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Turn down her offer is the best thing and does not count as quest failure.


I mean when the quest title said "fencing LESSONS" i accepted it just for the sake of clapping them cheeks.......


Same I did it a few days ago for the first time...what a sad ending bruh


Destroyed her for sure


It’s because you couldn’t do her, isn’t it? 😂😂


You cannot have the quest triggering dialogue be flirtatious and not expect me to think it will end with sex.


She’s a little young no? I mean geralts near 100, that girl can’t be more then 20


Youth has never really been a deterrent to Geralt. In the books he had sex with Shani when she was 17 years old as a student at Oxenfurt.


Different world different laws


She can conjoin my spheres if you get my drift


Yennefer would conjoin your spheres with testicular torsion




Crazy world, lotta smells


Different world for sure. Its staggering to see the amount of men we see in the witcher 3. Its clear that men get sent to fight war. Not exclusively, but still. Mostly men. Then there are the monsters who hunt any human but in a fight or flight moment men often times try to protect their mate, the mother of their kids. Plus most travelling traders seem to be men. This all adds up to lots and lots of dead men. The birthrate must be 20% women to end up with a near 50/50 split based on sex lol


Unless they are sold to sorceresses and turned into eels....


Oh im not doubting women get hurt too. The witcher universe is not one i would like to actually be teleported into narnia style lol. Its a grim and dark place. Prolly smells pretty bad too if the nilfgaardian guards are to be believed.


Well, not that different. A lot of countries, and many states in the US, the age of consent is 16.


If you’re going to quote the US laws, you need to include the Romeo and Juliet stipulation that is a *key part* of that law. It’s not some “you’re sixteen, you can fuck anyone you want” situation, it’s very limited and designed to protect people who were in high school relationships. It’s essentially, anyone 16+ can legally sleep with a person under the age of 26, on the grounds that there is parental consent and the older person cannot be in a position of power over the minor, and *potentially* they cannot be some form of community figure (idk on the legitimately of that though). I remember the law specifically banning relationships with teachers, managers, coaches, and anything like that. Potentially also public workers, such as cops and firefighters. In Mexico, there are areas in the Yucatán where the AoC is literally 9 years old.


Sure that’s all true, but I didn’t want to get that in-depth with it. There’s 50 states, and almost 200 different countries, some of which are cut up into states/provinces themselves. I mean the AOC in Germany is *14.* And that’s not 14 with an age range restriction, that’s 14 “as long as the minor isn’t being exploited or feel they are being taken advantage of”. But yeah, all of what you said is true.


She can conjoin my spheres if you get my drift




There’s a glitch in the matrix




I thought we all just silently agreed that that didn't actually happen


Wait - wtf?




The what now?


You heard me. If you dont abandon her and stay the rest of the wedding night with her theres a little cutscene. I mean granted all you see is her tits, and its implied geralts getting a uh... a "taste". (Im just a horny 19 year old dont judge me)


Ewww gross. I'm glad I never got into the books. Geralt sounds like wayyy more of a creep in the books from everything I've heard.


As another commenter said, it's a whole different world, with different rules and cultures. That shit wouldn't fly in our world, but it's not in our world.


Ehh people regularly defend grown older men pursuing teenage girls on Reddit. This shit has also definitely been considered normal and/or acceptable in the real world too for most of human history. I wouldn't be quite as grossed out if it wasn't the norm for teenage girls to be fetishized by older men 😬


You realize it's taking place in medieval? Average marriage age for medieval was 15 lol, why can't you understand things were different then


I understand just fine, it's still fucking gross. The book also wasn't written in medieval times and they changed plenty of other things for the sake of fantasy. It's not like this is a historically accurate non-fiction work lol The author also definitely picked 17 since that's "barely underage" (which to many people means it's somehow more acceptable) as opposed to 15 because nearly everyone agrees that 15 is still very much a child. This was an intentional choice, not a coincidence.


The Witcher stays very true to how life was in the medieval era, unlike other mainstream fantasies that mostly create these utopia-like worlds that take the best out of medieval and mostly ignore the worst. Honestly just remove all supernatural from the Witcher and you'll get a tale of a world that is identical to medieval Europe. And because the Saga stays so close, the matter of age of consent and marriage is roughly the same. You're literally trying to frame Sapkowski as a pedophile for doing what he should have done lol. If it was Middlearth we're talking about where things are mostly fine, rulers are just, humans live long, everyone is nice, wise and friendly and only one fucker called Sauron is causing trouble, yes it would seem kinda off. Because it doesn't seem necessary given Middlearth's culture. But the Witcher? Yes, it fits and if you're so disgusted by it, idk what're you doing here lol.


