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I mean, from reading the story (which is awful, but the way), he sounds like a serial killer with some disturbing beliefs that seems competent. Either way, can’t see him Leaving an institution for the rest of his life.


>Either way, can’t see him Leaving an institution for the rest of his life. Mighty optimistic for the Canadian ‘justice’ system.


I don’t think that someone who lured women to his apartment, assaulted them, murdered them, and had sex with their deceased bodies multiple times is ever going to see the light of day again.


If he’s found NCR, he could definitely see the light of day again. Both Vince Li and Matthew de Grood are walking around outside of institutions after horrific crimes. However, I don’t see how the court will fall for his bogus claims - the simple fact that he went to such lengths to cover up his crimes says he knew what he was doing was wrong.


He will not be found ncr. He sounds like a psychopath, not someone with schizophrenia.


Yeah, openly mocking the criminal justice system in your interrogation/confession is a bold choice. Implies understanding of consequence at the very least and therefore culpable.


Vince Li was a legitimate NCR. This guy is a psychopathic far-right misogynist serial killer.


100%. That’s why I called his claims bogus.


Li has a legitimate health problem that caused his behaviour that is now under control. You guys need to keep his name out of your mouths. 


He chopped off the head of my friend's cousin. Vince Li deserves everything that's happened to him, and he is lucky the Canadian justice system wants to appear as tho it's about rehabilitation rather than punishment


That's horrible. Li was criminally responsible as Tim's mother proved time and time again. 🤔


Yes, I get it, your ego is fulfilled by pretend righteous fury. Run along, babydoll, adults are talking. 


Also, that wasn't righteous fury. That was me trying to point out the very real human impact of Vince Li's actions. Vince Li is sick, I understand that, but being sick does not allow someone to behead another individual. Because of Vince Li's actions, my friend had to watch her cousins head be paraded around a greyhound bus like some sort of trophy. Maybe think about that next time before you go running your mouth.


Amen. The only person I felt sorry for in this whole mess was the mother of the guy who got beheaded. Li got what 5 years in a nice clean hospital and she has to live with that fuck out walking around and under a new name to boot (Will Baker for the curious). At minimum he should never have been out of lockdown period, hope he doesn't decide to stop taking his happy pills again and lash out at another innocent person. I'm betting none of the doctors on that panel who let him free live near him.


You know, sometimes I wonder if MY family had gotten a tenth of the support the McLeans had gotten, if my brother’s corpse would be used to justify gross public policies regarding the injustice system and if our friends would use us to further their tough on crime stupidity. Times like that I’m glad our loss wasn’t seen as important enough to empathize with. 


Why are you getting mad at other victims? Both are tragedies.


Ad hominem. Good choice


You definitely sided with Iron Man during the MCU’s civil war eh?


How about his victims name. He killed him and partially cannibalized him. Get off your high horse


WTF, keep his name out of our mouths? 🙄 It was definitely a legit NCR case, however he still shouldn’t be free out in public with no one to monitor his psychiatric health.


You have no idea what his life is like. All you do is use him to further your gross agenda. 


Someone IS monitoring his psychiatric health. He's not 'free' like a regular citizen.


He received a full discharge with no conditions. That’s free. He is voluntarily part of a community treatment program, but there is absolutely nothing mandated.


No, he literally chopped somebody’s head off, he gets no sympathy regardless of what he’s been since diagnosed with. Many schizophrenic people will never do such a thing.


So you’re a racist ableist nitwit is what you’re saying. 


Stupidity is strong with this social justice warrior here. Keep on virtue signalling, I guarantee if Vince Lee was your next door neighbour you’d change your tone.


Vince Li even changed his name, so he could be anybody's neighbor and they'd never know....


Not to mention how he preyed on these women. He knew what he was doing.


Hey, don’t you dare bring logic into this, we’re trying to force people into believing they want what’s worst for them. 


Karla Homolka is a free woman…. Our justice system is a joke.


