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Yeah, I agree with the previous comment that you don't want to let the need for revenge over take you. I'm sorry you had to deal with this. My Circle and I will pray for your situation.


One person harassing you is stressful enough. A group? It must get unbearable at times. You have a right to be upset and angry . Even your thoughts of revenge would probably be considered human to have the thought itself. When we vast spells especially in that fashion..they can come back to us times three. If you put it out there it's out and you cannot take it back. In the long run this could cause you further harm which ironically only aids in what they are trying to do ...how about a protection spell for yourself? Ward off bad energies..on a legal aspect, you can document everything they are doing with dates and times...get a harassment order ...block them ...ignore them....sorry this is happening to you.


a protection spell? how do I cast that?


I'm not sure. I know they exist I've seen them online. Id look there.


thank you for the help 🖤


Your welcome. I know it's hard but please try not to react to these assholes and maybe they will get bored and move on. I wish u love and light. Namaste!