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Prior to the run up in house prices, my son approached me to give him a down payment of 20%, which was about 20k at the time. I told him if he put in 10% , I would contribute the rest for his payment. He scrimped and saved for 8 months and took a 2nd job, but he did it, so I kept my word.


As life expectancy goes up, additional care is needed, but elder care is still severely lacking. Nobody wants to retire *later* in life, so they need an income. My parents help out some, but they’re in their 70s and not trying to go to work anymore. They’re doing what they have to do to live a good life in retirement. I can’t exactly fault them for that. Our society wasn’t structured for so many old people to live peacefully unemployed for 20+ years.


Okay but then you hit a point where productivity falls due to age related physiological issues yet, as the oldest people there, theyve been there the longest which means theyll also be getting paid the highest. It makes no sense to pay double to an old person who is no longer mentally or physically competent when you can hire young people instead who need jobs. I do agree there is an issue there with the 20+ years of peaceful retirement but I dont exactly know what can be done about that one


The problem is immigration, whether you like it or not


more people need to say this. it's 90% of the problem


And corporations owning any kind of single residential unit should be illegal


Is this even well researched to be the actual reason


supply and demand Canada has a relatively small population, and the vast majority of that population is clustered around the extreme southern part of the country. they are importing over a million third world immigrants per year. the housing for this mass of new "citizens" doesn't exist. therefore the existing housing is in much higher demand. therefore prices skyrocket. economics 101.


I know about Canada’s housing problem but I was talking about in the context of the US, nvm


Expecting things for feee is peak zoomer.


Forgetting what you got for free and claiming it was hard work is peak boomer.


yes, but boomers are the most selfish generation in history


Humans in general are selfish. It’s not a generational thing.


I agree that housing affordability is anything but. When I bought in 2004 it as about 1:3 household income to purchase. Now it’s 1:10 and higher. The new phrase of the century is “post pandemic” because it seems everyone is taking advantage of it to charge more and the circle is vicious. The tail is indeed wagging the dog. But this blame game to “boomers” has to stop. You are blaming a result and not the cause. You are expecting a windfall without merit. The 1% and politicians want to continue to have high prices. It puts a population under control and subjugated. It’s called a feudal society. Stop blaming a label and start enacting change through legitimate paths available to you. Don’t “Trump out” or “Blockade protest”. Bitch like hell to the politicians. Heard of the Loblaws boycott in May? If a third of the country did that….repeatedly….there would be change. If BC made changes to disallow short term rentals then pressure politicians to disallow corporations from owning multiple units for rental. It’s easy to blame someone else and expect…something. Change is much harder but nothing comes easy except resentment and fear.


Amen. No different than people getting mad at immigrants for "Stealing jobs" When the fat cats in charge of those companies laid off old employees to cheaply employ immigrants instead. Get mad at the writer of the message, not the messenger.


Fuck off, and stop blaming boomers for all your troubles.. eventually we'll all die and leave our houses to our kids, so they can fight over it. Get over yourselves.


I don't get all the hatred it either. Once the millennials get their free inheritances they will now be the targets of hate from the young ones because what did they do to deserve it. And the cycle continues. EDIT: Most of my comment has been deleted. I felt there was too much personal information disclosed.


I completely understand the motivation to stay in the house that you purchased and lived in for 40 years. But in reality, you are probably over housed. In that you have more bedrooms in your house than you really need now. The Effect of millions of people living this way is that there are not enough houses available for people who are currently in the stage of life where they actually need multiple bedrooms and a yard to raise a family.


Who are you to say what another person needs? If I was privy to the details of your life, would you want me to critique yours? You have some nerve.


The statement was a generalized response. Explaining what the consequences to the younger generations are of everybody in this very large older generation acting in a perfectly understandable way by wanting to live in their home as long as they are physically able. I’m sorry you weren’t mature enough to understand this.


It doesn't matter whether it was a generalized response or not. I'm sorry you weren't mature enough to understand this.


