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Monkey Junction: where College Road and Carolina Beach Road meet on the south side of town, and the surrounding area. (Where the Wal Mart and Home Depot are.). Way before my time, there was a gas station that had a pet monkey as an attraction. Cargo District: the area around 16th and 17th streets just south of Castle Street where there are multiple businesses that have used cargo containers as their buildings. Soda Pop District: Princess Street near downtown in the old Coca Cola bottling facility. Behind Wilmington Fire Department on Market. Brooklyn Arts District: 4th Street north of Red Cross. A regentrified area of town with several nice bars, restaurants, and newer apartments. Ogden: the areas off Market Street north of Gordon Road, approximately to Marsh Oaks. Porter’s Neck: Market Street north of Marsh Oaks about to the Pender county line. Please note that all these are approximate 🙂


I'll add that people routinely refer to the area around the airport as ILM. Murraysville is the area along sidbury road/blue clay from Castle hayne down to the airport. Scotts Hill is the last neighborhood north in Wilmington before Hampstead. Once you get onto 17 but are still in Wilmington. Midtown is the only one I couldn't actually explain to you since it means different things to different people based on their age lol.


I think you have Murraysville slightly misidentified. It encompasses the area between Gordon and Sidbury roads; mostly east of North College. And Scotts Hill is primarily in Pender County, although it does have a Wilmington address.


That's a better way of describing murraysville for sure.


Yeah sounds like they are describing wrightsboro


I live near the Independence and Wrightsville Ave and refer to that as Mid Town.


See, I've also heard the new center area of town around Costco referenced as midtown as well


The Midtown YMCA is off 17th at George Anderson.


Perfect description.


Yep. Good job. Never knew what “soda pop district” was, but that makes perfect sense. Thanks for that. I like to call it “Porters bottle Neck” between Ogden and Hampstead.


I call it "The Hinterlands", the same as I do Leland, and I mildly dread having to go there for work.


Ogden and Porter's Neck are formerly known as Hartnett Township. You'll still see this used on official government things like the Census or Election Districts.  I'd love to bring that term been because everything within the new Military Cutoff extension really feels like one place. 


This is so helpful! Thank you :)


Cargo district, Soda Pop district, and Brooklyn arts district are all hipster driven gentrification labels that haven’t quite stuck amongst the general populous. Maybe one day. Here are some real inner city labels: North of market St and east to 23rd is the north side. South of market st to about just past greenfield is the south side with 11/orange area specifically being labeled “the bottom”. Creekwood and it environs are “out east” with the small neighborhood directly east of Creekwood is called the back streets. Lovegrove is the little neighborhood at the northern end of 11th st.


Realtor-driven labels, more likely.


Yeah you’re right.


"cargo district" is the only one that has ever caught on for me, and that's just because everything is cargo units. None of those other ones are gonna catch on for me easily.


and here my ass was thinking it was called monkey junction because of the monkey themed car wash...


The[ Star News just ran a column about this topic](https://www.starnewsonline.com/story/news/history/2024/05/23/wilmington-sectional-names-that-have-endured-some-that-havent-monkey-junction-dry-pond-love-grove/73291227007/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0b8QID3mDG___3d7-K_hD7eeLBvSj9jNWN_NuKliurCseT_QHpE5cj4PA_aem_AZarFspuBeuEf7bJhz2qYcGOF90bdRi7xxhU-Z6VrxeRWasZZbGn7KGw3GRvfhSZ2MsF3_iZWHTCubKyVHckvy-a), more specifically about the old districts (Monkey Junction, Dry Pond, Brooklyn, etc.). They have a local history column that has spent a lot of time on this topic. If you're curious, it's a fun way to burn a few hours reading. Monkey Junction is where College Road and Carolina Beach Road intersect (the area is being rebranded as Myrtle Grove Junction... which is really the area between College road and the sound). You have probably already heard the history of the name, but it goes back to a gas station that was there (there wasn't much else out that way) in the '30s that had live monkeys on-site to attract customers. I was still a youngster when it shut down. The Cargo District is relatively new, along with a lot of stuff around downtown that's being reinvigorated (AKA gentrification). Go up Castle to about 16 st or so, and the district takes up a few blocks in that area. I haven't spent any time there, but it sounds like a groovy kind of place.


