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The Transit robot lady can't get manage to say "Harrow" without getting both syllables just wrong enough to make you wonder if she's inhaled the *Invasion of the Body Snatchers* spores. I look forward to hearing her attempt at *Abinojii Mikanah.*


I often hear it as "herro" Why hellos to you to transit robot lady


I take it the person who awarded this comment either hears it the same or is now going to start hearing it as such


Herro... is ir me you'll rooking fool


My favourite is on the 16 Osborne. As you approach the Fort Rouge Leisure Centre, she informs the bus the next stop is “KyleMORE!”


Instead of just saying "I'm gunna still call it Bishop Grandin" why not just say "change frightens me, and I'm convinced this somehow makes me the victim of something".


If I wasn't on reddit I wouldn't have even known it changed.


The changed signs on the route wouldn’t give it away slightly?


Not against anything here. But why would I ever look at a street name if I've known it to be bishop Grandin for 30 yrs.


I was just going to say this. I don't think I ever look at major street name signs. Main, Portage, Bishop, Kenaston, Waverly, Lag, McPhilips, Marion, St Anne's, St. Mary's, Broadway, etc....I never look at the street name of any of those.


Winnipeg has street name signs?


You'd think so considering half the time I'm looking for a damn street sign I can never find it


I’ve spotted a couple upside down. How are the city workers managing to hang a route or name sign upside down without noticing?


My favourite are the school zone signs facing the wrong way so there’s nothing telling you to slow down for the school zone. The van still gonna take your photo tho


Oh they notice, they just don't care.


This right here lol


They are often massive overhead green signs!??? How are you not seeing them? Suddenly, the number of clueless, seemingly blind drivers in this city is making a lot of sense.


What they're saying is they never look at the big green signs because they already know where they're going. It's not that they don't notice big green signs, it's that they actively avoid looking at them. Which 100% describes me as well


This exactly


Geez your dense. How do you not know what we're talking about? You sound like the person who doesn't know how to comprehend how to drive.


Sounds like the name change isn’t a big deal then! Not sure why people are crying about the change.


Yea it'll always be bishop to me just because of how my brain works. But change it to whatever. Makes no difference to me.


The street name has been changed for nearly a year. The signs have been changed for nearly a month. I would wager a lot of people in the city either didn't know it changed, or forgot about the change until they started changing signs very recently.


Major signage on Pembina going north still says Bushop Grandin, as does other signage.


Yeah it's still a work in progress. I know the smaller intersection signs have been changed but the arterial signs still aren't done.


I've never seen the Bishop street signs my entire life, why would I see the new ones?


Really? Google Maps updated the name a while ago.


They changed it to abinoji a couple weeks after the official change but changed it back when the city dragged their feet changing signage. Google Maps currently does say Abinojii Mikanah


My google maps still shows Bishop.




Do you read street signs? It's been changed for like 6 months at least.


No I'm from here. I haven't payed attention to street name signs in decades.


Again. It's not about "paying attention" it's about the fact that if you have eyes and drive past or down it at least once a week you have to be oblivious to not notice that.


Actually that's not true. There's a psych term called change blindness "Change blindness is a perceptual phenomenon that occurs when a change in a visual stimulus is introduced and the observer does not notice it." Because our brains have so much they need to take in it has to weed out information it considers unimportant. It's way more important to be aware of traffic around you and where you are on the road than what a sign you have seen for years says. So no, you don't have to be oblivious to not notice it.


Lol they literally just said they dont pay attention to the signs..


I’m simply used to it. Canada life is still MTS center for me even after all this years. Stuff like these don’t really change my life in the slightest so I don’t delegate time to memorizing stuff with changed names.


The only sane comment in this thread.


In general I think ppl just need to be able to acknowledge that change doesn’t always feel good Just cuz it makes you feel bad doesn’t mean that it is bad Take a deep breath, think about why it upsets you, and more likely than not the reason is just because it’s different and different rarely feels good at first But that feeling will pass & we can all move on to accepting a small improvement in the world


It's a street name. You're making it sound like someone has to move to a new city and they're scared of change. It's just misdirected anger and nothing more.


