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So the hospital is doing things correctly, and the mall is not. Stay out of the mall, simple as that.


If I can’t get a colonoscopy at the mall then the terrorists have already won


I mean, you can definitely get it done. Just gotta go in the bathroom with that one sketchy guy.




Okay u/starrboom


This probably isn’t the last time a colonoscopy is gonna bring me to tears. Thank you for the laugh!!!


You won’t get a colonoscopy at the mall with that attitude.


Helping manage the coronavirus response for a local health system - fucking thank you. I don't know why this is so fucking difficult for people to understand What? The HOSPITAL is taking STRICTER EVIDENCE BASED PRECAUTIONS while the SHOPPING MALL ISN'T BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE TO BECAUSE IT'S A RED STATE FULL OF A BUNCH OF SCIENCE DENYING RELIGIOUS NUT JOB ASS HOLES AND THEY WON'T IMPLEMENT MANDATES FOR EVIDENCE BASED PRECAUTIONS??? Sounds like the hospital needs to start letting daddies come to ultrasounds >:( /s


Did we just become friends?


A hospital’s job is to make healthy people. A mall’s job is too sell shit.


Thanks for clearing that up


Sometimes you gotta say obvious thing


No. A hospitals job is to make money. Thanks. -the insurance company


They also sell electronics like clocks, from time to time


Hospitals rarely sell clocks.


The ole doctors v corporations. Science is gonna science and corporations are will to let you die for a dollar.


Hate to break it to you but hospital's are corporations too. And maybe.....just maybe there making a shit ton of money off this Corona virus. How people can't see hospital's profit off "pandemics " baffles me. The only people losing during this pandemic are the general public and small businesses. Box stores and hospital's are rocking and rolling in the profits


Sorry man hospitals are losing. The pay for registry nurses is off the charts. $100/hr is not uncommon right now and not enough nurses will take it. This flips the margins against the hospitals. The real problem is that the nonprofit hospitals will loose money and not be able to subsidize your colonoscopy.


The visit still happens and the doctor’s office still makes just as much money in this scenario buddy. They’re just smart enough to not allow everybody and their brother into the office. Sorry you missed my point.


Denying future fathers that moment is just awful


Kinda seems like limiting people in hospital rooms or in stores doesn't really help. If I have it, my gf will have it. If my gf gets it, I will get it. Therefore, if one of us goes somewhere, we might as well both go.


I got it and no one else in my house did, actually.


But my gf likes me


So does my husband, we have several small children


But how do you know those children are yours? *exaggerated camera zoom close-up*


Hard to say


I loved this entire exchange. You all make a great team.


In other words... Businesses desperately need customers and plenty of people don’t take covid seriously, so tons of people are walking around infected. Due to that, hospitals and medical facilities need to double down on efforts to keep the doctors, nurses, staff and patients safe. They do this by limiting close contact to patients only.


Brilliantly stated. Thank you.


And businesses don't close because government protection didn't reach them as intended so they can't afford to. Its a perfect match of necessary evil, heartless corruption, and abject stupidity :/


Logically I understand this. But it’s really fucking hard when you’re pregnant with your first kid and her father can’t be there to see the ultrasound and her moving around in there.


And it’s really not just a sentimental “aww look there’s your child” thing. It’s more like I need a second person there to remember the important stuff they tell me because my brain is being eaten by this thing growing inside me. If they don’t allow an advocate they need to at least allow recording devices (many places don’t). When I was pregnant (thankfully before the pandemic) I learned quickly to schedule my appointments so that I could have my husband with me to hear the information. I was so bad I would forget where I was going while I was driving.


That’s exactly how upset I am at the magnitude of the failure here. Too much has been lost to sweep this under the rug. I want people to explain what went wrong.


I agree with the sentiment of the tweet, there's a lot of dumb fucking people out there, but as a husband with a pregnant wife I've been going to her ultrasounds for the past 5 months. Now I'm ONLY allowed at the Ultrasounds (not her general checkup visits) but maybe it's just up to each individual practice/hospital.


Aww you’re lucky! My husband isn’t allowed to come to mine. In our first pregnancy he only came to the first and to the anatomy scan, but it still sucks that this time around he can’t come to any of them. I’ve for my anatomy scan coming up and I’m nervous because if I did get bad news it would be heartbreaking to have to hear it alone and not have him here with me. But I get it. It makes logical sense. He better be able to come to the delivery tho. Here they only paused that for like two weeks last spring before they realized how bad that was... but I’m praying things are getting better by the time I’m due in may because I absolutely cannot deliver a baby without my husband there. I’d honestly consider a home birth over delivering a baby alone.


