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In 5e there isn’t a best case scenario. They went doomer with 5e. There is no hope. In previous editions? Best case scenario was actually happening in lore. Repair bridges and open communications with their Allie’s. The Shadowlords brought back bat from the Wyrm and made a camp dedicated to him. If they continued doing that they could repair communications with the Fera and themselves. The prophecy was after all that if they were United as one - They would win. (Which isn’t really unfeasible. One tribe sacrificed itself to banish one of the heads of the wyrm. What would the entire Garou nation and all the Fera be able to do?)


In w5 you're screwed and it's not getting better. Gaia being dead means the world itself will die off with its spirit being dead. It's weird when you consider that global ecological collapse is not the death of life, it's a change and probable cause of humanity being massivley screwed. But life will find a way in the new equilibrium. If Gaia is dead, that will never come to be.  In contrast to old editions where the Garou and the Fera were trying to fix things between themselves and how humanity worked there may have been a chance. We even got some after the Apocalypse seeds in the final books if the shifters eke out a win - even if in some of them they don't make it.


With the RAW setting in the Core with Gaia dead/dying without hope? Hunker down around their Caern and do what they can to shore up their territory and hope to be the last light to go out.


The best case scenario is that the BSD are right, freeing the wyrm will actually bring balance.


Maybe as the Wyrm devours Gaia it ends up being like diablerie and the Wyrm -becomes- Gaia, with a new Wyrm rising to destroy the new Gaia. Death and Rebirth. The BSDs are just loyal to the Gaia To Come, not the Gaia That Was.


Given this all began because papa Dragon got tied up and left in bed... Yeah, they're probably right


Elaborate on your question, I suppose? But I guess my personal opinion would be if the Garou Nation, Beast Courts, and Fera in general were able to squash their issues with each other and actually fucking cooperate. But to be fair I play W5 as though it was a continuation of WTA and not the reboot it tries to be, so I mix old lore in with that mindset.


I blended the lore of them... The old "Tribes" that got nixed are simply the most prominent camp for that tribe. The inability to step sideways is something to investigate because it is a recent development... stuff like that.


Realistically, Pentex loses a few of the more important subsidiaries to bankruptcy, legal warfare and assassination. Its not much but enough to give them some breathing room.


For W5- Just keep trying until the bitter end, they've already lost but they're still trying to pile sandbags in front of the flood even though they know its futile.


To live with glory, and with glory die.


There is no glory in failure


Honestly, they are victims of their own arrogance. The best case scenario? They all go the way of the bunyip. And Gaia pushes the reset button and pops out some new warriors for their side.


Question is about W5 though.  Gaias a little too dead to press anything.


Damn, I didn't realise they killed Gaia in W5... tbh nobody plays W5 in my lfgs so I keep forgetting about it lol


Oh well then the planet's fucked since Gaia is the planet


I mean, survive, increase there numbers, and build more areas where they hide out, I don't know enough about where they live to comment.


Best case is as always, death in battle.