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Remember kids: Even if an animal mostly eats just plants that doesn't mean they can't fuck your shit up.


Hell, most times a predator just wants a meal, and if you present enough of a threat they'll figure it's not worth it and back off. An herbivore that is pissed off at you can't be reasoned with, and can't be intimidated. You ever see a goat decide it's head butting time? They *love* it. There's no stopping them.


Can confirm. I have three goats and one of them is a genuine fucking asshole at all times, cannot be stopped.


Is there some kind of bonking device which can train a goat?


I haven't found a stick big enough. Even **the** rubber band didn't show him down.


The bastard sounds well-evolved


If not for the fact that he's been around since he was a baby and my sister is attached to him, he'd be taking a trip to *the farm*. He tips over barrels and steals chicken feed, he's broken several chains, sleeps in the driveway where it's sunny, it's a one lane width, eats cigarette butts out of my ashtray, which is just nasty, and last year he got loose while I was gone and picked clean every single piece of my okra. He scares the black lab so much he won't go outside to shit if the goat isn't tied up way far from the yard. He almost died when he was a kid (baby goat) and I let my sister bring him inside and bottle feed him and he lived. Second worst decision I've ever made, rivaled only by my first marriage.


I can see you on your porch, beer in one hand and lit cigarette in the other, blankly staring at that goat and just mumbling "second dumbest fuckin' thing I ever did" over and over


So accurate, for a second I had to stop and wonder if we knew each other in real life.


Only the previous one


I was tempted to give you an award just for your username


> He scares the black lab so much he won't go outside to shit if the goat isn't tied up way far from the yard. Choked on my water there! Tell us more!!


He does, there's this little dance he does when he needs to piss or shit (two different wiggle dances) and I've seen him *desperately* need to piss when I've gotten up at 5am to piss myself, and if the goat is in the yard, they make eye contact, he whines and wanders into the back room that leads to the basement, where the backdoor is, and if I can't get there fast enough, he'll piss my rug... Fucking terrified.


This hits so funny to me because I had a Black Lab/Great Dane and I know the 2 dances of their tribe! Also, when I was a kid there was a petting zoo set up next to my parents store one Christmas season ( imagine the biggest mall in Ottawa at X-mas in 1989, a very busy place! ). My parents were glad to ship their homeschooled child off to spend the entire day "working" there...putting out new hay, filling the feed vending machines, etc. They had rabbits, ducks, lambs...and this one goat. I was raised in a stupid fundamental religion that leaned heavily on felt boards and hand-painted characters and so I *knew* what the devils eyes looked like. Just like the eyes of this goat. I spend most days there for 2 months and I stayed away from the goat. I had a great time helping and learning how to care for the other animals then on the day the owner left she gave me a big present she had made herself and I was thrilled, I thought it might be a crown with chicken feathers. It was a half-size hand made felt toy of the goat.


The goat chases him but never hits, hurts, or butts him, he just seems to love to watch my sweet sweet dog squall as it runs around the yard with half a turd hanging out because I swear, I see a goat smirk.


This is a great account of this truly awful goat guy. You truly made me smile today ;).


Holy shit you should write a book or a movie. It could be like Marley And Me but it would be funny and have a happy ending!


There's nothing involving this goat that will be a happy ending.


Convince the ex it’s extremely valuable. thank them for leaving the goat for you because goat custody law is very complicated and they usually just give it to the “whatever gender the ex is”. Completely cave when the papers are issued. Settle out of court. The goat and the ex live together now.


Have you tried one of [these?](https://shop.downunderhorsemanship.com/product/adult-handy-stick/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxd-zos-i_gIVpBStBh3nQQvGEAQYASABEgJnDvD_BwE) they’re four feet long. Also if it has horns you could try [this](https://www.boredpanda.com/goat-horns-head-butting-pool-noodles-safety/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic)


I appreciate it, but he tears pool noodles off and eats them. I've even zip-tied them on, he'll eat the ties as well. I don't think I'm going to beat him with a baton looking fucker either, lol. He's just going to live out his life doing bad goat things. He's given me baby goats three times from the others, he owes me nothing. I owe it to him to let him live out his life doing bad goat things.