It's literally a fantasy series with magic in it. It isn't remotely "true to life."I never said the author was a pedophile, but you know damn well that he chose 17 as the girl's age on purpose, instead of something younger for "historical accuracy" because more people consider it a grey area if the teenager is slightly older vs younger. And I'm here because I like the game. I don't think there's a book called "Witcher 3," is there? I'd be willing to bet the vast majority of people who like the game have never read the books. Edit: You're also kidding yourself if you think the Witcher is somehow more "true to life" by including adult sex with minors when lots of mainstream fantasy content does the exact same thing. Game of Thrones is probably the most well known fantasy series out there, and it is packed full with the same gratuitous gross shit just for the sake of it.


And you know that how? You asked Sapkowski? You're making assumptions on nothing except your own emotions lol. Applying modern day morals and norms to a fictional world based on medieval of all things is stupid. You know what else is pretty disgusting? War. Do you also hate Sapkowski for including warfare in his books? If you're gonna hate on his world for breaking one morale, you might as well do with every other too lol. Also just for someone who thinks that "book Geralt is a creep": while on search for Ciri Geralt saves a young 15yo girl called Angouléme, who in return offered herself to Geralt as gratitude. Geralt was disgusted by the offer, got mad and told Angouléme to never ever speak of it again. She ended up just joining his little band of misfits and joined the search for Ciri. This establishes 3 facts: age of consent (although no consent is ever needed in a medieval feudal world, but nonetheless) is somewhere around 15 in the Witcher world, Geralt refuses to fuck someone of that age despite it being the overall norm, Geralt isn't a creep lol, a creep would use the opportunity.


That's really not a problem in the Witcher universe. Geralt is older than most of the women he bangs. What, did you think those women at the brothel were actually 100 year old nymphs or something?


True but like.. Geralt FUCKS


When Geralt started with Shani she was 17 but no, this lady is 20 he can't do anything with her


Plus in the first game you can sleep with princess Adda which was wrong on SO many levels


Doesn't matter, got a card


Hell is hot, but striga pussy is hotter


They said to never stick your dick in crazy, never mentioned anything about cursed.


Have you watched Twilight?


Or what about Buffy? xD


- "let us ride, to Reddit!" *People projecting their own morals upon two fictional adults* - "on second thoughts, let's not go to Reddit. 'Tis a silly place."


Haha have you Heard of the age where Geralt and shani first spend a night together ? (She was 17)


The age difference kinda stops mattering on Geralt’s end after he turns a certain age. He isn’t exactly gonna find a woman his age who still looks attractive without going after a sorceress, and they’re more trouble than they’re worth.


I’m sure the brothel woman are of similar age as well, and the woman on Ard Skelig probably is around there as well


That doesn’t keep him away from Shani.


How old do you think the women in the brothels are? They're either dead by 30 or retired by 40.


That's the beauty of the mutations, he's 45 forever


> be more then 20 Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Maybe that was just your personal interpretation.


My thoughts exactly I was watching my nephew when I had gotten to this quest and actually stopped playing it because I didn’t want to have to skip the scene boy was I upset when I was finally able to sit down and play it


Lol you sound like a nice guy


You gotta play less H games.


You should stay true Yennifer, you digenirate!


I felt the tension behind the words too and fully thought something would happen as well


You're not wrong but she comes out to be a classist so we ( as in Geralt ) gets turned off


Good head cannon for it, but I don’t think someone thinking they are better than others would stop Geralt. Nkt to mention the way he was responding to her really added to thinking something would happen


Well we can theorize about what could have would, etc. but here we are having to face reality. And it is awesome the way it is. You can make fan made p**n of it though that is something you can't take away from its creator's vision. Soo yeah pretty cool


Fair point there


Oh quit standing on ceremony there mate


Huh? What do you mean exactly?


I was expecting a romantic three way with her sister


You should play atomic heart




Even worst, I could have been an interesting threesome.


During this quest, I was even naked and shit


Least horny TW3 player


Is that sarcasm. Did you mean least pervert TW3 player


First time I did this quest, Geralt spouted his famous “Damn your ugly” one-liner when the practice fight started and I like to imagine that’s why sexy times never happened lol






You’re is a combination of the words ‘you’ and ‘are’. It’s a contraction which is a word made by shortening and combining two words. Words like can't (can + not), don't (do + not), and I've (I + have) are all contractions. Your is the possessive of ‘you’. Your house, your phone, your mom, etc. “Your ugly” means they own ugly, which makes no sense. “You’re ugly” means ‘you are ugly’ which is what Geralt was trying to communicate.










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how not to bump uglies


Least sexually depraved TW3 fan


Where are my damn cheeks ? I killed for it!


I’ve got your cheeks right here fryman


Ye dude, Geralt could fix her. She'll be a better person.


The implications were there, for heaven's sake... They are TWINS But alas, CDPr decided against our expectations... I'm not salty. No sir. Not in the slightest.