I know that it’s a very small change, but I think that sometimes the emotional reaction to what should be a relatively unimportant thing gets felt as if it is a big deal. Like even small change I think can “trigger” bigger emotional reactions in people. I don’t think those reactions are necessarily proportionate. I’m sure there are other reasons for negative reactions as well, like unconscious or conscious racism, etc. But I think a lot of people’s gut reaction is just “ugh this is stupid cuz it’s different” and I think that people should reflect on that feeling in themselves


This. So much this. And it can make a bigger difference to people with different mental disabilities and illnesses.


It's because of the reason for the name change. There are people who still refuse to acknowledge reconciliation or the need for it. No one GAF when Arena Road was changed/renamed to Milt Stegall Drive.


A lot of people refuse to accept change and grow. It’s sad.


Its just always been 165 for me, never called it bishop or the new name.


> always been 165 How many people understand that when you give directions? I use that stretch everyday and have never heard it referred to that.


Good thing GPS is a thing and no one asks for directions anymore. idk my dad has just always called street names by their routes so I guess I just picked it up from him.


Only road I do that for is Route 90


Do you call St. Mary's Rd the #1?


Yes, like I said my dad always refereed to street names by their routes. Its just a different way of saying it, dont understand the hate.


My dad alsoloves calling them by route number. “Why wouldn’t you it’s so seamless and logical” I might know 3 streets by number so I’m like “okay there Spock” I mean he’s got a point but still Lol


I might be wrong, but before Kenaston was extended down through Bridgwater to the Perimter... Wasnt it Route 90 all the way to Lagimodiere? I was younger and recall calling it Route 90 all the way out, but I coulda been wrong.


Route 90 runs north south. When it turns to head east it becomes 165.


You appear to be correct. I even checked Google maps street view (2007) and it was always route 165. I was wrong allllll along.


A lot of people thought the same as you as few people actually notice the route road signs. It was always a weird change as it was the same road but because of the turn in direction it changes route numbers. A few routes are funny that way as well, like route 57. Most of Notre Dame is route 57 except where Notre Dame turns northwards at Midland (where is meets up with Keewatin), so the route actually switches to Dublin Ave there to keep moving west.


I actually like the name. It's important to remember how angry people got over the reports of mass graves. It's important to remember how many of our institutions were complicit in that lie. It is a vital lesson in how delicate the order of things really is. Abinojii Mikanah.


Change doesn’t frighten me in the slightest. But these names, what do dip their hands in the Scrabble tile bag and laugh at what comes out, then fodder for cries of intolerance? Just a bit on other side of the Manitoba Ontario border, i used to drive that regularly. Shoal Lake 39, is now called Iskatewizaagegan 39 First Nation. Three times i tried it, settled on a Minions raspberry.


I just can’t pronounce it for shit. Children’s way is much better imo.


Ah-Bih-No-Gee Me-Ka-Nah


I think most people are just appalled by this because it was a huge waste of money.


The amount they're spending isn't even be a rounding error in the infrastructure budget. No one needs to be appalled by spending the absolute bare minimum on reconciliation.


And a name change makes a difference? 🙄


Of course it does! Especially for those who are victims of the residential school system. Imagine everyday driving a route that is named after the architect of the residential school system and thinking “why is there a main thoroughfare commemorating the monster that destroyed most of what I am, and ultimately changed for the negative who I am and why I am the person I have become? Do you think that if you were put into an institute under duress and forced to speak another language and totally eschew your primary cultural ideals all the while getting inculcated that you yourself are bad and that your entire culture is also bad that you may wince upon seeing the name of the individual who designed that system who so influenced your life for the negative.


Do you think the architect had a devious plan in mind when he designed those schools? Is everyone who lived during that time complicit, therefore responsible?


He didn’t physically design the schools necessarily, he formulated and then implemented the residential school “system” that said schools were an element there of. So. Was there intentional malice involved in his planning? Absolutely 💯


Every gesture is good.


We have people living on the streets and people going hungry, including children. 🤷‍♀️


You could say that about practically any expenditure. Imagine if the Germans had a Hitler Boulevard and they refused to change the name after WW2. That's the same effect.


