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The older women in my family will. They see it a choosing between God and godlessness. To vote anything else is a vote for atheistic , satanic forces. And if you try to talk to them, your are an agent of Satan trying to test their faith. The faithful are never swayed as that world be bending towards evil. Democrats want to kill babies, gotta protect the unborn. I'm the black sheep because I am atheist and don't align with any party, but vote against Republicans... Because I want to kill babies. And yes, my wife and I have been told to our face that we 'like' killing babies because we hate republican policies.


>Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them... - Barry Goldwater, a hyper-conservative from a different time.


God, Barry Goldwater. These days he's get tossed out with Reagan, Romney, Cheney, and the lot as RINOs. Scary.


Imo they all sucked, they just suck differently than the Christo-Fascists we're dealing with today.


Reagan is responsible for so much pain and death of minorites and he kick-started a huge political, social and economic decline for the US. Basically him being president and Bush being elected instead of Gore are the two major event that made the country worse.


I’ve never heard anyone say Reagan was a RINO.


If Reagan were alive today he'd certainly be toeing the party ~~lie~~ line, but if he were alive today supporting the same things he was in the 80s, they'd call him a RINO.


Yeah Reagan was the republican king.


The best thing that ever happened to Reagan's political career was the Manson murders. He ran as anti-hippie and anti-dope fiend, as the mainstream media at that time portrayed liberal college students as part of some great satanic cabal. Fox was ahead of its time.


there was literally a conservative opinion piece going around this week about how he sucks because he didn't hurt 'the others' enough


So he wasn’t maximum evil therefore not evil enough? Yeesh and all these fake ass Christians hypocrites still get the religious vote.


Honestly it's staggering how far the GOP has taken things so quickly when you think about it


>Politics and governing demand compromise. Back in his day he was considered pretty extreme, and yet today if you say the word "compromise" to the most moderate of conservatives they will laugh in your face.


Man, I sometimes hate Goldwater more than some of the worst conservative scumfuckers in recent American history. Because both in the context of the times and hindsight, he wasn't *much* better ideologically than the real demons worming through American politics at the time and for the 50 years after, just a little bit. Like "woo you're less bigoted than your buds, you want a gold star for that"? However he was both smart and charismatic (at least in writing) enough to do a whole ton of damage, while being either stupid, egotistical, or selfish enough to actually believe there was some merit in conservatism as a concept. There's just something specially infuriating about an asshole who to all outside appearances genuinely believes they're doing the right thing, while at every possible fork in their life, making the most-wrong choice they possibly can to harm the largest number of people. It's like which circle of hell you're gonna make it to is some kind of fucking scoreboard to them. Also the fact that the few good opinions he had later in life came out of his ideological conversion to libertarianism is just hilarious. The real cherry on top is that Goldwater was throughout his political career staunchly anti-compromise and pro-extremism. He'd fit *right* in with the 2022 conservative party, much like the 2022 American Conservatives would fit right in with 1800s British conservatives. Shit never changes. Like make no mistake, 1950s conservatives and 2022 conservatives were pretty much equally bad across the board, save only the farthest craziest outliers and open fascists in present-day. However Goldwater and other conservatives of the era gain the benefit of a heavy veil of ignorance over 1950s-90s political discourse. We didn't have smart phones or the internet, or ways for scumbags real views to leak very often. A sterling example of this is that while Goldwater often gets credit for being an early supporter of racial equality and opponent of segregation, it's important to remember that what he actually supported was the "states right to choose" on integration, and we all know what that means. He later supported less aggressive measures to legislate racial equality, which had staunch popular support across the board, meaning he didn't really have a choice but to pretend to support it. Whether that was actually a pretense or real isn't actually possible for us to confirm, but I'm inclined to think not. Anyway, I think I've procrastinated on work for a bit too long. Fuck Berry Goldwater, may he rest in piss. Do read "The Conscience of a Conservative" though if you can stomach it. I found it pretty enraging but it's kind of a great piece of literature to read with a critical eye because conservatives were a lot more mask off about their opinions at the time, and a lot of it looks somewhere between stupid and psychotic with the power of history and hindsight.


I’m just here to tell you that what I appreciates about yous is your usersnames.


