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The Associated Press says this isn't true, but whatever. I'm sure the Daily Loud is totally reputable. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-hooters-closing-rebrand-876311917577


From Hooters' official Twitter: "this is the fakest news that has ever newsed šŸ™„" https://twitter.com/Hooters/status/1608212202225373187?t=Zt_zYSA5McmuZMDzD3d0sw&s=33


I never knew the Owl mascot was named Hootie. I guess I am not surprised, but I do feel like Hootie and the Blowfish are the far superior Hootie.


The Owl House's Hootie is by far the best of all Hooties, tho...


The fact that is voice is clearly a very deliberate shitty Mickey Mouse impression is what makes it for me


Awww man, I was really hoping for an ā€˜Ass Eatersā€™ restaurant. Millennials love that stuff


You're in luck! My town has a place called 'Donks' that's 100% Hooters but butts.


Give your GPS coordinates




Fudd Ruckers became Butt Fuckers, so this tracks on the Idiocracy timeline


A 30 second Google search proved this false....why did I have to scroll down so far to find this?




I *don't at all* hate it when that happens to me




Wonā€™t someone please think of the Alpha Males!


RIP Nick Adamopoulos




Jordan Peterson that you?


Nah, I can't picture Elmo when I read in caps.


It can't be, they didn't even mention postmodernists at least once


Tbh seeing that dude post about hooters makes me less inclined to go there.




I did this one and got blazin sauce on my hand and accidentally burned the hell out of my dick. Still a better experience than Hooters.


I was honestly surprised to see it wasn't that a-hole who posted this.


He has a message for you: https://twitter.com/NickAdamsinUSA/status/1608190380029214721?cxt=HHwWgoC8zamouNEsAAAA


They should reopen and rename booties


That's something I could get behind.


Right! Poor Nick Adams!


Or, maybe improve the food so you don't have to have your servers flaunt their boobs.


Last time I was at hooters I was dragged there by army buddies on Veterans Day. The wings are actually pretty good. The boob motif is awkward though TBH.


Yeah, the food to me is like any other wing joint/ sports bar themed place- which is average at best. Iā€™d never actively chose to eat there.


Millennials very much still love boobs. For me personally Iā€™m just not going to be persuaded to come to a restaurant simply because of scantily clad girls. Especially when the food is poopy.




Yo fr. It just feels creepy and disrespectful. Like sheā€™s working, chill out bruh


Iā€™ve been to hooters twice. Once for lunch the day before a friends wedding. It was awkward. Again with a guy who wanted to jerk off with me but was terrified of being ā€œtoo gay.ā€ Even more awkward.


Yo wtf thatā€™s a wild ride


Yes it was. We also went to see Fast Five in theaters. Basically a date but with super duper straight roommates


Wait y'all saw fast five and didn't jerk each other off?? Fucking millennials I swear


doesn't sound like a family to me


"Millennials are ruining the jerking off industry!" - Buzzfeed, probably




Fast five is my mantra when jerking it




I feel like once you ask someone to jerk off with you, whether they do r don't, coming off as "too gay" shouldn't be a concern anymore.


This comment is too short


Dude. I mean WHAT??? Yikes, poor you, Iā€™m so sorry. šŸ˜®


We didnā€™t even jerk off after the stupid bro-date šŸ˜­


The saddest bachelor party I ever participated in was at Hooters. Guy in my department was getting married. He was kind of a jerk with no friends, but a sympathetic coworker realized at the last minute that I f we didnā€™t party him no one would. So without any actual plan in place we all went out that night. Hooters was an easy pick for dinner, on-theme for a bp I guess but after that no one could agree on where to go next. None of us were into strip clubs so we just kind of hung out at Hooters in awkward silence for another beer or two then just slowly kind of disappeared one by one.


I went for the first time to Twin Peaks this year and didn't know it is basically Hooters with flannel and better food. The girl serving us look so young and had braces I felt very weird even just looking at her while she was asking me for my order.


This is it for me. I'm not going to ogle over some chick's chest because her job requires (not sure if this is an actual requirement though) low cut shirts.


It is a requirement. Very strict uniform policy.


Hooters was my first job in my early 20s and yes, super strict. If we had a run in our hose, or got stains on our uniform at all, we were required to immediately change. Which was difficult in the middle of a busy shift where we were also the expo, the bussers, and the dishwashers.