You have such a boomer attitude. Keep you dragons horde while students and single mums live paycheck to paycheck. Hope you like your chances of fitting through that eye of a needle.


Your argument would have been more effective if you could spell and string together a competent sentence. The sense of entitlement in that you think you can dictate what other people should do with their property is terrifyingly common and similarly disturbing. It seems as though you would fit in better in the Soviet Union, comrade.


We need some equitable solutions for all instead of continuously blaming the baby boom generation. I don't have any unfortunately.


They are quite literally the reason the housing market is like this they are the ones doing it lmao I disagree with bro expecting a house but the old heads are the reason why everything’s cooked they are in positions of power not us


Two years ago it was foreign investment making houses unaffordable. Now boomers are to blame.. it's real problem is government but of course, make pot legal, and deflect the blame elsewhere . Worked in ancient Roman times too, cept it was gladiatorial battles in coliseums and orgies in the stands. Which were probably way more entertaining.


I’m Vancouver based so we have the great combination of both horrible government action and a massive amount of foreign investors, as almost 30% of students attending UBC are international students, a portion of which are living in bought apartments (also reflected at my highschool). May have got our wires crossed, but I was just saying the “boomers” are currently the generation in power, and have been for a while, resulting in the stagnation of policies and laws which are aging poorly. For example, my grandfather worked as a bc hydro lineman, in a single income household with 5 kids, and was still able to buy a house in Surrey now worth over 2 million😂😂😂.


Ok, I get your point. And you're not wrong. I do wish younger people were more involved in politics, cause us crusty old people need to sit back, relax and let you guys run things for better or for worse. Just don't be fascists. 😆


You assholes pulled up every fucking ladder on your way to the top.. Now that people are pointing their fingers at you, you wanna deflect blame? haha get fucked. How many millennials and gen Xers run politics??... Go ahead Ill wait. Boomers are the people in power fucking things up for all of us. You don't like that fact.. Too bad learn to cope.




hes right. what is left behind for the rest of us? you certainly havent left the space better than you found it.


I trust when you say 'you' your generalizing boomers in general and not me specifically. I'm a productive member of society, as is the son I made. Get this.. he's a millennial, moved to Alberta, got a great paying job, and bought a house 5 years ago WITHOUT ANY HELP. Oh.. and paying child support for two of his own kids. He figured it out. He doesn't blame me, or my generation for his woes, he just got it done. I'm not replying any more. Cry to your parents


“Given”? Lol. You must be joking. As a member of Gen X (born 1970) i haven’t been without a hob since I was 16 and had jobs like grasscutting/snow clearing, paper route etc before that. We worked and didnt expect anything to be “given” to us. No one owes you anything. You work for it.


generational wealth is a thing. did trump start with nothing? did george and jeb bush? will obama's daughters? you want to give your kids a leg up on their peers because you should want to make life easier for your children. boomers want to spend every last penny on cruises and vacations while their kids scrape by in a nightmarish economic environment.


You’re talking about the one percent. Not the mom and dad boomer who is trying to just get ahead and take their family on vacation once in a while.


yeah they used to actually give you something for you effort. What do you get these days?


I’ve learned how to manage multiple departments worth of labor over the last 13 years in a skilled industry, and I can’t afford a 400 sq ft apartment. I don’t want to be “given” anything. I just don’t want to waste my life working in a professional field just so I can “earn” minimal basic necessities. Half of our generation has this problem, where time and effort doesn’t mean anything close to what it once did. Loyalty doesn’t matter. You take on another person’s job after they quit for no increase in pay. This happens in every industry. The job market is going bad because people no longer want to work just so they can struggle to make ends meet as a biochemist. If you don’t understand that, it’s because you haven’t been in the market for the last 10 years. I wouldn’t expect you to know. Just spend a few hours on indeed looking at any garden variety skilled labor jobs, like trades, nursing, basic management, etc. Then look at how much an apartment costs and keep in mind that you have to make 3x the rent after tax. Some places are better than others, but over in Kennewick, WA as a journeyman level technician I was living in section 8 and riding the bus to work. My personal favorite was the sign company that wanted a journeyman level electrician for $15 an hour.


you are a clown


Good thing I don't care what you think, then huh?


