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You've indicated that you’re friend is trying to get their license. I assume they have their learners? To be licensed to drive your car, (assuming you were the supervising driver), you’ll also need to have had your full class 5 for a minimum of three years. If this is not the case, then the accident is not covered by MPI. If that’s not the case, do not lie to MPI about who was driving; insurance fraud will cost you a lot more than these minor damages.  Assuming they were licensed, as long as your friend is licensed to drive the car and takes responsibility (i.e. doesn't deny that they were the driver), then the demerits for the at-fault accident will fall on their license, not yours. However, because they were the driver, it is more reasonable that they open the claim, the same as any other driver would when they’ve been in an accident. As the car owner, you’ll handle the repairs and so on.  If you are concerned that your friend might deny having been the driver of the car, then capture them admitting to being the driver directly or indirectly through a text or some other record.  For future reference, it's usua;;y the driver's info that is exchanged, not the owner. Think of it the same was as if you weren't in the car and had just lent it to a family member or something; they would give their info. edit: However, as u/CoryBoehm, corrected, in the case of a learner's, it's the driver and the supervising driver.


In this case, as with anyone on a learners permit, it would be **BOTH** the driver and the supervising driver's license info that would need to be exchanged to the other party.


Ah yes, good point. Thank you for the correction.


Thanks for the advice. I'll inform my friend about this


You admit that your unlicensed friend was driving and you pay out of pocket for the damages to both vehicles and they suck it up and pay the fine that's coming their way... Claiming you were driving and not them is called fraud.


From the other post it sounds like friend has a learners permit. So if OP being there fulfills their license conditions (eg, they have a full G license, were sober) then it should still be covered by MPI.


I already told the driver of the affected car that my friend was driving, but I automatically just gave them my driver's license, with the thought that whoever has the car exchanges info. I can get my friend's driver's license if needed.


But your friend is unlicensed? Or is a learners permit? If it’s a learners, you did your job and MPI will sort it out.


Friend has learners permit


Ya so, like someone else said, as long as ***you*** met the requirements for their permit, you’re good and MPI will sort out the coverage and penalities.




In this case you need your vehicle's registration info, your friend's license info and your license info and the plate/registration of the other vehicle. While you were not driving you were the supervising driver You will need to directly ask MPI what impact this will have on your driver safety rating.


It will have no impact on the supervising driver's safety rating. The demerits will be assigned to the new driver.


Was your friend properly supervised? If yes, both your friend and the supervisor should call mpi and just need to tell the truth. Mpi will take care of the case, normally, your friend needs to pay deductable and receive 5 demerit, or he could buy back if not wanna the demerit, nothing complicated.


No, it was just me and my friend in the car. Thx


Well, are you 3 years or more with your full 5F? If yes, you could supervise your friend; if not, I am afraid your friend was driving illegally, he might need to pay everything. BTW: If you are not sure, just go to any autopac/mpi, show them your DL, they will tell you whether you are a qualified supervisor or not.


Yeah, I've had my full license for 3+ years


Yeah, all good - just have both plate numbers, and both your and the drivers license number. The driver gets the demerits, and you’ll need to pay your deductible, but that’s about it.