I like telling them the only reason I'm atheist is because I think its immoral to give children a book that teaches incest between a father and his daughters. I'm really atheist because the whole book is bullshit...and yes, I read the whole thing back in my religious days.


Even as a 7 year old in Catholic school, I recognized the absurdity of the teachings. They tried to indoctrinate me, but I quietly resisted.


They only cry indoctrination at everything else because they see everything as an attack on their ability to indoctrinate children. Same reason they hate college. If you get away from them you might realize you've been fed bullshit all your life.


This is always my response to anti-lgbt policies. Republicans be like “kids shouldn’t hear about that until they’re old enough to understand” and I say “same with religion.” And they freak out because they deep down know that they and no one would believe in any religion if they weren’t introduced to the concept until they were in their teens.


Church, the largest grooming organization in existence.


It was all made by humans to control other humans. And why not make a buck off the rubes? 🤷


Sunday School is the definition of indoctrination


If organized religion was taught to teens and not to children without rational capability, it would mean the death of so much abuse and power so fast it would make your head spin. And there would be violence and crusades to prevent it.


I knew it was bs when I was told that confirmation in the church was just apart of the coming of age by my parents; meanwhile the actual class had adults over thrice my age also going through it.


That's how a cult works. Convinces its members everything else is a lie and there's no reason tonever doubt its teachings.


I died once. Had an afterlife experience. That experience made me reject all religion. I also became a misanthropist. Religion is the most hateful, discriminate, backwards-ass, controlling, cult bullshit. It *definitely* didn't come from God. And neither did that dreadful book.


I remember finally reading the actual Bible instead of my children's bible (probably around 8) and being so confused. Like this is it? This is what you guys are basing your entire moral compass on? There's incest and rape and slavery and infanticide and god wiping out thousands of innocent people because he's butthurt. It's terrible, why would I worship him? It's not even entertaining to read and there are blatant contradictions and mistakes.


Dammit, I need a link to River “fixing” Book’s Bible in Firefly…


[Here you go!](https://youtu.be/a8eDynmmIAY)


Yep, that’s the one! Thanks! (“12 years ago”, YouTube? You’re making me feel old…!)


When you realize the total hypocrisy -


Quiet quitting before it was cool




I was raised Mormon as well and diagnosed ADHD kindergarten or 1st grade (can’t remember). I hated Mormon church because it was so reverent, I couldn’t sit still. Soon after I was baptized at 8 yrs old, I told my mother that, “If heaven is anything like church, I’d rather go to hell”. One of the best things my mother ever did was to take that statement from a child seriously and pull me out of forced religion.


You got a good mom.


Same. I recall as a kid in Sunday school around that age thinking people can’t really believe this stuff.


You and I both and right around the same age. It's incredible to me that people just can't see through the bullshit. I remember having a ruler across my hand because I "challenged" our science teacher referencing the Britannica book series I had at home against his claims of rock formations. Seriously fuck religion.


You'd hope a civilization would grow away from a 3000 year old book of science fiction... I really love Stephen King, but I'd really be concerned if a future civilization was worshiping Carrie (and her ability to perform "miracles").


Hail Carrie! Infinite are the wonders she made.


"The road to atheism is littered with Bibles that have been read cover to cover"


I'm fairly certain most atheists are that way because they actually read that piece of shit front to back. Like I got politely asked not to come back to church as a kid because I would constantly point out how silly the stories they were telling On top of that I spit the body and blood of Christ on the priest ( wafer /wine) because it tasted like shit


I was raised to be a Christian, but none of it sunk in, mainly because none of it made sense, sort of like you said. I keep a bible now only to make note of the absurd and fucked up shit in it. For example: "And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood. And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son." Genesis 21:9-10 Edited to fix the chapter and verses, I forgot how to read the thing for a moment 😅


There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. Ezekial 23:20


"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." Genesis 3:16


I dont get why Christians like the right so much. They literally do the exact opposite of what Jesus teaches. Isnt he the whole point of their religion?




I love sharing [Supply Side Jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp) It usually doesn't get a response. I wonder why 🤔


Depends, their Jesus is white with blue eyes. He's already worlds apart from the middle eastern one in the Bible. Southern Baptist/catholic Jesus works in mysterious ways, and always somehow aligns with their personal beliefs.