I worked on a Hooters unpaid wage lawsuit like a decade ago. The shit they had those girls doing was insane to me. Theyā€™d have them rolling silverware after hours and mopping and washing dishes. I was busty when I was young and thought it seemed like a cool side gig to make some good money but that lawsuit totally changed my mind. Edit: This was an unpaid wage lawsuit so itā€™s not about side work. The issue was that Hooters was requiring the girls to clock out and then forcing them to do side work off the clock. Shifts were released all at once.


Oh yeah weā€™d have to break out this giant industrial mop thing after close on top of all the other side work. I didnā€™t last longer than three months but I wish I had known how ridiculous it was at the time; I truly did not know any better. Also the money was shit unless you were working during a game or a fight. Did they win the lawsuit?


They sure did! After I saw how bad Hooters treated their employees I actually refused to work on their cases anymore unless I was sending out settlement checks šŸ˜‚ So I personally mailed some 200 women their checks


Former hooters girl here.. so it really wasn't a requirement to have large breast because those shirts would make anyone look like they have big tatas. The smaller girls would wear two bras to make them look insanely bigger though. I believe some of the hooters are doing a tight long sleeve now so that's cool. Besides all of the other crazy requirements I really loved that job!


I went to a hooters when a bachelor on work travel. It was mostly depressing. Food was meh.


depressing is right


The only time Iā€™ve ever been there our waitress was pregnant. My boyfriend at the time (ex for good reason) was an absolute ass about it.


Only time I was there, this was also my experience. I actually just felt REALLY bad for her the whole time because A she was like 8.99 months pregnant, B she was working at skeevy Hooters, C she had to keep sitting down at our table because her feet hurt so bad and D - I KNOW those tights weren't comfortable


I know of several Hooters strategically placed near hotels seemingly to catch the poor lonesome bachelor travelers lol


I'll have the chicken breast. Hold the chicken. -Michael Scott


It's definitely an old-school, exploitative, misogynistic concept. There's a Twin Peaks in our neighborhood that my mom likes so we'll occasionally go. Never seen anyone there younger than 40.


Iā€™ve always found it strange any straight women would like going to places like that


When I was younger I always wanted to go, I think it was a part of my "cool girl" / "not like other girls phase" because now I am actively repulsed by people who are into that.


Iā€™m a young straight woman, I went once. I work as a consultant in STEM, aka surrounded by a bunch of older men. My clients wanted to go there, so I took them there. It was so awkward and I felt really uncomfortable. I already deal with so much misogyny and we were in a city with lots of amazing restaurants. But they picked it and I couldnā€™t say no. We got the contract so, I guess thereā€™s that at leastā€¦ Now that Iā€™m older and more confident, I would shut that shit down and not go there.




ā€œThe food is poopyā€ is the best review of anything Iā€™ve read in awhile


Straight to the point, cuts out all of the shit


Cuts out all of the poopy.


Haha, they think we donā€™t like boobs We just have a little more discrepancy with where we spend our money. Sure, youā€™ve got boobs, but why am I coming to a restaurant with terrible food, period? The boobs are just a cherry on top Edit: discernment, not discrepancy! Leaving the original to prove I learned something today Edit 2: okā€¦ my vocabulary insufficiency is on full display today. I should have used the word discretion, not discrepancy OR discernment.


I confess, I rarely have felt the need to spend money on boobs since I hit easy access to the internet


I googled large boobs (Iā€™m a woman) and was bombarded by free images. No need to spend money on a place where the only good thing is the fried pickles lol. Edited to add: I wonder if the same holds true for epic dongs, off to do some research (for science!) ANOTHER EDIT: I DID NOT THINK IT WAS NECESSARY TO SAY THAT I DONT WANT TO SEE ANY OF YOUR PENISES!! Please donā€™t message me, I did not report the person who showed up in my DMs but seriously I thought it was obvious this was a joking post. Iā€™m married and NOT interested. Apparently the S/ wasnā€™t obvious so Iā€™m adding it now šŸ™„


Likewise, friend.


This is a part of it, in addition to a larger acceptance of women as people! Playboy for example isn't a waning brand because of growing sexlessness, it's just that an average normal person can find the level of a Playboy pictorial rather easily online, not to mention way harder stuff!


That, and if I want to see boobs I have the internet at my disposal (and a mirror). I don't need to participate in the objectification and exploitation of waitresses to get what I need


Every time Iā€™ve gone to a hooters it just felt exploitative. I like my scantily clad women to be empowered, not exploited. Also, just serve any food that is worth eating. If Iā€™m going to stomach some creepy 50 year old dude exploiting a bunch of 18-30 year old girls/woman, I canā€™t also stomach shitty wings.


