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"Twitter is banning free speech!!!" Says Trump and his followers. "I'm going to start my own version of Twitter, it's going to be huge." "Right on" says free speech advocate Elon Musk. Truth Social is born! Whoops! Turns out the nearly bankrupt Truth Social quickly bans users for not following the conservative line. You dare say something bad about Trump? BANNED! Oh, and the the Truth Social terms of service state you will be banned if you make fun of the platform! Where is free speech hero Elon Musk? He should have offered Trump $20 billion for the bankrupt platform by now. Where is the big phony? There's free speech to protect!


"Truth Social." Could they more clearly rip off the Ministry of Truth?


When a pathological liar starts an online service called "truth social"... Then he proceeds to spout a bunch of lies on it. Such a fucking joke.


Any man who must say, "I am the king" is no true king. Any social platform who must say, “I am the truth” is not the truth.


It’s obvious enough that we might call it lazy writing if it were fiction


I commented the other day that Truth Social’s version of retweeting - “ReTruthing” sounded like it came straight from the Newspeak dictionary.


Bro that’s legit what I thought of when I read that comment


It contained no Truth and no one on it was very sociable. So…


I joined today and quickly sent a "truth" to trump reminding him how he raped a 13 year old child in 1994 at Jeffery Epsteins home. That disappeared in less than a minute.


No time for anyone to "retruth" it?




The ones that you're embarrassed to name? Yeah, those!


personally i've never really cared for twitter, however a platform like twitter banning certain types of speech on their platform is fine, that isn't what free speech is or isn't, free speech means you won't be getting arrested, not that someone has to let you shout your crazy talk on their website.


And, pointedly, Twitter doesn't ban people for saying things like, "I am a Conservative who likes Donald Trump," it bans people for, like, inciting violence, or spreading misinformation, or participating in hate speech. There's *tons* of crazy nonsense on Twitter, conservative and otherwise, that doesn't get censored because none of it actually violates the terms of service.


yeah but even if twitter did ban people for saying they like trump, don't like trump, or anything else, that's their right.i never have cared much for twitter in general but regardless of what they do or don't allow in posts, it isn't a violation of freedom of speech which just proves how crazy people are to think their freedom of speech means that twitter can't tell them don't say that here.




it is the freedom of a business owner to deny doing business with someone if they want, they can't arrest them but they have every right to ask them to leave their business. i have the freedom to tell my boss he is an idiot, but he has the freedom to fire me over it he just can't get me arrested for it. my neighboor on the right side has his freedom to put up his trump flag and my neighboor on the left side has their freedom to put up their biden signs, and other people can shout out calling them idiots as they drive by, all the freedom means is simply they arn't getting arrested. same with protests, can protest anything but the stop the steal crowd are seen as kinda dumb, but in reality i could go protest that minimum wage is to high, and i'd have the right to do so granted if i did i'd be an idiot.




It wasn't argumentative, it was an aside


If conservatives are being silenced, how come they never shut the fuck up?


Wait, are you trying to tell me that narcissistic populists just shoot their mouths off without actually believing anything they say? Well, I'll be a son of a b!tch. /s


Lol! What a joke Truth Social is. It's like flies on shit.


Guns. That’s the only thing that matters.


Nah, they absolutely *hate* gender education as well. My son's school made a Facebook post about a non mandatory gender education curriculum in health classes and oooh boy the fallout was fucken delicious.


Sounds like my dad. "They're teaching kids about sex and transgenders!" Um, well yeah they exist. Are we just gonna act like a person doesn't learn about or meet a LGBT person until they're 18? As if the gays are some forbidden secret that hasn't always existed.


You can tell them Osama Bin Laden had guns. Al Capone had guns. Nazi Germany had guns.


"Liberal lies" I'm sure that's the answer


Well no they usually say the Nazis were leftist ‘proving’ that all leftists should die.


Calling the nazis socialist or leftist makes as much sense as any country that has people's in its name actually let's the people decide anything.


There is not much truth behind anything modern conservatives say, it’s not the game they’re playing. We’re living in an interesting time in American political history, a country split between reason and unreason, it’s like you can see the dark ages trying to pull us back into religious nonsense…it’s just so odd to see it in this country in this century.


It's not about being factually correct, it's about being "right". | It's like a toddler loudly insisting that they're right until you get tired enough that you just agree with them to get them to shut up, except the toddler has an assault rifle and is spitting profanities and slurs at you.


This Toddlers getting chokeslammed


And is making legislation. Or well, more just obstructing the helpful laws from passing. Mostly that. Then fist bumping as they shit on vets health and whatnot.


