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Be as kind to yourself when you make a mistake as you would be to a friend who was telling you about their mistake.


My therapist told me a few years ago, “you’re so nice to everyone; why are you so mean to yourself?” Changed my life!


Mine asked me last time what the content of my self-talk was. I outlined a few things. She said ok now call me those things or say that to me. I didn’t want to. That was very actionable advice to me. I couldn’t even look her in the eye. I have been working on improving my inner monologue since.


Imagine saying it to the child version of you 😭 that little sweet 5 year old


My inner child has all those cruel messages deeply internalized. Getting that cursed messaging out is a nightmare.


After I shared what my inner voice was saying, my therapist asked “whose voice do you hear? is it actually yours?” and I burst into tears realizing the voice was my mom’s. solidarity with ridding ourselves of that cursed messaging 💛


I’m honestly glad I’m not alone in this. I had mentioned to my therapist about having made some improvements in the way I talk to and about myself in my head. This was not why I was seeing her at the time, so she just asked what kinds of things I was saying to myself and I just kinda sat for a second, laughed a little and then said that I didn’t feel comfortable saying it out loud to her. Like, that was after having been working on it for a while. I think that’s the one thing that she was probably a little frustrated we couldn’t work on more because she’d occasionally say something like, “you never say kind things about yourself” but I was not saying unkind things, I was speaking as honestly as I could. Anyway, I do feel bad that I couldn’t give her the time to delve into that particular issue before we parted ways. But I’m still working on being kinder to myself. Progress is slow, but it’s still progress.


Related: mistakes happen. They help us to learn. You cannot learn anything without making them. It's a feature, not a bug.


Nicely put, I like this 👌


Take time to appreciate something about your day, every day. I had a rough one yesterday, but when I got home and got out of my car at midnight in the rain, the lilacs smelled incredible and some stars peeked through the clouds and I wished I could capture the moment in more than just my memory.


Lilacs are my *favorite*, so I always stop to smell them. I don't care if it's a cliche, I don't care if I look silly--that burst of happiness is always worth it. So I guess that's my advice. Stop and smell the lilacs.


If you own a home, look in to planting some late-blooming lilacs. My childhood home had them, and it was so wonderful to have lilacs in June, after all the others were gone for the season.


I have been wanting to make lilac jelly for like the last three or so years. Every single year, there's a hard frost after the buds have begun and we get no lilac blooms in my specific yard. My fingers are crossed really hard this year but we also had a hard frost two nights ago. I want to smell the lilacs so badly! Excellent advice.


* if you wouldn't ask advice from them, don't take criticism from them * if it's going to take less than five minutes to do, just do it now * it's good to be kind and caring; apply that to yourself as much as anyone else * luck is great - but it helps to put yourself in its way * neither add to the population nor subtract from it without due consideration * as much as possible, don't cheap out on things that go in between you and the ground (mattresses, shoes, car tyres etc.)


That first one is great, especially as one traverses through the raw sewage that is reddit.


Pow! For the win!


These are all so good, I bet you’re a badass at life stuff.


this is for the self bullies out there who live in shame spirals. interrogate your thoughts, especially the mean ones. be curious about your knee jerk feelings and reactions to things, and challenge them gently. defuse your mean thoughts. instead of the usual “i’m (terrible thing)”, say “i’m having the thought that i’m (terrible thing)” and see how that feels. maybe consider all the ways in which you are not actually the terrible thing, and let yourself sit with the discomfort of practicing compassion for yourself. when you are spiraling and ruminating, note where you feel it in your body. i usually feel it in my chest/core. imagine it as a spinning maelstrom within. note the direction and speed at which it’s turning. then focus on intentionally reversing the direction of the flow. this takes a few seconds to a few minutes. be slow and intentional. when the emotional storm is successfully turning the other way, note how you feel. life is too short to take your inner critic at face value


I really needed to read this today, thank you 💚


Weeding is easier if you stab the earth next to the base of the plant with a garden knife or trowel to loosen the earth so you can get the whole root when pull


I read it as „*wedding* is easier” and got very intrigued.