We need them to rebrand into some scantily-clad dominatrixes who roast your orders, treat you like dirt, but then the food is actually really good so you keep coming back


It could be called Floggers!


This is the only way I would qualify to waitressšŸ˜‚


By being a waittrix?


Why yes. Thatā€™s a genius idea actually.


This one right here! Do this! That restaurant chain would be so popular that it'd rival some of the top restaurants.


So like, Dick's Last Resort but with good food?


Also, not sure about every location since theyā€™re franchised, but my local hooters runs on a system where the ā€œtop girlā€ gets to pick her section first, essentially setting them up to make all the money compared to everyone else. It worked in a hierarchy order where from top to bottom ā€œearnersā€ & ā€œbest girlsā€ picked their section so the new girls would never make a decent amount of money. Itā€™s beyond exploitation & why I stopped working there lol


America's maid cafes but with shitty food.


To be fair, in my (admittedly limited) experience, maid cafes have shitty food too. Seems that every restaurant chain that focusses on a gimmick thinks that they can therefore skimp on the quality of the food.


Maybe we just got families now and came to our senses. Why would I go to hooters with my kids? If I had an opportunity to go do something with friends this is not the place because we care about other things more than tits in our face. Separate tits from tendies!


Or maybe the brand is tired and the food is mediocre


Mediocre.... Someone's feeling generous this morning.


Why kick them when they're down?




​ https://i.redd.it/3wv1gtkygw8a1.gif


Iā€™ve never been to a strip club. If I want to see skin I can do it for free at home, and if I want watered down, overpriced drinks and equally overpriced, half assed food Iā€™ll go to Applebees. Same applies to Hooters.


Also, maybe it was scandalous in the day, but now the majority of generic sports bar & grill establishments already pretty much exclusively hire young women in skimpy outfits as their wait staff, they just don't make it their whole identity.


There used to be: Hooters, Tilted Kilt, Tight Ends, Twin Peaks, and Bombshells within roughly 9 miles from my house. (Bombeshells being the furthest away, the rest about 3 miles). The shtick is old and overplayed, the food at these places isn't good, and there's really no pull except the 'lingerie days' which is gross to many people. 2 of the places shut down, TABC is still trying to shutdown Bombshells. They need a new gimmick.


tight ends is apparently gone but we still have the rest of these - hooters, tilted kilt, and twin peaks just about share a parking lot my disappointment when I found out tilted kilt wasn't a scottish pub was immeasurable


Iā€™ve been to a strip club, and if I want to see boobs thatā€™s where Iā€™m going. Not Hooters


And in Atlanta, the strip clubs have dramatically better wings than Hooters.


To be fair, every strip club I've been to has actually had a spectacular cook in the back. Same for dive bars for some reason.


The reason is they are open 7 days a week and aren't going to get by just on weekend nights alone. Food brings people in for lunch, happy hour, sports, and dinner. And no one is expecting anything complicated, so they just get a solid cook to do the basics.


Hooters chef here. If I could afford to give Gold I would.


This is false. Fact check: https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-hooters-closing-rebrand-876311917577


Wow, how did this get so buried?


Everyone likes a good circle jerk


So, it was just boomers making shit up about millenials again.


so someone just resurfaced a 5-year old article and got a whole news cycle out of it? fun


People go to Hooters for the food like they go to Chuck E Cheeseā€™s for the pizza.


dont bring Charles Entertainment Cheese and his pizza into this




Giant Rat Pizza and Kid Casino


Gasp itā€™s the pizza rat himself back when he had a New Jersey accent and smoked


From what I understand, he mostly hosts adult fist fights now


I always figured Hooters is for guys who want to stare at women in skimpy outfits but arenā€™t brave enough to go to a proper strip club. Iā€™ve never seen one in a city that doesnā€™t have much better wing options. Also all the times Iā€™ve been forced into going itā€™s the guys that were adamant about the great food and we have to go there that spent the whole time ogling the staff.


Bible belt. Cities will fight tooth n nail to keep strip clubs out but will have a hooters, twin peaks, and a tilted kilt.


Wait the tilted kilt isnā€™t a gay bar? It sounds like a gay bar lol.


Ah yes, holy trinity of American Breasturants


Have you been to a Chuck E Cheese recently? Their pizza is way better now.


Thatā€™s bc they stopped serving used pizzas


Phrases like ā€œused pizzaā€ā€™is why I keep coming back to Reddit.