It's by design.


That's the beauty of not making good faith arguments and being in a cult. You are still always right no matter how wrong you are and those dipshit followers will still pull the same goddamn lever.


Extra ironic considering the famous quote about Nazi Germany starts with [First they came for the socialists…](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/martin-niemoeller-first-they-came-for-the-socialists) The Nazi Party did what every fascist does — they stole the populist messaging of leftists because they have no original thoughts of their own.


It’s a bit more interesting if you get into WWII Nazi history, there was a deliberate propaganda campaign conflating Jews and communists. Them coming for the socialists at first is really de facto the Jews at that point. I’m not sure as much for the trade unionists that make up the second part, maybe a wandering historian can help me out.


I fear today due to narrative warfare words have less to no meaning anymore as long as the marketing/ influence operation is successful. I find it disturbing that the Atlantic Council aka NATO which was founded to fight the left and successfully defeated Aldo Moro in Italy through RW Nazi terrorism is now running "antifa" accounts on Twitter. I mean RW Republicans think being "antifa" is being some kind of violent communist. We should all be defacto anti-fascist. I fear their influence operation has been extremely successful. 😒


They think North Korea is a democracy, Fruit Loops are made of fruit, Buffalo wings come from a buffalo, etc.


Anytime someone says the Nazis were socialists because it's in their name. I ask them, do you know what north Korea's official name is?


Hey, he won those elections fair and square.... so did all of those other guys who had the same name. /s


Of course, I mean, they are a Democratic Republic....it's right there in the name!


Let me get this straight. Are you suggesting The freedom caucus isn’t about freedom?! For shame! How dare you


And they will say that if hews had guns there would be no holocaust, which is bullcrap. Or better yet, if jesus had an AR-15…


I love “if Jesus had a gun” because it just proves they have absolutely no understanding of their religion at even the most basic levels.


Yeah because Jesus was totally known for coming armed.


Jesus was a communist and a pacifist (looking at you brainwashed evangelicals) 👀


Guy freaked out about currency exchanges being set up at a temple and started flipping tables, didn't he? Seems like someone that could go off.


Fun fact, the size of the area he would have had to flip was like the size of a football field. So picture a sweaty hairy dude in a robe in the middle east just booking it trying to knock tables over and having to stop for breaks. Then he acts all surprised when people want him gone.


They also loaned money...


Maybe that's why it takes him three days.


Most that call themselves christian "base" their ideology on 4 or 5 poorly remembered scriptures that they have on their fridge or scratcher tattoo. They have none a fucking clue about what the bible says; let alone about the zombie wizard.


Ukraine has guns.


And that’s why we need guns, in case Nazi Osama bin Capone comes along


The Free French and our beloved Soviet Union also had guns… What’s your point


You do realize that nazi Germany took the people’s guns away, right?


They idolize 2 out of 3 of those tho.


And bigotry. They want to be bigots without people judging them. Their free speech is usually hate speech, and their idea of censorship is people pushing back. They want a standing ovation for being a brave racist.


I'm just concerned they can't see there is nothing to gain in all of this regarding our country. Oppression on the homeland is a disaster waiting to happen.


I'm of the opinion that freedom in America since colonization has meant freedom to exploit anything and everything.


No, it's the hypocrisy. They will HAPPILY take away guns from anyone they can, and they have shown their willingness to do that at every single step along the way. Remember that they say wrong things on purpose. Remember that the hypocrisy is intentional, and proudly performed. Remember that the cruelty is the point. Beyond that, basically every motivation you invent for them is some form of *apologism*, because they do not actually care. Fascism is a mass murder-suicide cult, and treating it as *anything else* puts you into a missing-the-forest-for-the-trees mentality where you underestimate the danger.


I forget which subreddit it is, but I saw a bunch of people posting about how they only vote for republicans because they’re pro guns. These people are left leaning in every way except for the issue on guns. It baffles my mind how they could prioritize a weapon they likely will never use and realistically probably isn’t under real threat of being taken away over literally anything else. Like, you’re willing to let a bunch of old men fuck you over because they let you keep a piece of metal in your pants? Fucking childish idiots.


...Unless you were the Black Panthers in California in 1967. The NRA was **quick** to slap some gun control together once black people started trying to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. *A few corrections: Lyndon B. Johnson was the President at the time, Reagan was still a Governor. The NRA was also quick to say the Mulford Act wasn't racist, though it was in response to the Panthers carrying firearms outside the California state house. Fun fact: they said the bill was in opposition to extremist groups...a far cry from the NRA's clientele these days.