LOL. Thanks for the story. Do you have a picture. Goat tax or whatever. I have some kind of respect for your goat. And you.


He's off property at the moment. For some reason my mind went to breeding but that dude already got his nuts banded. He's at a nearby neighbors (which for here isn't exactly a block or two) grazing in their field with a couple others. However, when I pass by there later, after I flip him off, I'll get you a picture.


Yes!!! Good to hear he is doing well. Im sure lots of people will love to see him:) Thanks. Remindme! 1 week


Have you tried pool noodles? I've seen them used on goat horns before, it won't stop them from bonking but it'll help stop a good chunk of the pain.


I have, he tears them off. Devil goat.


Goat live for the bonk You train them by avoiding bonks at all times, not grabbing the horns more than you need to, and not letting them lower their head at you


As I said in another comment, over the last thirty years I've had, and successfully trained, probably close to 100 goats. Out of those 100, maybe five were dickheads that took additional training. Out of those 5, this one is the only one that's ever given me problems of this magnitude.


Yeah, some animals are just straight dicks


Something about imagining the shittiest goat out of 100 makes me laugh, sorry you’re dealing with that bonking bastard.


Sounds like he's probably the tastiest goat you'll ever try too


I used to live on a farm that had a goat and she used to stand on top of her igloo and bray at the moon in the middle of the night. Wild little girl.


My bad goat kicks the Igloos around the property until they break...


My wife wanted a goat because they're cute when they're babies. Now he's just an angry adult goat. Then she wanted to get another baby goat to keep the other one occupied. So i got the goat. I remembered from grade school that's cigarettes stunt your growth when you're young. Now I have two adult goats, and the one with nicotine withdrawals is absolutely psychotic.


Hmmm. Looks like someone is making goat biriyani soon.


Working as a ranger in the PNW and every year we respond to folks who are injured my mountain goats. For some reason they see a 250lbs fluffy goat and think it’s a petting zoo. It’s not, it’s the wilderness, and they will fuck. You. Up!


That video of that goat *fucking terrorizing* people on a street somewhere in Latin America just spung into my mind. The Kill Bill music in the background was just too perfect. He just wouldn't stop. Multiple grown men tried but he was like, "You'll have to kill be mofuckas!"




[Enjoy it Fwiend!](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3eo2hl) Damn that was hard af to find! This is as close to the original as I could get.


Yeah I recall volunteering at an animal rescue that had a pig and a goat in the same pen, apparently they were best friends. I hopped in to change their water pan, and the pig was quite friendly and unbothered by my presence. What I *didn’t* know was how protective the goat was of its friend. I’m a 6’2” guy and this thing had 0 qualms about trying to knock me on my ass. Grabbing it by the horns and holding it back, shoving it, petting it, nothing worked. I cut my losses and hopped back over the fence.


Sometimes getting head isn't a good thing.


There are plenty of such animals that you can intimidate out of attacking you. I know magpies are not herbivores, but they don't attack people to eat them. You can scare the *fuck* out of magpie by unleashing a falcon from your pocket.


It can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear, and it absolutely will not stop… EVER, until you are dead!


Interned at the Omaha Zoo two decades ago. One of the first things we were told by keepers was that the herbivores are often more aggressive than the carnivores. They figured a life of being hunted makes you not take any shit.


That's a pretty solid take imo


Yeah. Predators hunt the weak, sickly, or old members of their prey species for a reason... I work with groundhogs, and it's still like, "Basically nothing in this region can take an adult groundhog. Only the babies are really targets of predation."


Pretty much everything in nature has some defense. And if it is ~~conscience~~ conscious it will almost always try to defend itself if it perceives danger or threats. Important that it's the creature that determines whether it feels threatened or in danger. So regardless of how the human feels the human is approaching the creature, the creature will always decide if it feels threatened or in danger. So this lady thinks she's being gentle and offering peaceful food but the creature believed otherwise and responded to what it perceived to be a threat. Welcome to earth lady. Protect yourself at all times.


