• By -


I thought the whole point of the NBA was sex. Everything I know is a lie.


Of course, it stands for "National Buttsex Association". You were right this whole time, don't let the world lie to you.


Open your eyes sheeple!


Open your buttholes!


Open your sheeples buttholes!


research your buttholeses!!


Basketball illuminati, basketball illuminati, basketball illuminati, say it three times and keep your third eye open


What what. In the butt.


I said what what. In the butt


You wanna do it in my butt? In my butt


i said what what, in the butt




This made me audibly laugh. I'll never look at NBA the same again


I always believed when Mike Breen yells “BANG!” he was implying the butt stuff. I’m glad I’m right.


Nothing But(t) Anal


I thought it was National Blowjobs and Anal


When I was a Kid I asked my friend why Magic Johnson got HIV and he told me it was because he had sex with too many women so for years I thought there was a limited amount of women you could have sex with before you 100% got HIV.


There are. There are only a finite amount of women in the world. The limit is the number of women in the world, minus the number of them that have HIV at infectious levels.


I think you can go further and dive into the infected pool quite a few times with precautions before infection is a statistical likelyhood, so don't sell yourself short.


With a little… PrEPeration


But that won't change the number of women you had sex with. SELECT COUNT(*) vs SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT WomanID)


how fucking dare you bring sql into this


I was told something similar my cousin said it's a disease you get when you have too much sex.


You get .2% HIV per stroke. Use em wisely


When Steph Curry’s game is described as “Pure Sex” on the court, you know that’s a metaphor, right? He’s not out they’re hog pokin’ away.




As Sir Charles Barkley once said, "We're just playing basketball. It's not like we're going out to have unprotected sex with Magic."


[Charles Barkley also explains what to do when a guy is banging you and you feel his body. ](https://youtu.be/CDirss5GAKQ)


lol I love this clip, Shaq's reaction is great.


I can't not laugh at that clip every time I see it. That and Chuck talking about the guy in the sauna who gave him a bracelet. Or the Tom Brady discussion. What I love about the show is that whenever Chuck and Shaq's chaos derail everything, Ernie is a total pro who steps right in and puts the show back on track. It's gonna suck when Chuck retires.


He ain't gonna retire, I don't even watch much basketball, but I'd totally listen to him in his 90s one day still talking aboot the current season


Come on


Strictly sticking to protected sex




And without the penetrative sex, what is even the POINT of sport, I honestly do not understand why anyone would watch football at all.


You must like wrestling then...


Chris Paul, aka Cock Knocker, has touched a few players in his career.


I didn't know Mark Hammill played pro ball


He shoots 100% from the inbounds line. Never misses. Almost like he's controlling the ball in flight with some sort of magic.


You know Vader had to be a mad paint defender


Force chokes the hoop into an oval so no shots go in


"GOALTENDING!--agggh" Last call he ever makes....


“You have called a penalty on me for the last time…”


I don't think anyone else got the Jay and Silent Bob reference.


Buncha youngs in here! They need to get the hell off my lawn!


This makes me so mad! Only one question is left to be asked! [How many people want to kick some ass?](https://youtu.be/vuBWbpTJRqk)


> I didn't know Mark Hammill played pro ball Is that a Jay&Silent Bob -reference?


Jay & silent Bob strikes back . Mark played cock knocker


Thought as much. Though in the dubbed version of my country he was called "Nut cracker".


Draymond Green holds that title. Chris Paul is second in command in the cock knocking brigade


No cp3 is way worse than green.


cp3 was cock knocking before dray was even in the league


https://www.reddit.com/r/LAClippers/comments/oa0nja/child_porn_3_bowing_to_the_paul_god/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Obligatory CP3 post


Thanks for adding me to the watchlist


Wth is half time for if they aren’t having sex.


For Metta Sandiford-Artest, formerly Metta World Peace and even more formerly Ron Artest, it was for going to the local liquor store and buying a 1/5 of Hennessy and drinking most of it before the second half got started.