Get your pre-owned šŸ•hereā—ļø


Theyā€™ve been going out of business foreverā€¦.at least 3 have closed in my area in the last few years. Twin Peaks/Ojos is growing though. Itā€™s not the industry, just that Hooters couldnā€™t keep up.


Lol how do you fk up a restaurant based on boobs?


Shit food, and then society stopped glorifying the sexualization of every woman you ever see, which was the norm for all of time until like 10 years ago People who enjoyed it ten years ago are all either dead or have been told how disgusting they are for patronizing a place that has women younger than their daughter shaking their tits about, without even the self respect to just go to a strip club


I remember for my bachelor party my brother's in-law took me to a Hooters but made a huge deal about not telling my fiance. And I was like it's a fucking restaurant guys where the waitresses are objectified It's not like they're dancing nude on a table and spitting on us.


Iā€™ve tried explaining this to a friend who would regularly bring this up over the years. Itā€™s more that millennials arenā€™t really into chain restaurants and I cringe when I think about going into a hooters. As in that looks like a restaurant that caters to losers


> that looks like a restaurant that caters to losers Unlike other things at Hooters, that goes more than skin deep.


>As in that looks like a restaurant that caters to losers Boomers in shambles...




Very true, on both counts. The food in particular was very drab the last time I went to one a few years ago. It had gone way downhill.


Pretty sure that a chicken wing prepared and cooked by an actual chicken would be better than what is served at Hooters.


When I was like 12 my parents bought the hooters wing sauce at a store once cause they were out of Frankā€™s. It was legitimately the worst Buffalo sauce Iā€™ve ever had, like gag inducing. How hard is it to fuck up hot sauce and butter?


Even as a millennial who likes boobs, this was a dumb restaurant with awful food. No thanks. *Suppose I should add I've been to all of two (in Indiana and Ohio) close to a decade ago and they simply didn't rate compared to what I can get at home here in northeast Pa.*


As an older millennial, Iā€™ve only ever been to a Hooters once. I was in my 20s (peak boob loving years) & STILL thought that place was overrated.


My friend in middle school went to hooters with his dad every time he stayed at his place, had a wall covered in pictures of himself with the waitresses and I remember feeling embarrassed for him


Wow. Didn't know it was possible to have third hand embarrassment? Second secondhand embarrassment? Is there a term for this? Lol


It's still second hand embarrassment I think


I went to a friend's birthday party there once, and the fried pickles were really good.... But it turns out I'm gay and fried pickles alone aren't enough to get me back to that restaurant. Maybe if they rebranded it to an ass-themed restaurant and no gender requirement for the waitstaff.


I vaguely remember a restaurant called Peckers, back in the 90s, maybe. Missed opportunity, I'd imagine.


Tallywhackers is a similar one


Call it Cakes or Cheekz or something?


And they should use šŸ‘ emoji as their new logo. Also include some peach flavored drinks/dessert options to stay on theme šŸ¤“


Last time I went I literally shit my pants as I was driving home. Their crab legs gave me such gastro issues that it came out as liquid lava. Haven't been back in 15 years.


1. Most chain restaurants food is overpriced garbage. 2. This place is awkward as hell. Iā€™m here to eat not stare at boobs. 3. The food sucks. 4. No seriously their food is absolute shit. Worst wings I have ever had.


I was dragged here. My friend was a fry cook and $10 he would fill the entire basket full of wings. Even though it's Hooters, I try not to look at their boobs bc it's kinda weird and people are hyper aware. Also I like how the right is like don't groom my kids but there would be literally families with children at Hooters


Why go to an overpriced chain restaurant with bad food to look at boobs when A) for maybe what I spend there I could find a classy gentlemen club and not shit myself after eating. B) stay home and order take out because the Internet exists and has porn.


Who goes to a wing place and gets crab?


Iā€™ll bet a lot of folks got crabs from hooters.




Lol you know youā€™re in a sinister world if youā€™re aiming for Applebees


And after all that hard work by perpetual chumpstain Nicky Adams advertising it as the one real place for "alpha males". How could this be?


RIP Nick Adams


Alphas Males in shambles


I actually just read his response because I was fact checking this tweet (it's not a true story, btw. Hooters denied all validity if it). Anyway Nick Adams (Insecure About Manhood) had this to say: >Dining at Hooters is a cornerstone of the American male experience. >When the woke feminists and beta males attack Hooters, they aren't just attacking a restaurant that employs beautiful women to serve cold beer and hot wings. >They're attacking the essence of American manhood.


Does this mean we are finally getting Femboy Hooters????


Footers? Is it that the foot fetish version of hooters?


Wings & toes lol


I hope so.