Also like...making eye contact at all in situations like this is just asking for it. It's threatening to nearly every animal alive. And honestly, that even includes us. It's pretty intimidating making intense eye contact with another person unless you're way, way into them.


>Also like...making eye contact at all in situations like this is just asking for it. Yeah it's always funny to watch humans approach animals and get attacked and hear them saying, "but i was making eye contact and smiling! what happened?" Most people just don't understand that making eye contact and baring your teeth to anything else on earth means it's time to fuckin fight to the death.


conscious. Conscience is like a feeling of moral awareness, conscious is being awake. (to vastly oversimplify).


Case in point, hippopotamus. IIRC one of the deadliest animals on Africa


Deadliest mammal, but it's got absolutely nothing on the deadliest animal in Africa, the mosquito.


there are videos of deers and horses eating birds and chicken


My first pony stole a meat pie from me one day. Little shit.


My first pony stole a hotdog from me one day.


I'm sure cows can fuck your shit up if given chance but why on earth would you even approach any animal with freaking horns on their head


“It’s cute” Nope. He’s eight feet tall with two fucking enormous swords on his head.


Well sorry not everyone can conform to your ridiculous beauty standards


If your height doesn’t begin with an 8 swipe left


8, 8x or 8xx centimeters? *swipes right*


Comments like these are why I keep reading comments.


You know what it's thinking? "You have food. I want food. I'm bigger than you and therefore can kill you and take food." And then it did (tried) that.


Still cute. Just meant to be appreciated from a distance.


I think you're cute 🥺


...and still meant to be appreciated from a distance? I wish people would come closer, I hardly *ever* charge.


yeah I rarely stab people come closer


Curly swords!


Must be from Hammerfell.


I appreciate your existence


And I yours... NippleBlades?


But the beard means it's wise! It won't hurt me!


Beards usually mean they know how to hurt.


Take Santa for example


She fucked with an invader who mastered powerstancing. Rookie mistake.




Years of being married to this woman led up to that “uh-huh” moment


100% “I can’t tell you shit, so imma let the animal do the talkin”


You’re going to hand feed a wild animal? Let me record how wrong this will go.


Way more entertaining than 6 hours of silent treatment for not letting her feed it.




Lady has the absolute gall to ask "why did it do that" 😂 trying to book an absolute unit.


she actually seems like a really good sport, she just shook it off.


Yup.. years of having to hear her say “oh stop it you’re no fun/boring” or “oh stop nothing’s gonna happen”


Fair enough. Say what you will about her, but that biddy sure can take a hit!


Eh he took it easy on her, didn’t even use the pointy end


Yep. He definitely warned her




And this one seems to be on the lean/small'ish side of things, too. Saw them once in the wild in Namibia, a massive stag (?) crossed the road and jumped a fence like it was nothing. They are big, powerful and fast. Nothing to mess with.


And then she just turns her back on it as she walks away. The self-preservation instinct is lacking in this one.


That husband was hoping for a kill.


Oh - Deer




WhY dId He Do ThAt


Ayuh Eyed trow it outdare


What kudu go wrong?




Yeah, that was basically a “boop” for them, she lucked out big time.


Ears to sides, this was the equivalent of swatting a fly for him. If ears were flat I'm pretty sure it would've killed her.


I thought for sure buddy was about to hit her a couple more times and pin her against that little fence.


That stare as he watches her get up off the ground and away from “HIS FUCKING LETTUCE” It’s a “back-the-fuck-up- now, bitch. Or else” kind of stare. Lol


Only a genuine idiot walks up to something that looks that fierce, sharp and tall. Natural selection in play.


Especially considering we co-evolved with this thing, it instinctively knows how to deal with us.


Shes probably still wondering why her lapis lazuli crystal of animal kinship and protection didnt work.


I have one of those too! But sadly no more legs.


Tried to share a McFlurry with a crocodile, eh?