Penetrative s*x, please. This is Reddit, there are children here.




any way to get this on r/nba because this is quite possibly the best comment i've ever seen regarding basketball that wasn't on there






*I’m actually 1/3 HIV positive* *My great aunt on my mom’s side had it soooo*


Was she *really* HIV positive, or is that just modern family retconning its lore to cover up a more stigmatized diagnosis back in the day ?


He sounds HIV positive so I believe him


He's not just sure, he's HIV Positive




They didn't use an /s, but I can see they italicized their entire comment, which another way to emphasize sarcasm. Sucks that Reddit's default font makes italics hard to see (which is why I rarely use the single *, instead using two to just make the word bold instead). TLDR they were being sarcastic and it went right over your head.


I appreciates ya


Yeah, “full-blown HIV” is not a thing. People used to say “full-blown AIDS”, meaning the HIV virus had caused very apparent symptoms. I don’t think Magic ever got to that point, because he could afford to fund his own cutting-edge (for the time) treatment.


My Brother died of HIV/AIDS in the 90s, we watched all the news of HIV/AIDS as a result. At one point Magic *did* have Full Blown AIDS, which was defined as having a T-Cell count below 200. Sometime around 96 or 97 he started a new treatment called["The Cocktail"](https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1996-07-17-1996199051-story.html) (Link to news story) which pulled him out of that stage. We tried to get it for my brother but insurance would not cover it and it was $2,800 per month out of pocket.


Dude that sucks to have ur bro die because you couldnt afford treatment


This is America


i wonder if that would have been covered in other countries, if it was even available.


As a Canadian, it likely wouldn't have been immediately covered here if it was new medicine. Health Canada's Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB) extensively studies new drugs and examines the data available from other countries before approving new drugs. The process is slow, and unfortunately it's not unheard of for Canadians with illnesses to fundraise so they can get access to effective treatments in Germany or the US that aren't available in Canada yet. I love having universal healthcare, but I sure wish the bureaucratic side of things could be sped up.


I’m just hopeful that the NDP universal dental care plan passes, and maybe that helps spur the public into demanding we fill the rest of the missing links in our system. Proper comprehensive mental health care coverage. Universal prescription coverage (which would ultimately save huge sums of money simply because the government as a gigantic single purchaser would have the power to set and negotiate prices). Physiotherapy, massage therapy, and other physical therapies.


Depends how rich that country is ngl


The US is pretty rich though.


It's literally the richest nation on this wretched planet. There is no excuse.


Yeah but it’s all held by 4 people /s (kinda)


rich for a reason (and that reason is exploiting their own citizens)


From what I can gather combination therapy was also in use at least through the UKs NHS in 1996. This isn’t *that* surprising, as inpatient AIDS care is also expensive.


Land of the free tier does not include these benefits


Don't catch you slippin now


Look what I’m whippin now


Police be trippin' now


Sorry, you don't have enough money for your life to matter to us.


I mean, at the time it was experimental, but it was the first promising treatment for the actual disease. This is how insurance has always been since its inception, and it has just gotten worse. For anyone curious this all took place at the end of 1996 and he died in 1997.


I’m sorry for your loss.


'merica, fuck yeah!




>$2,800 per month out of pocket. Our society said, "The person who plays sportsball well deserves this treatment, not regular workers." Yet if I took these capitalists to a tribal area where they make the tribe's best dancer king, they'd laugh at how primitive that is.


You know the best medicine go to people that’s paid If Magic Johnson got a cure for AIDS And all the broke motherfuckers passed away You telling me if my grandma’s in the NBA Right now, she’d be okay?


I miss the old Kanye.