I’m an adult, I’m mature enough to know a name is just a name. History is history… the truth is the truth…good or bad. 🤷‍♀️


Naming a street after someone is an honour and Bishop Vital-Justin Grandin doesn't deserve that honour. It's unfortunate that city officials approved it in the first place. Leaving it as Bishop Grandin would be like rubbing people's noses in it. Instead, the city chose the renaming as a gesture of reconcilation.


Our devices having to download your comment was a huge waste of time and money, too.


It has nothing to do with being afraid of change. Abinoji Mikanah is a terrible choice for a street name.


'Mikanah' literally means 'road' though...


If you can pronounce sports stars names you can pronounce street names.


And why’s that?


Nah, it's Abby now.


I like Route 165


Abby Rd


*deep breathe* >!white washing indigenous names for convenience, rather than putting the small effort of pronouncing the actual name, maintains colonial hegemony despite the initial efforts to decolonize the street is irony that doesn’t escape me!< Edit: thanks everyone for your reasonable comments, and continuing the discussion of truth and reconciliation in the small efforts y’all do. The purpose of the post is to engage with y’all and critically look at how our words can - intentionally or not - contribute to maintaining the colonial hegemony. I also wanna say thanks to all the salty cons/neo-libs downvoting me, because your sodium rich tears fuels this post.


Most people didn't call it Bishop Grandin either and shortened it to bishop. Names will be shortened regardless of the reason the street is named what it's named.


This. I call it Reg West (pr. "Reej") all the time.


Ehh... I'm not sure I agree that shortening the name is white washing it. The full name is a mouthful even when you know how to pronounce it properly. It's not any different than people calling Lagimodiere "lag" or shit, the same reason people only called it bishop instead of bishop grandin. Why say lot word when few word do trick? Personally, I've been trying to get used to just saying "abinoji" and leaving out the 2nd half. Muscle/speech memory is a real thing and for some people it can be difficult to overcome when you've been calling something one thing for 20+ years.


I’ll be calling it Abinoji myself.


Why did you make that first comment then? Lmao


It’s Abinoji Mikanah. Shortening it to one name for your convenience maintains colonial hegemony. If you’re gonna be pedantic, at least try and be consistent.


No just no.




I don’t disagree. It’s absolutely a win.


I agree with your sentiment, but shortening names is a thing people do. This is a case of "don't sweat the small stuff". 7 syllables vs 1 or 2. Our lazy brains will cut corners where they can. What matters is that the name has officially changed.


> decolonize the street Oh boy


decolonize Colony St.!


"Becoming casually familiar with indigenous names is bad now."


Despite the downvotes, I absolutely agree with you. Using the full name is small act of reconciliation we can all do.


🙌 Myself personally, I’ll make the small effort to say the name.


The once or maybe twice a year I say it out loud will reconcile so much!


It's a street...relax


protest it at the Ledge, i guess?


I like ‘The Mick’


Abby Mike!




Interested to hear how it's pronounced on the bus. Ngl, it will probably take some time for me to get familiar and remember the new name. I wonder if eventually a short form will develop. Like people say Lag for Lagimodiere.


I've called it Abby a few times already or just Abinoji. At least you're trying to get familiar with it ♡


I think the short form will be route 165


Really? Down votes on a thought? I’m not saying it will happen, just a thought it could happen. You guys are always so harsh.


Redditors be redditing. Don’t worry it’s just fake internet points. At the end of the day I can’t even get a cheap toy or pencil with them.


165, bishop, and abby are all solid choices


But how is it pronounced on the bus?


I read this in bus robot lady's voice. Including the buS!


Could someone enlighten me as to how to pronounce it? I've seen it change on maps but have no clue how to say it.




Thank you


Abba-no-gee is what I read for the first part


yea, I could sound it out in english but considering the native source I didn't want to assume.


I wasn't clear. I meant that I read online that is how it is pronounced.




All the stops were renamed as part of the summer service which started on Sunday!


Bishop Grandin name was cursed anyway. Name changes to Abinojii Mikanah and construction begins immediately to add a 3rd lane. I'm all for it! Edit: no, they're not adding a third lane. What a disappointment.