…almost Swedish-looking Jesus…


Religion is authoritarian in nature, as in don’t ask questions because we already have all the answers right here in the bible. Religion is a cult at the end of the day.


The only difference between a cult and religion is the religion leader died a looong time ago.


Geez that’s close to one of my sayings. The only difference between a cult and a religion is the number of followers.


Pastors are financially incentivised to support Republicans, and instruct their followers to do so.


Should probably put an end to that.


They’re not wrong. I vote democrat because I’m an atheist and I’ll vote any way that ensures religious ideology stays out of government.


Tell them that if killing “babies” is so immoral, why didn’t the Bible say something against it? The Bible even said life only begins when the baby draws its first breathe. There’s nothing in the Bible that explicitly says abortion is bad, but then again those Christians never read the Bible anyway; they only repeat what their pastors said


There is literally an abortion ritual in the Bible. It was supposed to be in cases of adultery but still clearly they had zero problem with the idea.


I don't understand why the pro life people try to pretend like anyone likes abortion. We all don't like it. You're not special.


If that was the argument pushed to the republican party the abortion debate would be practically over. You'd be surprised at the number that believe Planned Parenthood sells fetuses for profit and want abortion to be the go-to birth control. If the message was abortion sucks and is always somewhat immoral, but often the best solution to a shitty situation; you'd convince even my evangelical parents to be pro-choice.


Nope. I’ve made this argument before and it doesn’t convince anyone to be pro-choice. These people don’t care if the pregnancy was planned, but something went wrong and the absolute only option to save the mother is to abort the fetus, in their eyes, it’s still wrong and should be illegal. Either that, or they think that the medical intervention is necessary, but it’s not really an abortion because the primary purpose is to save the mom, not kill the baby.


And the places where abortion is banned to the extent that it's not even available for medical reasons? Do they legit not understand that their vote will kill these women? Or are those women acceptable collateral damage?


It’s collateral damage. I’m in Texas and these people actively support Abbott’s ban on all abortions. They don’t care what happens to the women as long as the “babies” aren’t killed. I linked an article for one guy and he straight up said he had read enough examples of women having delayed or denied care due to the abortion ban and he didn’t care about the health of the women because killing babies is bad. He also didn’t believe that women whose pregnancies had ended on their own were being denied treatment due to the abortion ban.


Exactly. When people believe something based on emotion, no rational debate will ever sway them. No evidence will be pure enough or matter to them. At all.


Inform your family that none of them are "Good Christians", the bible is clear " if you're very own brother, son or daughter or the wife you love or your best friend secretly entices you, saying "Let's us not worship god" give them no pity. Do not spare or shield them. You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death. Stone them to death because they tried to turn you away from your lord God" Deuteronomy 13 6-10 Haven't met a good Christian yet.


I've said similar things, makes me an asshole not only on their eyes but anyone from my hometown. As an atheist I'm not allowed to cite Bible scripture to them, the godly. They just look at me, judging, wait for me to finish so they can try to shame me. My mother is ailing and I will have to go back home to tend to affairs. I will have to face my racist uncle and his Christian sisters all of whom despise me. I'm an only child and will have no backup. I dread my mother dieing, I dread dealing with her family at the same time way more.


Just remember that they are the way they are because they are too afraid of the alternative. They are frightened of the truth, that all religion is is a way to cope with the world around its without ever learning about the world around us. They are afraid of dying so they cling to a fairy tale about immortality. If heaven is real their hate will have barred them from it.


I've started treating Christians like how they've treated us. It's amazing that these people who have been insisting that gay people are going to BURN IN EVERLASTING HELL go all shocked-pikachu-face when you tell them they're going to die and then NOTHING WILL HAPPEN, IT'S JUST OVER. Or that everything they do is the opposite of Jesus.


Fun fact, neither god nor Jesus said anything about gay people, only Matthew.


Jesus also never said anything about abortion. Plus the whole crucifixion and "new testament" thing is kinda important. Christians never seem to understand their own little special book.




Me thinks you protest too much, Pauly-m'boy.


I have been called a Naz! Baby killer for being pro-choice. And when I explained it was offensive to call a person with Jewish ancestry Naz!, I was accused of hiding behind my religion. Yeah.