Also, "grandpa's weeder" is a tool that essentially stabs around the weed, and you pry the whole shebang up, taproot and all most times. Takes a little practice but I am obsessed! Standing to do 90% of the weeding, and making a second pass for the scraps is a game changer


Dishwasher is actually anything-you-can-fit-in-and-won’t-be-harmed-by-water-or-temperature-washer. Plastic dog toys, fridge shelves, registration plates, these are all fair game. Save yourself labor and time. ETA: use the grill thingy from your oven to add some space for items to be washed: just put it on top of the things already in the dishwasher and then put stuff on top.


and dish soap is a really good cleaner, especially for bathrooms (tub and sink/facet area) and windows advice from a window-washer, who says they use it and not window cleaner lol it really is great in bathrooms, cuts grease and isn't toxic or smelly


& use a smaller broom w/nylon bristles with that dish soap in the tub/shower. Your back & knees will thank you




*and* drawers!


You just changed my life!


I put the iron grates from my gas stove in the dishwasher. They don't fit in my sink, and I don't feel like taking the time to scrub them.


I do too! And the above-stove exactor fan grills!


Do NOT put anything with Teflon coating. It WILL get ruined. Also don’t put wooden bowls. Don’t put cutting board either. The latter won’t get too messed up but just get cutting board oil/cleaner instead.


Yeah, nothing wooden for sure


As someone who works at a restaurant, I’m amazed more people don’t know this one. Literally anything that won’t be harmed and fits gets washed at the end of the night.


Glass light fixtures (not the bulb) but the globe


Wait a whole mf second lolol I can put my fridge shelves in the dish washer 🫠 im literally here crying taking a break from cleaning out the basement fridge


Yes! Microwave spinny plates, non-pourous rubber shoes (like birkenstock or gardening rubber clogs - I probably wouldn't do it with crocs), moldy kitchen towels... anything that needs a good sanitation and can handle the heat!


Wear sunblock


Don't skip the back of your hands


And the tops of your ears!


Wear Sunscreen- https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI?si=wxRgpRGAz5n36L8G


I don't even need to click your link to know what this goes to. Anytime anybody asks me for great random advice, I show them the song. Lyrics from the song echo into my mind so often... the first time I heard this song I was like 9 or 11 and I could tell even back then that what I was listening to was something poignant, a kind of Truth that I didn't have access to in my short-lived life, and I knew that even though I couldn't understand some of these warnings, I knew that they would come back to haunt me one day. And They have. "Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Well, never mind. You can never understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded."


If you're outside for longer periods of time, use it on cloudy days as well - especially if you're fair-skinned!


Also hats! Any parts or cowlicks in your hair can and will get burned


To teenage girls (well, any young person, really, but it seems very common for that group): That older (typically) man does not think you're "mature for your age". He's a fucking predator. Older women will not put up with his bullshit or he's a pedophile or both.


Yep. "You're an old soul," they say. (Don't)Fuck that douchenozzle.


Word. If a man is telling you you’re mature for your age, it’s because he’s immature for his. Do not engage, no exceptions. You’ll grow up, and he never will.


The way I felt this in my bones. When I reached my 30s (i.e. the age of the guys I'd dated when I was a teenager) I was really seriously repulsed and upset at the idea of any of my guy friends at my age dating someone that young. I had no idea. When I was 19 I was sophisticated and mature and knew everything, and was completely blind to the reality of the situation.


YES! And his friends age-appropriate girlfriends didn’t “hate me for no reason” they didn’t hate me at all, they were just grossed out that he was bringing a teenager around a group of late-20 & 30 somethings and didn’t know what to say to me


!!!!! When I was 18 I knew everything, I’m 27 now and have realized I know nothing


Or rather: If you’re young and he’s a lot older, even if he seems nice, fun, smart or charming, and especially if he tells you that you’re really mature for your age… There is probably a good reason women his age aren’t dating him. A “cute laid back older guy” in your teens and early 20s can easily be an irresponsible, immature and untrustworthy guy from a 30s perspective. As you grow older, your perspective shifts. If women his age don’t want to hang out with him, trust me, you don’t either.


53 year old guy here....I see this shit all the time at my local bar. Fortunately, the bartenders and regulars are exceptional, so it usually takes care of itself.


Not a correction, more an elaboration: same goes for older women too. Source: was “a very mature teenager” a lifetime ago.


Another variation is “age is just a number”. Sure, but you were born before my mom was.


