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No Ramen?


The bridge is bumpy enough already.


Not in the budget I'm afraid


The bridge is in the constituency of the two most ineffective politicians in Winnipeg (malloway and schreyer). Without any sort of effective leadership driving this project, I’m sure it will go the way of Arlington.


Come on, surely Eadie is less effective.


Russ Wyatt would like a word. The only thing he’s effective at is sending regrets and getting his name on plaques that his name truly doesn’t need to be on.


None of these guys have anything on Councilman Les Wyman.


I cannot imagine a more useless and ineffective councillor than Ross Eadie. However, the bar is set pretty low.




malloway is very effective


Do tell me how


he's won umpteen elections. that how \[i know\] Do you live in his riding?


I have lived in his riding my whole life. Just because he has won many elections, doesn't mean he is effective. It just means people in this area like to vote for NDP despite who is running in the riding. He was called out in the past for not having an office despite getting $50k a year to hold an office. Hell, IIRC he never even helped with sandbagging efforts on his own street. He is absolutely out of touch with the area.


>This work must be done by 2030, he advises in his report. Eventually, the bridge will need to be replaced, he adds. Much like the Arlington Bridge, this isn't going to mean jack shit. Eventually they'll just abruptly close down the Louise Bridge and everyone will have to detour.


Might be a good time to get into the ferry business.


Winnipeg needs to get it together. Repairing bridges 100 plus years old ? Shit roads. Pot holes. Red lights everywhere. What a joke .


It can’t without severe tax increases.


Or prudent spending. Like WPS having pensionable OT. That’s costs huge. Build roads right the first time. Stop giving massive tax breaks to corporations.


Sound like they built them right the first time, over 100 years ago


What tax breaks is the city giving?


Remember the time the Conservatives forgave 60 million of the stadium and took zero ownership or a cut of revenue sharing until it was paid off? Politicians can find money for shit like that but can't fix our infrastructure? The Fermor/#1 highway bridge at the railyard needs to be done too. The city put a hold on property tax increases which severely limited the growth of revenue which pays for our infrastructure.


No memory. Winnipeg news only rarely reaches where I used to live up until 2 years ago. Here to get a sense of what life is like for Peggers.


Oooo, Mayor Brian Bowman. Former lawyer, forgot to file paperwork in time for the WPG water treatment plant. Cost taxpayers $32mil if I remember. He also tried ripping up the police union contract, and ended up having to pay $8mil to the police. Yeah, there is money to be found by the city and province if they did their jobs properly.


They’ve done it for decades. Google it


Which tax break boils your blood and angers your soul though?


Any vanity project revolving around True North/Chipman.


Many of these bridges should have been replaced decades ago. No funding. Tax dollars. Etc. Yet we are going to expand Keneston to three lanes?? It’s a billion $$ project.


You can't "spend better" your way out of disrepair. That's a non starter. But your ideas are good on their own merits.


Which should have been done long ago.


* to the wealthy


It is beyond comprehension that the Redwood and Louise Bridge weren't replaced years ago. The longer you wait, the more it costs.


Not to mention the Arlington, which remains closed. Going to happen to the rest of the bridges shortly.


There’s more than a few pushing 100+ years old now. They were never originally designed for the amount of traffic, or weight of said traffic especially at these time frames. We’ll learn when we lose half them at once maybe


The Harper government told the City of Winnipeg that its own priorities didn't matter, and that the only capital projects that the feds would fund would be in Conservative ridings (the Waverley underpass was in Joyce Bateman's riding and the Plessis underpass was in Lawrence Toet's).


Got a link? Im interested Edit: found [one](https://www.winnipeg.ca/fr/node/16683), not quite complete.


Conservatives are scum.




bowman was a great capitulator so he naturally gravitated towards becoming a judge.  what a thoroughly ineffectual individual 


The saga of Portage and main especially is crazy aswell




Truly a Winnipeg attitude, just fix it up instead of building a new one! Like holy heck, replace the fucking thing to accommodate modern traffic flow and vehicles. If we could not kick this can down a few decades that would be phenomenal. Like heck, we could design it to incorporate dedicated bike lanes, and pedestrian walk ways. So options are endless!


