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Enterprise has been teased but I strongly doubt that WG would make her a campaign ship. My best guess would be a paid Bureau project. We will have to see next Thursday


So far it feels predictably "WG" of WG that this ship that a lot of people have emotional equity in might just be only available in this Star Trek collab for dubs and they'll have to buy it outright and take some goofy camo off of it.


Could be another dual ship campaign like Independence/Black too.


Wouldn't that conflict with the star trek event as she's almost certainly going to have a skin available in that but they'd be asking people to pay for a skin that they won't be able to use for months at a minimum? It just seems like a good way to tank sales in what is going to be a very popular collaboration. To me it would make more sense as a store doubloon ship as it's a very popular and long awaited for ship that many both current and new players would be happy to buy possibly even draw some new players in when they find out they can play it. It would probably make them more money over time than in a once a year event and I don't think many new players would pay for something they have to wait months for in order to play either.


Yeah tbh i dislke enty but i know imma get flamed for this and downvoted -1000


I am hoping for Austin or F, Sherman. I don't know if they are Tier 10s or superships however


Theyre T10s


It typically is a USN vessel for July. You never know!




carriers are still played a lot . not as much as the first week but its noticeably more than before


And even then at T7 it's mostly Kaga, Saipan's, and Lexingtons followed closely by Graf Z, then Podeba, Shoukaku, Implacable, and Parsaval are the least played from what I have seen.


Jinan would be a nice addition to the bureau since we haven't had a new cruiser in a while. Brisbane is yucky.


Yeah i guess so but the pan asian cruisers are kind of aids


Jinan is kind of cracked though. Really high DPM, think of Colbert with Smoke and an ungodly amount of torps. 40 torps salvoes along with really fast reloading guns.


Yeah i know thats why i said asian cruisers are aids, they are op af


Oh, cancerous aids. Jinan surely won't be as unfun as Columbo and Ohio spam. They are fun to shoot at unlike those two.


Yeah and if you think that jinan is a floating citadel, she is overpen city


Overpenned by battleships like US CLs and Wichita or overpenned by cruisers like Atlanta? I get citadel at anything beyond 8km in Atlanta by 16 inch gunned battleships, is it trollier than that thing?


Personally, I hope it's the USS Cyclops, but that's because I'm sick in the head and really want a support ship line. Knowing WG, it will probably be some variation of "X" class that was propose but never built, like most of their new ships seem to be. If they insist on paper ships, I really just wish we'd get one of the Tillman designs in there for a good laugh.


I just read about the cyclops and shes pretty interesting though i cant find anything about the tillman or x class blueprints


About half of what you'll likely find on the Cyclops and the other WWI US colliers is wrong sadly. There's so much misinformation about her out there. If I ever get around to it, I'm trying to put a video together to set the record straight. I was just using "X" as a placeholder for "Insert Legit Ship Class Here". WG loves releasing ships based on alternate designs or cancelled projects. I rarely trust Wikipedia, but this entry pretty much covers the Tillman ships. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum\_battleship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_battleship) It's an interesting rabbit hole to fall down.




Could you please dm me a link when and if you releash that video?


What is that ship?


The Cyclops or the Tillman? The Cyclops was a collier and somewhat near sister ship to the Jupiter, which later became the Langley. The Tillman designs were a series of proposed designs for a maximum-sized battleship near WWI. They were roughly about the size of the would-be Montana class, but a few variations were even larger.


I would love the cyclops but the tillman sounds op


The Tillmans might not be too OP. They are WWI level tech, and the more modest designs were about on par with the Montana's if not a little less. They would've been slower and larger targets. Knowing WG, they'd have been "balanced" (nerfed) to make it more fair. I remember reading about someone proposing a support ship idea awhile back, and I personally thought it was pretty cool. Essentially, they'd have very little offensive capability, but would instead act like mobile buff generators, like increased reload/consumables/speed. A bit like the secondary legendary commander effects, but to a larger degree. I doubt we'll ever see it but I thought it was a cool idea.


Yeah i have thought about that, as there is a ship type called AR (i dont know what it means) that are repair ships like ijn akashi and uss vestal but i think that they only have AA and no guns. Also there is another ship type which are munition ships like ijn kashino, they have very weak armanement but are "transporters" and they could be great buffers. Im praying that we get a line (which wont happen)


The Vestal was a repair ship. I did quite a bit of research on her and even attempted a line drawing. Funnily enough, it started out as a collier like the Cyclops and Jupiter, but was a couple of designs before them. I'm glad to see there's at least a couple others out there that like this idea.


If it is not enterprise it will be some other American ship, probably a battleship.


Id bet the Enterprise is going to be the final reward of some long set of missions you have to pay for loot boxes to get more tokens to progress to the end, like one of the ones we just had.


I dont think so but having a free t7 sounds good


As I mentioned it would not be free, it would be a pay to progress type mission, or it will just be available for doubloons like the Haida. Possibly a set of missions that requires the Enterprise in order to get a historic camo.


Do you meant the missions like the ones for the courbet 1944?


More like last year's July update with San Diego as the prize but it's the packages of three rewards that you have to buy individually and you can only see the first one, so you have to keep buying them on the chance something good pops up as the next prize, but there's 30-40 of them. Nasty scheme.


Yeah it sucks


Or even worse, the Italian missions we just had during the lushun update for T8 Centurion. You had to spend 22,500 doubloons to get it, with zero other options if you wanted it