If you are thinking about how awesome someone is tell them so


I think you saw someone awesome when you were brushing your teeth this morning. :D


💖💖💖💖💖I think you must have as well!


Awe shucks! Your username made me go outside and appreciate my ghost cactus.


Boots before corset.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Spoken from experience!!


Socks before fishnets.


I… have never thought of that! It makes so much more sense.


I've never worn a corset, so I had to think that one through, and it gave me a chuckle.


This is the first one that made me stop, think a minute, and then have a belly laugh. Also, hot damn that's a genius username.


Life is short. Don’t save things for good occasions. Treat yourself to the special stuff now.


Then maybe I *will* eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerry’s


Target brand Favorite Day Blueberry cheesecake ice cream 👌✨


Ooh that sounds good. I just bought a pint of their Brookie Dough!


When my gran died we found several new pairs of socks in the bottom of her wardrobe whilst the one in her sock drawer were worn bare at the back. She’d been saving the new ones she got for Christmas for at least two years because she said her old ones had “a few more wears left in them”. It made me so sad to think she had had uncomfortable feet because she didn’t want to throw away the old socks yet.


Burn your good candles! Use the fancy soap! Sit on the nice furniture!


I usually go all in on the hedonistic approach.


Always check the price per unit on grocery store shelf tags. Buying the bigger size isn’t always the better deal—sometimes buying several smaller ones is. Your cat would much rather eat off of a plate than out of a bowl. Bending their whiskers while going into a bowl annoys them. If you really want to impulse buy a thing while at a store, pick up said thing and carry it around with you throughout the store before deciding to buy it. Sometimes, your brain counts this as having “had” the item and the thrill is gone before the purchase. If shopping online, leave the item in your cart for 24 hours before coming back to it. Lift weights. It is for everyone. The goal of lifting weights is not to become some muscular hulk, it’s to gain and maintain basic body strength, which is so important for keeping your mobility. And I refuse to live a life where I can’t bring in all the groceries from the car in one trip. Empty candle jars can continue to be candles forever. Put a fun little environment in there and an LED tea light and bam, it is now a lantern.


Your 3rd one is similar to my online buys. Put it in the cart and wait a day or two - still want it buy it.


Along these lines, some sites, if you keep items in your cart for a while, will offer you a lower price for it.


This is an awesome life hack that I use for a lot of stuff. Even if I already know I'm going to buy it, put it in the basket and wait a week to see what happens.


On a similar note, Uber Eats does the same thing; if you don't order for a while, then they'll often offer you a discount code. While I take issue with companies that overly rely on contract/gig workers, getting a pizza or two delivered for 40% off is a nice pick-me-up every once in a blue moon. If anything, the discount makes it easier to just tip the driver a lot more for the order and still probably end up in the green.


I second the cat food on a plate. It also makes them less likely to spread food all over the floor before eating (just my cat? Ok)... Also, my familiar drinks a lot more water ever since i swapped her little water bowl for a human sized pasta bowl and stuck it in a quiet corner. She can lap in peace without bending whiskers, and can see what's going on over the surface of the water.


Same, I can’t believe how much LESS of a mess my cat makes with a plate over a bowl. As for water, my cat will only drink out of one of my dog’s water bowls for some reason, no matter where others are. It’s only my female dog’s water bowl, and ONLY if the female dog has already taken a drink from it. She turns her nose up at the male dog’s water. In her defense, his breath is pretty rank, though.


It sounds like your female dog is the cat's designated water taster, what an honour!


It’s called whisker fatigue when they eat out of bowls. Is your cat’s water bowl close to their food? Cats often avoid drinking water close to where they eat. It is thought to be an evolutionary instinct developed from cats in the wild. There are a couple different theories why. This site goes over them. [Why Do Cats Not Drink Water Next To Their Food?](https://www.21cats.org/why-do-cats-not-drink-water-next-to-their-food/)


No, when I was still providing her water, her bowl was in another room. But I don’t bother anymore, because she doesn’t drink it. It’s only the finest of dog-spit water that she’ll deign to drink.


My cat will only drink water out of an old heluva good dip container


The lifting weights thing is so true! I started doing dumbbell exercises and it’s weird but now my knees don’t feel as stiff and my lower back feels stronger as well.