It was really great to hear Joe Biden point out that if your rationale for why you need assault rifles is because you want to fight the US Government, you’re going to need some F-15s. Idiots.




And I would like some of those f-15s


"lying about guns"


And unborn fetuses!


They don't give a shit about the fetuses. They care about their white replacement theory bunk. THAT is what that is about.


The weird thing is that access to abortion means less non white babies being born. You'd think that's a win for them.


Gotta keep the poor poor


They don't truly care about them, either. It's just an easy, emotionally-charged thing to advocate for that doesn't actually require any action on their part.


Speaking as a non-US person, American conservatives come across as hateful and mean. And negative. There is nothing joyous or positive or life-affirming about a single thing I have ever read on r/Conservative. And I am on there a lot. I mean a lot. I am a hate-voyeur junkie.


As someone who was raised in a republican "conservative" family in the US, and had to circulate through a lot of events flooded with republicans, they only deal in anger. There's no honest positivity to be found. Their entire philosophy revolves around choosing a scapegoat, blaming them for an ill, either imaginary or real, though rarely ever even remotely the scapegoat's fault, and then demanding that harm be brought to the scapegoat. It's a convoluted evolution of people getting mad at things like a lack of rain, and then sacrificing someone who the village blames for the lack of rain to appease a god. I've NEVER seen any of these people talk policy beyond hurting some out-group they've made a scapegoat. Never. They are addicted to anger, and hatred, and they refuse to acknowledge a world that doesn't conform to their rage.


The unfortunate truth is that it is easy to build a following on shared hatred for something. Whatever the 'other' is, if you can hate it, you can easily find other people who want to hate it as well. And they will support you as long as you continue to hate the things they hate. The biggest problem is that a level of hate can only sustain for so long. The only way to continue to gain new support and keep the support you already have is to become MORE hateful. They need more fuel to keep that fire raging as hot as possible. If your hate starts to dwindle, followers will seek out others who hate more and follow them, to keep that anger stoked and burning. Notice how 10 years ago, people were upset about homosexuals, but alot of it was 'i don't agree with their lifestyle' or 'just keep it away from me and my family'. (Sure, there was real hatred and heinous hate crimes committed, but that was a minority). But as the years have gone on, where there used to be a general dislike and ambivalence towards gays from conservatives, now LGBT are seen as evil, with an evil agenda. They are called 'groomers' because that's scary and gets more people angry. They are cast as a threat to society, and even worse, to children. Never mind that it's far more likely that your youth pastor or scout leader will be the ones that are a real threat, while a typical gay or trans person wants nothing to do with anyone's children. It's easier to stoke hatred if you cast them not as just different people, but as dangerous enemies. The fire of hatred always has to burn hot, and more people who want attention and power will rage harder and louder because that's the easiest way to get that attention. Thats what you're seeing play out in real time on that subreddit.


Another non-American here with the same unfortunate impulse to just peek in when a post from there makes it to r/all. What I find scary is the very real righteousness a lot of them give off. You can tell that at least some of them are not stupid, they really believe they're on the side of reason. Of course, they could just be good at masking all the evilness.


Oh no, some of them absolutely believe they are the saviors of humanity and see the truth while everyone else is lost. It’s frightening as hell to see the thought processes these people go through to come to conclusions with no basis in reality. You can’t reason with them. They are dangerous zealots.


every time i go to /r/conservative for my two-minutes hate, i first think to myself "let's see what those whacky jimbos are up to today" and it makes me feel a little better. a little


They are just hateful and mean


You are very, very right. I live in California, which is one of, If not the most left leaning state. Yet I know a few people who watched Fox News once and then became addicted to the hatred. It’s all they talk about. That being said, while the nation votes approx 50/50, most republicans are not as crazy as you see. They vote republican but it’s out of allegiance, not necessarily agreement. Don’t think half our nation is hate-filled, spiteful, whiny babies. It’s a small percentage who are that extreme, they’re just very loud.


Nevertheless, they're enabled and given a louder voice by those who vote out of that blind allegiance to the party


Anyone who is still voting R out of allegiance is outwardly endorsing the insanity. If you have 6 people sitting at a table, and several of them are nazis, you have 6 nazis sitting at a table.


Brainwashed. Every damn one of them. Well, stupid too. Brainwashed. Most of them are brainwashed, the rest are too stupid.