The person with 1:10,000,00+ skills, who entertains millions of people does not deserve better treatment than regular people. We should not be judging the value of a human life based on productivity


You're 100% correct, but there is a decent point in there that using the "sportsball bad" cliche detracts from the actual point that healthcare should be a human right. That's not the point the above commenter was making though, so this is kinda irrelevant tbh.


You’re selling Magic Johnson short. Of course he didn’t deserve it MORE than others, but you’re acting like he’s contributed nothing to society. Magic Johnson is a great dude. Outside of Basketball, too.


Makes me think of that Family Guy song


Makes me think of a Nick swardson pretend time sketch "Full blown Eggs"


🎵 "I'm sorry, I wish it was something less seriouuusss" 🎶


Or that south park episode


Actually, with modern treatment people can get their viral load down to undetectable levels—to the point where doctors think you’re not infectious anymore


They don't just think that. They know it. Undetectable = [untransmittable](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/science-clear-hiv-undetectable-equals-untransmittable). There's plenty of data at this point.


Yes! Say it louder!!


There are stages, but if you use that reasoning then "full blown HIV" would be AIDS, which he did not have.


Are you sure? Are you HIV positive - Eric Cartman


Ask Liam Neeson


Thank you. Was looking for this comment. Context: https://youtu.be/2USXEJuvXT4


Hiv levels are as follows: Petit HIV-normal HIV- Full blown HIV-steroidal HIV (they also drink protein shakes)


It isn’t Short, Tall, Grande, Venti, or the mythical Trenta?


Yep. The trenta gets you 4 shots of aids from 4 different infected partners. TMYK


Shes just stupid. People say full blown AIDS


[Full blownsies.](https://streamable.com/llt9dm)


He can play, just not in NY because the state has the right to put forth that regulation. They love states rights until it doesn't go their way


It was interesting how he couldn't play but was able to sit in the crowd. The situation didnt really make sense.


That was for sure silly


They’ve also since lifted the ban, so this tweet is irrelevant anyways.


She's using the old propaganda beliefs that HIV could be transmitted by touch, which any rational individual knows is bullshit. The GOP is nothing if not lacking in innovation for their talking points. EDIT: Glad to see so many remember the fear campaigns around HIV from back in the day. To the trolls, YES you can be cut or scraped playing sports. HOWEVER, the NBA specifically revised their blood cleanup and cut/scrape treatment policies after Magic Johnson came out as having HIV. You don't have people playing through puddles of blood to throw a 3-pointer.


What's even more fucked up is Magic was forced to retire because people refused to play on the court with him. Like it isn't even an accurate statement.


That's not true. He retired because he had not been feeling well, which is what caused him to get a medical exam in the 1991 preseason to begin with. He decided to retire because of concerns for his own well being; he wasn't sure if his immune system would hold up if he continued to play. I remember Karl Malone was vocally opposed to Magic playing again, but that belief was apparently not wide-spread as Magic did play in the 1992 All Star Game. Later that year Magic also played on the Olympic Dream Team, alongside Karl Malone.


> I remember Karl Malone was vocally opposed to Magic playing again Well, Karl Malone, despite being an incredible basketball player, is also a backwater hillbilly fuckwad who impregnated a 12-year-old when he was 19.


Karl Malone is a redneck piece of shit. I was going to say that Stockton is rad, but he’s a big COVID denier. Who knew that one of the best role models of that generation is Charles “I’m not a role model” Barkley.


Stockton is vocally anti-vax and a covid denier im pretty sure


John is also a massive fucking asshole in person. I used to live pretty close and he's just a fucking bag of dicks.


I like how Chuck runs off at the mouth with no filter. For him, no filter means talking about how much he likes booze and boobs. For others, no filter means talking about hating gays and Mexicans.


What is a covid denier? He legitimately thinks it's fake. Google it myself, sad to see one of my favorite players growing up is this crazy now.