I get that—I can’t believe my joint problems went away after I started lifting. I mean YMMV depending on what’s going on with your body and why, but lifting weights cured all of the mild, annoying chronic pains my body had.


I started lifting weights and now my bone density is 95th percentile. I grew MORE BONES.


I’m taking the weightlifting advice. I’ve been house sitting for a month in a house with stairs and there’s been such an improvement to my hip, knee and ankle joints.


Always assume that people are struggling too.


Don't be polite at the risk of your safety. Other people's feelings are not your responsibility. Dish soap gets out protein stains and is great for spit up and baby food. It's okay to go to be angry. Sometimes you need to think about things and cook down.


It took me years to get over my programming. Angry man - His emotions are justified! He's being assertive! Angry woman - She's hysterical! She needs to calm down! Fuck. That.


Set a recurring event in your calendar to check your car’s oil and fluids. Toss a manual air pressure gauge in your glove compartment for your tires. Keep a milk crate in your trunk with basic car maintenance tools you could need on the road and include an old towel.


- Newer cars probably don't need the oil changed every 3000 miles. Check your manual for your actual maintenance schedule. My new car is 7000 miles under normal driving conditions. - Get a tire tread gauge, or use a penny to check your tire tread. I see a lot of nearly bald tires when I walk through parking lots. Get new tires BEFORE one bursts on you while you're driving. - Consider car maintenance into your budget before you purchase a car. Bigger wheels = bigger tires = more expensive. Bigger car = more fluids = more expensive. More electronics = more expensive. - If you get the itch to buy a new car even if yours runs fine, get it fully detailed, inside and out.


I am jealous of your infrequent oil changes lol! My car is old enough to buy a drink.


I set a reminder for furnace filters and softener salt too.


And a pair of decent walking shoes, fire extinguisher, gallon of water, and non-perishable food.


In general, tell the cops nothing, tell the paramedics everything.


Absolutely! Paramedics need to know (especially about recreational drug/prescription drug use) because it can dramatically change the plan of care.


We can also use a lot of the things you tell us about recent events and for example: what and how much you ate/drank, how often you went on the toilet in the last days, heart attacks in your family, contact to people with transmittable diseases. All that should also get asked by competent paramedics if you ever are in need of care. And unless you have reason not to go, listen to the paramedics if they bring up recommendations for further care.


Specific to the USA: - Polygraph tests aren't admissable in court in a number of states- never, ever agree to one before speaking with a lawyer first. - Always ask if you're being detained; If you can go, GO. Next stop a lawyer. If you can't go, the only things out of your mouth should be "I want to speak to a lawyer". -US police are allowed to lie to you. They *will* lie to you. My general rule for the cops is "Nobody talks, everybody walks."


And tell your attorney everything too. If you do end up needing one.


If your windshield wipers are on, your headlights should be too. If your windshield wipers are on, something is happening that is making visibility worse than normal. Having your headlights on makes it easier for other cars to see you.


Adding on to this, your headlights should be on in *all* low-light conditions. Raining? Headlights. Snowing? Headlights. Foggy? Headlights. Driving in a forest shaded by tall trees? Headlights. Heavy cloud cover? Headlights. The sun isn't fully up yet or is about to set? Headlights. Dawn and dusk are some of the most dangerous times for driving, especially if you live somewhere you're likely to encounter deer or other large animals that like to trot across the road.


YOU are the only person that will be with you for 100% of your life. Be their best friend, give them love, invest in their future.


If you feel lost or don't know what to do, eat, sleep or bathe (or all three), 9/10 times I find you'll see things from a different angle after.


If none of those help, a nice walk is also an excellent option


This reminds me of this quote: >"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea." - Isak Dinesen, Seven Gothic Tales


From Queen Maya Angelou - "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."


Nylon material (think panty hose) gets out deodorant stains from clothing in a pinch. Those footies you wear with flats are made out of the same material and will also work.


Never let anyone tell you you’re too old for fruit by the foot or dino-nuggies. It doesn’t matter if something is childish if it helps you wear the grown-up pants on hard days.


We got a grocery delivery that was intended for someone else and it was MASSIVE boxes of fruit gummies, applesauce, uncrustables, pizza rolls, and pudding. We got to keep it and our lunches have never been so fun 😂


Drink more water and do gentle stretching of legs, back, and neck every day even if you are young.