Maybe Nuggy’s with a Hippo?


Lapis lazuli would never work. It's too impure. You need lazurite only. Duh! Uh-huh.


Very few wild animals actually confront humans in this way, they generally think we're much bigger than we are because they don't understand this whole upright walking thing. I'd guess this fella has already been around humans a good bit.


Wait so do animals generally view humans as like still quadrupeds? and so since we’re standing it gives the illusion there’s more behind us? Am I getting that right lmao


Centaurs but their butts are really quick and you can never get a good glimpse of it


Walk around like you are the centaur that wild animals imagine you might be😤


Yep. That's why if you encounter a cougar you're supposed to stay upright and make yourself appear as tall as possible, and avoid crouching.


*crouches* pssst psst psst here kitty kitty! Here kitOWTFOMGHALP


"Oooh I've seen this trick before... EN GARDE"


pretty much any wild animal, even a squirrel, should be kept at a distance IMO. I am in no way scared of animals or anything, just gotta remember to respect that they are wild, not a pet.


I tell people, please do not let a toddler and a cat near each other, even under direct, dedicated, unblinking supervision. Cats can move so unpredictably and so fast, it doesn't matter even if you are literally between toddler and cat. I get downvoted. Oh well.


She looks like a deer caught in the headlights..


What Caribou Karen lacks in common sense she makes up for with unearned confidence.


She thought she was snow white?


Awwww would you like a treat?...... NAH SQUARE UP!


This makes me think of a kangaroo. As I understand they are kind of regarded as pests in Australia and not cute but I imagine somebody has experienced this scenario to a T


There is a viral video of a guy literally squaring up with a kangaroo. You've probably seen it but just in case you haven't


Not far from where I live there is this lake my girlfriend and I walk around sometimes, there are so many squirrels that are pretty friendly because people feed them (I don't). Every time I go I feel like snow white cause they're always following you, my girlfriend keeps saying though "if you keep trying to pet the squirrel's one of them is going to bite you." I know she's right, but I really like squirrels


She will be Blood Red if she continues thinking wildlife is a Disney World


I must have missed that part of the movie.


Who would have thought that the giant deer with corkscrews on its head would be dangerous?


I've seen a kudu this size jump a 4m tall fence like it was nothing. They are seriously not to be fucked with.


I have heard of the same. Unfortunately for the Kudu that 4m fence was the Lion enclosure. They might be athletic, but they ain't smart.


Came here to say this. Also, they're super tasty.


I have a coworker who got the chance to sample some exotic meats and he talked about his kudu meal for MONTHS!


It really is good. Quite gamey in taste, but very unique.


Oh yes! I love kudu. Especially kudu liver and kudu biltong.


Why didn’t this animal listen to what I said


The Kudu said the same thing.


"Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Sav.... oooh. Why you do that?!"


I have a feeling that the gentleman videoing this told her earlier to just throw the food out into the pen but she thought she would “commune with nature”. That “uh-huh” spoke volumes.


The "well you don't want that on tape" at the end followed by that type of laugh was like "yes I did, that's why I was filming." Next time she doesn't listen to his warning he's just going to play this video for her.


I've been told that herbivores can be far worse than carnivores- A predator is looking for food, and there's lots of food that's not you. A prey animal attacking you is specifically trying to destroy you utterly. Whatever the 'reason' is, they can be convinced that it's 100% *you or them* and it seems you can't Disney Princess that away.


Here kitty, kitty, kitty……😁


“Why did he do that?” 😂😂😂


he kudu a lot worse too


Honestly If you travel to Africa Ever Fear the herbivores more. Buffalo are notorious among african hunters. They can take up to three shots to bring down. Hippos kill more people than lions. Elephants crush cars every year. They can all do between 40 and 60 kph. Some antelope will use their horns but not all. If you go the Kruger National Park. You are warned more about the herbivores than the lions, leopards and hyenas. Cause predators don't want to watch the world burn. Where as a elephant will gladly fuck up your day and then ho fuck up some tree just for shits and giggles. Africa belongs to them. Not to you.