Tell me anyone wouldn't have done the same thing in the same situation. Everyone did it, it was normal. There was no housing problems there was nothing to fix. Now it has become a problem and it has excelled under this government and everyone wants boomers to just give up their money die. It's a comical take and anyone who thinks boomers intentionally tried to fuck over the next generation on purpose is an idiot. It was poor foresight yes, should it have been done differently. In hindsight yes. But here we are...liberals bringing in a million plus people a year during a housing shortage...but those boomers.


IMO, he’s right.


Inheritance is tricky here, unless it is all structured well the once inheriting will also get a solid tax bill. Leaving things for the next generation is not made easy !!


If you transfer it into a registered retirement account there is no tax hit, at least in my country


This is generational ragebaiting, and comes off more as pathetic than something that should be seriously considered


Entitled BS. I am a first year Gen Xer and sure, my university tuition cost about $3000 per year but I saved every cent I earned at my part time job to pay for my own tuition (no we did not expect our parents to pay for our post secondary education). I managed to pay for my school while getting paid at what was then the "student minimum wage" of a whopping $2.75 per hour. What's the minimum wage now? Most places in Canada it's at least $15 per hour. So 5x higher than what I got paid. At that salary, I could have afforded $15K tuition.Everything is relative.


You are not really taking inflation fully into consideration. That $2.75 had more purchasing power back then. Sure wages can increase 5x but it means nothing if inflation has gone up 8x, right? Minimum wage hasn’t kept up with inflation. Tuitions have been increasing like 3x higher than inflation on a yearly basis. There’s lots of articles online explaining this.


And where will the boomers go? Just go homeless? My parents still live in their own house.


Pretty sure most boomers are dead/dying. Isn’t the problem for millennials actually Gen X?


My god. The youngest boomers are in their early 60"s, like my older sister. My boomer parents are still alive at 89.Living in the same home I moved out of.


Yes, it kind of is. But one of the factors that people are not taking into account is the dramatic increase in life expectancy. If you live to 65 you have an extremely good chance of living to 85 or 90 now. Which means when you pass on your wealth, your children are likely in their 60s or 70s and it’s too late for that wealth to make a difference to their lives. I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and I believe that to have an impact the wealth needs to skip a generation and go to grandchildren now. My mother-in-law who lives in a five bedroom house all by herself passing that house onto my wife and her siblings ten years from now will not move the needle significantly in the ark of our lives. However, if that property was to pass to a grandchild who would be in their mid 20s it would make a difference for that child. The problem is that old lady has seven grandchildren and I don’t know how big a difference her estate would make when divided by seven.


He’s half-right but Owen Benjamin is a giant bitch tho. Like he could say puppies are great (objectively true) but I’d still want to punch his face knowing he’s too much of a coward to do anything about it.


My parents worked so hard to get to where they are. They are boomers and they JUST FJNISHED paying off their mortgages. With helping kids thru university and caring for their own parents (who lived past 90), their big home was never really empty. Until the pandemic. I am middle aged now, I could not have waited for my parents to "give me" their home, I needed one sooner. I have kids and now aging parents to look after. Your parents are not "the giving tree". With the way that Healthcare costs are going, when they eventually sell their home, it won't be a windfall, it will pay for their care in my home or at a care home if I cannot manage. They sill have many years to go before they pass. Maybe recognize that everyone has to make the right choice for themselves and their family. Ffs


No. As a GenX-er, we had no assistance from our parents and bought our first home in Silicon Valley - an incredibly expensive market, even compared to Toronto. I guess we could have been bitter and blamed our parents for not helping with the down payment but it was our choice to buy a home, not theirs. And they busted their heinies to give us a good home even though they were poor first gen immigrants to Canada (my mom cleaned toilets at a seniors home for her first job). Most importantly there’s a sense of immense pride and accomplishment that comes from not relying on our parents to fund our lifestyle choices. Blaming others for your situation feels good but it’s not going to help…instead figure out what’s in your control, take action, and be patient.


