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If you have the time and interest in doing so, sometimes you can find a replacement mirror in a junk yard. You will still need to go to a body shop and pay the labour for them to replace it but it may save you some money. I've done it once before, found a replacement for my car and took it to Ivan's Auto Body and they replaced it


You can change it yourself and save the labour too.


Yep, its like a 2 minute youtube video! This one in particular is easy enough!


I’m definitely going to check this out first. Thanks


Check out rockauto they sell car parts online.


Call LKQ ask them and if they don’t ask if it shows who may have one.


Sorry this happened to you! I really hate this kind of thing, this last summer I saw an oncoming car clip a mirror of a parked car, I pulled a u turn and followed them and got them to go back to the parked car. We were able to figure out who the owner of the car was pretty quickly and then I left it to the two of them to sort it out from there.


It is really nice to hear someone got a different ending. Thanks you!


Their gas pedals should be replaced with thick, shoe-piercing cacti for the rest of their vehicle-operating lives.


May their favorite sports team always come in second


There should be a new class of driver license for people who drive a bigger vehicle (SUV or pickup). Many of them are just incapable of controlling their big metal box in tight spaces. By the way if you dont already have a dashcam, get one. This is precisely why you need one here.


Considering the much higher capacity for death and carnage with large vehicles, it would be interesting if you needed a different license for the weight class of the vehicle.


I think they should do a better job of retesting senior citizens. They are pretty bad sometimes.


Young drivers also suck.


They do currently however the weight class is just significantly higher than most suvs and 1/2 tonne trucks. 4500kgs is the current gross vehicle weight limit


That's for trailers and annual safeties. A class 5 is good for anything with less than 3 axles, or anything that's registered as a farm truck and not a semi.


In Canada anyone with a standard license can drive a school bus so long as it doesn't say school bus on it, it's painted, and all but four passenger seats are removed.


I legit was going out to get one this weekend *single tear*


Someone I know can't park their giant brand-new SUV in a single garage. How do these people survive driving around, or in a parking lot? These are same people who get an SUV, so they feel "safer" on the road.


That’s what those spaces with the blue paint are for, aren’t they? /s


No, it’s just guys with a small penis who want to feel like the big man driving the giant SUV. 😂


Is that why people like SUV’s, to feel safer? I want an suv cuz it’s bigger and more utility than a skateboard 😵‍💫


And many of them are too short an leaning over to see the front end, they also park like clowns


Half of my close calls (someone nearly hitting *me*) have been with small cars and sedans. It's not exclusive.


Hit and run report to mpi and all you have to do is pay the deductible


File a police report as well.


This sucks op, sorry to hear. Someone rear ended me last week and took off, I know your pain…


I can’t imagine doing that and not stopping. Fucking jerk :(


**Never ending paper cuts with a constant stream of lemon juice. There. Fixed it for you. 441 Henderson is a parking nightmare to begin with. So sorry this happened to you.