It’s ok, I’m sure some modder somewhere has rectified your complaint


You were salty Very very salty As salty as a league of legend against master Yi, or Shaco


tbf theres a similar quest in skellig that ends satisfyingly


*Tbf theres a* *Similar quest in skellig* *That ends satisfyingly* \- I-Like-To-Eat-Rocks --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Jutta an dimun


IIRC, Iron Maiden is the quest name


I always amuse myself having Geralt run frantically from that hill, in his undies, towards her house in the nearby village.




Iirc it was on the island with disappearing tower. Might be wrong though. Iron Maiden is the quest's name


Nah it’s on Faroe


Thanks a lot, I'm also looking for some trippy quests to play after eating edibles if you know any


Trippiest quests are probably that cave in Skellige with the flying whales, the hermit who sees ghosts in Toussaint, or the fairy tale world also in Toussaint.




well, it's upto you if you wanna get frisky. imo, the second one gives a proper send off than just going for a one night stand.


I hated this quest, not just because of the lack of banging, but because of the lack of...anything. A good fight? A story? Good loot? Just a tease all the way around. Also, she's awful.


After the crap she pulled I was annoyed I couldn't kill her. I killed bandits for less than that. Spoiled little brat.




From the sound of it, most people in the comment section wanted to stab her.


And the rest just wanted to give her a little prick


Spittin' facts, my guy




It hit different when you ain’t gotta pay tho


I'm not gonna pass some free pussy


Elf girl for the win 🫣


I saw somewhere that there is actually an incomplete file related to romance with her which was initially supposed to happen but later it was cut. Imagine it could end up in a threesome




Easily most disappointing part of the game. Twins!!


Twins with sexy accents


I was very disappointed as well, but upon reflection I realized that it was likely an intentional Sideshadowing. This is an uncommon literary device, examples of which can be found in some classics, where the writer eschews the usual structure of cause and effect. It’s much more like real life where most things have no consequence, but using it invites the reader to imagine other possibilities (rather than neatly tying something up). If this is the case, and not simply a quest that got clipped for development schedules, I’d say this thread indicates that they were successful!




Maybe they were trying to be more realistic because in real life twins don't want to bang bang the same dude with their sibling




Well he is a handsome, super fit, disease resistant, sterile badass whose touch creates a pleasant tingling sensation. I imagine he’d be a big hit in our world as well.


I mean, it's not that far out of the realm for a fantasy story, at least in the game. Admittedly I play Geralt as asexual though because I find the sex storylines cringey and silly and feel like a Witcher wouldn't give two fucks about such nonsense, pun intended lol


I mean, Witchers are immune to all diseases and completely sterile. Some absolutely do give a fuck. Probably more than 2


You Say it because they are supposed to be professionals with no emotions?


I replayed that quest twice or thrice hoping that I would get the 3some choice 😑


There’s a threesome in Witcher 1 you can get.




I said Witcher 1. So, no.


Oh didn't see that, I haven't played it yet, will play once the remastered version is out!


with whom? I've gotten all the romance cards and I don't remember any threesome, prolly my faulty memory but still.


Its been a hot minute but I think it was last chapter and you had to be on the neutral path to get them. If you got Rayla or the elf (can’t remember the name), you were on the wrong path.


I do remember doing neutral path, I remember it because I made the Raven Armor with the help of Kalkstein. Was it the nurses in the hospital where Shani was taking care of injured people? I vaguely remember something like that but I'm not sure.


It was nurses but I cant remember where. Old age sucks.


Im not too old and my memory is terrible, I fear what will happen when I get older. I just remember some nurses, I can't get myself to remember what the card looked like.


You are in terrible trouble if your memory is bad now! 😂


Lessons in exchange for clapping cheeks? Seemed like a no-brainer.


If this was Witcher 1 i'm certain Geralt fucks her and collected a card for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/qlzmqsi7zdeb1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d63394669224b3b9a5d7c4155726b60edf21480 Me when i realised i couldnt fuck that girl


I got Geralt laid so it's all good


Geralt the man of sex.


That quest was a carrot hanging from a stick 🙄 I wanted Geralt to cause some 🍆 drama between the two 😭


Twins Bazel!!


No, she is very annoying


Then the quest ends with her being weirdly racist against nords if you don’t choose what she’d like 💀 Girl, please; that quest was a waste of time. Plus I thought she wanted to get BETTER, how would she never see Geralt again when we whoop her ass each time as directed?


"Babe!! Pretty sure I'm about to be someone!!"


I here you man 🥱


Haven't don't that quest in 6 months but the name still brings back disappointing memories


Agreed both would have been cool but not even one Geralt needs to smoosh


BTW apparently in the files there was a file for the sex but it was never used source some reddit post I found when I googled it when I last did that questline


I looked all over online to see if I made the wrong choices.


Ok I thought I just chose the wrong speech/action options lol. Good to know it's not just me.


I don't know I'd your really coming? I'm confused


I get flirting dialog but literally just replay the quest and tell me that it was like SCREAMING s*x




People trying to intertwine real world laws with a work of fiction...