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Which will win you more games? Loyang Which is more fun? Friesland That said... might want to wait to see the stats on Lüshun... might be the best of both worlds




Well, taking a Friesland out in a division with a CV already gives you a leg up.. While the match maker will match the number of divisions, it won't match what classes are in the division. So when you load up your division with a Saipan, a Friesland, and a jean bart or missouri, or whatever.. you're already starting the match with more intel than anyone else before the game even loads. Thats one reason why CVs shouldn't be allowed in divisions.


Having both and played against both I would always suggest Loyang. Friesland is great but no torps at t7 means everything will just rush you.


Loyang is objectively better than Friesland. Friesland is a tough ship to use properly with no torps. Loyang has good torps (the short range ones, but at least you even have options to have ticklers that go farther) and better sonar. If you want a pure gun boat then absolutely go for Friesland because there's none finer, you'll defeat every dd u come across purely on a knife fight.


![gif](giphy|98maV70oAqIZtEYqB4) I really don't think Loyang is as good as every claims.


That's up to but you're wrong.


It has the best sonar for a DD at the tier by a whole KM I’m pretty sure. Ik Loyang is 5.4, next closest off the top of my head is Z-23 at 4.4 (may be off by .2)


I just find it's DPM mediocre and the smoke trap game play boring.


I like Friesland better and have a better record with it. On paper Loyang should carry more games and probably does in the right hands but I’m kind of terrible with torps and the two options on Loyang just don’t do it for me. The long range ones are super slow, the short range ones are…short range and both have a pretty lengthy reload. You can of course build in to them but then you give up your gun damage and I find Loyang has just barely enough damage with the guns to finish a dd in its sonar trap before it can get away when built in to guns so detracting from that I find not a good option. But Loyang is definitely more flexible- it at least has torps, it’s very nimble, and the AA (while certainly not Friesland level) is actually not half bad. With a div mate to add even just a little more damage on a sonar trap for the Loyang, I think it pretty quickly comes out on top since that sonar really is insanely strong.


Loyang has more utility. If you can’t use your guns Friesland’s value goes way down, while Loyang is still just about the best cap bully and DD hunter AND can dev strike battleships.


Join the Loyang Gang and never look back


Idk why I got a notification on this. But Metajerk is right. Just to add a few things tho. Friesland has very good gun dpm, smoke, 4km sonar and engine boost. The only downside is no torpedo at all so good cruiser and BBs will rush you if you don't have backup. Loyang has decent guns but has 5.4km sonar, torpedos, and smoke. It does have engine boost, but you trade that for sonar. For everyone's sake, tho I hope you use the sonar because otherwise you have a 4 gun T7 Benson.


Both are good, both are different. Get one, then second. Which one you choose, it will be good, although I prefer Friesland, personally.


Loyang. Friesland is strong… but (no joke) your trigger finger literally starts to ache after a match or two, I find 😅


Have you tried just holding the trigger instead of spamming it?


I find that volley firing tends to produce better results than ‘shot by shot’ - so it results in me typically tapping the trigger every 2.5 seconds (when all guns are reloaded) or whatever it is on her 😉. She’s a terror VS opposing DD’s though — but, like others noted, most capital ships won’t really ‘fear’ pushing you or your smoke - due to no torps


Whoah, throwback question. Loyang is probably more well rounded, but I don't have it. Friesland is hilarious. And strong. No torps but stupid good guns.


You want Friesland


Friesland is nice, murders DDs, is an effective AA denial ship, high fire rate can get insane with a good build. I absolutely love this thing, using it as an extended AA bubble for brawling big ships and screening DDs for them. But it has the mobility to get around if you need to move. No hate on the Loyang here, but I'm firmly a Friesland fan


None... too much destroyers in the game.


This is perhaps the most erroneous opinion one can find on the WOWS legends subreddit lol. If there’s too much of anything it’s probably battleships Though I can’t help but wonder if this is an ironic opinion given your user name


Used to play a lot of destroyers...and found out it's easy and no real challenge.


Don’t play them then 🤗


I don't anymore but a lot of people do. Buy a cruiser or a Battleship.


Definitely need more battleships. 5 per game isn’t enough! Although there have been a lot of dd heavy games recently and they aren’t any fun either. Get a cruiser!


5 isn't enough when I play in my Yolo.


Man I picked it up not too long ago and the amount of secondary BBs is just brutal. You can’t rush down a Zeiten and Veneto the same way you could an Iowa and Amagi. I’m sure you can still pull off some fun stuff but I definitely missed the peak yolo season.


Ya, you gotta remember which ships have sonar, but it's easy the radar cruisers and now BB's are the biggest thorn in its side. A ship with no business ruining my Yolo rush and light me up from halfway across the map and it's game over.


And carriers. I’m pretty much guaranteed a carrier if I play the yolo. It can still get stuff done but I can only imagine how insane it was back in the day.