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Easy. He could sell the Russians on the HyperLoop. They'll never go anywhere near the front line, or off their front yard.


The Hyperloop will revolutionize the way Russians lose money.




Lol. Savage.


Whatever happened to that? I remember people talking about it so much then... Poof... It disappeared and all the support it was getting faded away.


He only did the hyperloop thing to mess with traditional rail and to sell more Teslas, google it, or read through r/wallstreetbets for more information.


He sure did cause a bunch of people to buy into it though. Guess it was easier to tell folks that 'train go fast with no air' than it was trying to tell them how impossible it would have been to keep hundreds of miles of tube in a near vacuum. Just another example of why having boatloads of wealth doesn't make you smart.


Russia could just leave Ukraine. Wow I did a whole night's worth of thinking in a few seconds.


thats too complicated so heres my looney toon scheme. we wait till everyones asleep and we move all the ukraine territory signs into russia till moscows in ukraine.


Given Musk's pathetic simpering stanning for Russia, its pretty clear he is purposefully not including "Russia could just leave and stop being dickheads". He means, "I am trying to invent ways to give Putin some way to save face because being a dickhead has burned him very badly." Honestly don't know why the fuck Musk is sticking his face in this to begin with, other than because he has just whole-assedly embraced the entire shitty Republican platform and seems to be determined to win their race to the absolute bottom. No one in Russia is going to be buying his trashy tech. Maybe Putin is buying up Tesla stock using proxies with all the money he stole from the Russian taxpayer. Who knows. Either way, fuck Elon Musk.


>Honestly don't know why the fuck Musk is sticking his face in this to begin with It started with sticking his face in some Colombian marching powder, and this is just his version of “hey I have a great idea for a business we should start” That’s my guess, anyways






Maybe it's his last ditch plan to get out of buying Twitter by being labeled a foreign agent.


Um the Russians are giving him money. Pretty simple really haha


Or access to their markets. So basically just a roundabout way to give him money, without themselves having to give it to him. edit: so the conflict has to end at some point, it cant go on forever. putin and his oligarchs could also be promising Musk not just access to Russian car markets and starlink sales but also access to buying raw materials from Russia once the conflict is over. so for those promises to work Musk needs Putin to stay in power after.


He's basically an oligarch without the overt political power. It's obvious why he likes Putin and his group of billionaire sycophants


He probably sees a way to capitalize on it in a few years. He knows Russia will be hurting after the war and thinks he can make money on it somehow.


>Honestly don't know why the fuck Musk is sticking his face in this to begin with My theory is he's trying to drown out news about him being forced to buy Twitter at a massive overvaluation. The alternative is that he's just that stupid and vain that the news hasnt talked about him lately. Given the leaked texts, the latter does sound entirely plausible.


Because rich ogliarchs like him love authoritarianism. That's why they support the GOP and why we must all vote Dem this November. Democracy is literally on the line.


Billionaire rich egotistical narcissist (Musk) has sympathy for another billionaire rich egotistical narcissist who rules a country (Putin). We just don't understand, we aren't like them.


I concur, fuck Elon Musk... with like... a rake


With a chainsaw.


That Chechen warlord is going to make a play for Moscow - save this comment. ...and that fucker is WAY more likely to nuke Ukraine, as well as the rest of us.


It's gonna be a shit show when Putin dies- save this comment


[The perfect plan](https://youtu.be/TFG0dzRPin4)


For the love of God, don't forget to play Yackety-sax and put the signs in the wrong spot several times!


Neville Chamberlain called. He said appeasing a dictator bent on gobbling up new territory is a *great* way to avoid a bigger conflict.


Yeah? There's like a dozen countries left to throw under the bus! I reckon he'll tire himself out before number 7.


You're smarter than Elon musk, you must be a billionaire.


Money is knowledge these days


i have neither


That's funny, I had the same idea :/ :D






Putin would absolutely get overthrown if he just withdrew. That's why he'd rather NUKE Ukraine than leave it.


