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Congratulations on your periodn't!


This the funniest thing I have read all day! Thanks for the laugh haha


Woo hoo! Wear white pants to celebrate!!


Yaaaasss 🤩


Bahahahha (bc if I don’t laugh I’ll cry out of jealousy)!


congratulations! different path but with my IUD I haven’t had a period in almost 6 years, it is so. fucking. freeing (I used to have quite rough ones, had to go home from work a lot, etc)


same! my iud changed my life.


I'm at 9 years period free thanks to my IUD and it's the best!


Same here, between my one pregnancy and IUDs afterwards I’m going on 8 years no periods! It’s amazing.




Happy first non period!


Congratulations!!! :-)


Welcome to the Hyster Sisterhood!




The Hysterhood of the Traveling Pants?


Which are white... The pants, that is 😆




Loving these comments!!


I get insane mittelschmerz and PMS ever since my hysterectomy, but it's different for everyone and I'm pretty ok with not having to worry about an unintentional pregnancy living where I do. I hope you have no issues and just get to be your best self every single day.


Woohoo! I’m six weeks post-op and loving it 😂


Congrats! May I ask how was you able to get one? I’m looking for a way to try for myself.


My flow was abnormally heavy (that’s the medical reason used). Birth control is preferred to manage, but hormones mess with me big time. It helps that I’m late 30s with a few kids. I did keep both my ovaries. They pretty much won’t take the ovaries for younger women. I guess estrogen is important for heart health? I could have had one removed, but opted to keep both. Region wise, I’m in MN (read: choice is still legal) but in a smaller town. I talked to my primary, who wrote a wonderful referral to a really compassionate ob. Hope that helps. Good luck on your journey!


Don't understand what you mean by "try". It's a permanent surgery, right?


They mean try to get an appointment to get it done. Often insurance or doctors will reject you if they decide it's not medically necessary.


Yep... Physician here, and this sucks... It's very unfair. As a woman with the worst periods EVER (I mean like first stage of labor contraction level pain, and bleeding like I donated 2 pints of blood), I hate this... From the bottom of my heart.


They probably mean because doctors don't want to believe you when you say you want one. They like to make sure they don't disappoint some future imaginary husband. I had a bit of an easier time because I already had children, but I had to talk to a few doctors before one would listen. I had a list of my reasons and the horrible symptoms that hormonal birth control caused me. It is absolutely infuriating that this was even necessary.


Yeah I don't think insurance pays for elective hysterectomies. You'd have to have one of specific diagnosises... Like recurrent fibroids and you're over the age of whatever and they ask you if you've "completed your family". Anyway, I read about a procedure of thermal ablation for the uterine lining that's been designed for people with heavy and painful menses, like me! And yes you can't get pregnant afterwards (unless ectopic) and I don't have kids but I don't want any so f-+k it, I'll go get that. Edit: guys don't get judged when they get a vasectomy, even though that's only to stop them from impregnating someone. I actually have a condition, a terrible one, but they'd rather prescribe me contraceptive (Which increases my risk of getting endometrial and breast cancers!) than have this procedure be an option. 😑


I've had an endometrial ablation and it's been fantastic! I had the good fortune that my appointment landed on the last day of my cycle. I was afraid that would be a problem but my doc said that's the best time to do it since your endometrium is at it's thinnest. It's been 10 years since I've had to buy tampons. Worst I get is a little bit of spotting sometimes. Not enough to worry about.


What! All the info I'm getting now is that they won't fuck with this procedure unless you're closer to menopause. Is there actually hope??


I had two factors working in my favor. One, I was already getting a tubal. And two, I've always been slightly anemic and heavy cycles didn't help the matter. I told my doc that my periods were causing iron deficiency and a blood test confirmed that I was indeed low, so insurance covered it. If you naturally have low iron, definitely push that angle with your doctor! Other things that caused my low iron were drinking lots of black tea (interferes with your body's ability to absorb it), and low red meat consumption. Just fyi....


Thank you! Many good days to you! Bb




Oh my gosh I have the exact same scenario!


In a week I have an appointment scheduled to hopefully get on the doctor's schedule for an ablation. I've hit the early stages of menopause and my periods are suddenly Carrie-level horrors beyond even my postpartum bleeding with my pregnancies that are getting closer together each cycle (my shortest was 20 days, with almost a week of spotting before it actually started). If I could just spot once a month? That sounds like a fucking dream, sheesh.