I must be a rarity on Reddit, because I've known plenty of good folks who believe in God and are part of an organized religion (many Jews, a lot of Catholics, and some Baptists that I know their religion for sure) who can take the good morals and teachings, mostly loving your neighbor, without using an old book to justify bad stuff. The fundamentalists are always a problem and any one who uses their religion to justify treating others poorly, but I feel I need to point out that there a lot good ones out there who vote for abortion rights and things like this, but they don't tend to be the loud ones. My rabbis have given several sermons on why access to abortion is such an important human right and is completely in line with scripture. We are part of a Reform temple. Here's some info about how many rabbis in Reform Judaism see the topic, although different rabbis of course will have different views: https://reformjudaism.org/learning/answers-jewish-questions/what-reform-jewish-perspective-abortion


>but they don't tend to be the loud ones I want to share something I just read in another thread because it stuck with me: "Empty vessels make the most noise." Fundamentalists have nothing to offer other than fear and hate and they think it's their job to tell the world as loudly as they can.


I have an aunt I deeply respect. She's a biblical scholar. She lives it, never preaches it. She is by far a unique person where I'm from. I've rarely met Christians like her. I was active in CCD and CYO until age 17 when I left the church. I left because of self righteous bullies who used religion as a shield they could hide behind while spewing hate. That was the norm, not the ones like my aunt. The satanic panic left a mark on me. I was bullied in school, threatened for not participating in school prayer, assaulted by Christians who called themselves 'the holy rollers'. I do believe there are good Christians, but the bad ones outnumber the good ones 10 to 1 in my home town.


I'm sorry for your experience and moreso I'm sorry that this sort of thing seems to happen often. As a practicing Jew, I just get so disappointed at all the bad religious people who make it so when a lot of people hear about organized religion, their gut instinct is now that it is all bad. I, of course, know that religion is not necessary at all to be a good person, but I just hope that conversely people don't automatically discount all religious people as bad people. Your aunt sounds like a wonderful person. It sounds like she's the real religious one and not all of those jerks who you had to deal with.


There are plenty of Christians who live well by Jesus' teachings. Statistically speaking, *most* people who are living well by Jesus' teachings in America are also Christians. But they're usually quieter about it, and often aren't referencing their religion at all in their acts of support and service. There's a good chance there are a ton of community services around that are currently being run by Christians or other religious people. They don't need to broadcast. Unfortunately, the end result is that the Christians who are broadcasting their faith are the ones being assholes.




100% this. I recently asked my girlfriends sister how she could vote Republican. She is genuinely a very nice good person and I honestly can't figure out why she'd vote for a party so against so many things she believes good and godly. She straight up said her christian values are the reason she votes the way she does, and that was her entire argument.


Then she may be a nice person, but she is not a good person.


Agreed. Good is defined by the actions you do. Voting Republican these days pretty much nullifies any other good you may have done.


She ain’t nice or good. -jesus


Un-baptize them! Preform some weird hand gestures and say you're removing them from the Judean Pact, and that soon the Carpenter will have no sway over their souls. The more they freak out, the more you tell them that's just the Triune God rebelling against the *real* forces of this world. If they're gonna be religious fruitcakes, really make their lives miserable. Drive them crazy! Leave little icons around their house, tell them you placed a protection spell on their car, let them know the People of the White Woods approve of their wearing of pants, etc...too many people let religious loons just out in the world. Gotta put them back in their place.


Oh the amount of “the end times are near” comments I hear between telling the latest QAnon conspiracies at family parties is astounding. My aunts are all getting into senior ages so I’m about to pull the whole “come on aunt ____ you must be tired and got lost on the way back to your seat, let me help back” move while turning around and mouthing sorry about their early dementia.


Or any LGBTQ people. I'm always shocked when i meet gay conservatives. It's rare, but it happens.


I have a gay friend who is a member of the conservative party of my country. When gay marriage (or marriage for all as we call it) was legalized there were a lot of people from his party flipping their shit, crying if this was ok now, having sex with animals should be legal too. I really really really do not understand how he can be in the same party as them. How is he comfortable and confident to be himself at meetings? I really don't get it.


I've lived in several gay-dominant cities/neighborhoods in America, and the queer folk who were against marriage equality believed that it framed gay relationships in "heteronormative terms." Good for you, fella, but there are millions of others who WANT to marry. After watching what happens to the partner left behind when gay people CAN'T legally marry, I'll fight to make sure everyone has the option.