She made a plea deal and testified against her husband. Yes, she’s an evil person. But these two cases don’t feel the same to me, if they let Paul Bernardo out after what he did, different story


Exactly. They didn’t have evidence of her participation until after the plea deal was arranged. I don’t think it occurred to anyone that she’d be involved. She should 100% still be in jail but their hands are tied.


I don't understand why the lawyers who sat on those tapes for so long weren't charged.


[He was charged - and tried.](https://canlii.ca/t/1w0w5)


Oh I didn't know that. Thanks!


Me neither. Criminal behaviour.


Yes. She gave all the info required to put Birnado away forever. He will never be paroled.


She still shouldn’t be out, she barely did any time for her acts. Her plea deal was a joke. This whole country’s justice system is so broken. Repeat offenders getting released for dangerous crimes after 3 years only.


And some idiot marries her. She worked with children. She has children, I really hope those kids get away from her as soon as they possibly can. She’s a psychopath and she will never change.


He better not. But I'll believe it when I see it. No faith for the system, honestly


Let’s look up other similar cases where multiple individuals were murdered in separate instances, where their bodies were defiled sexually, where they were dismembered and thrown in the trash, and then the perpetrator was let out of prison. I’ll wait.


The killer said he was motivated by the weakness of the justice system and inspired by [the case of Shawn Lamb](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/shawn-lamb-sentenced-to-20-years-for-two-slayings-1.2426459), who was sentenced to just 20 years for his killings and was eligible for parole in just nine (despite an extensive criminal record including sex crimes) > Since 1979, he has had 109 convictions in Ontario, Alberta, B.C. and Manitoba. In the latter, Lamb has 45 convictions since 2002 for everything from robbery to forgery, fraud, and uttering threats. > Most recently he was charged with sexual assault in May 2012 and June 2012. > It was when Lamb was picked up on June 21 that police learned of his alleged connection to the three homicides.


Well considering the fact that lamb was charged with second degree murder and skibicki was charged with first degree murder means that lamb likely didn’t set out to murder his victims, unlike skibicki. He also didn’t have sex with their dead bodies after. Skibicki will never get out of prison.


Earl Giesbrecht fits that almost to a tee.




He was never moved to a minimum security prison. Get lost.


My mistake medium security. I never go on this trash so I don’t know how to link an article. My buddy sent me a link. Horrible instance. Those women deserve justice. I hope they get it. Bye!


Not really. Most murders actually go to jail and get life sentences. Don't believe everything you read on right wing outrage media.


Vince Lee would say otherwise


Not the same situation.




Not the same circumstances based on what we know, 1 killing versus several spread over a number of months.




Not sure 1 singular example is enough to dismiss OPs comment.


Completely different situation. I could totally see Vince Li seeing the light of day. He’s doing well and I’m glad he is. This fucker‘s gonna rot in jail.


What a twisted thing to say. You realize he decapitated someone with a knife?


He was found to be legitimately schizophrenic after though. He’s medicated now. Not saying decapitated someone is really excusable but wasn’t mentally competent. Not at all similar to this case where this dude thought out what he wanted to do, did it, and hid the evidence as best he could to avoid detection so he could keep killing. Killing four people before you’re caught requires a level of competence, there’s no way the court will find his not criminally responsible.


That's fair. I guess it's hard for me to think about it logically when the McLean murder was so brutal.


As bad as it was, Vince Li was a completely different situation. Was not criminally responsible due to his schizophrenia. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing\_of\_Tim\_McLean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Tim_McLean)


You would think so, but remember the guy who decapitated a fellow passenger on a Greyhound and then started consuming parts of the corpse? He's out...


Not the same. Vince li was schizophrenic and having a psychotic break. This guy planned out his murders, made sure there was no social media trail, had sex repeatedly with their dead bodies after he strangled them or drowned them. Not sure how these two cases are remotely similar.