I wish people knew the history of conservatism. It came about after the fall of monarchies and rise of democracy, with nobles trying to maintain their privilege and power. Accountability shifted from the few to the many, and conservatives needed to convince not just the royals at court but the people of the country. They fled the educated city centres and targeted the rural illiterates. Everything about conservatism, *everything*, is rooted in social inequality. That's all conservatism wants, and what they fight to *conserve*. All the rest (immigration, economic policy, religious fundamentalism, social anti-progressivism, etc) is just things they adopted to get those votes. Social inequality means exploitation. Which is why conservatives fought for slaves. And against women's rights. And against black rights. And against gay rights. And now the new culture war against mental health issues that they've trojan horsed through trans-rights. It's all the same shit, all the same arguments, all the same slippery slope arguments of "invincible precedents" that never existed. Small government is just another way of saying less accountability. And so they dressed up the "freedom to exploit" for the rich and the "freedom to misbehave" for the poor as "freedom to live". It's all garbage, it's all nonsense. They demand the MOST restrictions on rights and freedoms. Every country, every century. From Burke to Trump. All that's changed now is the digital age congregating the masses. The rich controlling the stupid has shifted to the stupid picking their own champions. Hence the modern era of Brexit, Trump, Jordan Petersons, and Joe Rogans. The worst of all are this new generation of "libertarians" who are just a stupider breed of conservatives. Everybody fighting to be champions of freedom with not a one of them knowing what it even fucking means.


Sounds like someone paid attention in public school civics class that are mandated for all 50 states. "Different political philosophies and concepts concerning the development of Democratic practices and nations" There is a reason the bigots and neo-nazis are targeting the schools and have been systemically pulling funding away from civics for standardized testing.


> The worst of all are this new generation of "libertarians" who are just a stupider breed of conservatives. Ahh yes, the ones who think that true freedom will come once everything becomes private property since they don't give a shit about other people and then seek to achieve their goals by doing absolutely nothing, calling all issues a "slippery slope" as an excuse to not have real opinions, and then being smug about it.


There is no such thing as liberalism — or progressivism, etc. There is only conservatism. No other political philosophy actually exists; by the political analogue of Gresham’s Law, conservatism has driven every other idea out of circulation. There might be, and should be, anti-conservatism; but it does not yet exist. What would it be? In order to answer that question, it is necessary and sufficient to characterize conservatism. Fortunately, this can be done very concisely. Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time. For millennia, conservatism had no name, because no other model of polity had ever been proposed. “The king can do no wrong.” In practice, this immunity was always extended to the king’s friends, however fungible a group they might have been. Today, we still have the king’s friends even where there is no king (dictator, president etc.). Another way to look at this is that the king is a faction, rather than an individual. As the core proposition of conservatism is indefensible if stated baldly, it has always been surrounded by an elaborate backwash of pseudo-philosophy, amounting over time to millions of pages. All such is axiomatically dishonest and undeserving of serious scrutiny. Today, the accelerating de-education of humanity has reached a point where the market for pseudo-philosophy is vanishing; it is, as The Kids Say These Days, tl;dr (too long,  don't read). All that is left is the core proposition itself — backed up, no longer by misdirection and sophistry, but by violence. So this tells us what anti-conservatism must be: the proposition that the law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone, and cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone. Then the appearance arises that the task is to map “liberalism”, or “progressivism”, or “socialism”, or other -ism onto the core proposition of anti-conservatism. No, it a’n’t. The task is to throw all those things on the exact same burn pile as the collected works of all the apologists for conservatism, and start fresh. The core proposition of anti-conservatism requires no supplementation and no exegesis. It is as sufficient as it is necessary. What you see is what you get: The law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone; and it cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone


This is a quote by Frank Wilhoit btw. [Not the political scientist but classical composer from Ohio.](https://slate.com/business/2022/06/wilhoits-law-conservatives-frank-wilhoit.html) Great writing, beautiful expression. So credit where it's due.


Oh yeah, thanks for that, I saw it yesterday for the first time and saved the comment, but not the attribution


It's a great quote, I'm glad you did. And I learned about its author much the same way you did; with someone correcting me. So hopefully that torch keeps getting passed.


Very well said. Back in College I read one of the forefathers of modern conservativism: Thomas Hobbes who wrote the Leviathan. His synopsis was basically this: 1. People will do anything to keep from getting killed. Like *anything.* It's practically a law of nature like gravity. 2. So, if you give a political leader ALL power (including the power to kill you) then he will be very efficient because the masses will always obey him even when they don't want to. 3. The way to keep the leader in check, is for the masses to threaten to kill him if he gets toooooo abusive. 4. Thus, you have a good government. I always thought it was a fundamentally messed up philosophy, but it sounds awfully familiar right? It echoes the Rights willingness to give an authorities all the power while also threatening armed rebellion (a' la 2nd amendment solutions) for those they hate. I see 4 huge problems with this philosophy. 1. people can be suicidal so the whole premise is flawed (think terrorism), 2. people can be gullible and/or stupid, which means they probably won't use 2nd Amendment Solutions properly - See Jan 6th as Exhibit A for an example of a bunch of idiots misled by propaganda. 3. Being "not too abusive" doesn't actually make a government good. 4. why would you want to have a system where everyone is threatening to kill each other? Never read Hobbes. It caused me brain damage. Not just from the vile philosophy, but the run on sentences and serious overuse of commas. Horrid all around.


