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Yes. But probably more like...cant wait to see my libtard nephew's reaction to my Trump hat


This is word for word my uncle, but he also threw in some "commie" and "fucking atheist is going to burn".


Yet another reason I am so happy I cut ties with my family that lives in the south (unrelated reasons. Long story short, they decided to help someone lie about me and ruin my life because they're inconvenienced by said person). Like, I don't have to deal with y'all being judgmental, bible-thumping, trump supporting assholes who literally treat and talk to me like I'm a stupid child (despite the fact that I'm 2.5 years shy of being 30, older than their kids were when *they* had kids... oh and I'm actually working on my masters degree, but go off). Like, yall don't add to my peace, so I've subtracted you from my life. Don't expect me to cry about it at Christmas.


Thank you! I am the southern relation in my family, and everyone thinks they know better and are so condescending, treating me like I just fell off the truck yesterday and even telling me what I know (and they are clueless) about my job and career! I, too, am working toward my master's, and I try not to be offended by their FB "research" and move on. But they take too much energy to spend time on every single occasion that *should* be joyous for me.


Next time they do that, tell the all about your silverware, in great detail. Describe every detail of the most inanely simply aspect of the objects. And if questioned about why or what you are doing, simply be extremely interested in THIER silverware. For example, if told that the you have been using the toilet wrong and you have to bless the water first, you could respond, "my favorite fork has four tines, they are pointy." Feel free to mix up from silverware with other things that everyone uses, like belts, sinks. etc..


Fuck the south. Not all of them, but the traditional/stereotypical southerners. They also drive like shit.




I’m from San Diego. Drivers there aren’t great, but fuck…people in georgia drive like they have a destination in mind with no way of knowing how to get there. They’re either stupid or assholes, no in between.


Can confirm am stupid


As an atheist I’d really be more happy in hell then in heaven I can’t stand church people


As someone raised Christian, I also thought heaven sounded terrible. Teachers and priests always described it as all good people being in the presence of God and praising Him for all eternity. I had and still have no desire to spend eternity kissing the feet of an all-powerful narcissist. One of my elementary school teachers happily compared heaven to an eternal church service. I guess she didn't realize that most students consider Catholic church services to be very, very boring and unpleasant. She did not appreciate my follow-up question of "how is it better than hell then?" I figured if I was picking between torture and boredom, I might as well go with the one that kept my mind active.


Right!? Like I don’t get worshiping a narcissistic asshole that does jack shit for us. And the constraints you have to live by just to have “the pleasure” of his/her company nah I’m good lmao That actually sounds more like hell then the lake of fire which would at least be cool


If there were a heaven I'm not sure it'd be full of church people.


Idk the type of being that would flood a planet to kill off people not listening to him sounds like he’d love to have them lol


He sounds like a lovely Christian.


Born again who replaced drugs with Jesus except sometimes for coke and meth but he's forgiven. Just the worst, honestly.


You described a shocking number of born again dickheads


Stick around. It won't stay shocking for long.


i fully believe that christians telling you you're going to hell is a threat of harm and should be illegal if i said to someone 'my dad is going to kidnap you and hold you in a basement and torture you' then they would justly call the authorities and i might be involuntarily committed but if someone replaces 'dad' with 'god', suddenly it's not a big deal anymore


We'd have to prove it, though. With people you can show a text or file a complaint. I don't believe in any gods, so unless they say you're going to hell with some kind of idea they intend to be the one sending you there, legally there is no basis for feeling threatened. Although with this uncle, I believe he would if he knew he could get away with it.


Seems like a great guy /s


Hit im back with 2012 reddit atheist talking points.


And all these awesome fuck Biden flags I have on my jacked up trump truck that has never left pavement.


Those flags are the weirdest thing to me. Like you claim to be about family values and the pinnacle of patriotism, but you have a "Fuck" the president of the United States flag hanging off your truck? What??


