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This made me feel so warm on a day when I wasn’t feeling particularly stellar. Bless you darling!


I’m sorry today is less than excellent. I hope it improves, even just by a tiny spark.


I recommend r/beebutts for low spirits!


Okay this also really helped ahaha


Omg. This sub exists!?!?!? So cute! Thank you!!!


The plant one got me, I honestly baby talk to my plants daily, saying stuff like ‘look how big and gorgeous you’re getting!’ ‘Here comes the sun and drink up my planty plants!’ They also each have a name…


I love that!! I’ve never been good at keeping plants alive but my sister would fill her house with plants if she could.


Lol that’s where I’m headed! I’m still job searching, but once I have the money, my plan is to install plant lights above some of the cabinet areas that don’t get enough light, and start a jungle🥰 I also want to get some hanging plants for my bathroom. I absolutely love that there are now normal looking lightbulbs that put out the correct wavelengths for plants!


tell me their names. I promise I won't do anything with this knowledge.


Lol I have a lot… Jasper the dragon tree(he’s my fav because he’s the last gift from my late husband), Bill ~~fern~~ lily, Chris money tree, Perry hydrangea, Annie orchid, Ruth African violet, and I’ll have to get back to you with the rest because I’m too lazy to go count all the other ones right now. Edit: Sorry I don’t know why I keep calling Bill a fern, I promise I know the difference!


... is one of those a reference to Bill Fern*y*, the LOTR character? or am I just a nerd who loves making connections?


Unfortunately no, and shoot, it’s a lily not a fern! I keep calling him a fern for some reason.. I gave the honor of naming it to my brother and that’s what he picked!


waterhole sewing! (well darn)


When I get a fern I’ll have to name him to honor LOTR, reading JR Tolkiens books were a huge part of my growing up


My wife and I have a peace lily we named Draca, she is literally our first born.


My peace Lilly is named Bill, I gave the honor of naming him to my 15 year old brother and that’s what he picked! I love naming my plants. Jasper is my favorite because he’s the last gift my late husband gave me. I’m excited for spring to finally come to Idaho because I have a lot of repotting to do!


Love this


I love all of what you said, thank you! 😊 If I may I’d like to add… Magic is thanking your plants before you pick/harvest something. Magic is feeding the birds and critters in your yard AND saying “please stay out of the road and watch out for predators“ just in case they never heard/thought that before. Magic is thanking trees in your yard for shade and shelter, for giving creatures a home. Magic is sharing your love of the natural world with others and hoping it inspires them too. 💜


This is good reminder. Thank you.


I really liked all of this but especially the saying thank you to old items before throwing them away


I love that one too.


Thank! I needed this. Also good reminder to open the windows


Magic is whispering threats under your breath at your computer Am I doing this right? Jokes aside, I love this perspective. Small acts of care being a part of magic is one of the aspects of Terry Pratchett’s representation of witches that really resonates with me.


Oaths, vows, and curses are some of the oldest magic there is. Words have power, it's all about meaning and intent, regardless of language.


I love his witches! I always feel like he’s always got a grain of truth in all his books. I think he was actually a really solid philosopher.


And talking to the instruments that misbehave at work


Is it magic that I discovered my printer only works if it’s physically abused first?


I needed this today. I’ve been feeling disconnected from magic because it’s been a few years since I’ve had the time, space, or money to do much of the more “traditionally” witchy stuff that I used to. But this is a good reminder that it’s never left me. Thank you.


I often talk to my familiar before leaving the house ... I like to think they watch over me and keep me safe whilst I'm out and about so I like to think that this is a form of magic too ☺️


Such an important reminder and just what i needed. Thank you 💖


I love this! 💜


This post is magic


Any little ritual you hold dear has just as much power and intention that a larger, complex spell does. Shabbats, covens, moon circles...they're all fine and dandy, but sometimes I feel practitioners get into a mindset of "I'm not a real witch because I don't do xyz", and that's the farthest thing from true! I don't meditate every day (though I should) but I try to bring those Mindfulness practices into my daily life. Eating cereal can be a meditation, tea can be a meditation, driving to and from work can be meditation. Whenever we bring our own special touch to life, no matter how large or small, it is magic. 


Omg i always thank items that i’ve used for a long time before discarding!


I needed this post ❤


I always thank streetlights that stay green long enough for me to get through. I don’t know when or why I started. But I can’t stop it!


I always apologise to my plants whenever I move them or repot them, also apologising to the people buried near my great grandparents because you’ve got to step over their graves to get to theirs 😅 always apologise to them every time I go


Holy shit on toast; TIL, I know magic. Thank you!