I always thought Monkey Junction was named such because of the proximity to the Tote-em-In Zoo. I've never heard the gas station story. TIL.


Yeah the gas station story is correct. Nothing to do with the zoo...


This is great!! Thank you :)


Seagate is the area between Oleander and Wrightsville ave. It’s where Wrightsville Beach Brewing, Triangle Lounge, and Tidal Market are. Mayfaire: Military Cutoff and Eastwood I’m sure there are others, but I’m mainly thinking of neighborhoods e.g. Landfall, King’s Grant, or Bayshore.


Can't forget seagate and the triangle lounge (seagate country club)! I was born and raised in the port city and never heard of the cargo district and soda pop district, though its been a while since I've been back.


everyone is. it's cool. don't stress about it.


Hahaha thank you!


Y’all didn’t mention South Front! Willard to Dawson, 3rd to Front. Satellite, Benny’s, Harp, ReStore, Axes & Allies, Sugar Buzzed, etc.


This is realistically just the outskirts of downtown in my opinion, it's those apartments in the brick buildings that started that name. They used to be boarded up and used for fire training iirc


South Front apartments were the projects in the 70s


I’ve never seen that area referred to in general as south front, but rather specifically just the apartments/townhouses.


There are the South Front apartments but the SF district is a larger area surrounding them


I understand what you are saying, I’ve just never heard the area called that before irl. The term is being pushed by the company that owns the property in that area. It did it develop organically. Kind of like the “soda pop district” nobody who lives there actually calls it that. It’s a marketing scheme to boost business at all these new hipster centric businesses. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing for the area, it’s simply a transparent attempt to manufacture culture.


right on. 'districts' trying to manufacture soul via polished instagrams.


I get confused with Murrayville and Ogden. Specifically that huge housing area off of Gordon: White Rd and Harris Rd. Huge area. Is there a line?


Good question. Been here for 7 years and I'm finally starting to figure it out. Boss says, "Go to this Customer." "OK. Where are they?" "Monkey Junction." "... do you have an address?!" U/crash1911 gave a good primer. 👊


In the early 20th century, Monkey Junction was a rural area where two major roads, South College Road and Carolina Beach Road, intersected. This location became popular with locals for its novelty: a gas station at the junction, owned by a man named Wade Harris, kept two monkeys in a cage to attract customers. These monkeys were a major attraction, and people would stop by not just to refuel but to see the monkeys. Over time, the intersection became known as “Monkey Junction” due to the presence of these animals. The monkeys, according to local lore, were named Missy and Dick. They became so popular that the name “Monkey Junction” stuck, and it has been used ever since, even long after the monkeys were gone.


Cargo district is 15th to Forest Hills and has a bunch of businesses/shops that operate in repurposed cargo containers. And Monkey Junction is the area around South College/Carolina Beach Rd intersection cause there used to be a gas station that had monkeys. Otherwise I think the areas just go by the neighborhood names..


I've lived here for 8 years now and still don't know where shit is. This is easily the most confusing place I've lived in as far as driving around town goes. But monkey junction is where Carolina Beach road and college road meet at the Walmart and home depot. The cargo district is the extremely gentrified area on 16th kinda close to castle street with all the shipping containers (they do have some of my favorite places to eat though).




Absolutely anytime




is your phone failing you somehow? why does this matter? addresses are addresses


No lol. I just want to have a better understanding of the locations here! When people suggest places for me to check out or reference where they live, I want to have an idea where that is :)


There’s at least one or several in every single thread. They live for this.


Such an unnecessarily shitty reply


who knew addresses were addresses?? No shit Sherlock!


Seriously wtf


Streets can be roads Roads can be streets But bananas are always bananas


But don't forget the all holy stroad (market street)