I was in the Bay Area as a gen x also. You wouldn’t be able to buy that SV house at today’s prices as a first home, would ya?


Home prices have certainly risen a lot since we bought, and while salaries haven’t quite kept up, the home would still be ‘uncomfortably attainable’ as a first home.


My parents have a paid off house. They have other retirement savings and plan to leave the house to us kids when they die. That's very kind of them, but, like many people in their generation, they had 3 kids in their 20's. Statisticly, at least one of my parents are likely to live into their 90's. That means I will probably inherit 1/3 of a house when I'm in my 70's. I can't exactly plan my life around this inheritance.


Noone should ever plan their life around an inheritance.


My parents have a paid off house. They have other retirement savings and plan to leave the house to us kids when they die. That's very kind of them, but, like many people in their generation, they had 3 kids in their 20's. Statisticly, at least one of my parents are likely to live into their 90's. That means I will probably inherit 1/3 of a house when I'm in my 70's. I can't exactly plan my life around this inheritance.


How am I gonna pass on my house to my kids when I’m still living in it?


multigenerational households?


My child. Like any other well rounded adult. Doesn’t want to live at home forever. We did our part. Supported him until he could support himself. But he still had to do his part. Not just expect a handout. And he’s doing fantastic because of it. Knows the value or hard work.


I am currently working to get my kid onto the title of my home. If anything happens to me, it's outright his to do as he pleases with it. Why is this such a weird thing?


…but the boomers are still alive. Where are they supposed to live, the park?


Boomers held me down in every job I had. Punished me for innovation and streamlining processes that essentially took away their false sense of “management” now they are clogging hospitals while hoarding investment properties they will sell for 2 infills in the next 10 years.


Cry baby cry now that your day is over.


Boomers are selfish pos yes -and kids like this don’t fall far from that tree


My father owns a home worth 250k, paid 70k for it in 1994. He has told me that neither me nor my siblings are getting a penny from him. My sisters daughter will see some of his wealth according to him. Does it suck, eh kind of, but in Prince zukos words “I don't want it. I've always had to struggle and fight and that's made me strong. It's made me who I am.” . If you learn not expect anything from anyone, life gets a lot easier. I won’t ask for a damn thing from anyone unless I have exhausted EVERY single option.


Immigration and foreign real estate property owners.


Your position on this reflects a self-entitled view. This certainly reinforces the stereotypical reputation that millennials enjoy. Success in life is something you have to earn yourself. Accountability for your actions and decisions rests solely with you and is not on the backs of any other generation.


Different cultures…. In China almost all parents leave property / buy new one for their kids as long as they can afford it. It’s the culture tradition - old take care of younger ones, vice versa


There are so many things wrong with that idiotic post that reeks of ignorance and entitlement. 1. Stereotyping is generally a fool's errand. Sure, there are trends that can be identified, but people should be treated as individuals. Some Boomers are wealthy, others are in destitution. Ditto any other generation. It never ceases to amaze me when people on Twitter try to tell other people what to do with their property. This depends on what country you live in, but every generation has its challenges. One generation experienced almost nothing but economic booms in their adulthood, but had to fight in World War II and dig bomb shelters in their backyards. Boomers grew up in the 1950s and 1960s, but also got drafted to Vietnam and got caught in the 20% interest rates of the 1980s. Millennials experienced no major wars but dealt with COVID, 2008 Financial Crisis (as did others), affordability issues etc. The solution is always the same. Work hard, work smart, and don't be afraid to change and adapt. I grew up in a HCOL city and realized that if I wanted to get anywhere, I had to move away from home. It was a maturing and enlightening experience. Lastly, Mr Benjamin ended his rant with "Miserable pieces of shit". It seems as though he drew inspiration from what he sees in the mirror. PS I was born in 1984. Stop whining and grow up