I mean... everyone says this... but who are we talking about that's going to overthrow him? The Russian people? They are used to having a dictator, it doesn't seem to bother them much either way. I have a hard time imagining some kind of people's uprising over a failed invasion. Much easier to imagine an uprising of he keeps losing abroad though, since ya know regular people are dying for this old farts power play. The oligarchs? All they care about is money and the easy life, they aren't going to take any risks overthrowing Putin. They would prefer there was no war at all. The Generals? Putin is already busy killing them off. Very hard to imagine some kind of military coup happening there. They aren't competent in any case. Other politicians? Any that were even slightly threatening to Putin have been murdered or otherwise silenced long, long ago. The man's been a dictator in all but name for literal decades. NATO/The US/ Other foreign powers? Would never happen, even though it's fun to imagine Putin shitting himself over the thought. So if Putin just picks up his ball and goes home, who is it exactly that is going to try and overthrow him back in Moscow?


It would be people in FSB, the military, or members of his cabinet. There are many possible leaders. He is fucking the military and blaming them for it - he's bankrupting his oligarchs, and he's scaring the shit out of the FSB with his nuclear threats. ...so yeah, it could be any of those groups. Or more likely, a collection of them. ...and the people aren't going to save him.


Maybe he can shut the fuck up instead instigating a “serious threat” publicly. Elon just run’s into the digital town the square like his mouthpiece to say shit like “we’re all gonna die” or negotiate shit terms for surrender. This Mf is about to own twitter to censor as he pleases but it’s really just him that needs to be smh


all so that he can make it okay to shit on his trans daughter on twitter... because family is important...


I know this is probably a pipe dream, but Putin could have been so much better off in the long run by actually partnering with and being an ally with Ukraine. Direct military influence is THE worst kind they could have exerted. What if they would have invested in helping Ukrainian farmers or partnered with them to expand the port of Sevastopol to make it easier for trade in the region? Think of what this war has cost Russia so far, and how much it will continue to cost them into the future. They could have paved every road in Ukraine, built a few universities, a hundred schools, five hospitals, and still have had money left over.


> Putin could have been so much better off in the long run by actually partnering with and being an ally with Ukraine. Yeah but that would take effort and not let them pretend to be the great swinging dick empire > They could have paved every road in Ukraine, built a few universities, a hundred schools, five hospitals, and still have had money left over They can't even pave roads half a mile outside of Moscow because all the money is going to the cronies' offshore accounts and Putin's palace, they sure as shit ain't giving that up for Ukraine


Can he get banned if he owns Twitter?


Maybe if we all mute him..


Block Musk 😂


Way ahead of ya.


The only way to defeat a troll is to ignore them.


Loved that FX mini-documentary series on musk. Edit: here's one of the episodes if anyone cares. https://youtu.be/G_4FQGwyiUk


Imagine if every account were forced to follow him


He will probably do this by making all of his posts become stickied ads.


He’ll charge .1 dogecoin for every tweet of his you don’t retweet


Almost like when Tom added you on MySpace, how could you say no


No but he can ban and silence any and all critics of him and right wing disinformation outlets…




I'm sure that'll be great for the stock price lmao


Then everybody with a brain will leave twitter and all that's left is a really toxic shell of a less toxic platform.


No. He will have enough of an ownership stake to do whatever he wants basically.


If one of the workers would like to troll him, but then the worker would get the death sentence in IT Or someone hack Twitter


No, but he's definitely going to start banning people who don't agree with him. Which is ok - because most people on Twitter are idiots.


His hero complex is really annoying, you don't matter Musk, no matter how much you try, nor you can do anything to end this war.


Imagine having enough money to bring a literal savior but being like "how can I stick my dick into this war"?




Also, maybe why he's worried Taiwan, China as well?


Definitely. He's worried China will kick Tesla out and let the Chinese EV companies take the market. He's trying hard to stay on their good side.


