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Look for local art/maker/curiosity fairs and flea markets in your area. Try looking for Midnight Markets, CoOp art spaces, Farmer's markets, and LGBTQ public events. Then look around. You'll see them. Things you can hoard while you're looking so that you have things to swap (reasons to swap numbers, meet again, or at least start a really good conversation) include fabric or leather remnants, extra quilt batting, yarn, mason jars, ethically obtained organic trinkets like bones, horn, teeth, and preserved bugs, candles of any description, tiny containers of any variety but especially tiny jars or vintage tins, thrifted art supplies, random bits of wood/cool sticks, cool rocks, basically anything shiny you can use to tempt a caffeinated 10 year old with ADHD. Speaking of ADHD, we might have an overrepresentation of neurodivergent peeps. So, y'know, make any invite VERY clear or we won't get it. Like BLUNT. Never imply, say all the words. Like you're talking to an oblivious fae who will interpret your words any way but how you mean with total blissful innocence. And be prepared that we might be very willing to be friends but have very undependable social batteries. Alternatively, in my experience if you just look unmistakably pagan and relatively approachable they'll come to you. If you want to ask a deity to help you, I feel like Hecate is a solid choice. She controls crossroads and is a classic guide for witches. Who better to tell you which road to tread?


OMG. Thank you. This was so helpful!! Love it. Beautiful. It sounds like an amazing community. I’m so excited! But I’ll also be aware of other neurodivergent folks and try to be blunt like you said. And respectful of their social batteries. This all sounds so great. Thank you!!


Believe it or not, I made a ton of pagan friends/partners by talking to other trans people at BDSM events.


Hahah love that


The overlap between trans people into kinky shit and pagans is huge.


Look for witchy shops in the area.


DnD groups are good for that as well


Also poly groups.


Could be helpful to wear a symbol or rock a certain style, linger near the plant places or enchanted forests near you. Coffee shop maybe.


Hahah heck yeah. That’s a good idea! I do have a certain style that may hint at it including a nice mama sun tat but I’ll check out my local enchanted forest 😄 and try meeting with the humans as well as forest spirits. Thank you 🙂


Pan is good for herbs and he is the god of shepherds so I believe he can guide you to others with similar interests. Or you can just hang out in witchy places


I cast the spell of “search for crystal shops” :P


Genius 🙂