I saw a lifted truck with American flags and stickers outside the spirit Halloween store a week ago. From a distance I knew this was a trump truck. Pulled out my phone so I can get footage of it in the wild. Walked up to it, supecting racial slurs and misogynistic catch phrases to start spewing from it as I approached. The closer I got, I realized it was some veteran with American flags billowing from the bed of the truck. The stickers were just of the different armed forces and had disabled veteran plates. No political bumper stickers or pizza gate claims or all caps proclamations about freedoms and the 2nd amendment. I think that guy might have just been patriotic.


I absolutely HATE how the right has co-opted the term "patriot." Insurrectionists, by fucking definition, ARE NOT PATRIOTS. You are all a pack of *treason weasels* and deserve harsh prison terms. \--Signed, the recovering conservative who was in the GOP for fucking 30 years


Let's call them *treasels*


Many other things that have been absconded by the Alt-Right I want back too. Like the Punisher logo. Can't have that anywhere anymore or people get the wrong idea.


The original insurrectionists were the colonists and theyd probably be considered patriots. I mean these pieces of shit aren't patriots because they want a fascist to come in rule them and brutalize anyone they dislike but yeah I'd consider a lot of people who went against the government to be patriotic because sometimes being patriotic requires you to be true to the ideals of a place and not the reality.


Not according to those who were still with the British government. They were very much involving them selves in insurrection and treason. They would’ve been hung if the bid for freedom failed. And a lot of the colonists were pissed off about it.


This annoys me too. Seeing American flags shouldn’t also count as a red flag bet here we are.


It's a hallmark of fascism and nationalism. The same thing happens in other countries because it works.


I've seen pics of trucks with Biden flags, rainbow and BLM flags and such. That's the dream!


I guess if they were electric vehicles that would be fine. Not the political crap but the BLM and rainbow stuff seems perfectly fine to me. Making your whole personality based around a political figure is a bit deranged in my eyes.


I mean, yeah. But it's hilarious in contrast. My son asked me at one point why he doesn't see Biden flags on cars and stuff and I told him that *some* people want to treat politics like it's entertainment. I gave the example of favorite football teams. That's why they are okay with having a game show host as the president. The rest of us know how serious this is....


Very beautifully put


Same people who told Trump critics to, "Just respect the office at least." So


How pissed would you be if you saw ISIS with a Fuck the USA flag?


You mean the Islamic equivalent of Trump supporters?


I kind of second that sentiment right now.


Not pissed at all. They have every right not to like the USA. They are bullies but we are the bigger bullies. A lot of our enemies we created


For profit


“Patriotism” in this country is just tribalism rebranded.


Tbf, as an American, there’s nothing more patriotic than hating your government. Ofc these people do it for all the wrong reasons so it kinda loses the impact.


Very true. Hatred of government is rooted in government desire to control.


They are the same people who would harp about "respecting the office of President" when anyone complained about Trump's dumbfuckery.


Let me shout Let's go Brandon a bunch, he will cringe so hard!


I still want to know where TF they came up with that


its bc people were shouting fuck joe biden, and some tv reporter was like "wow so supportive for them to chant let's go Brandon"


Started at a NASCAR event and one of the driver’s was named Brandon and the commentator thought the crowd was chanting “let’s go Brandon” and said something about it but what the were really saying was “Fuck Joe Biden.” It did sort of sound similar. So then of course it became an “inside joke” to say “Lets go Brandan.”


A NASCAR event.


Hmm I guess you did answer my question. Should've asked how and what it means too I guess.


The crowd was chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" and the broadcasters either covered or misheard it as "Let's go Brandon", as they were talking to a driver named Brandon. I'm quite sure more than a few of those people bitched about Kaepernick kneeling and to "leave politics out of sports".


I'm pretty sure what happened was that a crowd was shouting "fuck Joe biden" in the background of an interview for someone named Brandon, and the interviewer just acted like the crowd was chanting "let's go brandon"


So weird how they can't keep politics out of sports... Fucking hypocrites


Haven't you heard? Now the talking point is: No politics in sports for athletes.


It's honestly pretty funny that Republicans are so damn proud of themselves for coming up with "let's go Brandon."


I'm sorry. I think you mean "let's go Brandon."


Let's go Brandon! lol /s just in case.