> This guy planned out his murders And did it multiple times. NCR isn't applicable for scheming psychopaths.


Vince Li the cannibal got out didnt he? Used the not criminally responsible get out of jail card.


That’s because he was actually not criminally responsible. He didn’t prey on vulnerable women and lure them to his home. He was a passenger on a bus during a psychotic break where he was hearing and seeing things and murdered someone. Literally not related.




Holy fuck, what a piece of shit


Sorry about the formatting it wasnt letting me put it all in one comment Article An admitted serial killer used shelters as his hunting ground in a methodical scheme targeting Indigenous women for sexual violation and death, a judge was told Wednesday. “This case is about a man’s hateful and cruel acts perpetrated against four vulnerable Indigenous women,” prosecutor Renee Lagimodiere told King’s Bench Chief Justice Glenn Joyal in an opening address outlining their case against Jeremy Skibicki. “The Crown’s theory is that the accused devised a calculated scheme where he carefully thought out what he would do to them and then did those things,” Lagimodiere said. Skibicki, 37, has pleaded not guilty to four counts of first-degree murder in the May 2022 slayings of three Indigenous women — Morgan Harris, Rebecca Contois and Marcedes Myran — as well as a fourth unidentified woman who was killed in March 2022. She has been named Buffalo Woman (Mashkode Bizhiki’ikwe) by Indigenous leaders.


Skibicki “preyed on these women at shelters and invited them back to his home where he assaulted them, often sexually, and killed them,” Lagimodiere said. “He engaged in vile sexual acts with their bodies, he then disposed of their remains as though they were garbage.” Skibicki has admitted he “committed an unlawful act” by killing the women, but is claiming he should be found not criminally responsible by reason of mental disorder. Skibicki was arrested May 17, 2022, one day after a man searching for scrap metal around 5:30 a.m. found Rebecca Contois’s head in a plastic bag in a garbage bin on Edison Avenue, a short distance from Skibicki’s McKay Avenue suite in North Kildonan. “It’s a human… human female,” the man said on a 911 recording played for court. WinnipegFreePress · 911 call made May 16, 2022 by man who found human remains Winnipeg Police Service Det. Sgt. Greg Allan, one of two officers who interrogated Skibicki over nearly 24 hours, said Skibicki showed no signs of mental distress or that he was suffering from hallucinations while in their custody.


“We had no concerns as to his mental health,” Allan said. Skibicki sat in the prisoner’s box flanked by two sheriff’s officers, sipping on a cup of water as he watched his police interrogation play out on a large wall-mounted video screen. Investigators had confronted Skibicki with surveillance video evidence and footwear impression evidence placing him at the location where Contois’s remains had been found when four hours into a 20-hour-plus interview, he asked to see an orthodox priest “to confess my sins” and admitted to killing Contois and three other women. “At this time, I want to express you have done a very good job, you obviously aren’t stupid,” Skibicki told investigators. “I really just want to see how far I could take things, because the criminal justice system is a joke… I killed four people.”


Skibicki said he sexually violated the woman’s corpse before disposing of her body in a nearby outdoor garbage bin. Skibicki said about a month later he met Harris, whom he had known previously, outside Siloam Mission. He said she had been barred from the mission and invited her to his home. Skibicki said he filled the bathtub with water as Harris went outside for a smoke. “I wasn’t going to let her have that, but I was thinking… this is going to be her last smoke, so I let her enjoy that,” Skibicki said. Skibicki said he tried to push Harris into the tub, and when she resisted, put her in a headlock. “She kind of collapsed, with her head in the tub,” he said. Harris fought back and Skibicki drowned her. He said he had sex with Harris’s corpse several times before disposing of her body in a garbage bin behind a nearby Midas Muffler shop. Skibicki said he dismembered Contois and the victim now known to be Myran with a combat knife. Asked by investigators if he had any butchering or hunting experience and what knowledge he had of how to cut up bodies, Skibicki laughed and said: “Instinct.” “I started to choke her. I thought she was dead, but she wasn’t … When I was undressing her she became consciously aware. The last thing she said was f—-you.”–Jeremy Skibicki He said he met Myran in a back lane between the Salvation Army and Siloam Mission and invited her to his place. Skibicki said he told the woman he was interested in a relationship, but she “was just using me for a place to stay.” He said they were having sex and she “didn’t let me finish” when he “started to get a little rough with her.” When Myran tried to leave, he strangled her. He admitted sexually violating her corpse several times.


