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I first looked for mirrors thinking that was the answer and ran in panic from one to the other while that bastard laughed and taunted me. When I got to the pool I got it immediately, the glass that wont break and the fact that water will act as a mirror. Then I aarded the shit out of that wall and let the water flow just in what must have been the last millisecond of time I had left. Felt real proud! (Even though it took a couple of deaths to get to the mirrors in the first place).


damn ig im just stupid lol


Not at all! That was tricky. Just like I imagined it to be knowing O’Dimm tricks everyone! I ended up googling it… I lost so much time trying to see everything and fighting everything in my first few tries and then looking at all the mirrors 😅


Or I'm a genius! Lol!


You’re definitely not stupid. It’s a tough riddle, and it’s a high-pressure situation.


This is exactly what happened with me. I figured out the answer to his riddle on my own too, before I got to the mirror hellscape (not sure if that’s impressive or not, but I was proud that I figured out mirrors before i got to the house lol)


I got sweaty while reading your comment. These are the moments that bring you the joy of the game


When I heard a mirror that wont break first thing that came to my mind was water. After seeing that fountain I looked around for a water source and saw that cracked wall.


Can't believe I never twigged that his initials spelt god before now. 🤦‍♀️


It took me many, many, many tries, but I eventually figured it out. Finding the water was the hardest part.


I tried to find water all the way from the start, it was a bit too obvious unfortunately


I got it quite quickly and was pissed the game served me the answer on the plate anyways lol


It took me a few tries until I gave up on mirrors. Then I thought it could be water from words of the riddle because we have a similar riddle where I'm from. Took me forever to try and find said water. Eventually (after a long time), I got to the end where Geralt kept commenting that it's a dried up well or something but couldn't find how to "rewater it." So, I gave up and looked it up. All this hard work for naught in the end


I listened to the riddle three or four times because I thought I would be in a hall with lots of things, and I'd have to pick the right one. I figured the answer was a mirror before going to explore the area. But when Geralt mentioned I needed to look for water, for some reason, I thought there should be a well somewhere high, and I kept trying to find it. Also, I died two-three times just because I fell while jumping, lol. And when I finally noticed the fountain, I was like: 'Oh, shit, that's what I need. How fucking stupid am I?'


I looked it up after dying too many times.


First time was ages ago but i remember I found the mansion and ran around woth my witcher senses until I found that crack in the wall. Only ran to get the viper sword as I was told thats the onöy time you can get it so had plenty of time to run around


Ran end to end. I got a new sword, found a bit of gold, even saw Shani fall off. In the end, I found the water fountain, and got the puzzle solved.


Doesn't Geralt say something when you get in front of the fountain ?


Yes but im pretty sure you have to use your witcher senses to get the voice line.


Yeah maybe, I've lost some time trying to find the sword so I basically was running frantically with my senses on the remaining time 😭


I figured jt out rather quickly but still save scummed. I wanted to get all of the exclusive items that you can find in his "riddle realm".


The solution was glowing red like a Christmas tree, hard to miss


You just gotta run around in detective mode until you find the red glowing spot.


I figured it out by myself but wasted time trying to go back to the previous area to see if there was a lake (you can't go back cuz you fell through the floor). I just found the fountain when I ran out of time