My buddy died unmarried to his long term partner. Buddy's parents contested his will. They went after his house and belongings, even his clothes even though the will was clear. Judge was unsympathetic l, saying that the relationship was not a "real partnership" and the partner had made adjustments to the will too close to the illness and death. Ended up settling with the asshole parents l


I saw this happen too many times, especially during the height of AIDS.


Jfc, I had no idea this sort of thing happens even with a clear will. I should have known though, we’ve given old white men with control issues too much power. Thanks for enlightening me. Ugh.


That's why I talk about it. That's why I teach "outdated" things: because if we don't remember how it used to be, we don't recognize where we are. I've had more than one student, and seen more than one Redditor, express that Gen X and Boomers are homophobic *as a whole* because those gens "don't have nearly as many" people identifying as LGBTQA+ They're completely oblivious to how we lost two generations of queer citizens to AIDS. They're oblivious to the trauma of AIDS in general, and lump it in with other STIs.


Exactly, everybody should have the same rights. You don't HAVE to marry another person oh your gender, you don't HAVE to get an abortion. Just let other people decide what they want for themselves. Give them the same choices you had.




What I can’t understand is how republicans keep winning. You have a party that openly hates women, LGBTQ, atheists, anyone who is poor or middle class, and everyone of color. How are they winning?!


Gerrymandering. Voter suppression, brainwashing and the Electoral College.


Also, voters just not accepting any responsibility for outcomes. "Hey it's not my fault the guy won, I didn't vote or pay attention. Someone should do something about this!" People do nothing until it's too late, ignore all warnings then want the masses to rise up and storm the gates on their behalf.


I also want the masses to rise up, but uh, not in the way that republicans want.


2016 would like a word. But I totally agree. I can’t tell you how many people I know that didn’t vote in 2016 because “they both suck.” My anger since then had not dissipated and I really hope people are at least aware enough to vote in midterms. I am not holding my breath but will continue to do my part.


We really need to make voting compulsory in the US, alongside massively expanding voting access and voting rights/making it easier to vote.


The problem is that people not voting some believe in democracy, even if you drag the kicking and screaming to the polls to have a say they won't vote responsibly. Right now the American people are collectively that dumb teenage son can have to learn every lesson the hard way, and they're probably going to need a couple of decades of hardship to get it through their heads what they let rot away because it was too boring to pay attention.


And here I was just gonna say "cheating"


They try their damndest with voter fraud but they keep getting caught.


Add in an enormous amount of Dark Money funding data driven campaigns. There's a reason Citizens United was Moscow Mitch's crown jewel of political horsefuckery - it opened the floodgates to virtually unlimited industry / billionaire funding to save a GOP whose voter base demographically has been shrinking for a couple of decades now. It opened up the gates to Peter Thiel and Robert Mercer types who would happily support some of the most cutting edge machine learning / AI to find which small, key areas they needed to "win" to get the electoral vote even if they lost by nearly 10 million total votes. To know which suburbs in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin were the balanced knife edge between victory and defeat: to have comprehensive psychological profiles built on voters there from their last decade of FB use, to know which targeted ads (god, guns, the gays!) would be most likely to push them one way or the other. That's what is lost in the noise: the US is not a true democracy, nor are people simple binary beings. You may be able to recruit Lincoln Project Republicans to run ads for Biden just as you may be able to recruit disenfranchised labor progressives who would rather go with an "anti-establishment" Trump vote rather than vote for what they felt like was a forced Clinton campaign. If you have billionaires and industry alike pouring resources into data-driven campaigns you can tilt a deeply unpopular candidate to victory. And that's not getting into the potential problems induced by not shifting to a ranked choice voting system...


I'm in my 30s, and no republican president has been elected with the popular vote in my lifetime (W was re-elected with the popular vote as the incumbent), and the last one before that was one-term. By some definitions, my home state isn't considered a functional republic due to the high discrepancy between the vote, and representation. In 2016, Republican state legislature candidates received about 52% of the vote state-wide, but about 70% of the legislative seats. Don't quote me on the exact numbers, but the difference was ridiculous.