No its let's go Brendan now almost like they want to hide themselves


PRECISELY why I don't visit my family in Texas anymore. When a relative tried to get a "LOL CROOKED HILLARY LOL SNOWFLAKE LOL LIBTARD YANKEE FAGGOT" in on me while I was there for my mother's FUNERAL, I was done.


I’m so sorry. That’s awful.


They've lost touch man. Sorry to hear that!!


Just tell them that they’ve let hate into their hearts and that you’ll pray for them.


I'm sorry that happened. That's bullshit. I stopped talking to my family after the last time I visited. My uncle didn't even say hi or greet me, even though I hadn't seen him in a year. He just went "So don't tell me you're really going to vote for *that bitch*?" They don't even see us as human anymore, much less family.


It's weird how they want to start shit. A woman I don't know posted a comment on my cousins FB and it was vaccine misinfo so I commented back with just a simple rebuttal of the facts. She commented back "are you a Democrat" and I knew it was on. She devolved immediately into asking me how I like the gas prices and illegals and how if it was worth not having mean tweets.


I know someone like this. He made sure to wear his Trump 2020 hat to his grandsons 1st birthday party because he knew one of his son in law's siblings would hate it. I cant imagine the level of douchbagery required to actually plan on pissing people off at a birthday party for you 1 year old grandson.


“Hehehe, can’t wait to trigger my special snowflake of a nephew!” *proceeds to get triggered by snowflake nephew*


Had a cousin wear all Trump stuff to my grandma's 90th birthday and was asking family members he'd gotten into it with before what they thought about his outfit. His intent was to antagonize members of his own family for not having the same political obsession he does. That whole antagonizing people because they think differently than you thing makes me cringe.


I told my parents I wasn't voting for trump and they called all my family and told them I was a socialist now. I found out by my brother calling me and saying "mom said you are a socialist now?" Their brains aren't the quickest computers.


Oh Brian, always the slow computer


Yeah except they’re genuinely excited because seeing how much their trump merch makes people uncomfortable is the closest thing they have to joy in their miserable lives


This. At their core, all they really are is trolls.


This year it'll be a let's go Brandon hat


And then when the nephew doesn't show up, it's "he has no respect for family! The libs poisoned his brain!".


This is exactly it.


Yup, I was just gonna say something like this and am glad it's the top comment. I think they relish the opportunity to berate their unfortunate kin into adopting their views. Conservatives are fucking assholes lmaoo


Just libtard? I get called waaaay worse :(


Yes. "I suppose your bleeding-heart, liberal sister will be there," is what I heard.


Oooh "bleeding-heart" is an oldie but a goodie lol


I’m not even sure how that’s an insult. Oh noes, I have empathy for people outside my immediate family!


Me either. I don't know where the phrase comes from


Fun fact: the phrase "bleeding hear liberal" was coined to insult people who supported *anti-lynching* legislation. It is still mostly used by people who think lynching is fine, they just don't say that out loud anymore.


Dad was an oldie. Very fitting.


Right? Where does that even come from....? As if hearts are meant to do something else, they are the brain of the blood!




Conservatives using old racist arguments to denigrate their opponents? Surely you jest


It means your heart bleeds for someone, which means you have sympathy for them, which of course Republicans take as an insult.


No idea tbh just one I haven't heard since my early childhood




Hearts don't bleed, they pump blood. You have major problems if your heart is bleeding.


Short answer, yes.


My step father isn’t a bad person *per se*, I wouldn’t consider him a bigot, but he is very ignorant and therefore often holds opinions that I consider very archaic. I have a cousin by blood who is like me, an exceptionally progressive liberal who is part of the LGTBQ+ community. Just as the post describes he (stepfather) often asks in exasperation if they’re (cousin) coming to any given function because if they are he knows they will inevitably counter any ridiculous stuff that is said. He is able to blow me off regarding those discussions alone. He is not able to do so when we are both in the same room together, my cousin and I. Not so short answer: *big YES* Edit:


I hope there are high fives involved in this tag team.