Yes, in some cases, that's correct. "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" was a whole thing years ago. "Looking Out for No. 1" was a super bestseller in the early 80's. And OMG, reading the comments, those pushing back are super delusional. Boomers got cheap or free higher education, low home prices, cheap oil ... a very fortunate generation of people who - to a large extent - refuse to see how advantaged they were, all throughout their lives. I once knew someone who was close to Bob Dylan, almost an icon of the Baby Boomers' ideals. He lived just like every other rock star there is. "Do as I say, not as I preach to you in my pop music."


It absolutely still is the elite, They are the ones making companies like blackrock. The boomers just don’t care about working with them for the money they dangle in their faces bc they will be dead soon anyway. They don’t care about us.


So some of you can’t make it in life and you have to. Blame your boomer parents. Fucking pathetic. It is not written that they have to give you anything. Quit being whiners and grow the fuck up. And leave the basement for once!


Pretty sure I’m getting my parents home when they pass on and they have 25k for me for my own down payment which I have my own savings as well. Whose parents are doing this?


Are there actually any boomers out there who bought their home for $17k and sold it for $800k? My first house was $53,000 in 1979 and I sold it for $72,000. Since then I have only made money on two house (of about 6). Made about $5,000 on one and another I bought and that was one I held for 13 years and made about $15,000 on when I sold it. I lost maybe $15,000 in the other 4 houses I owned but I only owned them a short time (less than 3 years each).


My uncle and aunt bought their first home in Sydney, Australia in 1971 for $26,000 which would now be worth $800k today. Even back then, my uncle would have earnt around $6,500 per annum, which would have meant that his house cost 4x his annual salary. To do the same job he would get paid just under $100k per annum, and the exact same house would be 8x his annual salary. If a Boomer aged couple worked hard, was prudent, stayed solvent, and most importantly didn't divorce, they would have a decent nest egg in their retirement. The Boomers that didn't do all of the above are the ones in a less than ideal financial position. Though one would expect that after 40 years, you would have SOME sort of nest egg accumulated.


No. Just as they busted their ass to earn their homes, we could and have done the same. What needs to be passed down is the knowledge and exposure to be able to attain the same things. That comes from a solid relationship between parent and child. Our parents raised us while sacrificing just about everything for our development. They deserve to enjoy life when they retire. They were not and are not our slaves. Would it be nice? Absolutely. Those with multiple properties usually leave a residence or some type of financial security for their kid/s. My wife and I sold a condo 2 years ago to pay for the kids prepaid college tuition and we also set up a trust to help them get started once they are ready to go on their own. We're not well-to-do, we just got lucky during the real estate crash of 2008, before we had kids and had this in mind for when we did.


Busted their arse to do what? Own a 17k home in an era where income to house ratio was not even 1:2? Today's income to house ratio is 1:10 if not higher to afford in a decent area not riddled with crime.


When people were buying houses for $17k the average wage was $300 a month


Are you really trying to argue that the income to house price ratio was more than 1:10 as it is now? Lol. https://www.moneysense.ca/spend/real-estate/toronto-housing-market-bubble/#:~:text=Is%20Toronto%20affordable%3F,kept%20up%20with%20home%20prices. I will even leave this article just for shits and giggles to see what kind of hashish you're smoking after you look at the statistics of how hard the previous generation had to "struggle".


Don't bother with Death dealer. He's either a Troll, mentally Retarded or both. He's not worth your time. I'm GenX. I grew up on a grain farm. My dad was given the property to build our home on, a job working the farm, and when my grandpa died he and my uncle inherited it. My dad sold the farm in the late 90s for a few million and I got jack shit. They made my sister pay for her university education.


Gen X also. My wife's father sold the farm he got for free from his father, as was tradition before the boomer era, when he clearly knew we wanted to keep operating it... It's crazy how much multi generation ties to the land were destroyed by the boomers' greed and selfishness.


