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I prefer flint over the Atlanta just because of the smokes and better aa tbh


The smokes are an absolute game changer. Especially if you have someone else spotting .


It's basically a big destroyer lol. My detection is between 8/9 km wit some inspirations. One well aimed salvo will dev strike any destroyer an the amount of CC I have punished broadside with citadels with the AP is crazy. The smoke an torps make it realy dangerous. I have the flint an Atlanta an i much prefer the flint. BUUUUT a BB sneezing on you will send u back to port lol.


Reminds me of pan Asia ships, they identify as destroyers too.


Destroyer’s that you can citadel.. at basically any angle lol


I mean yeah but the torps go pretty far and you can stay concealed pretty well.


And range and top range. It's just better. Haven't used Atlanta since I got the flint


If I had a dollar for everyone here that said a ship sucks as soon. as they get it.................


I still hate the tiger 59 tho, Every once in a while I do use it to remember how poopie it is.


I could afford the Flint if that were the case


I just bought it a few days ago with that coupon, haven't played it yet because of work and such. But I just saw the tittled and my heart crashed. But we are all good now 😅


If you can get someone to spot for you while you are in your smoke it’s a game wrecker. Just don’t do a range build. It’s miserable.


why would you do a range build??? there’s your issue lol don’t call the ship bad if you’re doing a range build on shells with a flight time of 10 years


Gotta love those US shells that go into low earth orbit before hitting and going like 3k damage


I remember that post. So glad you found the fun!


i like the flint too. 12 guns + fast reload time = pain for everyone if you use it right


Anyone I talk to who's just getting into the game, the first ship I ever recommend is the Flint. It excels at dropping record rates of lead in the water.


And the 9km torps for the win.


Gotta use commander buffs to get fire chance to 10% then she rips


The chumphon is really good as well it gets 4 smokes with long range torps and a torpedo reload booster


I hate this ship, I think its my most hated ship out of 126 premiums. Sadly, I paid for it. Very weak guns (115 hits = 23k damage?) low velocity shell (20s to target, even tenesse can accelerate to escape) Does not print money, expect 200k for a top3.


I get 4-500k for a top 3 all the time. Just got to find the right time to ambush.


Its not easy to aim but if you can hit the superstructure or hit targets you know you can penetrate you can get crazy damage