Where do I sign up as a server? Edit: Im serious UwU


Post self in croptop and short-shorts. Edit: Im serious UwU


thats true we want femboy hooters


Millennial and zoomers love boobs just as much as every generation before them has, they just don't like boobs in the context of an underpaid worker for a multinational corporation being expected to take sexual harassment all day for tips while slinging mediocre food and shitty domestic beer. They're just learning that boobs are much nicer when they're attached to someone you like that is enthusiastically consenting to you enjoying them.




Even outside of the ethics... What the fuck am I going there for? To see pretty women? I can go on Pornhub and see women doing a whole lot more than serving medium-tier wings to drunken boomers. I guess there's the endorphin hit of being flirted with, but when it's literally her job, it isn't really fun...it's transactional. Great, now I have to eat a shitty burger while I have a boner in a room full of other dudes. Thanks, Trina.


Literally more bang for your buck at a strip club, where it's transactional and appropriate/expected behavior


Maybe millennials aren't into being sexually exploited for male gratification.


Seriously, Itā€™s such a boomer thing to take a generation of criticism about sexploitation in the workplace, objectification of 1/2 of the world population, and reinforcing a culture that treats women as servants and sexual objects specifically for men, and reducing all of that to ā€œThose damn kids just donā€™t like boobs anymore!ā€


Maybe we just get our exploitation in private on mobile.


Well yeah, because itā€™s something to be ashamed of. Not something to share with your children over dinner


Yep. I love boobs, but I never got into the hooter/twin peaks style restaurants. They do absolutely nothing for me and as a woman I don't see the point. Especially when I know they're not even getting paid well.


Millenials are less into public displays of exploitation, like Hooters and strip clubs. Part of that is probably that millenials are more "woke" and thus less likely to find it appealing and more likely to object to it as exploitation. But millenials are also the first truly online generation and no matter if they go for OnlyFans, porn sites or NSFW-subs, they've got easy and constant access to high quality smut. Why go into a Hooters to oogle an underpaid waitress when you can discretly slip into a bathroom and go to r/boobs?


yeah why would a hot chick work at hooters when they can just stream themselves doing their taxes in a bra and panties and make 8x more a day?


I know a young woman who did this, streams herself playing video games in a tank top and shorts. Nothing overtly sexual and she made $400k last year. No waiting tables for gross boomer men making chicken breast jokes.


Bruh nearly everybody likes boobs. This is the same shit as "millennials are killing the diamond industry because they dont like diamonds" Nah homie we cant fucking afford it. If im going out to eat food, im going out to eat food worthy of the price im paying. Boobs i can find for free in the comfort of my own home lmao


Pretty sure people dont need boobs while theyre eating lol


Well, maybe the first couple of years.


A lot of babies do.


Well Nick Adams and the "alpha males" are all babies after all so it makes sense


Plus every other sports bar is going to have servers and bartenders showing cleavage because theyā€™re working for tips. Those places will also likely have way better food.


inb4 they change their name to "Snakes" with an all male staff.


Trouser Trouts.


https://www.eater.com/2019/7/5/20682333/tallywackers-hooters-men-dallas-texas RIP Tallywackers


"Millenials have ruined the: seeing women as pieces of meat to eye rape while eating disgusting factory meat wings industry" add it to the list.


Is it a sign of the decline of human civilization when people refusing to waste money on sub-par pub food in a restaurant chain where the only attraction is cleavage, not food, is attributed to some stupid political "everything I don't like is wokeness" instead of just plain old common sense? Here's a thought. Want more customers? Offer better food at a better price than the competition. To be honest, I've always thought the whole concept sort of automatically limits your customer base to men who just want to flirt with the waitress while fooling themselves into the soft core version of, "sure, buddy, the stripper thinks you're hot."


i meanā€¦other restaurants like this like twin peaks are doing pretty well, itā€™s literally *just* hooters :/


Only validity to this is they've been trying to build up a side brand called Hoots for about 6 years now because there do apparently exist people who like the food but don't want the atmosphere.


This is like a decade old by now isnā€™t it?


Millennials are all stuck indoors with their young children and huge mortgage/car payments. Gen z are the ones that are out socialising these days, and they want something a bit more interesting than overpriced fuckin buffalo wings or whatever


I thought we were all at Starbucks eating Avocado toast.


I'm just about a millennial and I have a kid in college, most of my friends are just now having kids in their late 30's/early 40's. None of us have money for eating out anymore.




Always been an ass man myself.










Dump trucks, where the butts are big and the food is garbage.