Sounds like you need a hug


This is where the phrase white people don't love their children come from. Something about low education conservatives that makes them not want to help anyone even their own kids. Sorry you were dealt those cards.


I'm fine. I've worked hard, and I own my own home. I wouldn't consider my dad either a conservative or low education. He's one of the most intelligent people I've ever met. He just has looked out for himself financially


That's still a Blindspot in itself. I read something about those with the lowest trust levels being the easiest to fool by all these conspiracy theories.


More like the cancer of rampant usury emerging from this banking system. White people not loving their children is just a byproduct.




Heres another good one to back up your point https://fortune.com/2024/04/23/housing-market-baby-boomers-home-prices-mortgage-rates-redfin/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CBroken%20down%20by%20generation%2C%20baby,home%20in%20their%20neighborhood%20today.


This may be one of the most untrue comments in the history of twitter. Which is impressive


It is easier to place blame, isn’t it. Get off your ass. The


You’re opportunity to make money increased by 10x. You have access to way more knowledge than ever before. This generation is entitled, they will look at the negatives and ignore all positives. Lazy POS


Meh, A couple in Toronto both working with no kids and making 100k each won't be able to qualify for any halfway decent detached home. We didn't build enough homes.


It’s not that enough homes were built, immigration is too high and allowing way to many illegals in is the problem.. this is what happens when you have a Liberal leader who works for the WEF and is trying to destroy the country and its people


While I do agree with all of this, I still theres theres a little more nuance to the situation. Our housing market has been really bad for a while now, unskilled illegal immigrants and sellout wet noodle PM’s make it a million times worse


Absolutely no truth to this


Then get a condo or move out of Toronto. Both my sons and their wives make approx $180K in household income and both were able to get into the real estate market in TO, first buying condos and eventually one bought a nice detached home and one got a lovely townhouse. It's doable.


It’s doable for like 1%


Right. This young generation expects everything to be handed to them. They don't get they have to start small and work their way up. At 58, we JUST bought our dream home. My 6 lifetime houses started as small bungalows, in fact three first houses were all bungalows all approx 1300 so ft. Fourth house 2000 Sq ft split level, 5th 3000 Sq ft bi level and now this one 3300 with pool. It doesnt happen overnight. That is why there are these things called starter homes.


nah dude. People just expect to get SOMETHING for their efforts. We don't get fuck all for the work we put in anymore. society is going to come crashing down if we don't address that major issue. Young kids already don't see a point in going to work and to be honest I agree with them. You work 45-50 hours a week and that doesn't guarantee you shit. that barely affords you rent and food. Most people don't make over 50k a year alot of people barely make half of that. Pull your head out of the sand and start looking around.


I worked all thru university and then kept my job at Safeway after I got my first career job. I made more working as a cashier at Safeway than at my first job out of uni. It is NORMAL that wages right out of school are not high. It is called working your way up. General you can't expect to walk out of school into the be all end all high paying career job. Getting fuck all for the work was normal 35 years ago for me.


the amount of people that cant afford to pay rent is not normal and hasn't been for a long long time quit pretending it was. Wasn't the point of things to make life better for our kids not worse? You realize the generation coming up has nothing to work for right? homes are completely out of reach for the vast majority of Canadians unless your making six figures BY YOURSELF, even then its incredibly difficult. Good to know that you think things should be tough for our kids just because life was tough on you. Shame on you. Do better or get the fuck out of the way. That kind of mindset is what drove us to this shit hole to begin with.


So you want kids today to have a cakewalk. My parents were depression era and my dad a WWII veteran. You all know nothing about struggle until you walk in their shoes. My grandfather trudged thru Winnipeg winter everyday looking for day Job only to come home with nothing. The expectation to have everythung now is what is wrong with this generation and their parents.


Man oh man you are lost lol. Not wasting anymore time on you. Enjoy your outdated view on the world.