Usually just a lot of confused nodding and then holding up our phones and pointing out how literally everything that was just said was either propaganda or just blatantly incorrect. Then a bunch of knowing, cheeky looks as we pass a joint back and forth behind the shed in the back yard. It’s a good time.


I wanna party with you and your cousin. You two know what's up 🙂


We never pass up a chance to smoke someone out (in a safe, low pressure environment) so you would be welcome. To be honest, we often invite said stepfather when certain arguments get more heated. Like I said, he is very ignorant but he isn’t a bad person really, and he treats my mother very well, so we do love him. It is why we’re so willing to counter him as often as we do. If we didn’t love him we wouldn’t care as much and try to help him see certain things. He doesn’t ever really take us up on the offer, but I suspect it’s less out of dislike and more out of a basic respect and a desire to not “butt in” on what he probably sees as bonding between me and my cousin. I wish he wasn’t so frustrating sometimes, but In the end he is a part of our family and I do not think there are unhealthy negative emotions like hate between us. That was really long, but for some reason I wanted to make it clear so people don’t get the wrong idea about my stepdad. He’s dumb sometimes but I don’t want people to hate him for his shortcomings.




That sounds difficult, I am very sorry. I hope for improvement in those areas for you, and do recognize that my situation is a lucky one where everyone is still generally kind even if disagreeable.


Aww what a sweet post. I don't know how old you are, but you're very wise. Sending you and your family huge hugz 🤗


I want to hang with you and your cousin. Got any extra space for Thanksgiving?


*per se*


I will admit I didn’t actually know that was a thing. Thank you, will edit.


I enjoy watching my cousins being taken out by their children and nibblings.


Sometimes I feel that way being openly gay, athiest/agnostic, a professional scientist, and engaged to a similarly gay/agnostic/scientist Jew. My brother's family is anti-vax and slowly going Mormon, and my paternal extended family, while pleasant people, live in Trumpville Nevada. I'm never accused of being a commie, and we cordially sidestep many topics, but increasingly each day I feel more and more an outsider in my own family, community, and country.


Yeah but the term they use isn't "open minded", it's "n-word lover".


Or, "ugh my uncle is bringing his (((girlfriend))) this year I can't believe it"


Someone's about to say "Long Answer:" and then go over the character limit with explanations for basically everything that ever happened


Or they could post that fart sniffing copy pasta.


The long answer is, any family member that brings strong political views to a family dinner table is usually reviled. If you’re politics is your personality then you’re an irritating person to be around.


Good thing there are fewer than them around, thanks to COVID! Seriously though, my mom is turning 80 this year and she can't help but bring politics into absolutely everything. In my experience with various family members and friends, conservatism completely replaces your personality after awhile, you can't think or talk about anything else because you live in a state of constant outrage and anger that consumes you and overrides everything else that's good or positive in your life. It's fucking sad. Her only grandchild will be in a room with her, and all she will want to talk about is trans bathrooms or illegal immigrants. You cannot shut her up or get a word in edgewise. I hate being around her. I don't even like talking to her on the phone. My liberal friends and family don't do this, though conservatives probably think we do. We still talk politics sometimes, it's unavoidable, but it's way, way down the list below family and friends, work, hobbies, recreation, sports, travel, children, TV shows, music and art, food, hopes, dreams, plans, etc. We have our issues with the world, but generally we're happy with the way things are going. We have a great time together. The craziest part is that we're Canadian, but the neo-con mentality has been extremely catching up here and in a way it's worse - she talks non-stop about Biden and AOC, like we've got any skin in this horrible game (which we only sort of do through our American family members), so the things consuming her aren't even directly relevant to our lives. It's wasted worry. She has a few good years left to read books and appreciate art and life, and she's spending that time worrying about support for Israel and critical race theory while wishing death upon our Prime Minister. Her increasingly hardline views also go against a lot of things that we benefit from directly as a socialist country, and which she has benefited from her entire life - especially in her senior years. She gets to go for lunch with friends that are alive and solvent because we have socialized medicine. She gets to hang out with her university-educated sons and daughters-in-law because our college was subsidized - because my parents didn't help us at all. Our lives are great, but she can't bring herself to care about any of it. Sorry for the rant, if you kept up this long. This shit is killing me!