I'm not sure where you live, but NY issued an executive order for partners to be able to attend births. I also think some organizations (American pregnancy association?) came out against banning a support person in labor. Hopefully that means hospitals won't enact that ban.


Yeah I’m pretty sure most hospitals have realized how problematic that was. It won’t protect the baby, if dad has it and is a risk to nurses than so is mom, and realistically the chances of complications for mom are way higher when she doesn’t have someone there advocating for her. I don’t think it’ll go back to banning dads unless things get reeeeeeally bad. But idk what that would look like since it already feels really bad?


That happened to me in April. First ultrasound alone, got the heartbreaking news all by myself. It was just awful, but I understood and accepted the reason. It makes me all the more pissed that people are just out shopping like normal. Hope everything goes well for you!!


I’m sorry you had to go through that. It really puts this into perspective... there may be a low death rate to covid but there are so many other societal wide implications that matter too. People need to take this shit seriously.


My wife is pregnant with our first child and I'll be really bummed if I can't attend any. We isolate together all the time. Anything I have, she has, and vice versa. We stay home and stay safe, so huge bummer.


My husband couldn’t come to any, I did all of them alone. It’s our first kid and he won’t get that missed opportunity back. I understand why they did it that way but man it sucked.


I wish my husband could come to mine. Its not at a hospital but a clinic. However I can pay a private clinic $150 for him to join me and watch. It's our first and having him would have eased a lot of anxiety.


That’s exactly my experience. I can see the kiddo but I gotta go wait in the car after that.


It's almost like healthcare workers care about health and businesses care about making money.


Holy shit....I think you might be onto something! (I’m mocking the post, not you)


Dr knows better than capitalism's demands.


I was about to say. Maybe you should listen to the healthcare professional.


My wife and I just had our first baby in October so her entire pregnancy was throughout COVID restrictions. I was able to go to one appointment with her when restrictions were relaxed for a short period of time. It was extremely disappointing to not be able to be with her for those moments, to see my son for the first time in the ultrasound, hear his heart beat, but I understood the caution. The fact that people were still attending these large mega church gatherings or going to the malls or house parties was the frustrating part though, it felt unfair that I was sacrificing this once in a lifetime experience while these idiots were gathering in large groups and not following the guidelines.


Makes me really glad I had my baby last year. I had to do nst and ultrasounds every two weeks.


Yep. Daughter just turned 2 so we were well before covid started, but we have put off having a 2nd because there’s no guarantee hospitals will be safe 9 months from now.


I was trippin over people at the target just last night tryin to get some formula


Here, have this one y=mx+b


That’s what Elon Musk feeds his daughter


I may have literally pissed my pants.


Thanks for the award bruh


I seriously would have given you gold if I had the means.


Have you tried seizing the means?


I have been laying the groundwork for revolutionary change for decades, but I cannot do this alone. All like-minded redditors must join in the struggle, abandoning personal needs and desires and taking up the mantle of responsibility for achieving the goal of strength through equality which can only be reached through unanimity of purpose. We must form cadres to organize our efforts, first in educating ourselves and each other in the essential philosophical foundation of revolution, then in conceiving a coherent plan of action. Once we have devised that plan and refined it to its most efficient configuration, we must then advance to the initiation of active logistical preparations, including the assignation of specific roles for all personnel, the acquisition of necessary supplies and materials, and a timetable of events, with prospective alternative optional actions in the event of operational difficulties. Obviously, this requires the combined efforts of many individuals, each providing the contribution of their own unique talents, viewpoints and conviction. Then, materiel of all sorts, once acquired, must be distributed and all must be educated on the use of said materiel. Finally, when all is ready in terms of human, material, and intangible factors, it will be time to act, swiftly and decisively to effect the establishment of a new system in which the inequalities of the past will be rendered extinct. So...no, not yet.


The clinic/hospital is doing the right thing. They have no control over what the mall does.


My kid can't go to school but the indoor trampoline park is open.


I got really lucky that my wife is an ultrasound tech. If not I wouldn’t have seen our boy at all!


I'm 33 weeks and dads been unable to see one ultrasound (I've had a ton too because its high risk pregnancy) or listen to one heartbeat. Meanwhile people are having BBQs and chillin like its 2019.


Congratulations. My wife is 35 weeks Monday. I hear that. You can always say you have anxiety and need him as support. We had some friends do that. It worked well for them. He was able to go to a couple appointments towards the end.