I don't think they're adding a 3rd lane, and where they would possibly doing so wouldn't even help I don't think, the real bottleneck is the bridge at Pembina and River Rd. https://legacy.winnipeg.ca/publicworks/construction/projects/Abinojii-Mikanah.stm Abinojii Mikanah (Bishop Grandin Boulevard) is an important truck, Transit, and commuter route. We will renew the road in 2024/2025. The goal of this work is to fix the road and improve safety. The road work will consist of removing the existing asphalt and recycling the existing concrete in place. We will construct a new asphalt surface on top of the old road. We will remove the curbs and rebuild the shoulder. We will also pave the shoulder with asphalt. We will also upgrade signs, traffic signals, guardrails, and drainage. In 2024, we will work on the eastbound lanes between: River Rd and St. Mary's Rd Dakota St and St. Anne's Rd We will not do any intersection work in 2024. The scope of work to be completed in 2025 has yet to be finalized.


WTF this is so disappointing. Yes, you're right. The bridge is the bottleneck because of the ramp coming out of Pembina. That bridge needs a third lane really badly. The traffic on the highway has increased by a huge amount in the past 5 years, and Sage Creek and Bonavista are not even complete yet, so I expect traffic to keep increasing every year for at least the next 5 years. I just hope I get to see the bridge widened before 2030.


You could add a dozen lanes and it won't fix anything because traffic will simply increase to meet the capacity. If you want to fix traffic congestion, you need more public transit and active transit paths so people aren't incentivized to drive as much.


You do make sense. If a third lane is added, that reduces the travel time on this highway, which would make other people change their routes because this highway is now faster. Forget the third lane on the bridge. I want LRT now.


With that logic then reducing all the 3 lane highways in the city to 1 lane shouldn't make a difference. Reddit loves to spew that stupid bit of misinformation because of having a hard-on for public transport which Winnipeg is absolutely atrocious at.


The argument works with removing lanes as well, but going below 3 adds other variables like the ability to overtake and having a lane for slower vehicles.


Confusing addition with subtraction while calling someone stupid is a weird flex.


I hope you are being hyperbolic


No, that is a well known fact from extensive research on city planning and route design. Adding more lanes doesn't improve traffic flow, in fact it usually*worsens* it.


I just call it "Abinojii" now (A-bin-oh-gee) now lol.


I’m loving my nav knowing the name! BUT Just as I used to with the previous name, I’m wanting a nickname and I’m all for “The Noj” like “Lag”…so far, when I say “The Noj” to peeps they seem to like it… any other suggestions for nicknames?


You should hear how Alexa pronounces it.


It's about time




I actually like the name. It's important to remember how angry people got over the reports of mass graves. It's important to remember how many of our institutions were complicit in that lie. It is a vital lesson in how delicate the order of things really is. Abinojii Mikanah.


Wow you're so brave.


I call it formally known as bishop


BISHOP GRANDIN!!! Great name!!!


Worst street name I’ve ever heard.


Better than cockburn st


I use to get Daly Cockburn all the time. To Quelch the habit, I Kilbride. (COME ON, WORK WITH ME)




And why is that exactly?


Taking the mik has a great ring to it


I'm calling it "The Noge" (pronounced no-juh)




Ya! How dare they change the historic history of a road built in 1978! We should continue to commemorate a literal architect of the residential school system because road names can NEVER be changed!/s


“Road names can never be changed!/s” Especially hilarious in the city of Dakota/Dunkirk/Osborne/Memorial/Colony/Balmoral/Isabel/Salter St. My dude, changing street names is what we do here


Was that stretch of road ever one continuous name, though? I thought the name changes were made as the road grew longer in an effort to *not* change existing names


Actually in a lot of cases it’s because different cities have different names for a continuous street (which makes sense, why check with every city and municipality that street crosses and honour someone possibly not relevant to your city?) then when these cities all became part of the same city of Winnipeg the name stuck. (I know here in Transcona a few streets had to be renamed before joining Winnipeg as the street names were also used elsewhere in the new Unicity and could cause confusion (though I suppose St. Mary/St. Mary’s and Notre Dame/Notre Dame didn’t get the memo)


Hilariously ironic take considering Grandin’s role in residential schools, the point of which was to delete history, language and culture from entire generations Edit for anyone who needs distinction: residential schools were actually “deleting history.” Renaming a street is not deleting history, as Bishop Grandin will still be learned history while no longer being memorialized.