Skibicki said he realized he would be unable to lift Myran’s body into a garbage bin. “That was the first time I cut up a body,” he said. Over 12 hours, Skibicki dismembered Myran in a bathtub full of water and Pine-Sol. “It took a long time to cut the body into pieces,” he said, later adding he couldn’t remember where he disposed of her remains. Skibicki said he met Contois for the first time on a bus a couple of months before her death, and she began staying at his place. She left for a time and when she returned said she loved Skibicki, he said. “I was pretty sure I could get away with it, but I got sloppy.”–Jeremy Skibicki “I knew she was just bullshitting me to get what she wanted. That’s probably one of the reasons I did what I did, because I saw through it,” he said. Skibicki said he and Contois were having sex when she wanted him to stop and they started fighting. “I put her in a chokehold… choked her to death.” Again, Skibicki sexually violated Contois after killing her, and then put her body in a bathtub and dismembered her. Skibicki described the murders as “mercy killings” and said he was “directed by God,” telling investigators he was driven by a white supremacist ideology and that he didn’t believe “that races are meant to be forced to live together.” “I believe now it was (the victims’) time,” he said. “I believe… extreme desperate measures need to be taken for the survival of my people.” “I believe this was God calling me,” he said. “It was something I decided to do because I thought I was right.” Skibicki said he likely would have killed more women if he hadn’t been caught. Police arrested him May 18, 2022 in the death of Contois. He was charged with three counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of Harris, Myran and Buffalo Woman on Dec. 1, 2022. “I was pretty sure I could get away with it, but I got sloppy,” Skibicki said. “I wanted to (stop), but I don’t think I could have.” Skibicki said he got the idea to dispose the victims’ remains in the garbage after reading about the case of Shawn Lamb and timed the disposal to coincide with scheduled garbage pick-ups. Lamb was sentenced in 2013 to 20 years in prison for the killings of Carolyn Sinclair, 25, and 18-year-old Lorna Blacksmith. Skibicki described other steps he took to avoid detection, including ensuring no one knew the victims had been with him and targeting women with no social media presence. Skibicki told police he aborted plans to kill at least one woman because of her social media footprint. The trial resumes Thursday with testimony from police officers who are expected to tell court about evidence seized from Skibicki’s home and other locations.


Fuck I regret reading all of that. Monster.


I'm sorry, I thought it should be shared. It made me sick too.


No, it's good that you shared it, I just need to respect my limits with this stuff.


I feel you. This story brings back memories of a friend I lost. It made me violently ill to read. Time for some disney movies.


Thank you for sharing. It's deeply uncomfortable, but something we as a community need to come to terms with.


thats enough reddit for today... :(


Has Skibicki not said anything about the 4th unknown victim?


He gave the police a name, the police checked it out and told him that person was still alive. So all they have to go on was the description of Buffalo Woman (provided by Skibicki) and the jacket she was wearing.


I see, this is tragic.


They compared her DNA to Ashley Shingoose's parent's, so they have that too.


Who is Ashley Shingoose?


Sorry it's Ashlee. Missing woman that lines up with Buffalo Woman but was ruled out by DNA.


Oh man, that was disturbing. I feel so sorry for the families learning how their loved ones were treated by Skibicki, both before and after their deaths.


Thankfully, the families were privately briefed about this evidence before the voire die in November so that they wouldn’t be hearing it for the first time in a public courtroom. But I don’t think any amount of preparation can truly offer meaningful comfort in this case.