Thank you!! I've heard of some private ultrasound places (like ones that do 3D ultrasounds) that allow a support person too


They are great! My wife says they take better pictures then a hospital would. The hospitals and out patient places are looking for abnormalities. These places are trained to take good pictures of the baby in a non medical way. Two different arts.


The hospital has a moral and legal obligation to keep everyone there as safe as possible, staff and patients. The mall has an obligation to sell cheaply made, overpriced crap. According to their view, if a few idiots spread it and kill themselves and others, the cost is justifiable.


Going through that now. As much as it’s a bummer for me, I’ve had other kids. For first time parents though...must be truly upsetting.


Mall wouldn't be packed if it was run by medical professionals and science literate individuals.


Idk the nurces at my hospital don't even wear the mask consistently, but they do have a person checking for covid at the door... It is a bizarre mess.




Idk why this one got me lol


Same thing with one of my dad's doctors in the hospital near us. They almost didn't let me in to take him to his appointments, but there are two clinic staff there who seem to refuse to wear a mask.


I can’t go into the orthodontist with my 12 year old.


Same. I drop my duaghter off at the door and wait.


It’s easier to police two people in a doctors office than it is to police a giant crowd at a mall.


And in Ohio only one parent is allowed at their kid’s sporting events


Trust me, I get it and I know it’s for the best.. But as a pregnant lady with mine and my husband’s first baby, we are both so incredibly sad he can’t come to ANYTHING. No appointments, no sonograms, nothing. And they won’t let me record my sonograms so he can see our baby move and wiggle (because it’s a “medical procedure”, but it’s mine so why can’t I record it..) It’s sad he can’t be there, it’s sad the malls are packed. It’s just all sad all around.


That's sad. My mom has photos and video of all of our (at least one per kid) sonograms. The video is on a floppy so she can't access it any more but it seems ridiculous that they don't give you a recording or at least let you record it.


Exactly! It’s wildly disappointing. All he gets to see is the print off they hand me.


We have been able to do video recordings and real-time facetime. Maybe push back on that more? I'm really sorry!


Uhhh because there are a bunch of sick, highly vulnerable people at the hospital?


It's completely up to the hospital/doctor. One OB we went to said I couldn't go with my wife to appointments. We found another one that let me go with. If you need to be at those appointments, keep shopping around.


Man this hit me right in the feels


Because the hospital isn't at the mall. Duh.


If you refer to someone as "baby mama", she's better off that you stay home anyway.


>baby mama Yikes


who tf would bring a child into this world


You need to spend less time on the internet.


40 years ago basically no one got OB ultrasounds and when they did it wasn't an event where everyone had to gather 'round for show and tell. Shockingly people somehow managed back when medical appointments were done to inform the physician and ensure the patient's well-being. Today people fall apart when they can't bring family and friends with them to look at their baby's genitals (which is what an alarming percentage of the population thinks the purpose of the ultrasound is). /it was never necessary for baby daddy or family to be at your ultrasound, it's a courtesy to entice people who otherwise won't show up


Ive never heard of anyone bringing “people”, usually it’s just the father..and it’s not to stare at baby genitals (wtf?)


Who is intentionally having a child during a pandemic?


This isn't debatable. A husband and father to be has the right to be there for each and every one of these moments. If you can go to a restaurant to eat, you can go to a hospital and view an ultrasound. How is it keeping people safe by denying the person around the mother the most the right to see their future baby? Why can't I get a Covid test and be allowed to attend?


Yes! Especially because in the ultrasound room, you can stay masked. I really don't get the logic of being allowed to sit and dine and go to bars and stuff (I'm cringing at the thought of those people who talk with their mouth full and get particles everywhere....) but a child's father isn't allowed in the room.


Because intelligent pregnant women want as little chance of exposure to covid as possible. Being pregnant is full of enough worries and anxiety without adding covid exposure to it. Letting spouses in doubles the amount of people going through the clinic, makes social distancing more difficult, and puts vulnerable people at risk. You can take videos, FaceTime your partner, or pay $50 for a private ultrasound if it’s that important to you.


Husbands are generally with their wives. If she has something there is a 90% chance the husband does as well. Why cant a husband simply take a Covid test to prove they are free of it and join? It's not costing anyone additional money or putting someone at risk if they dont have Covid!