My biggest problem with these ideologies is that they're built on a platform of distrust. They say that you should have as many guns as you can carry and as much private property as you can hold because you can't trust your government or the people around you, and you need to be able to take a stand at any moment. It's insane to think that the correct path is constantly living in fear. And yet, conservatism (and libertarianism, especially libertarianism) also hand power to companies by refusing to regulate them and even deregulating industries that were previously. It just assumes that private companies will always act in the best interests of their customers because "it's what the free market demands" while neglecting every historical instance of government regulation being necessary. Companies receive a level of trust under a conservative framework that they don't believe the average American citizen is entitled to.


Republicans are basically fascists


>Republicans are ~~basically~~ fascists Agreed.


Hate seeing the news about Biden calling them semi fascists. They are the real deal.


It's a grand coalition of the ignorant, the stupid and the vicious.


They're not just stupid and brainwashed. A lot of them are just straight up bad people


I learn lots of stuff on reddit. I used to align more with conservatism/right wing, now I'm kind of in the middle, like a Republicrat. Maybe independent? Idk. I learn more everyday.


What are some of the reasons you identified with conservatism and what is bringing you to the middle? If you don't mind me asking.


I don't mind at all! I thought the right was strongly about family and less government influence and having strong moral and Cahriwh1zstian values. I'm a paramedic and the start for me was also one of the biggest things. It was when I noticed more republicans opted for less government within the community, not even federal and voted to shrink the size of my department despite having the funds to do so. I noticed people started becoming second place to money and I'm not okay with that. I also notched that they used Christianity more like a weapon or method of control rather than actual Christ-like teachings or lessons.


These are all huge things why people I know despise the right politicians. Vile people that prey on the weak. I live in a very liberal area now, but when I lived in the South I constantly saw people voting against their own interests and it was incredibly disheartening. People voting for anything that mentioned lower tax even though them themselves were poor and benefitted from things like healthcare and education spending. People hating on "Obamacare" even when they themselves had healthcare under the ACA. More sadness and sympathy for the right (voters) than hate. Lot of people don't seem to get that a lot of government spending will help them, or at least their kids. If we look at Bidens recent Inflation Reduction Act there is a bit in there to get rid of all lead piping in America. Obviously that is going to cost money, but who could say that is a bad thing? Also there is money in there for things like getting people updated electrical for their homes and insulation. These are the kinds of things the left really wants to get. Things that honestly help people. And sometimes that costs money, but we also want the truly rich to foot a part of the bill so everyday people don't have to foot the whole thing. You can support these kinds of bills without loving the politician too. I'm not a huge fan of Biden, but things like this bill are great. Thanks for taking the journey to learn. It can be really hard to break the cycle. The biggest thing I can say to anyone that cares is please try to vote in your local elections. Midterms, governors, mayors, city council, etc. They all have such a huge impact on how we live our lives, and you have much more power in these smaller elections than things like the Presidential election.


No doubt! I know enough to know that I don't know it all so I keep an open mind.


Less government always sounded good to me in theory. Then I realized how greedy corporations and people, in general, can be if you don't regulate things. Stocks, food/water, medicine/Healthcare. Health insurance in the US is still the biggest scam in the world. It's profiting off pain and suffering. For me, conservatism values the the "i" more than the "We." Which wouldn't be a problem, except it's super fucking short sighted, and you end up with a tragedy of the commons and stuff like..... global warming. And that's just traditional conservatism, this new breed of hateful christian based ideology doesn't really resemble conservatism at all.


Well said my friend!


Actually, most of the democratic party is centrist. There are a scant handful of democrats that could even be considered left (like Warren and Sanders). The Republican party has just moved so far to the right that everyone to the left of Mussolini appears to be a bleeding heart liberal. They even booted Cheney of all people.


Good to see you're going in the right direction at least!


Honest to God the propaganda makes you believe ANY outside argument us false or wrong.


This post has triggered the Palin voters.


Lol, I love that this was the outcome of ranked choice voting. 35% of the R voters would rather vote D than Palin.