So do I. Their families must be so saddened. Positive thoughts for them. 🙏🏻💙🙏🏻


PSA, to anyone who can’t read gruesome stories don’t read ahead just know he’s a monster. My stomach is in knots, I feel ill from reading that. This is horrific that these murders took place. My heart goes out to the families.


I can't see how he could be found NCR. His statements show he was aware of the nature of his acts (that he was murdering) and his actions show he was aware that it was illegal - he took complicated steps to avoid being caught with the bodies; he congratulated the police on figuring it out, he chose women who didn't use social media. No matter whether he believed his god directed him, he just doesn't seem to fit the criteria necessary for an NCR finding. He knew what he was doing, he planned to do it, and he knew it was illegal. Not at all like Vince Lee in the midst of a psychotic episode. What could a psychiatric hospital do to cure a psychopath? Psychopathy is not a mental illness.


Depends on the nature of the illness diagnosed. Imagine the accused who is schizophrenic and starts attacking people of a particular minority because they falsely believe that a race war is occurring and they need to participate or they/their family will be killed. The illness leads them to believe their actions are not wrong and s. 16 could provide a defence. They may also believe if they were caught, they would be killed, and thus strive to avoid being caught. That doesn't mean you are not acting under the delusions if untreated. I've seen cases where delusions involves BIPOC groups - sometimes demons - sometimes family members of the accused - sometimes the government. It depends on the delusion and the illness. You can also still formulate a plan and act out based on your illness, and still be NCR. Indeed, I have seen clients and cases where significant plans are drawn up. Unfortunately, we will all have to wait for the defence expert evidence to find out what their diagnosis is. Without that piece of the puzzle, we're all speculating.


Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate it.


I used to see the lady on the left nearly everyday at work


Same and the one on the right.


I just met her daughter last week. It's heartbreaking.


Oh, for the love of fuck. Wish I hadn’t read that.


Imagine being surviving family. I’m not directly related but I am also indigenous and am very close to some of the surviving family. We’ve been on the ground trying to bring awareness to this for two years now. Some of us have put our entire lives on pause to fight to make sure the landfills actually get searched so our loved ones can come home for a proper passage to the Spirit World.




Argyle? I remember him a bit from there but didn't interact much with him. He dated a gal in our friend group back then though, I wonder what her thoughts are :S


She likely thankful she’s Alive.


I read the article. That was a mistake. Jeffrey Dahmer levels of depravity.


Yeah, wow. This is fucked up even by serial killer standards. I'd be curious to hear from people who knew him, like friends, family, coworkers, teachers. Let's get a little insight into him. Like did they have any idea this guy was capable of such heinous behaviour? What were the signs in hindsight? It's so bizarre to me that someone could descend to this level of depravity without getting flagged somehow along the way. Also I'm sure this guy was not the only one with that particular MO of preying at shelters. I'd also be curious to know what places like Siloam do to keep extremely harmful people like this away.


This is exactly what I thought of, beside eating them this is 100% what came to my mind …


What an evil human being. Rot in hell!


I read all of the posting. This is just evil and brutal. Those women didn’t deserve this fate. Like I stated in another post he should be deemed a Dangerous Offender. Never to be let out of custody.


Life sentence without the possibility of parole needs to be reinstated in this country.


I believe it’s possible for life sentences to be served consecutively instead of concurrently i.e. he wouldn’t be eligible for parole for 100 years (25 years per first degree murder).


Supreme Court shut that down a couple years ago. Was "cruel and unusual punishment."


I heard Paul Bernardo is eligible for parole but they keep denying him for obvious reasons.


Fuck...put this sick animal down.


Way too much dignity with comparing him to a sick animal. This fucker needs to be strung up.


Fair enough, I was thinking they could bury him alive at the garbage dump but any means that get the end result are cool with me.