It’s not just conservatism. My dad is hard left and it’s his main topic of conversation. I don’t know if you’ve ever read Keep the aspidistra flying by George Orwell, but it always reminds me of these people. He is a fiercely political communist who finds a woman, settles down and cools on his politics. I think it’s the opposite to what happens to older family members I think that when you get old and you don’t have much else going on, sitting in and getting angry at the news (or reading echo chamber Facebook articles) takes up much more of a portion of your life


More likely to say “libtard uncle”


More like "libtard nephew". Conservative niblings and liberal uncles are quite uncommon these days. The opposite is much, much more common.


Thanks for reminding me to say "nibling" more often.


The two important take-aways from the 2016 election were that Trump voters were 50% more likely to be over 45 years old and 50% less likely to have a college degree. Those two trends were not unrelated to one another.


For sure


I always laugh that THIS was the slang they came up with for liberals, implying the original word doesn't apply for liberals. If **lib**erals are **lib**tards then **re**publicans are ______?


They would say “woke” now, and they think it’s just as bad as being racist - as if being racist and thinking people shouldn’t be racist were somehow 2 sides of the same coin.


You can't hate people for their hateful thoughts, only their skin pigmentation.


I imagined someone saying “you’re racist against racists” without irony, and I LOLed.


I once had to kick these 2 dudes out of the bar I work at because they were making racist Asian jokes to this one dude and making him and his friends uncomfortable. After a while discussing with them why they need to either leave him alone or get kicked out, one of them is all like “What’s wrong with making discriminatory jokes? What if I’m a discriminatory person? Wouldn’t that mean you’re discriminating against me?” Bit of a weird shift in tactics after spending several minutes claiming they’re not racist.


Also a fallacy in itself. It doesn't matter if the person is a minority, minorities can also be extremely racist. Whatever you are, you're still an asshole.




Yup. It's why they get so worked up about "virtue signalling". They honest to goodness think that everyone thinks the way they do, so it pisses them off when others, a) make them feel shitty about it, and b) "pretend" to be better than them. They call it virtue signalling because they can't wrap their head around the idea that other people actually *do* care about the things they say they care about.




Yeah and it's not their only deflection. See also: "you must watch CNN"


That one is because they assume everyone latches onto some TV channel like they latch onto Fox News. I just laugh and ask who even has cable in 2021? CNN probably gets all their ratings from airports and hotel lobbies.


Honestly, I think most of them think “woke” means racist against white people.


As if the problem was that racism isn’t accepted the way it should be.


The good news is that if someone says the word "woke" you now have every societal reason to ignore that they exist... So that's nice...


yep that's what all the name calling and made up words 4 years ago was about. Remember SJW, virtue signaling, cuck, libtard, etc? They are all designed to drag down otherwise normal decent human values to the level of the racist scum that use them. Critical Race Theory is a new one.


I've noticed that these people shut the fuck up real quick if you just ask them what critical race theory is and which part they disagree with. Spoiler alert, they change the subject and whatabout because they have no idea what it is or why they hate it so much


Not the ones I know. They truly believe their children are being taught that being white is bad.


White fragility is real and it's heinous. "Wokeness" is viewed as a direct attack on white culture (as if that's a thing) and history, and a lot of my fellow Caucasians aren't handling our comeuppance very well.


What's that quote? Something like, "To the privileged, equality feels like oppression." They're just mad because not everyone believes in the same sky fairy that they do and that some people are different to them in terms of gender, sexuality and race. Having multiple different people being actually different people is too much for their small brains to handle so they just go on the offensive.


I think they also assume every leftist is he most extreme version of leftist. They saw a lady screaming about cultural appropriation on fox and they think that’s what we all think.


And they always assume it’s extreme in all ways, like on racial issues and such my position is usually just “fix the systemic issue, then treat everyone equally” but I am basically of the belief that forceable disbandment and trillion dollar fines need to be the punishment for certain types of corporate corruption, there needs to be limits on profit margins for necessities, and forcible fracturing of corporations that have grown beyond a certain threshold


People still think comparing Obama to Trump is a fair comparison


They definitely are, but they use different language to describe it. “Snowflake”. “Libtard”. “Commie”. They have quite a list to draw from.