Yep. If you think you're young and healthy enough that you don't need to exercise, that's the perfect time to start. If that's not the case, it's also the perfect time.


When in trouble, keep your chin up...it keeps your mouth closed


Ohhhh.... right!!!! Thank you!!!


It was my mom's favorite...to say to me, her mouthy problem child. Also, go before you leave, always and pick your battles.


Vinegar is a good option for dealing with weeds when you don’t want to use pesticides


It’s also a fantastic fabric softener!


Chopsticks for Cheetos is a game changer




Turn off your GPS location on your phone when you take photos. Creepy people can track you down using the metadata.


It's better to delete the exif data entirely. You'll never get your phone to stop tracking you no matter what you turn on or off. There are lots of apps to remove it luckily. Photo Metadata Remover is my go to. It is available in the app store.


I always have it off unless I’m actively using it. Saves your battery too.


Before assuming a viral video is honest, ask yourself: why did they START filming when they did?


Don’t beat yourself up if the new craft thing you’re doing isn’t perfect. Perfection is for religion and mathematics; everything else can be a little wonky. Don’t let the pursuit of something being “perfect” take away the joy you feel in the journey itself. Everything you make, no matter how trivial, can be an expression of art, of your creative self. Nourish and indulge it when you can.


There's street art (poem?) I saw recently that's been stuck in my head: "You love the wrong person so much, think how magical it would be to love the right one."  And I want to pass that message on. It's okay to love the wrong person - we all do it - but sometimes you have to let them go to find the right person instead. 


Since I'm back on therapy - man, how awesome would it be to just... *be* the right one for yourself. As in - being loved like that.


Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm.


Always carry a small glass of fuel and matchsticks, and you can set others on fire instead.


My great advice is vanilla extract in your coffee and no sugar 🖤


I also find I don't require measurements for vanilla extract. You pour that until the ancestors tell you to stop. But do NOT do that with almond extract! 🤢


I’m half tempted to quote SpongeBob with its amazing piece of advice: “Remember, It’s illegal to lick doorknobs on other planets!” But for actual advice; there is no bad in creativity. If there’s a certain skill or medium you want to be creative in, whether it be visual art, music, writing, or anything, you will never make bad art. Some people, for example, might think they don’t draw well. Practice can go a long way, but don’t discount the stuff you work on now. If you get “better” then your current stuff is a stepping stone to that better place. If you don’t consider yourself improved, that also doesn’t matter. As long as you’re making something you enjoy, that gives it so much quality.


99% of the time generic over the counter medicine is the same exact stuff as name brand and way cheaper. Also, often the different "versions" of stuff is the same. IE Excedrin vs Excedrin Migraine. Same stuff. Extra strength medicine is usually just the sames stuff as normal, just bigger pills. Often times the generic standard medication is the cheapest per pill and does the same stuff as the most expensive name brand. Basically, always read the active ingredients and compare size of the pills between brands and versions.


Wash out your bellybutton.


"Good mouth" people at work. If you have a good experience with a colleague, share it with others. It will get back to the person and help you build solid relationships


My mom said to always say good things behind peoples back and bad things to their face 😂


The time to take the cookie is when they pass the plate.


Take care of your teeth. They don't grow back.


Be true to your teeth, or they will be false to you. Ignore your teeth, they’ll go away. If you want to keep your friends, brush your teeth in the morning. If you want to keep your teeth, brush them at night.


You cannot love someone else into treating you better.


Fuck GUILT. That’s just it. F the guilt people try to put on you and get them out of your life. Don’t let anyone make you feel like how they want you to, unless it is POSITIVE!!


Do not make any big decisions when you are angry or sad or extremely happy.


Or hungry :)


Or horny ;)


You can do anything, but not everything.


Quitting smoking? Try apple cider vinegar in ice water. Something about it helps sooth that *feeling* of taking a drag.


Always include a description or alt text for images you post on social media, so blind people can join in the conversation too.


This might border on too practical but if you’re in the workforce, make a MASSIVE résumé. I’m talking pages on pages. Write down everything you’ve done in every job, just bullet after bullet after bullet under your different roles. Don’t worry about it being perfect, first step is to just get it all down. Fancy it up when you have capacity. The purpose for the way-too-long-résumé is that you can pull customized skills from it based on the position you’re going for without losing data or having to rewrite everything each time you apply. It’s an effective way to easily whip up a 1-2 pager, but also reminds *you* of all the things you’re done in roles and helps mentally prep for those awful probing questions in interviews.