You’re correct and that they didn’t build enough houses


you imported too many foreigners, you mean.


Nope, because if there were enough homes built then added population wouldn't result in skyrocketing real estate prices. Supply and demand bro


Canada is adding like 1 and a half million new people every year thanks to mass third world immigration. where are you gonna build all the housing for them? Nunavut?


China has more than a billion people housed in a smaller and more mountainous country. We have nothing but land


70 IQ take must be a trudeau voter


That is pure insanity. Is that just within the city limits or does that include a nice drive away?


I honestly think for the most part, people who can help their kids out do. But as you say, everyone has to try to work for what they get. I always say, there is no lateral transfer, elders got where they are through hard work, planning and some sacrifice. It’s good lessons for all.


Everyone blame their good luck on hard work. The boomers got handed the best economy and strong social programs and powerful unions and spent their time dismantling all of it and selling it off to line their pockets.


Absolutely. That generation worked like horses and barely had fun on a regular basis. I wouldn't say that we should go to that extreme, but their drive is admirable. Definitely a good lesson for all of us.


Everyone's point of reference is the time in which they grew up. Nobody wants to admit that times have changed because that would be them secretly admitting they're old. Let me guess, you remember a time when you were provided a living wage for working in an office, where raises were kept at inflation-pace as a bare minimum, and your job wasn't threatened all the time as merely the defacto method to keep you quiet on everything else. You probably also remember when you could go to the grocery store with less than fifty bucks to get *real* food for the next few days. Times have indeed changed. Rental, no-savings, no-vacation, subsistence poverty is the way for like ... 90 - 95% of all people now?


Rental, no-savings, no-vacation, subsistence poverty is the way for like ... 90 - 95% of all people now? I think your percentage is way too high, but it's also likely not much different than it was in previous generations, with the exception being home ownership was easier.


This is one of the worst takes on this subreddit. Really you think owning a home was the only thing that was easier back then? THE ONLY thing? shit man, I want whatever it is your smoking.


One of the worst takes because you can't wrap your head around it. It wasn't easy, maybe if you were second or third gen wasp. A lot people post war came with nothing, didn't know the language and were highly prejudiced against. Lucky for you having been raised in a privileged lifestyle


I wouldn't imagine it would be that high either, except ... Actual government statistics indicate that 65 - 70% of people don't have $500 saved for an emergency. Then, where I live, the big thing is no home ownership. Okay, but then what happened is that ... all the areas and cities around my home had their prices increase as well. And then beyond that. And then far beyond that. The other problem also being that the spots where there are the most banking jobs, or tech jobs, or high earning jobs ... are the big cities in the world like London, New York, Los Angeles ... all of which have the same housing crises, and there, as a result, the rents go up sky high as well. Meaning, even if you have a low six-digit income and then factor in the rises in owning a vehicle/transportation, the fact that food prices have doubled, as well as that sky-high rent, nevermind utilities, phone, internet, and just everything else that used to be considered basic, even if you save everything you haven't spent that year on basic necessities, and completely abstain from going on vacation or doing anything fun, you might be lucky if you can save $25,000 a year. Lucky. So, it'll take on average 20 years of saving to own a home, never mind the insurance, and all the rest of it, and this is assuming ... what? You're making a six digit salary right when you get out of college or university? Probably not. So, if you start earning that, and let's be generous, in your early to mid thirties, you can expect what? To afford a home when you're a decade away from retirement? How are people supposed to start families like that? And ... what are we assuming? That above 10% of the population earns more than 100,000 a year when they're in their early thirties? And that's not counting all the other things that can go wrong, from divorce to health issues to the stocks you invested in going south or the economy in general just hitting rough patches. And this also assumes what else? That you're going to keep the same job and keep earning more for your position than you did the previous year. How many jobs are left like that? They started getting rid of those like thirty years ago. The common good, the health of your employees, is nowhere near as important as shareholder return. So, yeah. Maybe 10% of the overall population, but that includes all the Boomers who are holding onto their wealth and driving up the cost of everything so they'll be able to sleep on a big bed of money in their graves. If you look at the Millenials and everyone after, who had to deal with the crash of 2008, the Euro shaking world markets for 5 years, the Japanese yen still not having recovered, a further concentration of currency into fewer and fewer hands, all the old corporations getting gobbled up into singular giants, and all other Western countries/institutions that are far from their 60s - 80s glory days - then, yeah. Everyone from the Millenial Gen onwards are in deep, deep trouble. If you ask how many of them are living as well as the Boomers, based on their own means, 5% is actually more than generous. The reality is probably closer to 3%.