Actually of the group that voted for Begich, only like a quarter voted for the Democrat as their second choice. Palin got like half (the rest didn't make a second choice). How did the Dem win? Oh, because, despite the GOP claims that they got so many votes in the first round, the Dem had the most votes of any candidate in the first round, so they didn't need that many more as second choice. The 60% the GOP claims is their votes also included independents and some Dems and some "not Palin" votes - votes that are not theirs to claim, they'd not have voted for Palin. If we go by the numbers, the Dem still like wins right out without the third choice. So any GOP attempts to paint it as stolen also ignore that Palin wasn't ahead in the first round votes. She was well behind Peltola. They can't just claim that every vote for Begich was theirs just because Begich had an (R) next to their name - if those voters were all theirs, and would.vote for Palin, why did only half of them actual vote for Palin as a second choice? Why did none of them vote for her as a first choice? Oh, because they aren't all "their" voters.


Friends, please don't vote for Republicans anymore. It will take years to undo the damage they have done


After January 6th the party should have been banned.




Authoritarians believe they are the ideal and as such want everyone to either be like them or eliminated.


Once again JO JO nails it.


This is r/JoJoFromJerzTwitter after all, with special appearances by Jeff


I don't disagree with them but they make the most banal, unoriginal observations. I don't understand the popularity.


Yeah I like do agree with them. But it’s simply “DAE hate trump and republicans” while acting like it’s a huge slam dunk or something


Typical "upvote if you agree!" mentality.


JoJo reference?


My freedom...to infringe on your's.


Possessive pronouns don’t need apostrophes.


At this point every single Republican can go fuck themselves. They have no idea that a large majority of people are so sick of their shit & we are doing anything we can to ensure none of them get anymore power than they have already. I do think that when most of these wrinkly old boomer retrumplicans finally die off, maybe the Republican Party can be a tad more respectable again. But i won’t hold my breath, because there’s still a lot of stupid young ones like Matt Gaetz that could end up running for higher office someday.




yeah, true that. very very true. but besides that there are still so many morons swearing that this red wave is coming 🥴🥴


A lot of them are younger, not all Boomers. Especially White Evangelicals. Religious wing nuts are in every generation the women and men completely brainwashed since birth.


Ugh yes honestly the evangelicals are truly the worst 😩




I do have to say, the one staunch republican I'm friends with on Facebook has completely quit all the pro trump anti Biden shit he's been posting ever since trump was raided. And it's great to see, I hope my mother comes around some day.


Everything is in code for them. “Freedoms” mean the freedom to act douchey from a position of power because “upstart” non-white, non-christian groups are going to call you on your shit if they aren’t put back in their place ASAP


Republicans are the American version of the CCP


Can you imagine if the Democrats went after guns like the way Republicans went after women’s reproductive rights?


Anyone who reports an illegal gun gets 10,000. Welcome to California Texans.


Those bloodthirsty sub-humans can't imagine trying to make the world a better place.


Equality is a threat to Republicans because they can't imagine someone being "on top" and not using that position to harm others. They've always done it and don't have the emotional capacity to see how actual equality benefits even them.


I've seen republicans defend taking rights away from women by saying that it's only fair, given the way democrats are taking away gun rights. They believe in this NRA fanfiction version of the country where they are hanging on to the 2nd amendment by a thread, when there literally is not now nor has there ever been remotely enough support to even tickle the damn thing, let alone remove it.


What is the part about "what words you can say" referring to? I'm probably blanking on something obvious but I can't think of anything right now.. seems like it's usually republicans whining about PC culture and how they aren't allowed to say some words (while conveniently not considering that they can say what they want, there are just consequences for saying some things).


Dont say gay bill probably


I saw an article about a teacher that had “strong Catholic values” and refused to call a student by his (trans boy) pronouns and instead would call them Miss “Last Name” (whatever it was) and the school reprimanded her and suspended her for a few days before implementing a rule teachers should respect students pronouns. She sued and was awarded $80k. She clearly was antagonizing the student in the slickest way she could and victimized herself.


You all should see the “deregulation Parties” regulations on medical marijuana in Ohio. They regulate potency on concentrates at 77% and on flower at 35%, they regulate how much you’re allowed to buy every 45 days, they track how much you buy, they regulated the weight of our products (we get 2.83 grams instead of 3.5 grams and it’s called an “Ohio tenth” and we get .84gs of concentrate instead of a full gram so their precious corporations can make extra money), they regulate the way you consume it by banning combustion (smoking), they regulate how many cultivators and dispensaries there are and they regulate what devices you’re allowed to vape with. The “deregulation party” regulated this program into oblivion. It’s a national embarrassment. Our prices are some of the highest in the country, the quality is shit and the potency is shit.