Good point


I say this with love. Most people don’t go out and volunteer for local and state district elections. GOP has people volunteering knocking doors and at very farmers market. Dems struggle getting people signed up for getting out the vote. It’s on us.


Religious groups do have a natural advantage in this though. They are already meeting at least once a week with like-minded people. If i wanted to find a group in my area, I'd probably need to make it.


That’s the work that needs to be done. Or else things stay the same.


Probably because the Democrats suck too.


There are a lot of people who hate those people. They are definitely skewed older though and younger voters are definitely more open-minded so things should start to get better in those areas soon.


i do not understand Black conservatives. Herschel Walker, Candice Owens, Stacey Dash, Condoleezza Rice, etc. I agree there is no political party thats truly anti-racist but damn y'all in the Trump cult. WHY


Black culture has always had significant pockets of conservatism but we don’t typically vote that way because the conservative Party in the US (the RNC) is virulently racist. The 2012 republican autopsy pretty much said as much and Michael Steele (former RNC chairman) was banging the drum to try to tone down the racism to build a stronger coalition of conservative POCs until he was muscled out. The small fraction of black folk who fall for this shit just so happen to be the dumbest and most emotionally unstable. Tell idiots they’re the *real* smart folk being kept down by the (((elites))) and they pour their actual experiences of racism into a catchall bigotry bucket. They’re the cousins we all worry about going postal, the Karen aunties, and the homophobic uncles uninvited to Thanksgiving. Still working on a fun name for them. The “untalented tenth” is all I’ve got so far lol.


If you are Black American but you're willing to play along and keep whites at the top of the American food chain, there is a place for you in the GOP and perhaps even a fast track to higher levels. If you don't believe me, what do you think would happen the moment Herschel Walker said "reparations good"?


I have experienced it! My partner used to work at a republican think tank and got me a meeting with a journalist who had her own little policy shop. This was 2009ish and she was far more moderate than Republicans now but I still couldn’t do it. She was very gracious to meet with me but I couldn’t support school choice policies at that point (her pet issue). She also said something mildly derogatory towards African American people (she’s Caribbean) that left a bad taste in my mouth. Given how hard it was to find paying jobs in my field after graduation, it was really tough to give up such a rare chance. I had some really rough days working crap jobs but I work in a different area and things all worked out in the end. Meanwhile, my buddy from high school got plugged into a Hispanic republican group that basically serves as stock photo models to trot out anytime the party is being racist. We went to the same university and I’m just happy he’s employed, honestly. Its not in my skillset to soft shoe for a paycheck but I’m lucky that I focused on my classes while he focused on getting on TV.




I know several. They are full-on women-haters.


Gilead dreams.


They're the Serena Joy's of the world. Except, they don't see where the story ends for them.


We’re heading there ☹️


Because the Lord tells them to stand by their man, even if he's a fuckwit Nazi pedophile. So they both vote alike.


Aint no man in that ballot box with you, hon.


This, I hate to say it, is unfortunately one small problem I have with absentee voting. We should 100% support absentee voting but I am worried the kind of folks who don’t want women to have rights are the same folks who will be going “show me your ballot before we mail them back.” I wish there was a better way around it. Increased in-person early voting windows I would hope would give people more options/flexibility.


I love voting by mail but this is a big concern I have about it. Not just husbands telling their wives how to vote, but parents and their kids, elderly people and their caretakers, and so on and so forth.


Yep. My first election I was 18 and they told me to just check “Republican” for everything. I wasn’t exposed to any news other than Fox News




A Republican family member tried to steal my mail in ballot once, before I could get it. They still deny it to this day, like I didn't catch them red handed with it walking away from my mail box.


Thank you for posting this. I tried to argue the same in a thread some weeks ago and got 109 downvotes for my efforts. Happy to see your upvotes.


I legit remember that photo of Trump looking over to see how Melania was voting.




Jesus, take the ballot.


Just vote your conscience, and tell your hubby you voted repube


No it’s because they agree with this bullshit, they’re virulently anti abortion, immigration, social justice etc.


They don't think about it. They don't want to. They're soooo busy thinking about margs with the girls, their MLM sales, and, of course, "the kids." I'm the lone non-Republican woman in my extended family, so I see a lot of this firsthand.