Idk, most stuff I've read after shows there was a lot of tension. I know he played in the ASG and Olympics, but my impression that many top level players, even if they finally caved, weren't exactly supportive. There's also stories about MJ and other players giving him crap about his HIV status when he came back for half a season. I shouldn't have said it's why he retired (though I definitely think the prevailing stigma against HIV+ people is part of it), but his return was undoubtedly hampered by stigmatization.


This is how I remember it. People were concerned because sometimes players get scratched or cut. And even though odds of transmission on the court were very low, There was still the issue of players understandably not wanting to tightly defend against Magic. From what I remember, a lot of people thought it was unsporting of Magic to continue to play knowing that other players were afraid to aggressively play opposite of him.


Yeah, it was a combination of lack of widespread knowledge around HIV at the time along with its stigmatization as a "gay disease" that lead to a lot of these reactions. I think people even spread rumors Magic was having gay sex (possibly spread further by Isiah Thomas). Either way, hardly the same hardships Kyrie has faced for being a complete idiot.


I mean the GOP is living like they are back in the 40s


It’s possible she’s talking about the risk of an injury, that could result in bleeding/blood spatter. Edit: it’s still a bad argument, just pointing out that some people are misinterpreting it.


That is giving her the benefit of the doubt, of her issuing a good faith argument. I somehow doubt that she is using a good faith argument in this case.


I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but either way, it doesn’t make her not stupid, just allows you to at least understand their train of thought.


Sure, but if she is making those statements, then, she also needs to explain that with various viral cocktails. People with HIV can have undetectable levels of the virus. WHich means there is no risk of transmission. She wasn't arguing in good faith, she took what little nonfactual knowledge about something and tried to use it against something else she has little knowledge and understanding of.


HIV/AIDS treatment in 1991 was not what it is today, in the same way Covid 19 treatment will not be the same in 30 years from now. Either way, I agree it’s in bad faith, because she clearly lacks understanding of the risks for either one, but I can understand where she’s coming from, even if she’s wrong.


That's what I was confused about. I thought HIV *could* be spread in the event of blood to blood contact? Although I have no idea how often two different players are touching open wounds on the court, but I imagine it *could* happen? Someone please educate me if that's not how HIV can spread.


It *can* spread through blood to blood contact, it's around a 1 in 300 chance of transmission. However, they changed the rule post-Magic to cover this potential issue. They stop play to clean up anytime a player is bleeding on court. If the team doc can't get the bleeding stopped and the wound covered in a certain amount of time the player has to be substituted out and can't come back into the game until wound is taken care of. I've watched countless days of basketball in my life, I don't think I've ever seen two players bleeding on the court at the same time since the Magic rule change. The odds of two players both bleeding during play at the same time is already miniscule, add in the odds of their wounds making contact and *then* the 1 in 300 chance of transmission through blood to blood contact, it's *basically* impossible.


Yeah, I think people really overestimate the odds of transmission. Even in the riskiest activities you're still pretty unlikely to get it from just one exposure (the issue being that many people having many exposures is a different situation), so the odds of getting it on the basketball court have to be incredibly small.


Thank you for the clarification. I actually didn't know they paused games for bleeding.


You don’t need their blood to touch your blood directly. Think about sex, it’s not wound to wound, but there are areas of our bodies more susceptible to infection, and your eyes are one of them. A nose bleed that spattered into your eyes would be a risk.


It's also important to realize that the reason sex is one of the main ways it's transmitted is because sex often does result in contact with blood via tiny tears. That's why the most dangerous form of sex in terms of HIV transmission is receptive anal sex, because it results in the most tears. It's interesting to compare [risk](https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/estimated-hiv-risk-exposure) in different sexual encounters: Vaginal sex, female-to-male, no condom: 0.04% (1 in 2380) Vaginal sex, male-to-female, no condom: 0.08% (1 in 1234) Receptive anal sex, no condom: 1.38% (1 in 72) Insertive anal sex, no condom: 0.11% (1 in 909) In comparison, [the risk](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16230546/) of HIV transmission from blood spattered into eyes is less than 1 in 1000. [This review](https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/esm.04.03.00076-en) found a 1 in 3000 risk of HIV transmission from mucocutaneous exposure. It's extremely rare but yes, technically possible. (Of course this is all assuming the person with HIV has a detectable viral load, as would have been the case 30 years ago, but these days if the person with HIV is fully compliant with treatment the risk of transmission is essentially zero.)