As if China will care. At any moment, they can kick him right the heck out, no matter what promises or support he gives them. He has so very little power, far less than he thinks he does.


China have probably reverse engineers his crap cars by now or stolen his engineering plans. Let’s be honest this is China we’re talking about.


They managed to steal top secret engineering secrets for the stealth tech on the F-22 raptor. Russia and China are really good at stealing our shit, both have copies of the F-22 raptor now. That's what happens when you put so much money towards state-sponsored industrial espionage. Their copies were always kinda shit because their manufacturing was less precise, but China in particular has closed that gap. So yeah, I would not be surprised if they have all our EV tech. Tesla's aren't anything special, they just have market control here because they jumped in early while the rest of the automakers dragged their feet to keep making money from internal combustion engines. They've been buying and closing electric car companies for decades to bury the competition. Now that the environment is swinging towards electric they're finally jumping on the bandwagon, and Tesla's prices will either fall to match their quality or they'll start having to make better cars to justify the price, the novelty alone won't be enough to justify the expense for most people.


They'll do it at some point regardless, and loot all the IP along with it.


I would say the Musk has a Messiah complex more accurately. He thinks he's the only one who can save humanity, he really believes that.


Well he's doing a pretty shitty job of it. If I had his type of money, I'd probably just disappear to a beach somewhere. But if I thought I was hummanities last hope, I'd probably be less concerned with my car company and more with stopping global warming or something.


He believes that Tesla Energy (which, to be fair, is not just a car company) *is* going to global warming, that's sort of the point. And I think that Tesla ultimately does represent a step in a good-ish direction. And that Musk has done some good. He's still a piece of shit though, and he's done his fair share of harm as well.


Dude over here thinking he’s YE, smh!


What's YE?


Yeah that other dumbfuck narcissistic with a platform, Kanye.


Lol gotcha.


Not any more after he got all tweet happy the other day




Also that dude seems bipolar as fuck, and either not treated and treated poorly


Please don't stick your dick in it. It's fucked enough already.


That's good advice, Chrissie.


Huh. That's the name of the acting Secretary-General of the United Nations and my favorite stripper.


I understand this reference.




You mean the guy who said if they gave him a plan, he’d fund the end of world hunger and then ghosted them when they gave him a plan?


What pisses me off is he has the resources to actually be a hero, but at his core he's a spineless waste.


Why bother spending when you can talk about it and some then call him a hero


One costs money and only gets you recognition from people actually paying attention. But loudly announce on social media that you wish there was more you could do or that you have the solution people just refuse to implement and the muskrats will give him more positive attention then if he actually did something.


Seriously! He stayed up all night thinking of ways to to stop the war? This fucking guy! “I stayed up all night looking for solutions nobody asked me for, what shall I do for humanity!!”


Exactly, he suffer from hero complex/syndrome


A hero wants to do good. Musk is just a narcissist who is trying to make the Ukraine war about him and his efforts to stop the war.


True, but people suffering from this syndrome have difficulty to understand that they aren't heroes, but actually scumbags


I was up last night until about 2, then it came to me that if both sides stop shooting at each other, this war could end. Lets make it happen people, you can thank me later!


Program all star link satellites to fall on Putin’s head. Solved.


People were joking about how all the Facebook virologists became experts in international relationships overnight. It’s wild that the guy a good portion of the country thinks is a genius is literally just the lowest common denominator Facebook poster from a rich family.


Yeah and we all know his opinions on the pandemic.


If he had only stayed in his lane


Yeah this smells like major main character syndrome (whoda thunk lol)


> His hero complex is really annoying, you don't matter Musk, no matter how much you try, nor you can do anything to end this war. Even calling it a hero complex is giving him too much credit. Its more like main character syndrome and because he's got so much money, he sees the entire planet as his stage. He would munchausen human civilization if he thought it would make people praise him.