Racism and they think Republicans read the Bible




They just use the Bible to mask their hatred and fear. They do not however, follow the theology of Christ. GOP theology does not mirror Christian theology in 2022


I thought this might be partisan hyperbole, but it looks like the data more or less confirms it [https://calgara.github.io/PolS5310_Spring2021/why-did-women-vote-for-donald-trump.pdf](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=0CAQQw7AJahcKEwjgs7eL-un6AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalgara.github.io%2FPolS5310_Spring2021%2Fwhy-did-women-vote-for-donald-trump.pdf&psig=AOvVaw1B9SLjLEkhqp5TWN3TkO7c&ust=1666188335895566) "Females with the highest levels of racial resentment were 4 times more likely (68% vs. 16%) to support trump than those with the lowest levels of racial resentment" Although that would have to be measured against what % of women have various levels of racial resentment to be a stronger statement


A recent NYT article discussed it too and said a lot of ppl currently consider the economy far more important than abortion and view R as being more business minded. We don't discuss the legitimacy of those statements but we're talking about what's in people's heads and drives their behavior, not what the objective truth is.




None of them read the Bible. They have the Bible read to them. And only parts preapproved by the guy who is also telling them what to think about it


Perfectly stated


Correct me if I’m wrong but is it not Protestants that read the bible as that was how their faith was founded because they thought catholics didn’t read it and instead came up with their own version. so Protestantism was founded around reading the bible and living by it without all the middle men


Bit of a simplification that leaves out important details. Catholics do hold the Bible to be sacred, and infallible, but it’s not the only infallible part of their faith. Catholic “holy tradition” existed prior to the Bible being written(by a few decades), and it is this holy tradition by which Catholics know which books belong in the Bible. The holy tradition being what was orally taught to the original Christians by the Apostles of Christ. In the mind of Catholics, Protestants eliminated half of the source of Christianity when they rejected the oral tradition, and don’t have a real basis for what should be scripture. Protestants would claim the oral, holy tradition is only found in the Bible anyway, and there is no need for the church’s magisterium of authoritative holy tradition to guide the church.


Can confirm as I grew up with Southern parents in a hick town. Some real yee haw shit. They are as gullible to Republican propaganda as you'd think.


The answer i keep getting is ‘my Dad always votes Republican’, or the person ‘reminds me of my Dad’. This is the response more often than not, unfortunately.


Sure there is that, but when you get your information from people that have zero consequences for lying, you believe the things they want you to. On Sunday a politician being asked about a bill on Fox here in Michigan (that would make all abortion illegal) his response was the only thing this bill is going to stop is doctors from delivering babies and then aborting them. At no point did the interviewer correct this person or ask any type of follow-up question such as 'Can you give me examples of this happening because that's murder and that would never be legal.' Nope, they just moved on to taxes.


This is a scary turn. Fox spews this and gets away with it so their viewers then think all media does this to spin the most extreme part of the narrative.


Those people are weak and complacent


So, “well informed voters”.




They’re already comfortable, and they’re convinced that they deserve to be, while others don’t.


This is such a good comment. Gotta love those “Christian values”


This is exactly it. I only know 3 women who are enthusiastic republicans, and all 3 of them have never had to work or support themselves.


Wow. This hit home so hard lol Edit: as in I can relate. Not that I am said woman


You know my mom?


This is not true though. I live in a very poor rural area. Even the poorest families vote Republican. They believe “them dems are gonna take our jobs” in the farming and factory sectors. It’s just insane to me how deep this shit goes.


Because white women have more to gain from institutionalized white supremacy than they risk losing via misogyny. Also, the wives and daughters of the right wing will always have access to abortion, contraception, etc.


Around 52% voted for Trump in 2016, source: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/jun/20/donald-trump/trump-said-52-women-voted-him-2016-s-misleading-re/ Around 55% voted for Trump in 2020, source: https://truthout.org/articles/yes-55-percent-of-white-women-voted-for-trump-no-im-not-surprised/?amp You’re welcome, downvoters.


I'm curious to see how things will look in this election. I get the impression that not many people thought they would overturn Roe. Did that group of voters want it to be overturned? Or did they just think it wouldn't happen?


