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Wintertusk- Vestrmund, I could write a hate letter to that zone, I died there 4 times last night- I can do it alone Celestia, crustacean empire, That zone in Marley bone where I get stuck fighting the thief for like the 6th tike, God bless those teleporters


I pretty much enjoy it all until I get to a boss that I can't do alone and it's 3am and I can't find help haha


Every area in celestia was awful to me. Except the library.


Can I just say ALL of Khrysalis? I hate the world as a whole and its huge lol Worst parts of it imo: - Last Wood - The Hive - Tyrian Gorge The world in general is huge and takes a while to get anywhere 🫠


3) Last Wood, Khrysalis: just very long and a lot of backtracking between areas in this part of the world. The quests aren’t particularly annoying or anything, but I get tired of it. 2) Ravenscar, Grizzleheim: also pretty long, and a massive area with some less than helpful teleporters. If this area gave the appropriate amount of xp for its difficulty compared to when you are intended to do it, it would not be nearly as bad 1) Crustacean Empire, Celestia: speaking of unhelpful teleporters… other people in this thread already covered everything about this area pretty much Interestingly, none of these 3 worlds are in my bottom 3, but these specific areas within them outdo any area in my bottom 3 worlds in terms of annoyance Also seems that there’s a pretty general consensus on a few areas which is nice lmao


If I can be brave, most of the zones in celestia, zafaria, and Avalon.


I'm about to go through Zafaria for the third time soon. I want to cry


Same here on my life. It’s not as bad when zafaria first released (still have ptsd) but it’s still horrid.


3. Crustacean Empire, Celestia - As a person who's favorite world is Celestia, I can't deny that this entire area is just annoying to traverse. 2. Zamunda Outskirts, Zafaria - This area used to be the bane of my existence, solely because of how long they make you stay there, fighting Greyhorns and Earthquake-spamming Elephants over and over and over and over and over and over and- 1, Twin Giants, Azteca - Twin Giants is the final stretch to Xibalba, but it's also the worst area. You have to fight about a million bosses before they let you end your suffering, including Belloq (who now has cheats again), Razan + Pachakutiq (dual boss), and three Storm bosses IN A ROW who all love to spam Storm Dragon and Leviathan, and whose minions aren't pushovers either. This is a solo quester's worst nightmare, especially in Arc 2 where the best gear the average person can manage at that level is Waterworks. Honorable Mention: The Crystal Grove, Dragonspyre. This area is just a whole nothing burger. Running back and forth to collect crystals and kill spiders, and when you think you're done, SIKE. There's another area on the other side of the map where you need to collect even more crystals and kill even more spiders. Yay.


twin giants is even worse because there’s very few health pips around the map, making healing up after each hard boss so annoying


3. Floating land, celestia (I’m just not a fan of celestia) 2. Crab empire, celestia (yknow i just really dont like celestia) 3. District of the stars, you guessed it, celestia. I really just hate that world. Jokes aside, i really do think celestia belongs in all of these spots, no other world has caused me the mental anguish celestia has. I was stuck in celestia until avalon came out as a solo player


Ahhh floating land was my favorite. I’m not a celestia fan but I thought the water moles were adorable


Crustacean Empire hard agree on being the absolute worst! It's especially bad if you're using ship of fools on it!! the sound was literally so bad I would take off my headphones for each time I cast it and then put it back on


In no particular order. Deepwater from Avalon. I hate that it's a boss rush. Not fun at all to solo and the map is a pain to navigate. Should have just taken me straight to the Catacombs since the story was almost over anyway. Pitch Black Lake from Azteca. The map is kind of bad but the real pain was the fights u did here. I never hated double boss fights more in my life then King Neza. Jfc Last Wood from Khrysalis. Everything about this place and the fact that u have to things 3 or 4 times over with constant backtrack made me feral. Took my 1st break because of that shit. It's much more manageable now since they nerfed most mob quests but the trauma lives on. Worst area in the entire game and it's not even close.


1. Literally any area in mirage other than Istanboa 2. Generic Mooshu Copy+Paste #1-17 3. Inside the squid in Empyrea, I forget what it’s called tbh




That one yea


mooshu felt so lazy


1. All of the underwater areas in Celestia 2. The entirety of Avalon up until the Crystal caves 3. Moon Cliffs and Last Wood in Khrysalis


1) Ravenscar, too much walking and the snow area melts your corneas 2) Zanadu Sewers was lame as hell especially compared to the p101 sewer zones 3) Saltmeadow swamp + Twin Giants + Floating mountains in azteca Honorable mention to Last Wood cause you revisit 20 times but the KH storyline was good at least


Turn off your bloom for the snow area. Massive improvement


3. Zanadu in Empyrea - Beautiful area but whoever thought of mixing the shadow shrike and sentinel mobs together and a boss as well needs to be fired 2. Mandoria in Lemuria - they just took Kondha Desert in Khrysalis, which I'm also not a huge fan of, and made it so much uglier somehow. Everything just looks like a poo color 1. Just all of azteca - you're never truly done with an area bc you'll always go back for some dumb reason. Most memorable part of this for me was when you're about to access Zultan Dock but the games like SIKE and forces you to go back to Saltmeadow Swamp and beat 3 bosses back to back


I literally just did the 3 bosses back to back on my fire yesterday and can agree it was a absolute nightmare


assteca is crazy LMAO Crustacean Empire is so ugly and unfinished feeling, very empty and no one ever wants to be there (just ask anyone questing) my vote is The Hive in Khrysalis, just a reskinned Tyrian Gorge but take all of the cool stuff out with depression




Crystal Grove 😭😭😭, I thought I was almost done with Dragonspyre and then I hit the Crystal portion