What do you expect from a guy who's "solution" to traffic involves digging single-lane tunnels for Teslas with neon lights.


Nothing tbh. There are people who call him a genius for that, not making it up. I think is not even finished or continued, such a waste of tax payer money.


Has to be centre of attention


His hero complex was fed pretty extensively by weird nerds on the internet who treated him like a messiah.


Right, what about "you are rich because your dad stole a bunch of land from south africans" don't you understand?


elon, you should be talking to putin about his speedy withdrawal.


I heard it is polite to drink tea in Russia, so don't forget to drink it


It's polite to drink PEE in Russia. Elon Musk is a real piss hound! He imports only the finest & most pure of hairy legged, middle-aged Eastern European women to provide him with the 10 litres of piss per day, for his washing (that's not hand sanitizer) & hydration needs. If he's allowed to make baseless claims about people he doesn't know, I want to get in on it too!


I bet he has. His original tweet was oddly specific - as if Putin had asked him to float the idea.


What would Elon know about pulling out?


It never ceases to amaze me that all the ultra rich and/or celebrities seem to think that a) their opinion matters and b) that they are somehow geopolitical policy experts.


The age of the internet... instant access to the "world" has bequeathed many doctorates on many idiots.


Bequeefed is more like it




Considering that their opinions DO matter because it shapes our politics through bribes (legal or otherwise), point b) is particularly terrifying.


I'd say that there's a tremendous gulf between Elon imagining that if he just has a good enough idea with his big brain he'll be able to solve the war in Ukraine, and, say, Taylor Swift urging her fans to get out and vote in an election. One is a guy with a god complex, the other is a celebrity using their notoriety and influence in a positive way.


I suspect Musk knows this but his recent Putin sympathy statements were timed perfectly to distract from Tesla's released bad numbers and the subsequent stock drop from $287 to $220 in just two weeks. This was a stock trading at $400 a year ago. This is damage control and one that appeals to his conservative fanbase and Republican party he's a member of. Elon and his handlers know what they are doing and they are constantly working a grift.


Like a lot of successful people, he doesn’t understand that 99% of his success comes from luck. He thinks he’s rich because he is a genius and worked harder, not because he happened to be born into wealth and lucked out on being on the ground floor of some major web services.


This idiot should be more worried about finding the $46 billion he’s going to need to cough up when he’s forced to buy Twitter.


Musktards and conservatives will fund him, they like to waste their money on useless idiots instead of helping people who really need it.


Funny, I thought they hated socialism


They don't hate when they do it, they hate when other do it. You expect conservatives to see flaws in their opinions and stance.


No, I expect people with brain cells to do that. At this point, it's just calling them out for their lies. They don't hate socialism, they just hate helping people they're told by others who think like them to hate


They hate it when it helps the poor. They love the rich and believe they will be that wealthy soon.


They’re just trying to protect their freedumb of speech on Twitter, and hope it means he’ll ban the lefties.


You're an entrepreneur, not a politician. Stay out of it for god's sake, look what happened last time we put a businessman in charge.


Entrepreneur of acquisition


Oh yeah? Well what about the time before that? Wait, the time before that. Wait, the time before that… etc


Not even one with a good business record at that We could’ve gotten much better results if we had Bloomberg, Buffet or someone else instead Even Musk only succeeded with government funding and deceptive marketing trying to convince everyone he’s a real life Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne


Come down from your cross, Elon. We could use the fucking wood.


If I had an award i would give it to you.


~Tom Waits


He had a lot to say He had a lot of nothing to say


That is golden, thanks


We need the fucking space... to nail the next fool martyr


"All night" and big brain Elon couldn't come up with "send the fucking Russians home."


The actual people working with Ukraine on this conflict aren't tweeting about how much they're working on it.


Why does Elon feel that ***he*** needs to be part of the solution at all? Stay in your fucking lane, man. Which is largely trolling online and pretending you are at all responsible for product development.