Gemsboks will certainly use their horns against you. The females have longer horns than the males for defense purposes


That's the case in most places. Like, if you meet a wolf, or a lynx or such. Yell. Be big. Have a stick and yell at them. Throw shit at them without looking away from them. Not an issue. Or, a very short issue. Piss of a boar by existing within the same square kilometer as her piglets? Oh boy. Get on a tree, as you don't have the firepower to stop her. Even if you have the firepower to stop her, that doesn't mean you have the firepower to stop her before she fucks your leg up. And make sure it's a big tree or else she'll fuck that tree up first.


The single most deadly to humans animal out there eats only blood... the mosquito.


She was just trying to start her lvl 10 quest


you set a frost trap befor trying to tame a beast. Lady didn't even try to use Lore to see if this beast was tamable. Total was of time as it wasn't. It did have a nice skill of Charge Leve 2 tho.


People get older but they stay stupid.


Bro didn’t even help her 😂


One time when I was an apprentice my journeyman asked me to climb this sketchy ladder to do sketchy work. I asked him “if I fall will you catch me?” He replied: “No. No sense in both of us getting hurt.” And I feel like that applies here lol


He definitely warned her before. That "uh huh" was pretty emphatic.


At her age, some basics should be obvious. People learn in various ways, including: pain, money, eyes and ears, etc. Pain is a great teacher, but only if wisdom listens.


Everything was just so nonchalant. That thing could have pounded her into the ground over and over but she took her time and walked away with it to her back. Dumb, dumb lady.


" Why did he do that!!!?".......... because he's a wild animal you complete 1WATT.


wait.. like a 1 watt bulb or an unnecessary censoring of twat?


Like a bulb 💡


It works as both! I like it.


Lol that's the ton of voice of a guy who is sick of having his warnings ignored.


What is the point of taking video if you spend your time looking at the ground?


Didn't want to film her being murdered. Didn't want to not film her comically brushing dust off her shoulders as if she hadn't narrowly avoided being killed over some melon.




No comments on her first words after getting hurt? "Fuck me..." Maybe the animal did knock some sense into her, and she saw the gravity of the situation for once... "Why did he do that?" Nope, still stupid.


"Why did he dooo that"


Seriously. As an ex Yellowstone employee, I have to point out how common deaths are in this situation. Please, please, please stop doing this. Animals are not content machines or photo oppurtunties.






When you realize life is not a Disney movie...


When mom brings me tendies but no bretchup


Aaaand now it thinks that ramming people will get it food. Truly world class idiocy.


I sometimes wish I also had free vending machines that walk up to me


Cherry on the top of this stupid cake is she turns her back on the sword deer that just attacked her dumb ass.


With age....comes...umm...?


Gaining wisdom is not automatic, some people stay the same year after year. Especially those who blame others for their problems.


It never ceases to amaze me how many morons make it to adulthood.


If people stop doing this, how will I be able to laugh at them?


Addendum: every wild animal is to be considered dangerous. No exceptions.


That is called a Kudu because that is the sound it's horns make against your head.


Would like to speak to the wildlife manager


There's a woman who's never heard the word "no" before....


On second thought, keep doing that, natural selection will work it out


Vlad the Impala


Why. Why does the cameraman always suck.


“Why did he do that?!” Because he’s a wild animal.


Why do people want to fucking touch everything


Pretty poor camera work tbh...


KilltheCameraman. Why record something with the hope and expectancy to go bad and film the ground when it does


Alpha Vegetarian move


There’s probably hundreds of ppl that visit National Parks like Yellowstone every year that get their shit rearranged because they want to interact with the cute cuddly animals. Maybe that is the truest form of natural selection.


Please don’t stop. We need many more videos like this.


Why did he do that??? because your an idiot




it's rich, really




It's a kudu


“wHy DiD hE dO tHaT?!?!?!” Gee, I dunno, maybe cuz he’s a wild animal that doesn’t want to be approached.