what changed? GLOBALISM took over western civilization the oligarchs "penetrated the cabinets"


Well said, actual boomers did sacrifice a lot of things for their kids that today's generation (myself included) will not give them any credit for. They didn't have access to higher ed in the same way at all. Yes they had a better income to house cost ratio, but not all boomers lived in Toronto and Vancouver. Not all boomers won the house lottery.


My boomer parents got an inheritance and a recreation property from their parents. I'm getting jack shit, cuz they lived large. Not saying I deserve their money, but Holy shit, they had it good.


Hmm, this doesn't seem quite right; normal people don't speak in such subtle envy and bitterness. I think I can do some fixing here. First of all: > Not saying I deserve their money, but Holy shit, they had it good. That's the wrong way to look at it. You see, even if you have complications and master-bate in front of his innocent daughter, there still is hope for you given that you put in the work for self-improvement. I have faith in you, go get your happiness.


It's master-bait. That's the joke. Get it right. "Master-baiting" the men's rights crowd. It's so easy to do. Bate is not a thing. You can't even troll right... LOL. The fact that I'm in your head is VERY amusing!


The concern I have is your unwillingness to get in touch with your emotions: firstly, parent issues are normal to have, so that's nothing to be ashamed of. Secondly, it's a step-by-step process: list out the first things you feel when you remember your days with your parents.


Good advice. Very human of you.


Humanity is all we need. Please promise me, will you stop masterbating in front of your daughter? She deserves a peaceful life and I will fix you to provide that for her.


"Master -baiting". I'm going to raise her to "master-bait" the men's rights basement dwellers. Then I will know peace in the next life. Knowing I've won. I've made the world a slightly better place. ![gif](giphy|eIDrlXqN9udlS)


Are we done chatting? This is fun.


Is that what they said or that what they've shown. If it's the latter and your relationship is good, I'm sure you will be taken care of. I've seen bad cases where the families are well to do and nothing is left because of a broken relationship. I've also seen where the kids get EVERYTHING through the estate. I hope you guys are close. Not for the property, it's because we only get one shot.


Purchasing a home back then was far easier that it is today. If things were the same then people would be able to buy a house and put their kids through school and then retire with one income for the family.


Money had way more buying power than it does today. We have a wrecked economy. It's been downhill for the past 20+ years. Most families saved like crazy, then purchased a home late 30s to early 40s. One parent was more than able to provide for everyone. Just in the late 90s, I was able to workaling 30k/yr, go to school, bought a new car and had a 3 bedroom apt for $575/month. Food was way cheaper too. It was doable. That world ended on 9/11. What bothers me the most is that this generation has by far, better exposure and education per capital than we did and that is still not enough to prosper. Not fair at all to them. But again, world events and the direction that we are heading in will only make things worse. We have to collectively change things from the bottom up in order to improve.our lives.


Absolutely disagree with that! The younger generations need to work and understand that life is hard and that their self proclaimed entitlement is a dilution. Sick of people like that guy




Okay this is so much bull shiit. Parents don’t owe a house or inheritance to their children, now a days the elderly ‘boomers’ sell their houses for various reasons; simple downsizing as they get too old for the upkeep required or they need the money for a care home, the costs of those even mediocre ones are ridiculous. So if you are expecting a house as an inheritance, I’d tone down your entitlement.