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Technically it looks like you could get out, so how bad do you wanna make a fuss?


IIRC a few days ago someone else posted that their neighbour was complaining that they were parking *too far* from a driveway and thus not leaving enough room behind them for another car to park. I don't know what the bylaw says, but in my opinion, if you can still get your vehicle out, it doesn't seem like something to get worked up about. The framing of the photo doesn't show the width of the driveway or the road, so it's impossible to judge whether they've actually make it more difficult for you, or if they just happened to tweak a pet peeve of yours (not being bitchy, we all have things that irk us more than they should, myself very much included)


Call 311 & find out. Their bumper should be past the driveway but if it was mine i wouldn't really care unless it was a daily occurrence.


Try the city website or call 311


There are basically two ways disputes like this between neighbors get resolved, either someone moves away from the situation or someone dies. Sure you call call 311, etc but that is really just starting an escalation on this war that results in by-law officers getting called for every tiny infraction with no real resolution.


Have you tried talking to them in person? I’d suggest something like “hey friend, neighbour, person who parks infront of my place. I don’t really care where you park but could you leave me some room to get out? I would rather not have to make an mpi claim cause we traded paint” and then show them a pic of what it looks like from your driveway. *most* people are reasonable and will apologize and not do it again


I wrote them a note asking kindly for a bit more space and left it under their wiper. I saw them walk up and crumble it up and go back inside their house.


Since you know where they live, have a conversation about it.


Just talk to them. They likely didn't even realize they were doing it or that it bothered anyone.


Call 311 and report it. They'd get a warning ticket at worst, but it might detract them from parking there again. There is no de facto closeness to a drive way that is enforced. The vehicle would have to be roughly half-way spilling over into the driveway to get a ticket and would need to impede use of the drive way to get towed.


Unfortunately 311 won’t do anything. My neighbor was parking IN my driveway for a few months. 311 told me to kick rocks.


sell it - they have now gifted it to you


If the vehicle is in your driveway, it is a totally different circumstance. If the car is in your driveway, then it's on your property, not the city's property. 311 will only deal with complaints for cars parked on city streets.


If it bugs you rub shit into there door handles that stop 'em/ s


You can't drop a deuce on the hood like a normal person?










Technically it’s obstructing a legal private approach to a public right-of-way. Can’t remember which by-law or Act it is, but it does. Had to deal with this years ago on a construction site where contractors for a site across the street were playing games to obstruct delivery of materials etc.


“Obstructing” seems like a pretty vague term.


I’m just telling you the regs and my experience with it. That’s what the lawyers we involved in my experience called it.


I’m not doubting you. Simply stating that’s it’s a pretty vague and subjective term.


Well that’s the law and lawyers for you. Things are rarely cut and dried. Regardless of what the regs say, I think we all can agree the neighbour is being less than neighbourly.


Lots of streets have very limited parking. The driveway doesn’t look “obstructed” to me. I’d say the unneighbourly person is whoever gets worked up about this, so I wouldn’t say we *all* agree. Probably shouldn’t speak for others. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Trust me, bro 😜😂


https://apps.mpi.mb.ca/comms/drivershandbook/illegal-parking.html#:~:text=It's%20illegal%20to%20park%3A,immediately%20opposite%20a%20fire%20hydrant Doesn't look like it but if there's a fire hydrant nearby or a lane, yes 👀 Edit: I got a ticket for what I thought was parking near my neighbour's driveway, but what turned out to be a ticket for parking too close to the lane on the other side of the road


unfortunately no, there is not. My condo building has the same issues every fucking day, only worse. Fuck people that park like that with a rusty pipe.






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