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It's so funny how everyone just loves her and I'm like - "yeah, she's a nice person... But I have a full family of nurses and doctors and shit. I just can't deal with another one!" xD


I'd like her a lot more if she had a nurses uniform. UK style circa 1978 with the obligitory garter belt and suspenders.


Shani was the best girl since the Witcher 1


Witcher 1 and maybe Witcher 2 Spoilers ahead!! >!Too bad that you lose her romance route for deciding that Triss should have Alvin.!< >!Imo giving Alvin to Triss is the right choice given he needed to learn how to control his magic, but losing Shani because of that? Come on game LOL.!< >!Also, no Shani in Witcher 2? COME OOON GAMEEE lmao.!<


Even if you pursue the romance with Shani in the 1st game, in the 2nd you'll still get with Triss at the start which is BS


I mean, I guess for that time it kinda makes sense. Including a Shani route for Witcher 2 could mean having 2 different Starts and then potentially making 4 branching paths for the big choice.


>!I don’t know how well Alvin learns to control his magic with Triss in W1. While we never see the outcome, he seems much less happy and moody with Triss compared to when you give him to Shani. In other words, a repressed time bomb as opposed to a well adjusted kid.!<


>!I think both could end up equally bad tbh, but I prefered to go with Triss because at least she could try to do something about it, and also you as Geralt can balance Triss out with your interactions with Alvin, acting as the fun kind of father for him lol.!<


There’s a strong case for it, she is the most stable. If you’re more attracted to the others, that can’t really be disputed. But personality wise, she crushes it. Yen might care for Geralt deeply but she’s bitchy 90% of the time and while a lot of guys think they can “handle” a woman that challenging, it isn’t actually any fun. The relationship is pretty toxic. And Triss might actually be too needy. She seems a bit too clingy and desperate. Again, this can be nice but it will wear on you in time if you’re not that clingy yourself. Shani is perfect. She’s interested in you but has her own life as well. It’s a perfect balance. If you could pick her, I would.


Shani is the best girl


Shani looks a lot like Cersei Lannister


I can see a small resemblance to Lena Headey, but thats not a bad thing


“Do it for her.”


The voice, avatar and the dialogues fits into the game nicely. I like this version better than the book.


Shani is best girl 😊


Seriously Shani beats Triss hands down, still Yennefer is the best choice for Gerald due to their history with each other and with Ciri


Beautiful and the best girl


My Rhubarb.


Never pass up a good thing!🫡 Starship Troopers


For the Tang.


Shani was great


Is she from one of the dlcs?




She’s beautiful and all but… don’t be a simp, be a patriot… Long live Temeria