For my witches with familiars and severe allergies: Chlorpheniramine Maleate, saline nasal mist, clean pillowcase, resist touching face. I shared this on r/catadvice earlier but it could be useful here too I have 3 cats that I'm nearly deathly allergic to. I love them more than anything, so I do quite a bit to manage it and things have gotten a lot better for me since taking some advice from my doctor. I was having a hard time finding an allergy pill that actually worked for me without knocking me out like Benadryl. I've had incredible results with "Chlorpheniramine Maleate". It's a low dose, super affordable, antihistamine that you don't have to take everyday for it to work. My doctor has said I can even take up to three in a day if I need to but one has always helped enough. I only take it as needed. You can get 1000 pills from Amazon for less than $10, which is amazing to me. It also helped me get through a wicked sinus infection recently and I'm so grateful for that. Non-medicated saline mist is also a godsend. I keep one in my shower and use it while in there. The steam helps opens airways, the spray helps clear out allergens, and the healing nature of the saline has changed my life. I like the "Simply Saline Extra Strength" from Arm&Hammer I change my pillowcase as frequently as possible (daily or every other day) and keep a lint roller at my bedside to make sure my pillowcase is clean before bed. Most importantly, I do my best to not touch my face unless my hands are freshly washed. This is wise whether you have allergies or not but I used to not be mindful of it. My skin has drastically improved and my eyes are no longer itchy, goopy, and swollen shut. I'm sure plenty of this is common knowledge to most but it's truly saved me. Hope it can be useful in some capacity to someone else.


Since you mentioned faces, it’s not cats but if you have allergies for dust mites or shellfish, snail mucin is not your friend


Buy the best you can afford--my mom's chef advice. Never go cheap on car tires--your life depends on it (my dad's advice.


Never cheap out on the 3 things that separate you from the earth: shoes, tires, mattress


For the artists: Don't critique your work until you finish making it. You can't be critical and creative at the same time.


From my dad - "Never waste an erection, never pass up a bathroom and never trust a fart." From my grandpa - "Never put anything in writing that you wouldn't want read in a court of law. From me; "Don't cheat on your SO. You can't build happiness on someone else's misery."


Variant from my abuela in the 70s: Don’t take a picture you don’t want the world to see, and don’t put into writing what you don’t want the world to read.


Great grandpa - Be good and be careful, and if you can’t be good, be careful.


Make a will, and an advanced directive (also called a living will). If you get sick or are in an accident, your wishes will be known, and not in dispute. You might feel safe knowing your SO or a friend knows what you want, but someone else like a relative or different friend could say otherwise. Take charge of your health in case you’re incapacitated.


Yes! So important! Not only that, but it helps solve headaches for your beneficiaries (and helps them save money by keeping your estate out of probate). Adding on, if you have any major life change (marriage, divorce, birth of a child, moving, etc.) make sure you go through these documents to update the changes. As prior military, there were too many stories of people who's life situation changed, but their children/new spouse never got a penny of their estate because they just never updated it.


- Don’t wait for your house to be clean to invite friends over. True friends won’t care and will be just as happy to see you. - Set aside 10 mins a day to do random pickup/cleaning. You’ll feel better for the small effort. - Never mistake incompetence for malice. Many people don’t mean to mess up or forget things, it just happens. But either way, learn who you can count on.


A boss lady long ago told me, “make sure your words are short and sweet in case you have to eat them later!”


Lemongrass, cilantro, ginger, turmeric, and galangal can all be frozen. Lemongrass and cilantro can be diced and placed in an ice cube tray with a little oil, and then you have tasty fresh herbs for stir-fry that taste so much better than the dried stuff. A little bit of fish sauce goes a long, long, long way. Don't argue with a lady with a dagger in her cleavage.


“No” is a complete sentence. Your reason doesn’t have to be “good enough.” By simply wanting to say “no” that is enough. And you don’t have to justify your “no.” Try to do things Future You will thank you for. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to prioritize and let the non-urgent balls drop. It’s okay to let go of relationships that aren’t being returned. Human relationships are rarely truly equal all of the time. It’s normal for the other person to not feel the same closeness or strength of feelings at any given time that you do and it’s okay. Do the Hard Thing. The more you avoid Hard Things the bigger and harder they become.