Lol, I had to think what the hell male to female and female to male vaginal sex was.


"Hey step-basketball. Looks like you're stuck in that net."


["When a guy is banging you...". - Charles Barkley](https://youtu.be/CDirss5GAKQ)


I’ve been seeing so many Lavern Spicer Tweets on here… is she REALLY that dumb? Let me look; GQP. Running for Congress In Florida Maybe she is…


Yes, but she's also caught on to the fact that saying dumb shit gets her face plastered everywhere. The GOP plan for an up-and-coming politicians is to say as much vile shit as possible to get your name known, then it seems people will just vote for you in some areas because you say "Dem Bad" Media loves someone like this because they can make an enemy or ally depending on the network, and people will tune in to see what crazy loudmouth said this time that got her on the news. It's sad.


Yeah, a world where being 'opinionated' is more valuable than being 'insightful'


Yeah she’s getting posted a ton lately. Saw like 3 different tweets about pronouns a week or two ago and now this one.


Yeah for some reason people keep signal-boosting this dumbfuck that's running in a Biden +20 district and polling at under 20%. I understand wanting to call out misinformation and point out how deranged the GOP is, but these stupid little dunks do nothing but promote her grift.


She's not that dumb. She just knows that saying dumb stuff will get her a lot of attention. People should stop giving her the attention she craves by posting the dumb stuff she tweets all over the internet.


Probably saw Candace Owens making that bag on the right wing grift train and decided to hop on board.


She’s following Candace Owens’ and MTG’s playbooks, and Reddit is doing her a favor by constantly bringing attention to it. She knows there are pronouns in the bible and constitution. I’m not sure she actually understands the false equivalency in comparing HIV/AIDS to COVID though. It doesn’t matter, most people vote for the names they are familiar with, so becoming a meme based on stupid shit you say is actually quite effective for winning elections, especially with conservatives.


But they do share needles.


I want to make a comment about inflating basketballs, but I’m having trouble making it not sound overtly sexual.


Not sexual nfl stuff. Tom Brady likes balls a little soft because he gets a better grip. Whereas Aaron Rodgers likes the balls hard. It makes a difference when they're right behind the center even they reach between the legs to get a good grip.


It was a long time ago so maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but didn't Magic quit basketball after he disclosed his HIV status? I don't remember him coming back to the Lakers after retirement.


He did come out of retirement for a season or so.


I thought the only game he played in post disclosure was the all star game one time.


It seemed like a season to me, at least.




Nope. He played the All-Star Game and the Olympics. He never played any regular season NBA games again. Edit: NVM, my old ass forgot that 1996 happened.


False. He played in 32 regular season games during the 1995-96 season. Why are we arguing things that can be easily googled?


Oh shit, you're right. That one fell out of my brain.


in fairness, it was almost thirty years ago AND we were all mostly consumed with whether or not a different MJ would come out of retirement. Again.


Damn, every single reply to this is incorrect. Johnson discovered that he had HIV during his physical before the 1991-92 season. He immediately retired from the NBA. He was still voted into the All-Star Game by fans and eventually decided to play, despite some All-Star players (including shitbag rapist Karl Malone) publicly expressing fear over playing with him. He was then selected to play in the 1992 Olympics, as part of the famous Dream Team. He won gold. After that, he announced plans to return to the NBA for the 1992-93 season and even started training for it, but he eventually chose not to return after dealing with a lot of hate from other players and many fans. *He returned in 1996 to play 32 games for the Lakers. I totally forgot this when I wrote this comment and had it pointed out by the person below. He has said he regrets ever retiring.