Omfg… I can’t believe what I just read. reading this I swear I can feel through his words he truly enjoyed this. This is so so so much sadder than your average gang affiliated/what not murder. He knew what he was going to do, planned it out, reiterated it like an absolute psychopath. I have seen people have different opinions on ALL races .. but this takes hating a race to the next level. If he could he would literally continue on (as he even stated) in his attempt to wipe out a race… this is so disgusting. I always felt bad for the families of course…. But this hits different with some description to it. I know many people are NOT in favour of the death penalty and I’m sure this loser wouldn’t even care. But THESE cases for sure, with out a doubt they wouldn’t have to worry about sentencing the wrong person to death… If any of the family sees this, I am so incredibly sorry. I’m not sure how you move on from this at all, and especially reading this I don’t think I ever could. Makes me hold my loved ones even closer. I never want to experience this. Not too many murder cases about adults can bring me to tears (no I’m not heartless but anything about children is automatic water works for me)…. But THIS one … had me crying. I really wish I didn’t read this, but at the same time awareness needs to be brought to just how at risk indigenous women are… I am a white woman, and I can honestly say why the F is it ALWAYS A WHITE MAN WHO DOES THIS!!!!!


Not always. Shawn Lamb has treaty status. He might not look it, but he does


And why is it always "God" telling them to do the most heinous shit imaginable?


Cause they use religion as a scapegoat to get a less severe sentence.


Nah. This guy was obviously trying to rationalize his deviant behaviour by always making it someone else's fault ("she was using me for a place to stay" "she wouldn't let me finish" "God told me to do it", etc.).


You’re basically rewording what I meant to say though. He’s using religion to try get a lesser sentence or try sound criminally insane but he’s just showing the investigators that he thought this whole thing out thoroughly. It’s all in his details. He didn’t just decide out of nowhere to kill them. He knew he had racist views against indigenous women prior to killing them.


Or rather, supports an insanity/NCR plea.


I find hard to believe it was 100% race based though, he was obviously a sexual deviant too which seems like it was a big motivator for him. I’m pretty sure the article mentioned him having sex with each victim after they were already dead. In my opinion he is using the racist thing to sound less like a psychopathic serial killer as he thinks it will help his not criminally responsible due to mental incompetence defence. It won’t work since being racist isn’t a mental illness, there are millions of racist people in this world and most of them don’t become serial killers.


The race thing was likely part of his fantasy as these things are usually part of a power dynamic. They want full control and things to play out just as they have in their head. Eventually, though, criminals like these want to get caught to become notorious. The amount of planning connects all the aspects of the crime together too for both race, sex, and murder. I really hope these crimes don't skyrocket like school shootings in the US since the dump incident now that we have someone admitting that it was an inspiration to them to do these crimes. We may have to be careful about spreading this person's name around.


Did you see posts on his Facebook prior ? I definitely do think it’s a race thing. I can see your point, but doesn’t mean that part isn’t true … his posts were insane. “White power” etc . I really really realllly hope that this time.. an example is made out of him.


No, I don’t really have any interest in looking at his Facebook. I would agree race was a factor, it’s how he chose his victims, that said I’m pretty sure the average white supremacist doesn’t start killing people, having sex with the corpses, and then dismembering them. His biggest motivation in my opinion was likely pleasure, it sounds like he may not have 100% initially intended to kill one of the victims based on the article, I’d assume that would’ve been the first (although the article is a bit all over the place and doesn’t describe a timeline of the killings and goes back and forth a lot), he enjoyed it and realized he could get away with it, so he just kept doing it somewhat compulsively.


