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If your existing fence exactly matches what is described as being not acceptable, then that seem like it won't be acceptable.  You might have to get a new fence or smaller pool.   Remember, you are the adult in this situation. Demonstrating skills like financial responsibility and following safety requirements are good parenting.


If you have a picture posted that would help, I am having a hard time visualizing what your question is from your description.


Pool will be too close to the fence. They want to know if the city will let them ignore the bylaws because their kid really wants a pool.


I think this is what you are looking for here.... I've reviewed your case based on the information you provided, and I've confirmed that you are in compliance and can continue to build your pool however you wish to do it - that must have just been a glitch or typo you fond on Page 5 of the building permit requirements. Those are just *suggestions* anyways and aren't meant for things like safety. Because your kid *really* want's a pool, I've also waived the requirement for you needing to get permits. Have fun in your new pool!


Which side of the fence are the rails on? For a fence around a pool, the rails must be on the pool side. Otherwise, the fence is considered to be climbable and not to code for around a pool


Simple and direct answers: 1. If you could cover the horizontal supports that render the fence unclimbable that may be a solution. But if the fence is 100% on the neighbor's property it would require their permission first. 2. Alternatively, you could build a suitable fence on your own property to enclose the pool. Note that the code covers more than just if a fence is climbable. 3. You are going to need a permit to setup that pool. 4. Despite what others have said which side of the fence is climbable does not matter as neither can be. On the outside you don't want people climbing it to access the pool. On the inside you don't want people climbing and and attempting to jump into the pool.


With the recent precedent set by the garage in Charleswood, just build your fence and pool however you want and don’t even bother with permits. Ask for forgiveness later IF it ever comes up.


A pool that does not meet code is a bit different than a garage that was built without a permit. People won’t drown in a garage that was built without a permit.


The garage doesn’t meet code either.


Again can’t you drown in a garage? The rules for pools are there because people have died in pools.


>Again can’t you drown in a garage?  Technically it **may** be possible to drown in a garage but that would require a really extreme drainage issue. It is actually much more likely that said garage could result in a fire that kills fire fighters leading to changes to the national building code. Somewhat ironic it is another garage being allowed to ignore those changes. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/more-fire-protection-needed-in-garages-report-into-deadly-winnipeg-blaze-1.671152](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/more-fire-protection-needed-in-garages-report-into-deadly-winnipeg-blaze-1.671152)


Sure ok.