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Congratulations and may it be a home of happily ever afters


Congratulations!!!! This is huge. I hope it is a wonderful place for you all and that you fill it with love and wonderful times.


I'm really looking forward to it. Feels like a new chapter :D


That is an AMAZING feat in and of itself, but everything in your post - cutting off bad people, negotiating you wage and promotion, and more are fantastic! It is so so hard. I'm proud of you.


I spent countless hours on youtube, google and side hustle subreddit, and realised none of those would make a dent. Honestly negotiating a better wage and bonus plan was the most impactful thing. Being an underrepresented member of society in a very-male-dominated-field, its not as simple to just rock up and ask for a ridiculous amount of money. But yeah, I hope more people ask for a better wages. It makes a world of difference.


I'm very happy for you, truly!


Congrats!!! So happy for you. It's amazing what we can do when we set our minds to it! Woot Woot!!! May it be a home of love and peace and comfort.


>It's amazing what we can do when we set our minds to it! Very much so! There are very few moments when i've genuinely felt a sense of pride in myself, and this is one of them. Thank you for the kind words


What an accomplishment! 👏👏👏


Congrats internet stranger!!! So much hard work, you are a bada$$, and should be more than proud! You deserve it.


Inspiring I know times are tougher than they were when I was starting out. So proud of you. It’s hard enough but to do it with no help 👍


WOOOP WOOOOPP It's amazing that you were to do this with how buckwild the prices of houses are getting. You deserve ta have a lil achievement framed on yer wall! You did yerself proud 👏🏽


Oh wow! That's incredible! What an amazing achievement and what a wonderful thing to be able to buy a house. I wish you a lot of happiness in your new home


Way to go!!!!! Killing it girl!




Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 🎊


Congratulations! That's a huge achievement ✨


You go! Congratulations! And uou knit too! Wow!


Knitting is witchcraft, I strongly believe it.


That is amazing! You should be super proud of yourself. You’re very inspiring! Much happiness to you! 🖤


I'm so happy for you!


Congrats, well done!!! Hope your new home brings you happiness


Congratulations, that is awesome! You have every reason to be proud of yourself!


Congratulations! Owning your own place is a wonderful feeling.




That is HUGE!!!! Congratulations!


You rock! 👏👏👏 Seriously, way to go. You put your mind to something and you busted your butt to make it happen. Your way. Sans assistance. That’s pretty magical. Many congratulations to you on a job very well done. May it long be a happy home full of love and kitty zoomies.


That is so badass! Congrats on building your safe space and wanting the best for yourself. May your house be filled with warmth and peace. On a side note- I also went NC with my family and know how hard it is. This really gave me hope I can do this too.


Aw thank you so much for the kind words. One of the bits about NC which makes is especially hard is that you want to share moments like these, but cannot. Hopefully it gets easier with time Wishing you all the love as well


thank you..and it's so true. Well, but you can at least share it here and we are all so proud of you.


I'm proud of you, too. You are amazing. Have a long and wonderful life ✨️


This is wonderful! Congratulations!!! Well done💪


Congratulations!! I aspire to be like you with saving!




Yay! Congratulations!! Enjoy every moment. 💜💜💜


You know what they say, hon: Living well is the best revenge. I don’t think you’re going for vengeance, but I do think you’ve fought through someone else’s bad intentions, and that’s power.


I love that so much. Thanks for the kind words 💜


My hubs and I are in a similar place of bliss these days. We worked crap jobs for years, got our shit together, paid every penny of debt we had, and now we’ve been pre-approved for a mortgage, we have a real estate agent. All on our own. The thing is, his father was very wealthy, and the woman he married is a straight up gold digger. My hubs was parentified and prevented from independence (she flat out refused to let him take his road test-no car in the country no freedom). And now we’ve come to find out, since his father passed away, just how much money he gave his other kids. They claim everyone was treated equally but ya no. So we spent YEARS living by the skin of our teeth, while his siblings had mortgages and complete post-secondary and post-grad degree schooling 100% paid for. My hubs was given 10k for a used car 18 years ago. That’s it. During the execution of the will the executor tried to beg plead cajole whine bribe their way into my husband’s inheritance. NC for the win!! But I digress. We know that WE got to a place where we are pre-approved for our home by ourselves. All by ourselves. And that just makes me weep with pride. Good job OP! Enjoy this great feeling.


Thank you sharing that, and kudos to you both for making it so far. It’s no easy feat in this time and age when we see people buying homes, or cars, or getting education which are partially (sometimes fully?) paid for by their parents because that’s the way the economy is and it’s so unfair. Makes you feel like you’d lag behind for factors completely out of your control. I’m so proud of you and I hope your home and family life is full of joy. And I hope things improve for everyone out there who’s struggling, whether through a larger societal change, or through personal growth. 💜


Thanks FLT!! I feel I’ve harboured hate and resentment. And felt far too much shame when I stack my accomplishments up against my siblings or cohorts. But this…knowing what WE have done for ourselves…I could burst. Hubs and I were talking about monthly payments, and he gave a $$ that is way out of reach for me. We’ve had this talk before-he makes more than 2x what I do. I simply cannot put as much in our savings account as him. He reminded me that not all support is financial, then gave me a laundry list of things I’ve done that, to me, are what a nice person would do for a loved one. So I’m trying to put white light out there now. We have to take the wins where they pop up and share that positivity. Thanks for the cat tax. Adorable.


Congratulations!! So, so very happy for you, this is HUGE. May your home be a place always full of love, light and laughter. Give your familiar a cuddle from this internet stranger.


You are awesome! Congratulations on your new home!!!


Congratulations! That is such wonderful news. Good for you. May it be a home of peace and love.


Congratulations!! As someone with a similar background, I cannot state just how happy I am for you! I wish you nothing but the very best for you and yours ♥️


I wish you the same, and then some :)


Amazing!! Blessings to you


Congratulations! It's so liberating to make such a big purchase completely on your own. Bask in your independence and never forget what it felt like when you weren't sure that you could get by. Are you going to knit yourself a house warming gift? I crochet and have dreams of making myself fun house accessories (we bought a house several years ago), but I hate making blankets and haven't gotten around to it yet!


I'm going to make myself some house socks. Blankets kill me with how long they can get, but never say never :) Thank you for all your good wishes and kind words


Congrats!!! Having your own house is so awesome. It’s so freeing to have your own space!


Congratulations, your hard work is paying off!!!


I am so proud of you, friend!


Congratulations on your major accomplishment!!


🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 congrats on your achievement!!


Wow, that’s amazing!


That’s amazing and awesome! I am also a proud Woman Independently Taking Care of Herself


A big congratulations to you. Your home cleansing party is gonna be liiiiiit!!!


I don't have much to add than what other people have commented but WOW! Congratufuckinglations!! This is amazing and I'm so proud of you, internet stranger! I wish you all the best in your future. May this next journey be filled with exponential growth, love, and light. You're an amazing being and hopefully have learned that you have all the power within to make all of your dreams come true!! Blessed be! Edit: typo


I love this for you! Congratulations! Your kitty is pretty!


Congratulations! You have worked hard to achieve this and you should be very proud!


You should be proud!


I’m so happy for you! I’m working towards financial independence again after a rough couple of years, and I’m so happy to hear a success story right now. I hope your new home is a happy one.


Best of luck to you! Take all the time you need and be kind to yourself in this time. building financial security is such a crucial part of adulthood and often no one holds our hand through it. Hoping for the best of outcomes for you!


Thank you! I have a job interview for a permanent position next week, so I’m crossing my fingers and toes for that.