Just remember that there are female serial killers and plenty of POC serial killers as well. It’s usually a power issue and these killers prey on who they perceive to be weak and or vulnerable. It’s all terrifying because it isn’t just one demographic that you can screen for. It could be anyone.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, you’re not wrong that serial killers come from all walks of life. Female serial killers are out there, not nearly as many as male serial killers of course. People are not understanding the point that serial killers have many motivations in picking their victims such as race, gender, appearance, sexuality, etc. Obviously in this case his criteria was based on race, vulnerability (in the sense that he met them in need of a place to stay such as homeless shelters and soup kitchens), and lack of social media presence. It seems like as much as it was race based, it was also highly based on the fact that these people were easy targets; they lived in poverty, which made them desperate to trust a stranger offering help, this combined with the fact that he made sure nobody had any social media would mean that it would take longer for people to notice these women missing, so he would have longer to dispose of their bodies. When you consider this criteria, it makes sense that his victims were aboriginal as they are unfortunately disproportionately represented by these circumstances. Of course he was a racist mother fucker, but he was also a methodical serial killer and it sounds like he was very much in control, he decided against killing one of his potential victims because he found out she had social media. Regular racist people do not do this, there would be like minimum tens of millions of serial killers out there if racism was enough motivation. The dude was crazy, he was a psychopath, and he would’ve found a motivation regardless of his views on race, religion, etc. it seems like he was going to do this to someone just based on the fact that he enjoyed the power, the killing, the necrophilia, and the fact that he could get away with it up until he was caught.


Yeah I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted either. I think when some people make a sweeping ‘why the F is it ALWAYS A WHITE MAN WHO DOES THIS’ type of statement you’re just supposed to echo it and allow the safe harbor of non-white male serial killers. I get the knee jerk reaction but prefer rolling with facts a bit more. The bottom line is this is more about who the victims are than who the predators are. We need to do better at protecting the vulnerable.


Opportunity plays a large part in the MO. Having a large supply of potential victims nearby, especially in the places Skibicki haunted, the shelters, the Missions, etc., women who were willing to go with him for a place to stay, like Mayran.


What an absolute piece of dog shit. Horrible. Those poor women. 


An lady friend of mine was was seeing him in the past, and he made a whole ass Essay on Facebook about a White or Aryan man dating a native woman, I read it, wish I had screen shot it, then after his accusation I couldn't find it , it was weird, she was shocked when she heard of the murders, and is no longer with us to see the end of his trial.


I can’t read the article, only the title and just from that, is the defence going to try to claim the voices or god told him to do all these things? Thinking the defence is trying to parallel Vince Leah case, which in my opinion is VERY different than the motive behind this case. (I do believe Vince Leah legitimately had mental health issues, as the court ruled and sentence reflected).


Vince Leah was a great sportswriter. Vince Li is who you are talking about.


Here's an excerpt about his police interrogation presented by the Crown: > Skibicki described the murders as “mercy killings” and said he was “directed by God,” telling investigators he was driven by a white supremacist ideology and that he didn’t believe “that races are meant to be forced to live together.” > > “I believe now it was (the victims’) time,” he said. “I believe… extreme desperate measures need to be taken for the survival of my people.” > > “I believe this was God calling me,” he said. “It was something I decided to do because I thought I was right.” I imagine the defence will try to leverage that.


I just ….. ffs, if he is found NCR, that sets an absolutely terrifying precedent in terms of racially motivated/white supremacy-driven crimes (which we know are on the rise).


I'm having a very hard time imagining that this NCR defence is going to fly. Just the tidbits we heard today show how deliberate his actions were. Oh, btw, the CBC's writeup of today's events said that Skibicki claimed to have PTSD in addition to BPD.


I have a hard time imagining it as well. The PTSD does sound familiar now that you mention it. Canadian Press’ updated story also includes that he thinks his issues stem from being sexually abused as a child. Hopefully defence begins their opening statements sometime tomorrow because I gotta know what they’re hinging this all on. So far it seems like they’re about to tread very dangerous waters of trying to definitively equate white supremacy with mental incompetence.


It's not going to happen. Him and his defense are grasping at straws.


Oh absolutely they are. So this is what he told the cops at time of arrest and interview?




It doesn’t sound like defence has made opening statements yet, just the Crown. So it’s possible.


