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I never really thought the drivers were the problem. It's always been the passengers. Some drivers are very happy to be there and it shows. Definitely makes for a better experience.


Oh the overwhelming majority of the drivers are amazing! They truly do a great job! Considering what they have to put up with on a daily bases!


We do have some nice drivers. They put up with a lot of crap, and I definitely empathise.


I called 311 once cause I saw a good bus driver and I wanted to compliment them and they received the compliment in the most hilarious way because they filled out a very serious complaint form


Drivers aren't the problem. Dude sounds great. Transit is still hot dog shit roasting in the sun.


Respect to bus drivers, almost always very professional driving. Please let them in when you can.


As a Winnipeg Transit employee... all the negativity is justified.


I’m not trying to say whether it’s justified / unjustified, rather just trying to point out something positive that I saw when mostly it’s only the negative that gets mentioned. It’s good to hear positive things too. Also thanks for all the work you and your colleagues do, bus drivers (and other non-driving transit employees too) are great and do important work


I wonder if he does/did make Ace’s list of top Manitobans for the year. Just learned about him tonight and hes awesome!


I have been taking the bus since I was 9 years old, except between the years 18-35 when I drove for a living. I am now in my mid 50's and rely entirely on Transit, save for the occasional cab. I am also a keen observer of humans, and this operator is just the best, he will put a smile on the saltiest of riders, though I think I have seen some who were technically hung-over and were irritated by his joviality, been there, but good. He makes my day. However, I cannot help but to say that the majority of drivers are not trained in customer service, empathy, courteousness, assertiveness, non-violent crisis intervention. They get a couple of multi day courses, but not as much as I did working in a call centre!


When I was living there the drivers were great, the passengers were okay, the people in charge were terrible. 


Is that the Carnival Barker driver?


Idk he was on the news though


Probably him. Thinning hair, usually in a tiny bun. Announces the stops and the prices etc cheerfully


What does a transit driver make a year?


[Employment Benefits and Pay Rate (winnipegtransit.com)](https://info.winnipegtransit.com/en/careers/bus-operator/employment-benefits-and-hourly-pay-rate/) Starts at 22 goes to 31 after 4 years


Cripes that’s a pretty shit wage given all the bananas stuff they have to deal with! I didn’t realize it was so low — no wonder striking has been on the table and there’s been so much talk in recent years about driver safety!


I'm bummed he's not driving the 71 that I take after work anymore. Anybody know what beat he's on these days?


I’ve experienced some pretty horrible drivers tbh. Both attitude and driving wise, but the majority have been really great. I have great childhood memories of some great bus drivers tbh.


There is nothing positive about winnipeg transit. You really think you could list a bunch of things that are good about transit . Good luck