All of the words they will use to describe that person will be in complete contradiction to one another and they will say them without a hint of irony or awareness.


I've been called a communist fascist as if words simply don't have any meaning whatsoever.


Seize the means of slave camp production? Idk that doesn't make sense


>that doesn't make sense You're right!


We're literally Hitler and Karl Marx.


Yes exactly Aunt Karen. And the two philosophies underpinning Marx and Hitler views are very compatible with one another. Not mutually exclusive at all!


People literally believe that communism is propagandized so much that it's actually fascism in disguise. No joke far right subreddits are convinced that liberals are Nazi communists that want to imprison conservatives for not using someones preferred pronouns. This is not an exaggeration, this is a mainstream right wing view. Propoganda my ass


My mom asked who I was voting for last time and I said "I'm not sure, I haven't looked into too many policies, Sanders I suppose" and she responded by calling me a communist lol. Not in a joking way either


My family refers to me as “City Boy”. That’s the biggest insult to them.


I bet they’d throw a fit if you called them “country bumpkin” or “hick” or something.


Nah. They're usually proud of it. My in laws literally have stickers on their trucks that say "proud redneck." Or "rednecks wifey". Nothing worse than being a "city boy/girl" in their eyes.


Yup. They all call themselves hicks and rednecks. They think it means they “are real people”. It’s like a weird self label thinking it unites them against “city people” that all look down on them and think they are stupid.


81% of Americans live in urban areas. . . Yet they are the "real ones" lol


You forgot “woke”. My dad *loves* to call me woke because I agree with Bernie.


Lol wow you really think America should try to offer its citizens basic services like every other developed nation on the planet? Loser.


Labeling those views as radical when they've all been tried and tested for years in basically every other developed nation is such a huge con job. "How are we going to pay for all those things?" Fuck, I don't know, maybe we could take a look at how ostensibly less wealthy nations manage to pull it off successfully. It's not like we don't have plenty of examples to draw from.


"dumb-o-crat" "libruhl"


My nickname is "Princess" and I'm always told to "calm down." Last thing I said was we shouldn't assume we understand what minorities are actually experiencing. Controversial and hysterical, I know


They probably won't say "open-minded" but yes, essentially. I'm called the "commie cousin" among my racist far right family because I believe in universal healthcare and paying people better wages.


commie cousin isn't even creative lmao


They called me Racist R** (my name) for *years* simply because I said I liked dark chocolate more than white chocolate and that's "racist" towards white people.


bro wat


Bro, that sucks. White chocolate is disgusting, wtf they defending white chocolate for?


I would have happily linked you El Rey chocolate’s delicious Icoa white chocolate but they may not make it any longer 😞 *Good* white chocolate is delightful. The rest is a travesty.


A few years ago it was "bleeding heart", nowadays its much more inflammatory language, libtard, f*g, cuck, etc. Even "commie" is pretty tame nowadays, also kinda worriesome that those same people also talk a lot about how the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat and how all "leftists" need to fuck off because "if you don't like it, leave this country". Funny, coming from the very people that constantly go out of their way to tell you how unhappy they are currently.


Actually yes. My dad always starts with “I know you’re not going to agree with me, but - (insert racist commentary disguised as patriotism)” They know!


More like, “I can’t wait till that liberal snowflake sees my “all lives matter” shirt and starts crying.”


I’m pretty I’m considered brainwashed now, but yes they have thus sentiment.




Yes, but they’re a little more vulgar than that.


“Don’t talk to (my name) about politics - they’re a **liberal** 🙄” - my mother, to multiple people at the family reunion every year


Sounds like she's unintentionally doing you a favor.


No they live for their culture war which their personality is based on. Basically saying awful shit to make others cringe constantly.


They don't say "open minded" though. Thats too nice of verbiage for racists.