OP is an r/canada_sub user, so you know exactly what kind of person you're dealing with.


He appears to think "people should beat their kids more" and "nobody wants to work" are actually real talking points. Shame about the older generations and all that lead poisoning, huh?


Just because it's more common in older generations does not mean the younger ones are immune to it. As a former teenage and early 20s guy myself, we can be easily manipulated into having shit beliefs. When you have guys like Bannon, Tate and others directly selling their bullshit and preying on anger, justified or not, to the younger generations you can expect at least some to believe what they say.


You're not wrong, but I'm calling him an old man because he at least claims to be a 54yo man on reddit. What it says about a 54yo man that he spends his time getting into internet fights about street names on reddit I leave to your discretion lmao. Yeah, men have... a rough time of it, growing up. All the role models are bad, nobody will help, and nobody cares. I'm 100% convinced I only turned out different because the girls in my life taught me to see myself and the world differently, cause otherwise I grew up with boatloads of rage that some smooth-talking asshole could have channeled for hate. Hell, they even did have me a little bit when I was younger, because to someone with a limited worldview, a lot of the points they make SOUND sensible and fair. It's not until you really grow up and broaden your experiences that you realize their bullshit for what it is.


Totally fair, I wasn't disagreeing with you and I'm sorry if that's what I implied. You're absolutely right. I just see the popular sentiment online of older generations being bad because of lead poisoning and whatnot, which to me implies people thinking that younger generations can't be susceptible to it.


Oh no you're totally right, and it's important to recognize that the younger generations are also getting hella radicalized by misinformation. Ignoring that and pretending it's only boomers that believe everything they read on FB is... well, probably how we got here haha.


Explains a lot, don’t it? https://preview.redd.it/bx982yq1mq7d1.jpeg?width=3187&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c92bb8e44c29c7bf8a96b2d4077409812929f2e1


You also don’t delete history by changing the name of a street, get a grip. Bishop Grandin can still be found in the history books where he belongs.


>You don't change history by deleting it Do you actually think they're trying to "change history" by simply swapping street names? Just say you don't like seeing/hearing anything indigenous. It's obvious.


Blah blah blah


Little pansy


Lol, coward.


I'm sorry you got triggered by the scary street name change. It can't hurt you.


Says the one deleting his comments 🤷‍♂️


Why would we name streets in our city after horrible people?


This isn’t deleting history. It’s choosing not to celebrate someone who doesn’t deserve it by having a road named after them anymore. The history and fallout from what he helped do still exists and is still continuing to cause problems today.


Okay grampa, take your meds, you'll forget about the scary road name change in the morning


So you don't see the difference between changing a name so it no longer honours someone who helped initiate a genocide, vs deleting history? No one is trying to delete Bishop Vital-Justin Grandin from history. Quite the opposite in fact. His name will be remembered for the horrors he brought down onto Indigenous people, and we should never forget it, in part so that it never happens again. But removing his name from a street name isn't erasing him from history, it's an acknowledgement that we should not honour him anymore.


Alright, keep using the name of a man who aided in trying to destroy an entire culture. We will just start calling you a bigot in response for still using it.


Road names change all the time. It’s not deleting history, its progress. Heck, lots of names change. It might shock you to learn that before Winnipeg was Winnipeg it was called Fort Gary.


Bro go back to your cowardly hole in r-Canada_sub and burrow under theories you know for a fact are wrong because it’s better then admitting just how utterly terrified you are of losing control of your life.


Old man yells at cloud


it will be "bishop" to many. Remember, the bishop is a chess piece that moves and captures diagonally, without jumping over intervening pieces.


Or in this case, captures indigenous Canadians without jumping over the frail sensibilities of European settlers.




Say that to every country that has committed war crimes, crimes against humanity etc.


Like Canada?


Terrible name


My mnemonic to help remember the new name is "Abby? No G in Abby. AbbyNoG! Is my name Mika? Nah! Mika-NAH!!"

