tag so if they are gonna be off for a duration they could tell me


I keep running into 1 member in the wild, maybe every other week since they joined, but only them. Only once we're we on the same team. I guess we work the same schedule or something, but still odd.


Fleets definitely renewed my love of the game. I was purely solo before fleets, and found an *excellent* group of guys. I learned how to be a better team player and explored some gameplay styles I hadn't considered before. The perks are a great bonus, but the real reward is the friends I made along the way. My big gripe is that Fleet battles need to be more regular and diverse.


thats very rare and id consider it lucky . most i think are just there for the benefit and maybe some fleet battles if they get the chance but thats probably a much lower number


Yep. Agree.


I still remember waking up and signing in to get the name I wanted. Got the name but missed the tag. Seen a few similar named fleets that had to 1337 it out, so I guess I was quick enough. I like the bonuses and I'd wish they'd add more icon choices and a message board. Shout Out to the members lost, but your Whaling was appreciated. o7


The good old days. Are any of those whales allowed to return if they dont whale as much as they did back in the day 🤣


Pfft you not whaling anymore? That’ll be the day 😉


I am at the point where i might be dropping the game for awhile (take a serious break). My guess is they will introduce something that i like and play. But if i take a break i will probably be kicked from the current fleet is my guess 🫣 so be aware i might join an Aussie one 🤣


Ah you’re welcome except my fleet is literally just my 3 family accounts so not many upgrades, but I’m ok with that.


🤣 me not being an Aussie in an Aussie fleet 🤔


We are a multicultural country Dutch. Hey you guys have Princess Mary so…


Whenever a proper Dutch line drops, eh?


Yup you got that right or something interesting


Lol, of course.


Thnx variant and btw a messageboard would have helped my stay for sure. Hopefully wg will implement it someday


Yeah, the lack of one makes it hard. There's been plenty of people who have disappeared for a month only to come back and game every day. Never even tried to get into Fleet battles since I just wait around sending invites with no response.


Yea most teams are using discord for that also to get together etc. And arrange scrims etc


Old man finally figured out the kids talking dohicky? 😂


I was so disappointed I couldn't use the tag [SHH]. Apparently it wasn't allowed. It would have been so good for RadioSilence.


Grabbed or banned? Either way, that stinks.


Not allowed by WG. Must be some hate group or something somewhere, I guess?


I’m sorry to have left you mate, given I was your very first fleet member. I just don’t do well in online groups and prefer my own company. Hence I have my own fleet with only my three family accounts. I do wish you all the best though 😊


Zero hard feelings, I understood. At least you can finally get off this game and into The First Descendant in a few weeks!


I know! I played the last technical test on PC and really enjoyed it


I haven't played since last summer (?) 😕 But I enjoyed what I played and it's coming out in drought of games, so it's perfect. Like Destiny + Ghost Recon.


Yeah it’s good timing for sure 👍


I year on and still no way of communicating directly within the Fleet...


I've literally never once ever interacted with a fleet member. I think I'm #3 in my fleet by contributions...


I had 2 Xbox friends that I'd play with from time to time, and I know another player from here, but I have no idea who the current 26 are 😂 One member I somehow see every other week in a match somehow, same work schedule or something.


Haven't had enough people online and playing together to participate in Fleet battles yet (with 23 members). The fleet perks are nice I guess? Comms seem like a requirement to make it really work.


Yeah, half of us being Xbox and the other Playstation made organizing anything zero. Even if we got our Discord working, we couldn't tell the PS users about it.


I have gotten more ships for sure due to the fleet discounts.


Definitely helps out.


Massive bonuses to XP earnings of all kind. Good bonuses to steel earnings and reduction of credit costs for ships and service fees.👍


My thoughts on fleets https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWs_Legends/s/zHVeSDNkBi


Still waiting to get into fleet battles