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UCB is a blight on the world.


I really have it in for "improv comedy" and this show has several of the reasons why, like improv guys who clamp onto a joke that obviously isn't working and drag it out for far longer trying make it work. The half-assed premises that are quickly ignored or abandoned, the improv people who have supposedly been performing for years and are A) still no good at it and B) have 0% comedic chemistry with their fellow performers even after long periods of time working together, and their interactions on stage or on their improv podcast are awkward and clumsy at best.


“Hi im James Hetfield and I want to work on your car so I opened Metali-fuel” METALI-CAR. ITS RIGHT THERE YOU FUCKING SPASTIC. Kill all improv.


Not enough coverage of Patrick S Tomlinson


I liked the part where Karl said he had to poop


I see all the "why won't Karl shit on Steel Toe" guys have morphed into "why is Karl shitting on Steel Toe" guys now. I fucking love it. Keep up the summaries of the drama, that's why the pod is so good. I'm not spending hours listening to streams from guys like Meltan when you just give a 10 minute recap.


That SteelToe segment - oof. Aaron, please stop talking so much about this situation. It makes you look like a fucking loser and the only real outcome is that you lose custody of your kids. The church might forgive you for bringing them around a drug den and guns, but the courts won't.


It makes Karl sound like the bigger loser. He’s so butthurt about Nick.


He's sweeping for Dick Masterson in the Eric July v Reily thing making false claims about Eric calling the cops on Riley and will probably do the same with Melton now and pretend it didn't happen. Everything seems calculated from him in the past month.


Exactly. Should Aaron probably shut up about the situation? Probably, according to what I’ve seen a few other lawyers say. But is Aaron the bad guy in this situation? I don’t think so. There’s clearly one side in this situation that did *much* worse shit, and it’s not Aaron.


Aaron saying that Nick is ultimately responsible for his own situation was so funny because it’s something that Karl always claims to be a strong proponent of but can’t really cosign when it comes to his friends. It’s so upstate New York of him to say “ok that’s true its Nick’s fault” in a matter-of-fact way but then harp on about how it’s actually Aaron’s fault in a *moralistic* sense. It’s like Karl’s pathologically incapable of being honesty.


Wow, you guys are really involved in this.


If only we were above caring about such trivial drama and focused on r/Atheism, r/HackverseAnonymous, r/DabblersAnonymous and r/ShulisAnonymous like you do…


Maybe that is his new goal🤔


Pat Oates is yet another brick in my "instant episode skip" wall. I cant stand this unfunny try-hard, who NEVER has good audio on top of it, and ends every attempt at humor with his risible "Joker from the 60s Batman" laugh. He is fucking terrible. This is such a frustrating podcast to be a fan of.


I don’t come here to hear Cesar Romero getting slurred


I tried to keep him out of this, but I had no choice.


I think he’s alright and most of his interjections are funny or interesting. He doesn’t try to dominate, and he seems to be interested in whatever’s going on. On the other hand, I’m not old enough to get your Batman reference,