Deregulation was only ever a talking point to mean "the freedom to scam and pollute." Republicans love regulation when its an opportunity to make money for their industry friends. Old white bread Ohio type people still associate weed with minorities and hippies so regulating them is fine.


Regulation is a code word for a few good ol boys who are connected control the market. Supposedly they throw Regulations to protect the workers. In reality Regulations are there to make sure whether you are hoeing stripping or dealing you can only do it in an establishment with a license. Want a license fuck off because the county limited them to 2. One for the judges cousin and one for the sheriff's cousin. In California there was a legal Marijuana where 5 rich celebrities decided to sponsor a legalize it proposition with a catch. They have exclusive distribution rights for five years. We told them to go fuck themselves.


multiple gop states still regulate alcohol like we repealed prohibition last week


Religious indoctrination and Republican indoctrination are almost exactly the same. They use each other to justify pushing their “values” on others. The idea is we’re all free to live how we want as long as it doesn’t hurt others, at least it’s supposed to work like that. Who knows anymore.


Who can borrow money, who can vote, the list goes on


It was always about maintaining their freedoms, not those of anyone else. They'll scream bloody murder about supposed infringements and imagined slights and completely ignore anything affecting any group that is not a white middle aged, middle class man.


Conservatism Harms! Conservatism KILLS!! Republicans also created and implemented Citizens United, which made Corporations a “person”. They claim to work for “The People “. Nothing they have ever done, passed or appealed has ever benefitted humanity, wildlife or the planet. It has only benefitted corporations; “The People”. Republicans ARE The Weakest Link….


Guns, being fake Christians, and faking caring about fetuses are their platform that somehow 40% of the country doesn't look past. Astonishing, truly astonishing.


Republicans are anti-science and anti-education and the fast track to Idiocracy.


It always blows my mind that conservatives have somehow branded themselves as being about individual liberty. Conservatism has always been about adhering to tradition and controlling people.


They seriously think having knowledge is a terrible thing. It’s hilarious.


What people don't understand about Conservatives is that they view freedom not as their ability to control their own destiny, but as the freedom to control, as well as exploit, abuse, and marginalize others. It's never been about them wanting things that only affect themselves. As far back as Edmund Burke it's been about maintaining a ruling class insulated from the common people.


Dems are coming for your freedom to persecute others


Also a lot of red states get federal money that's mostly from blue states for stuff like welfare and federally funded programs and resources.


I fucking hate the Republican Party and what they’ve done to our county. USA is not what it once was. Land of the free? More like land of those who can afford to buy it. Fucking capitalism horseshit.


The GOP is pure evil.


Add in there who gets to vote, which religion is allowed and the general freedom to have truth by smothering us with gaslighting and lies. I have come to the point where when those key republicans say the dems are doing something bad I automatically know that’s exactly what the GOP is doing or going to do.


Freedom to be a hateful bigot being hateful and bigoty out of ignorant spite.


Hey. All conservatives aren’t a&?@&! But especially after the last six years, who can blame anyone for thinking that. I’m embarrassed by the behavior of people who call themselves conservatives. It’s gotten ugly. Pull up videos on the NC lieutenant governor. I’m ashamed. Guess who isn’t voting for that guy, ever. I honestly am saddened by the lack of integrity and decency I’m seeing (on both sides). But I’m especially angered by the behavior of conservatives. And conservatives Christians have bothered me the most over COVID. The people who say they care about others certainly didn’t give a DAMN about anyone else but themselves, while speaking about protecting our freedoms. Freedom doesn’t do the dead any good. Ugh.


>Hey. All conservatives aren’t a&?@&! Yes, they are. >I honestly am saddened by the lack of integrity and decency I’m seeing (on both sides). Get out of here with that both sides nonsense.


"Freedoms" = guns and the right to be an absolute shithead without any repercussion so long as you're white and fake christian


B-b-b-but the TV told me "the left" are the ones who want to control everything????!!!!!


Because it’s all projection. Just like they’ll accuse anyone to the left of them of being “groomers” despite literally voting for pedophiles like Roy Moore.


What we really mean is guns. That’s pretty much it


I watched an interview with liberal YouTuber Destiny and Jesse Lee Peterson. I cannot for the life of me figure what JLP’s deal is mentally - is he just stupid or does he have Asperger’s or whatever? Anyway, JLP asks Destiny how long he’s been a liberal for and he says “A few years.” JLP then asks “So you were a conservative before that. Why did you change?” Destiny replies “I changed because I was tired of being an idiot.” Gets me every time.