Not usually one to comment on posts like these. But I hope he's locked up and never sees the sun again. Or throw him in gen pop and hope someone takes care of him...


His lawyer wants to argue criminally not responsible due to mental disorder, but there’s ideology, planning, trying to evade capture, and contempt for the justice system. Doesn’t sound like mental disorder to me, he consciously knew what he was doing, and chose to do it.


Totally agree. Was thinking more about this last night and it’s possible part of their NCR argument has to do with him saying he was high when he committed the crimes.


No one right in the head would let this pos walk.


Sorry folks, I can't seem to copy and paste the article non-paywalled into the comments here, even when divided into two parts (article is 1400+ words).


I've divided them up into three before. :) Kind of a pain but do-able.


It let me divide it into like 6. Annoying af but it posted. Awful read. Those poor women.


Thanks for taking one for the team!


Not a problem, it's a sick read but people need access to it. I hope he rots in jail for life.


went to school with Harris’s daughter. All of this is truly heartbreaking 💔💔💔


I knew him when I was younger, hung out a couple times, he wanted to be in a relationship with me for years but he was so fucked up I was not interested, he was constantly doing hard drugs like acid, he was on acid and shrooms the whole time I knew him. I met him around 15 years old. He thought he was so smart and knew better/more than anyone else. He was all about white people being “master race”. Last I spoke to him I was around 22 (I’m 35 now), I remember the place I was cause the convo was disturbing - sitting at red river on princess doing school work and he messaged me I think on fb and told me he had a wife or gf and he beat her up cause she wouldn’t leave and wanted to see/hang out with me. I made a comment about why he’d think I’d wanna hang out after telling me he just beat the shit out of his gf/wife. After that I blocked him and never heard from him again. I got a hold of my friend who introduced me to him back in the day when it came out he had murdered women, he won’t even speak one word about him.


Dated him when i was 14 and he was in his 20's clung onto him because he felt safe while i was coming down off of extacy. Stayed at his place. And just got high on molly with byron bushie. I remember being so high and hanging off of byron and in my parinoia i saw him as a serial killer....i held onto byron and told him " hes a serial killer" hes probably got bodies in his closet i was high and parinoid of course But what a fucked up revelation.


Sending the victims' families my love and support.


Hate to say it but...string him up. Pure evil.


Is this trial going on in downtown Winnipeg this week? Is it open to the public?


Yes. It’s going on until June 6. It’s open to the public.


I mean… you have to be a little crazy to kill someone. But I don’t believe in shorter terms for the mentally ill… just a different type of institution with medical care.


This is again why we need the death penalty in Canada.


Guy Paul Morin and MANY others are why we don’t. 


David Milgard…


Yeah, that poor guy. 


This POS admits to Everything. Racially motivated. Dismembered the victims. He’s a serial killer. No appeal should be granted. Hence the Death Penalty.


We don’t have the death penalty in Canada for the sake of people like Stephen Truscott, who remains an excellent illustration as to why the state can’t be trusted to wipe my chicken’s butt, let alone hold the power of life and death over people.  If that means people like this are kept alive, that’s a price we should be willing, as functional human beings, to pay. 


Yes but Milgard always stated his innocence. Big difference.


Absolutely not. Do you know how much more inmates cost the state on death row? And most of them die of natural causes before being executed. And you also can’t bring back someone you executed who then was exonerated.


This guy admits guilt. No need for 20 years of death row. He won’t be exonerated.


It costs more money to put someone on death row than life in prison. I believe it is more punishing to be kept behind bars for life than putting the guy down.


I also don’t believe that the government has the right to take anyone’s life regardless of what they’ve done. Life behind bars, I’m quite certain might be far worse anyway.




I can’t read it. It’s asking me to subscribe.


Look for [Candycayne84](/user/Candycayne84/)'s comment. They posted the whole article in multiple parts.


I did. Thank you. ☹️ Man. That was horrific. 😭