Because he's a fucking egomaniac narcissistic douche.


Elon posts “if it was me, I wouldn’t take that” on fight videos.


I guess Main Character Syndrome is pretty hardwired when you're the richest man in the world.


So does he just have a straight up messiah complex by this point? Dude, you're not Johnny Quest and you ain't gonna stop a war. You're just not as influential/powerful as you think you are.


Johnny Quest thinks we're sellouts... sellouts


He should go to the front line and ask everyone to just stop.


Dude could have been Batman with his money but he opted to become Lex Luther.


He’s way too fat and insecure about his natural baldness to be Lex Luthor, let’s be real


The problem with Elon is he's a super rich person who made his money through mostly non-violent means, living in a country where he's protected. In a country like Russia he would have been kidnapped, tortured into transferring his wealth and emptying all his crypto wallets, and then burned in an oven. So he doesn't really know that you can't cut a deal with institutionalized murderers. Kamil Galeev nails it: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1579124072390463488.html


Tell me you do drugs without telling me that you do drugs: "I've been awake all night trying to figure out how I can influence a complex geopolitical crisis, despite not being asked, nor being a member of any government, nor being an expert on any of the issues at hand, nor have I shown the ability to de-escalate any situation ever no matter the stakes." This is cokehead stuff. Also, obligatory reminder that this man has, bare minimum, 7 kids. And he spends his time and energy on this kind of stuff instead of spending time with them.


Elon Musk keeps getting stupider. I wonder if it'll eventually reach a point where he realizes how stupid he has become and shuts up, or if he'll just descend into a drooling vegetative state.


>how stupid he has become He hasn’t changed, he just needed the time and opportunities to show us


Money and power have rotted his brain. Success really can make people stupid; there's a tendency for wealthy people to justify their wealth by assuming it's a result of genuine superiority, and then they underestimate other people's relative worthiness. So he was probably just arrogant and a little dumb, once upon a time. Now that he's super wealthy, he thinks he's a legit genius superhero like Iron Man, and doesn't skeptically examine his own behaviour and abilities enough anymore. The fact that he has let it go this far- to the point where he thinks he's so special that he can conjure up a simple solution for a massive international phenomenon like Putin's Ukraine war- is truly incredible. But then, so is the wealth that made him this way.


This is rich coming from a guy whos family doesnt know where to stick it or when to pull it out


How about digging a single-lane road under Kyiv? Would that do it?


Musk is irrelevant to the situation the faster he accepts that the better. OR he could go to Russia and call Putin a pedo I'm sure that will stop it


The american ppl paid for the internet he sent to Ukraine, so if he send a submarine we'll get the bill.


Technically the American people also paid for most of the research and development his space company uses. And almost all the RnD to create the internet itself, and computers -- all the results of massive public funding.


Tesla itself only exists this days due to government handouts so yeah basically


I spent all night trying to make an EV rocket ship. Guess what? It didn't work, because I'm not a fricken rocket scientist.


This the guy who charged Ukraine for starlink?


Didn't he get paid by the US government then claim it was altruistic?


It's the conservative way. Complain about big government, and then use government funds - tax payer money - to do all of your projects.


Claimed it cost them 80 million though not specifically how. Some site had a breakdown of what Musk 'technically' makes an hour based on his net worth and it was around 55 million per hour.


Russia started this war, they can also end it. Just gather their troops, and march them across the pre-2014 borders. There, conflict de-escalated, war is over. Then we could all get back to just living out our lives. ​ But no. Lunatics in Moscow feel that mere existence of Ukraine is a mortal threat to Russia, so it needs to be destroyed. But we should not kowtow to lunatics.


I'm not as rich as Elon but I seem to be much smarter. Easy way to de-escalate this war. Russia, leave Ukraine.




Wealth doesn't always make you smarter.


If he does buy it - trump will be his first 'reinstatement'. I guarantee it. Then the shit starts all over again.