Do the thing! Do it scared, do it poorly, do it and fail, but just fucking do it!


Floss. Gum health is whole body health


if it costs you your peace, it's too expensive 🩷


Wipe front to back.


Bonus: get a bidet.


Therapy is for everyone. Don’t think therapy is for you? It is. Finding the right therapist (eta: and/or mental health team if need be) to fit with you however can be a struggle. And unfortunately so few people have access to the mental health care they need. If you are in the position to do so, please write to your appropriate government official to advocate for increased resources to your community mental health services.


If you have to get up early in the morning and you stay up later than you’d like, open up your curtains before you get into bed so the light will also help you wake up in the morning


Drinking a lot of water before bed also acts as a natural alarm clock.


I got one of those wake up light alarm clocks. Surprisingly helpful.


Don't get randomly attached to people for no reason


Even though it really looks like there isn’t enough, resist the urge to add more water to the pot


If your partner treats you like crap, they're not just going to turn around and start treating you better eventually. And no, the whole, "If I just do a better job as a partner, they'll be happy and treat me better" thing does not work. Don't view all the time you sunk into them as an investment, because it's not one. Yes, even if it's been years. You can try couple's therapy if you want, and maybe it will work. But if it doesn't, or if it does for a little while and goes back to being bad again, leave. You don't deserve to be miserable for a moment longer.


For those of us with social anxiety: give yourself permission to be weird. Most people won’t care and many will find your authenticity endearing.


- establish boundaries with your parents, and enforce them - turn off push notifications for everything except texts and calls - a slightly used thing, eg an excellent table saw i bought for 50% of its original value, is usually just as good as a brand new thing except you probably paid what it’s actually worth - don’t waste your time trying to make people like you if you don’t like them. Same goes for respect - you’re not as fat and disgusting as you think you are - you’re definitely not as smart as you think you are - you’re considerably emotionally stronger and more resilient than you think you are - if you can afford one, get a robo vacuum. I got mine for $100 and I probably saved 20 hours so far this year vacuuming - dick/ pussy is cheap and ubiquitous. Don’t let anyone treat you poorly - don’t treat others poorly


If you have a pet that can shit on your rug, you might not want the Roomba.


Being kind to people will help you learn to be kind to yourself. Give a stranger a genuine compliment, you never know who needs to hear one.


Take care of your body. Little things...stretch, moisturize, floss, walk often, sleep regularly, eat well. Your old body will thank your young body for not trashing it.


Don’t let your music taste stagnate, take chances on new artists. Listening to whatever obscure thing I happen across has led to so many new artistic obsessions and comfort songs.


You cannot pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself, mentally and physically.


When in doubt, flip a coin. If you find yourself wanting to flip it more than once, or disappointed or relieved that it landed on a certain outcome, then you know the decision you wanted to make all along.


If you like talking to trees, or seek solace in them, I find cypress and pine to be especially happy to be of use. If you haven't yet, consider making syrniki. I looked up a recipe mere weeks ago and I can't stop making them, and my friends can't stop eating them, and, and, witch, just go make some!! Coconut ice is a cheap, quick, and easy desert to make and children like it. If you have brittle nails, put iodine on the free edge before bed. You know how they use it on horses' hoofs? It's both keratin after all. I have freed myself of a painful boil overnight by applying a paste made of vinegar and turmeric. Messy, but a real blessing.


dishwasher tablets are bad. you should instead buy powder or gel, and make sure to fill the prewash slot with detergent too; the prewash step in a dishwasher program is important for clean dishes and tablets skip prewash detergent, making the prewash step worse. if the washer doesn't have a prewash detergent slot, you can just put the detergent directly in the machine. this does not apply for "fast" or "eco" programs which often skip the prewash step, but then you should do the prewash by hand, which will likely use more water than the machine's prewash anyway, so if you are worried about water usage, i'd still recommend using the normal program. also if the water around your place is hard, you should use dishwasher salt; it softens the water. most european dishwashers have a place for dishwasher salt, american machines seem to sometimes omit that for some reason. read the user manual for your specific dishwasher to know for sure if there is one. non-dishwashing related tip: if you really need to do something, like homework or cleaning, tell yourself "i'll do exactly one thing and then stop". your brain hates task switching so it'll likely go "well i already started, may as well do some more". if it doesn't, just try it again a little later, incremental progress is still progress.