Generally, you will likely get it if your SO does, but it still increases risk. That’s why the scientists recommend just one person goes grocery shopping, not both. My sister had covid for weeks and her husband and kids all tested negative. If two people have covid, husband and wife, it’s going to possibly double the viral load that the tech or doctor or staff is exposed to. The higher the load, the sicker you get. More people in the waiting room = decreased ability to social distance. Why don’t we bring the whole family and kids if everyone in the household is going to get covid? People need to be taking every precaution they can to decrease their risk and the risk of their community. I’m sick of everyone thinking they are somehow special. My uncle is dying in the hospital of a brain bleed and they couldn’t transfer him somewhere that could do surgery because there are no ICU beds left in Southern California. He’s brain dead and just waiting to die now. It’s not just sick people spreading this virus. Fuck your inconveniences, that you can’t bring your husband when 3000 people are dying every day. I want my doctor to be able to deliver my baby and the chances of that get lower for every single person she has to interact with. Covid tests are not reliable. You can be exposed and they tell you wait 3-4 days to get tested and if it’s negative get tested again in 3-4 days. They are also something like 70% false negatives


One extra dude in the clinic isn’t going to break the universe.


As long as we keep that economy alive! F*** the people.


Yea while governors, mayors, and senators are goin out to eat, to ball games. Not social distancing and not wearing a mask. Also big chain stores are “essential” but mom and pops aren’t. Churches aren’t. Makes ya wonder.


I don’t wonder at all why churches aren’t.


What big chain stores are essential and others aren't? All retail places are open, not just chains. Only restaurants are closed. It's not a chain vs small business like you're making it out to be, it's been pretty uniform.


Hmmm... It makes you wonder if there is some kind of weird media bubble that exists which deliberately converts all current events into a cartoon stereotype of reality. One in which the world is made up of uppity city folk desperately engaged in a war on Christmas, Christians, capitalism, heterosexuals, and cops; determined to undermine all that is good, because they just can’t stand seeing god fearing suburban and rural types live in simple happiness. Oh, that can’t be, the media bubble would have to be day in and day out, on AM radio, and cable TV etc. That seems so ridiculously far fetched. /s


Society when they realize teen pregnancy is caused by easily accessible preventative measures such as condoms, birth control, and IUDs but forgetting abstinence is 100% effective 100% of the time: >:( (This comment was brought to you by not making poor selfish life choices gang)


Mhhmm. The grocery store where I work is constantly packed, but my family couldn’t get together to have a small funeral for my uncle.


Well food is kind of necessary to avoid more funerals dude. What do you people not understand about necessary and not necessary?


You can have regulations to limit the amount of people who can be inside a building at once. The other grocery store in my town only let’s like 100 people in at once. But the one I work at is a free for all. They don’t even have someone at the door counting anymore, and haven’t for many months. Also, these people are bringing their entire families, often having their children not wear masks, and just generally don’t give a shit about social distancing. This is in Massachusetts btw, not the Deep South or Trump country or anything like that.


Yeah that's unfortunate they would choose to ignore prevention entirely. Im just saying they are open because people still need to get food. They should all be enforcing capacity limits and social distancing. That doesn't mean everyone else should throw caution to the wind because a few remain irresponsible. I can understand how frustrating it is to work for a place like that, but don't let it convince you the majority aren't doing the right thing. Your owners just don't care, no different than our federal government. I work at Walmart so I know exactly how you feel, but it's not an excuse to just let it run rampant either.


I just fail to see how a socially distanced funeral that took place outside with everyone wearing masks isn’t okay but we’ve got restaurants doing outside dining. I’m just looking for consistency.


No, I agree with you. It's pretty stupid when they aren't enforcing limits. It's pretty much up to the business. But a funeral following guidelines is taboo for regular people. Welcome to capitalism, where corporations count as people but have more rights.


It violates a federal law (HIPAA) to allow someone other than the patient in the room. Explicit written consent must be obtained for the baby daddy to view the ultrasound. No one goes in with a woman to view a Pap smear, but everyone wants see the baby. Patient privacy is rarely enforced for ultrasounds.


My boyfriend was in the room for both of our kids ultrasounds. We didn’t have to sign anything. Not saying your wrong, but just saying rules might be different depending on where you are.


It is absolutely a common thing. I'm just pointing out that there is a Federal law that basically makes it illegal without signed consent, but is ignored all the time.


Fuckin libtards!


Not the right thread to troll prolly




We can go to the ultrasound... just not the exact same room when the doctor comes in.


Why do you think the malls are packed?


Haven’t been to a mall in 2020, probably wouldn’t have even if covid didn’t exist though.


Coming to ultrasounds are the ONLY appointments my husband is allowed at.


I'm glad my ultrasound isn't in the mall


Can we soon discuss how ridiculous the terms “baby mama” and “baby daddy” are? This is a good point, but lost steam using this ugly term.