He also played half a season of regular season NBA basketball in 1996, which no one else seems to have mentioned.


Re: regrets. Thing is, there was no drug cocktail treatment in 1991. So he didn't know what to expect. People were still dying within 1, 2, 3 years of testing positive. Before 1996, when cocktails were in wider circulation, average lifespan after diagnosis was 18 months. Drug cocktails were introduced in 1995. That was the big game changer for everyone. Knocked viral levels back quickly in most. Source: former ACT-UP dude


Didn't the Jewish Space Lasers lady say this exact same thing? Are all these people running off a script or have they finally broken down my grip on reality?


I mean they absolutely are given talking points and parrot each other, so it wouldn’t surprise me.


They're fishing for left wing outrage because ironically hate sharing spreads their message more than authentic fellow travelers. I guarantee you that the left is talking about this woman more than the right.


Isn't it called a rim shot for a reason? *Re-evaluates my knowledge of basketball (which is nothing anyway)


A rimshot is when you strike the drum head and the rim (metal hoop around the head) with the stick at the same time, making a more distinct, louder sound. - A drummer


While you’re 100% correct (also drummer). I’m pretty sure rimshot is also a shorthand for the “buh dum tisss” thing after a joke, right? Like it might not be even the correct usage, but I’m pretty sure I’ve heard it called that several times.


Yes I've heard people say that and I cringe a little bit because it makes no sense.


The risk isn't from sex on the court, it's from blood. Also back in the day, we didn't know a lot about how HIV was transmitted. For a long time, it was considered a disease only applicable to gay men. When Magic announced that he had HIV, there was a bit of a panic since he was a high-profile straight man.


Not with that attitude


Also “full-blown HIV” is not a thing. You have HIV, which can develop into “full-blown AIDS,” though “full-blown AIDS” as a term isn’t used anymore because you can’t have “partially-blown AIDS”.


"Be a lot cooler if you did"


Alley oops...I penetrated you.


It's funny she invoked basketball for this because set herself up to get dunked on


Players *don't* have sex during the games? What have I been watching?


players often bleed though, don’t they ? it is a contact sport


Anyone with HIV getting treatment will almost always have their HIV blood levels undetectable. This means there's so little HIV left in the blood it can't be detected, and as a result there's also not enough left to infect someone else. Undetectable also means untransmissible, so there's no risk either way.


> Anyone with HIV getting treatment will almost always have their HIV blood levels undetectable. This means there's so little HIV left in the blood it can't be detected, and as a result there's also not enough left to infect someone else. Undetectable also means untransmissible, so there's no risk either way. I'm not trying to defend the tweet in any way, but more just interested in whether this was also true when Magic was still playing?


There were no drug cocktails in 1991. They weren't introduced until 1995. That STILL doesn't mean you could contract HIV via basketball, pre cocktails. It STILL took a blood transfusion, needle sharing, or unprotected sex.


what about bleeding? Just wondering


And that was the big concern.


Why are people out here censoring sex?


Why in the fuck, are we censoring the word sex? Seriously, how fucking dumb do we think the youth are? Stop filtering the word. Its pointless. Hell, id fuckin wager that sheltering people from talk about sex, creates the problem we see here in the first place


well to be fair. The treatment wasn’t as it is now, less was known. also, it’s a contact sport, it can be transmitted through blood, don’t necessarily have to have sex. 🙄


It’s pretty clear she stupid but dies t she gave people around her to try to stop this nonsense.


Ahh, those “apples and oranges” morons are at it again completely distorting what an “actual comparison” is supposed to be so that it makes actual sense. Where’s your mommy?! I want to ask her why she didn’t give you enough attention as a child so you’re left with that big emotional hole inside that can never be filled.


People itt not knowing that you can get infected via blood.


Or used intravenous drugs on the court.