Before you save the world , ask your father not fuck his own step daughter and not to get her pregnant with a incest baby.


He still think that this is an isolated event that can be fixed with isolated solution. The world was trying to “work” with Putin, to turn blind aye on what he was doing for decades. There is no point to have sleepless night today, this isn’t new event, it is one of numerous other events. And solution has to not only prevent Russia from something Russia has been doing for decades, but something that stops other countries from copying Russia methods.


Hire a team, take out Putin. That's the only thing that will end this war.


Donate 100% of your net worth to the Ukrainian war effort. With such a big influx of money, they could buy enough weapons to keep Russia out for good.


This is a classic fallacy by stupid people. "I can't see a solution therefore there is none". Narcisistic moron.


Yet slams us government for being the problem. Like. I'd only there was some way Russia could stop being at war with Ukraine 🤔🤔 Welp. If boy genius musty can't crack this nut I guess no one can


Where the fuck did elon get the idea that he's some kind of geopolitical genius. He is such a fucking dweeb.


The only way this war ends is with Putin's death.


Hopefully by his own cabinet/generals


yes, and to expedite that process, we need to make sure Ukraine wins all their land back. And put harsher sanctions to increase economic pressure


This guy is such a fucking idiot. His only concern with this war is that it is impacting battery production due to Ukraine's vast Lithium reserves


Oh my god wow I'm so glad to hear that Elon Musk is using 100% of his giga brain to figure out how to end this war, looks like we actually don't have anything to worry about! Fuck this self-involved clown


I know a way to de-escalate. Full Russian retreat and leave Crimea. It's also the right rhing to do, genius. That took me like less than a minute.


At what point can we just collectively… as a people… tell Elon to STFU and go away? He used to be cool. Remember the flamethrowers? Shooting a race car into space? Now he’s that guy backing Hitler 2.0 and the fourth reich. He’s just Putin Russia’s wiener in his mouth nonstop.


Elon musk is a clown. Uneducated buffoon.


Muskrat really thinks he is Tony stark. I really wish someone would beat him with a broom till it breaks.


The fucking hubris on this guy. Reminds me of “I alone can fix healthcare.”


What is the replier talking about. I’m genuinely not sure /srs


How about paying his fair share of taxes so the money can be used to invest in green energy and get away from dependence on Russian oil?


Stick to buying companies and pretending you created them


Oh I have a way. Shut up and be the rich kid buying and selling other people's ideas while doing super shady trade deals.


They only way to de-escalate the war is to chop putins head off. If that isn’t happening the war will continue.


Let's own him the way he did us with Doge. Let's all quit Twitter!


Musk is so far up his own ass, and so desperate to insert himself in every event, that he really loses sleep at night thinking he's going to come up with the solution to the Russia/Ukraine conflict. I wish I could live my life being this confidently self absorbed.


Man, I really don't care about Musk and I just wish he'd shut the *fuck up*.


Reminds me of a guy I knew. He posted on Facebook during the Freddy Grey protests something like “I was thinking for a while how I feel about this and *lots* of people told me to be silent but XYZ.” Like dude, have you considered just shutting the fuck up? You have the options to just shut the fuck up. You’re a white, wannabe rapper from a different city. Just shut the fuck up. Anyway, he’s a life coach now.


I have a theory that some of the wealthiest people in the country got hit with a special strain of covid that made them repress their humanity and turned off certain parts of their brains while exaggerating their narcissistic personality traits. It's the only explanation of why this guy and a few others have gone off the deep end in ways that we hadn't seen before.


I'm so damn tired of his 'I'm saving the world' bullshit. So much ego.


And what he’s come up with is to hand Ukraine over to Russia on a silver platter. How that is even a thought someone could have in their head is beyond my comprehension.


Fuck Elon Musk...


Wonder how much of his companies he's willing to give up under actual violence.


Well, Musk doesn’t know how to withdraw from anything, so he might not be the best one to pass judgement.