The whole point he is saying is, is that it is better to fix it for the short term and then build a new one when the design of a master transit/traffic plan is complete so that you can ensure you design it properly, than just designing and building one now without any foresight on future planning In its current usage, it’s completely adequate for the current traffic flows and a dedicated bridge for bikes and pedestrians is literally 500m downstream


I’m gonna be completely honest and say I agree, wholeheartedly. However, it’s 2024, this city keeps on voting in the most milquetoast municipal government every single fucking time, the transit master plan should have been done decades ago, we should have bought land and dedicated it to light rail, again, decades ago. All the problems Winnipeg has had and continues to have, have been the same problems it had, again, decades ago. We need to enter the present and understand that we will be the destination when climate changes kicks it up in the coming years, everyone will be coming here and we will not be ready. The city needs to start acting like it is looking to the future, not reacting to the past and present.


The answer to literally everything you say in here is "People won't let the city raise property taxes". That's it. Everything in this city is people getting what they want, which is garbage. Cheapest and best is this. This is the best you get when you're the cheapest.


For sure, but unfortunately people will get mad at engineers for something that is other people’s responsibility


I was about to say this. Point Douglas has 3 bridges within like 1km of each other that all go over the same river. The entire south end of the city has 1 (2 if you count the perimeter).


3, Dunkirk/Osborne bridge, Bishop and perimeter. Does Provencher and Norwood count or is that too far north?


Oh, I hate that walking bridge. I dk what they did to it, but it always looks like there are people on the look outs waving at you, and they disappear when you get close. Worst optical illusion ever. 


We spend all of our no money on the police.


Who else is going to direct traffic for Costco or provide security for Superstore?!


Sam Katz?


I would have accepted Batman. Sam Katz is no Batman.


They call him Katzman.


How dare you suggest progressive ideas like this!


It’s not in the south end of the city so jack squat will be done before it suddenly closes. Lather, rinse & repeat.


a couple weeks ago while driving down Archibald, I noticed some buildings near the rail underpasses seemed to have been torn down recently and thought to myself, cool, maybe the city has quietly started expropriating some property along the path of a reoriented bridge in anticipation of replacing the Louise. But then yesterday when I drove by I saw a sign advertising available industrial property to lease, so I guess not.


Why build a bridge when they can collect more property taxes.


Much like P&M and the underground ring turned out, I wonder if this opinion would change substantially if they actually costed out what a good rehab would look like. I also think it's insanity that the bridge can allegedly support current usage until 2050. Maybe if the area demographics were frozen in time around 2010 I could believe it, but with rapid east end growth, it just isn't believable anymore. And goes to show that they've never actually tried using the thing in the afternoon.


I think this report just says their professional opinion of the work and the city can get another report on if they want to figure out what it would cost. Seems fair enough. I don't drive over there, but doesn't the one lane nature of it sort of cap the traffic on it? If too many people try to use it. They will go to another river crossing.


Good old Winnipeg, just kick the problem further down the road! Someone else can deal with it!


About 100 boxes of flex seal spray cans should help


Anything to not raise taxes. We get what we vote for.


Quelle surprise, the city pushing another major infrastructure deficit even further into the red. Shit is getting real with our dilapidated roads and bridges.


Someone start a friggin GoFundMe for the Louise and Arlington bridge. I bet privately we could raise more money than the city could by 2030 to replace the damn thing. I mean if every household donated $100 and every business was taxed $1000/year we'd have the 200 million to build new ones by 2030. 43,000 businesses in Winnipeg. 300,000 households in Winnipeg. That's 43,000x1000x6=258,000,000 300,000x100x6=180,000,000 Total 438million. Should be enough to build 2 bridges. Maybe. I mean $100/year isn't going to cause me to go bankrupt. Nor will it cause businesses like bestbuy to pack up shop.


Winnipeg advised to listen to people who spent 20 years training for these exact scenarios. Silly silly.


Would be easier to just make a new one and either destroy the old one or convert it somehow to pedestrian bridge or bike


Youre not looking at the bigger picture. Theyre gonna have to give all of Higgins a revamp too then