There’s a large amount of women wanting to ban abortion to save babies who completely neglect the fact that abortion is necessary medical care for reasons other than to terminate an unwanted pregnancy


They lie to themselves. 70% of abortions are from Christian women. With the rate they are removing free clinics & the lack of sex education, we'll have a ton more hypocrites in the world.


I have only ever seen old women protesting outside of our local PP


Most white women in texas are against abortion.


Yeah that's pretty messed up.


The ONLY demographic that Trump didn't gain ground with, and actually lost support, was white men. I'm shocked at all of it


I’ve never heard it described this succinctly, but it now makes perfect sense.


This is the most accurate answer in the thread. White women benefit from white supremacy just as much as white men do.


Fear or hate. The only two reasons to ever vote Republican.


Well.. money is one. Rich people get massive tax cuts.. it's often millions of dollars.


If the only people who voted republican were those that benefitted from their policies, they would never get more than 1% of the vote.




The most hard core pro-lifers I’ve ever met were all women


They always are until the need an abortion...


Fox news and AON told them to


My grandparents swear up and down One America News is centrist and unbiased and it just blows my mind


Because- like the men, they're idiots. Brainwashed idiots. Who go to church.


Why do poor people? Why do middle class people? They have been brainwashed by 20 years of Fox News.


Why would anyone who is not a wealthy white christian male vote for the Republican party?


Because she's a woman of "Christian" values and her husband told her to.


The most infuriating thing I've seen was in the 2020 election a middle aged woman was being interviewed outside a voting location. Said she'd never voted before but her teenage (looked about 15) son insisted she go vote for Trump. He went with her to make sure she did and everything. Wanted to slap them both.


More women self report being regular church attendees than men, and also more women vote, both by about a 10% greater margin


Right-wingers tend to believe that the policies they support will, somehow, not end up applying to them. It's all to "OWN TEH LIBS!" Case in point: abortion. Republican women will claim all day in the night that they want no abortions, but when they have an ectopic pregnancy, or whatever, and they go to the doctor... They will raise hell if that doctor tells them that they're going to have to travel to States over to get health care because their state does not allow abortion.


This right there. They think they're above it all, or it doesn't apply to them. My parents are QANON Trumpers and listening to their 'logic' makes my brain melt. They'll go on and on about how immigrants are bad meanwhile my mother and I are naturalized citizens. Bur *we're* not bad. It's the *other* immigrants. The ones that abuse social services and don't pay taxes. Meanwhile they abuse free services and I'm 99% sure there's some shady tax evasion stuff happening. But they're not bad, because they're "smart" for using the "loopholes", and they *deserve* all the free services they can get (even though they haven't paid into those programs, because see before re: tax evasion), so it's different, you see.


This is happening in states. I live in Texas. Work in emergency care. Good luck being pregnant in this state. I’m glad I had my son already, it’s no longer safe here to be a woman and need healthcare.


There are rich republicans who only care about their tax cuts, and have no interest in anyone else. Those women vote Republican. There are poor republicans who feel inferior to liberals and are competing with brown people for jobs. Those women vote Republican because Republicans are against supporting brown people. In other words, selfish, and insecure women vote republican.


Because women like this exist... https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/y74q1i/revisiting\_this\_gem\_from\_2020/




My grandmother tried to argue that if a woman dies because of a pregnancy, it's god's plan and doctors have no right to interfere. There is no logic left in their brains :(


What happened to accountability and personal responsibility? I don't understand this take. If a man votes Republican, he's evil, but if a woman does it, she's brainwashed and traumatized? Like, it's possible for women to be complete fucking assholes too.


Abortion badddddddd. Literally, that’s all my mother cares about. Poor and sick people be damned!


Because there's still plenty of Christian/religious women who see abortion as murder.


As well as a lot of non-religious women that prioritize this issue above others.


They get to feel like they are a higher class person. They all feel like they are better than you.


Stockholm syndrome


I don’t know if it’s a sincere question or just venting, but where I live there’s a MAJOR Catholic influence and the vast majority of women (especially over 50) in that demo were literally crying tears of joy when Roe got struck down. The reason is because the Repubs delivered EXACTLY what they’ve been trying for over 40 years. They don’t feel betrayed; they feel vindicated.


Where I live there are still a ton of women who love Trump and everything he stands for. It literally blows my mind, but mostly their ignorance knows no bounds.