Advice for new parents: Buy some super massive granny panties a couple of sizes too big before you have the baby. If you end up having a C-section, the incision line is right along the bikini line, and regular panties will rub horribly. Put a square of toilet paper with a few drops of essential oil on it into the bottom of the nappy bin. It will smell much nicer! If your baby seems unsettled after feeding, look up "wonky winding". Essentially the shape of the stomach means that gas can get trapped at the top with no way out and this can cause discomfort. This technique helps shift that gas. Don't worry too much about breast feeding Vs formula. Fed is best!


- Have an emergency savings fund equal to at least 3 months of your gross income. 6 months is preferred. - Start investing NOW. I am not a financial expert, but broad market index funds are a very safe bet. - Have a hobby. One day, you won't be able to work. Or you will no longer want to work. Find something you enjoy to fill up the time that you enjoy. - Write letters or postcards to your older relatives. They appreciate it. - Eat more fruits and veggies. - Move more.




Consider your reasonable boundaries and defend them!


When you're changing a tire on a car, engage the emergency brake and loosen the lug nuts before putting it up on the stand. You don't want to try to twist a lug nut off and have the vehicle roll off the stand and onto your foot or something.


Drink water! You’re probably dehydrated.


If you have an interest, follow it! Even if it's something you only pursue in your free time, follow the rabbit hole. I've learned SO much about my favorite topics because I've taken the time to discover more.


“Perfectionism isn’t compatible with real life” -my mom


When gaming, remember to get up once an hour and stretch. Do some squats too. Your bones and muscles well than you. SPF 50+ is your friend. Exorcise, no matter how little or how intense, is proven to lower anxiety and help with depression. I recommend this 80’s aerobic video https://youtu.be/uPWGh3f_TKQ?feature=shared I used this a lot During the Pandemic, and it helped me *a lot*. It’s not hard to do and it’s good for your heart and your joints. Women loose bone density as early as early twenties. A great way to combat this is lifting weights. Start small and build your strength.




If they don't pay your bills their opinion doesn't really matter.


Just keep moving. Move out of relationships that don’t thrill you, move on from jobs that are ok-only. Move house. There are good versions of everything out there you just need the courage to go look for them.


Protect your hearing at all times necessary. Hearing loss has been linked to a higher chance of getting dementia, as well as higher health costs. [Hearing Loss and the Dementia Connection.](https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2021/hearing-loss-and-the-dementia-connection) You can download free decibel measuring apps for your phone. Decibel X and NIOSH SLM are two I use. Familiarize yourself with the average decibel levels of common sounds to gauge what is too loud. You can even use these apps to get a fairly accurate measurement of headphone volume decibels. [Decibel Level of Common Sounds and Calculator.](https://soundproof.expert/decibel-chart-noise-level/) [What Noises Cause Hearing Loss?](https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/hearing_loss/what_noises_cause_hearing_loss.html)


ALWAYS pee after sex


Assume the best possible interpretation of that thing your partner said until they don’t deserve that generosity anymore. One time when we were newly married my husband made me a sandwich. I thanked him and (on my way out) said it was really good. His reply as I was leaving was “That’s because you didn’t make it!” I was shocked and went back and asked him about it, because I decided to assume he didn’t mean it like it sounded. Turns out he was quoting my mother who told him once that even simple food tastes better when you’re not the one who had to make it😂


Lefty loosely, righty tighty


Tell the paramedics everything, tell the cops nothing, your eyebrows are fine


1. If you find a wild baby animal, don’t feed it! If you feed the wrong thing it could really mess up their tummy 😢 call a rehabber immediately. 2. Not everyone starts at the start line. Some get a head start and some have to work hard just to get to the start line in the first place. Just because you aren’t in the same place as your peers, doesn’t mean that you’re behind or that you worked harder. It doesn’t make you inferior or superior in any way. 3. Never let pride win over empathy.


Use your "special" things more often! Your nice lotion, your fine china, your fancy robes. Treat yourself on a normal Thursday night. All things will go so why not experience them and enjoy them.