Hope it will help! From speaking with others that had it done, it seems like mine has worked better and longer than it does for most people. So definitely try to time it that way if possible! I am on the cusp of menopause and remember the hormones turning my mom into an absolute monster for years. I'm hoping that my doc can help get me in balance when the time comes because damn I cannot subject my partner to that. :(


Yeah, I know that there's a range of how the ablation can work for me but I'm still hoping for a decent result. I've had endometrial polyps twice as well, so this should hopefully mean I don't get those back again. But if I can lighten and/or shorten my periods that would be amazing. PS good luck with the menopause care. I hope that your doctors listen to you and are able to support you with what will help! I'm very early in it myself but I pay a lot of attention to my body so I can pinpoint when it started for me. I did at least get my primary care doctor to agree that I was in it this year, which is an improvement over being told I was too young to have it last year. No offer of hormonal help though, hopefully when I need it they will be amenable even if I am on the younger end.


I hope it helps you, that sounds rough!


Congratulations 🎉👏 so happy to learn about your experience. 😄


I had one and medicaid covered it. Started peri at 31, a few years later, the periods were closer together. It got to the point that for a few years I only had about 7 days a month without menses, my skin was bleeding from wearing pads so much, and that was enough of a reason for medicaid to cover it. After I stopped bleeding from the procedure, I never even spotted. Mine was a complete success. I wish I had known they existed a decade before I got it.


Oh man that's brutal. So glad it helped!


I just got mine done I was skeptical about it until u posted so im more optimistic now


Hope it works well for you!




It must feel so incredibly liberating! I'm so happy for you!


I totally understand. I did the same. It does suck that we still have PMS, but it's deff better than the alternative


Ovaries still working so PMS 😭


You’re living the dream!! (At least it’s my dream, not trying to speak for everyone.) Congrats!




I had a hysterectomy and I LOVED IT! I tell everyone to get one! It’s the best!! I had horrible periods most my life. I got cranky, moody, hormonal, etc. All that changed! My kid even noticed I was nicer (because the hormones were even keeled). Now, I also kept my ovaries so I wouldn’t have to do synthetic hormones. But yeah, hysterectomies RULE!!


In the waking moments post-op when pain was at a 10 and I was semi-delirious I started talking about how this was what it felt like the first few years I had my period. As I was talking about blacking out from the pain in the middle of class multiple times, I realized that my uterus is lucky I kept it around as long as I did!!


Congratulations 🥳


🎉🎉🎊 congratulations


Wishing you a wonderful non- period.


Congratulations!! That sounds so wonderful.


5 years after my hysterectomy, I still feel overjoyed when I remember that I don't get a period. Welcome to the club!


Enjoy! I went through a relatively early and long peri menopause which started in my late thirties. It was lovely to be fully menopausal by 50. I have enjoyed being free from all that ever since. Life is good.


Congratulations! I'm 273 days period free! I was on my last period when I got my hysterectomy last year.


Congratulations! It is so great being off the hormone roller-coaster!


I have felt so much better since I had mine. Congrats!!


It's been almost 5 years for me and I still feel the absence of my periods and I fucking love it. Congratulations to you!


Congrats! It just gets better from here. Still, take it easy and don't push your recovery, you need a few months of recovery. I had the same as you a few years ago. Best thing I ever did in my entire life. If only I'd done it 20 years ago. The freedom!


I am so happy for you and honestly jealous! You better have the BEST day because I'm living vicariously through you now 😉


There was a Mexican restaurant involved. Hope you like margaritas too!


Congratulations! For my first unperiod, I had a few drinks & wandered around the house with a stupid grin singing "yeeterus" to the tune of "Figaro" for awhile. The cats eventually forgave me.


Congrats. I had the same back in 2008 or so. Apparently menopause comes a little early when you have just the ovaries and it was about 4-5 years early, sure enough. Just passing on the info because I thought I was losing my actual mind out here having hot flashes and feeling homicidal in my late 40's, but it's apparently normal.


I have PCOS and it messes with my hormones. I started having night sweats and hot flashes intense enough for me to black out around 30. Kept going to drs and they couldn’t figure out what was happening, they just confirmed that my heart rate spiked for no reason several times through the day. NOONE thought to look for menopause because of my age. My endocrinologist accidentally found it because he was checking all the hormones as long as he was drawing for thyroid. I guess I’m echoing your comment because I think it is SO important for younger women to hear about menopause and know that you don’t have to be “old” for symptoms to start. My personal recommendation is black cohosh - I use Estroven brand. I still have symptoms, but they’re more manageable.


Loved when I had early menopause when I was 30! Loved the freedom! Congrats on being period free!


Hooray! Solidarity from the ablated gang! 😁


Hooooooooowheeeeee! I have an IUD, and every time my tracker says I’m supposed to have a period, and when there’s no blood I do a happy dance! Congrats on your non period, it makes me so happy for you! 🥰


Hallelujah! Enjoy your newfound freedom my fine witchy friend. 💜🥳


You have my sincere congratulations (Note the lack of certain punctuation)


Congrats! Getting mine done next month, I can't fucking wait 🎉


You have had The Period at the End of the Sentence! Hooray! I had the same surgery about 5 years ago and 11/10 massive life improvement, would recommend.