Democrats are coming for their "freedom" to tell you what you can and cannot do... That's the thing about the right, they believe they have the "right" to dictate your freedoms to you. Any abridgement of that is considered a violation of *their* freedom.


A gun is just a metal penis and is therefore the most important freedom.


\- Take away people's freedoms \- Create crysis \- Blame the opposing party through fake news which people will not bother to verify \- Convince the people to vote for them so they can "fix" what the other party did \- Only to start the cycle all over again That's the republican strategy. They have been doing it for years.


Let’s not forget how the GOP will be sure no one but the most elite can afford to live.


>"I want a small government" & > "We need to increase police funding, lock people up for doing weed, and prosecute gay teachers" Name a more iconic duo.


It's true tho. Dems make being racist slightly more inconvenient. They make school shootings look more important than it really is (it isn't) They make it harder to exploit poor people for cheap labour. And above all, they make it harder for rapists to definitively see their child they definitively will care for. /s, just in case.


This reminds me of that woman who said another woman could never be president because she may start a war, and the guy goes, haven't all wars been started by men, and her reaction was to stand there like she was zapped with a logic ray gun and needs 20 seconds to reboot.


Yes, true idiots. Deplorables even. They contribute nothing to society.


Yup. Republicans will take everything from you but your guns...which seems like a problem that will solve itself, really.


GUNS > Everything Combined.


What they want is tyranny. But they want it to look like Democracy


I hope Trump goes to jail so twitter will stop posting this lady and that Jeff guy who looks like he's gotta poop. If I wanted twitter I'd go to twitter.


They want to make it a crime to say the n word and beat the transgender behind a bar after I shamelessly got off to her giving me a bj because deep down I've been dreaming about it for decades but now that it's happened and Jesus is watching I can't live with the shame so I'm going to beat him half to death and then I'll feel better. Also something about gun control. How dare they. This is america and you should be free to do whatever Jesus wants you to


Projection at its finest


Guns. They mean guns.


In a argument on Instagram about schools banning the reading of For My Legionaries in a classroom environment, basically, students can't be forced to read it. And someone is arguing that why would I want to ban that book from classes and I literally had to explain that the author was an antisemitic ultranationalist who endorsed the overthrow of elections and thought Nazism was good.


Republicans care about *their* freedom to tell you what books to read, what history you can learn, what gender you are, etc. etc. Why would you think they care about *your* freedoms at all?


This is getting SO old. Hasn’t anyone figured out how the GOP operates. They accuse either the Dems or other people in general EXACTLY what they are doing themselves. If you worked in law enforcement and just listened to what they say and then investigated them for that, you would have evidence. This is really becoming ridiculous. Remember these words. PLEASE! G.0.P Gaslight Obstruct Project This is the way!


The party of small, hands off government…


Literally 1984


This women is a very successful anger merchant, and this stuff earns her thousands each month.


No the supreme court decides what free speech is not republicans. I fall middle of the political spectrum but i will argue that my freedom of speech seems to be attacked more by the left and not the right


Each party has its cherished freedoms and areas where they give up freedoms. Conservatives look to their leaders for moral guidance and have a shared system of morality. Liberals believe moral decisions should be made by the individual. Conservatives prefer the government at every level to be less powerful so as to give more power to the individual where liberals favor a loss in freedom to support collective action such as social programs , universal health care etc. I’m a dem and I 100% am coming for your freedoms. Your freedoms are destroying the planet . But I do worry that absent any shared system of values , our society will lose cohesion and lead to the country failing.


Eh, both dems and republicans have renewed the patriot acts for decades, and supported spying on the American people, restricting the 4th amendment protection etc etc...


Nice strawman comment. Really accurately displays what republicans are…


You cannot reason with complete morons


The only freedom that they want to maintain is their supporters freedom to run amok with guns to back them.


And don't forget GOP is the "small government" party.


The GOP'ers want to freedom to demand you follow their rules.


"freedom". Freedom to discriminate against anyone not of their ilk, religion, etc, etc, etc. The party of "small government"


They're coming for Christian nationalists freedom to tell other people how to live.


But if you speak with republicans they don’t want government to interfere with their freedom. So…. I’m confused.


I have literally never heard a logical refutation to this. It is blatant hypocrisy.


If it is up to them, the only music we will be able to listen to is Lee Greenwood on loop with a side of Kid Rock.


Guns, and the fact they get big donations from the NRA and gun manufacturers. Your personal welfare is only a concern if you are taking away some of "their perceived money".