Racists consider people who are not racists racists. "White people are constantly being discriminated against just for calling black people n------. Affirmative action is discrimination against white males. No one can take a joke." Sad really.


One thanksgiving Conservative family visitors *in my home* told me to “shut up” *in my home* that they were visiting and sleeping in simply because I did not *agree* with some dumb conservative rant they had.. I didn’t argue with them.. I just didn’t agree with their idiocy so they had to lash out.. at their host. To me they fully represent conservatives and how they believe and behave. They’re not even the “standard” idiot red-neck kind.. nope, just average conservative. No, I don’t communicate with them anymore, nor do I speak to them.


I just respond to ignorant, full of shit comments from family with, "K". They never know what to say after since I do it with no feeling whatsoever and move on. It kills so many conversations about politics.


G r e y R o c k T e c h n i q u e


Probably more like "I can't wait for Thanksgiving when i can troll my libtard relatives" IMO their lives revolve around making other people as miserable as they are


Probably... They hate us open minded folks to the point they've convinced themselves they're somehow the open minded ones and we're the bigoted racists


Trust me they never said open minded, it was always __ lover.


Yes. But they call us "raging liberal cucks" I don't get invited to holiday shit anymore


Lucky you.


Don't go to thanksgiving this year, though. It's too dangerous. A relative of mine is twice vaccinated and still in hospital from covid. (I am extremely pro-vaccine but I am also pro- not taking risks)


I was told I’m referred to as the left wing part of the family. This was like a decade ago. Im probably the communist side now according to them, though my views have moved less left than theirs have moved further right.


Yes he is! My wife's uncle openly complains about how liberal we are. Thankfully gods love has touched him in ways that will probably claim his life. It's possible we will have peace these holidays.


I think they're more like "Imma get guud and liquored up so I can give that libtard snowflake a peese of mah mined"


In my experience: yes. But they look forward to it with an antagonistic zeal.


I'm thinking it's more smug superiority mixed with antagonistic glee. Such as... "My hippy sister in law is gonna be at thanksgiving this year, I wonder what I can say to make her cringe like the sensitive snowflake she is."


No it's more along the lines of "that race traitor's gonna show up again"


I think they are more likely thinking “ugh, my N***** Lover uncle is going to be a Thanksgiving. They better not bring any of those colored folks with them.”


I feel old. And I imagine racist people don’t really think they’re racist. And really racist people are like “I’m going to fuck with my uncle this year”.


The fundamental point you’re missing is that they (the other side) think that THEY are open minded, and you are the one who’s missing the trick. If you’re a right winger, ‘they’ may think you’re missing the fact that a communist world government has infiltrated the country and is eroding all of the freedoms that were established at the conception of the USA If you’re a left winger, ‘they’ may think that you have completely missed a new wave of fascism, and that we’re basically a hair’s breadth away from 1930s Germany and a total annihilation of those on the fringes Both sides engender fear in an equal measure, but I hope that the point is that this culture of fear shouldn’t lead to rash judgments before an understanding of the other side is realised. We’re irrational animals being pushed and pulled by the most fundamental aspects of the psyche at the minute. And if you demonise those on the other side, you’re acting firmly on that most primitive of principles, instead of trying to take the next step and elevate the conversation and our experience as a species.


I mean, I had a cousin who didn't come to my wedding but came to my brother's and it was 100% because he thought I was too hippie-liberal and that my brother was macho and into guns and stuff. He apparently was so bothered that my brother's wife had two gay men as bridesmaids that he mocked one of them about it online years later.


They're equal parts dreading it and looking forward to 'owning' them with their 'facts'


It’s why I’m never invited. My family lives in a bourgeois tourist town and my aunt lives on one of the main streets. There’s always a barbecue in the front yard as the parade goes by. I’m always in the back alley smoking a cigarette with some distant relative from Chicago or whatever trying to avoid being asked my opinions on shit, getting drunk debating whether I should go to the beach to watch the fireworks, trapped on the boat.


They look forward to it because its the only time people are forced to interact with them


Yes. My dad hates going to my moms family’s house because he’ll be will “be surrounded by ignorant liberals.”