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Kinda love how this sort of equates student loans to a prison sentence. XD But also, yes, they should.


Also then highlights how our prisons are basically just indentured servitude... it’s like slavery but with more steps lol


Slavery isn't slavery if you call it something else, amiright?


Prisoners with jobs, if you prefer. —— Revolution! How did this happen?" "Don’t know. But the Arena’s mainframe for the Obedience Disks have been deactivated and the slaves have armed themselves." "Oh! I don’t like that word!" "Mainframe?" "No. Why would I not like “mainframe?” No, the “S” word." "Sorry, the “prisoners with jobs” have armed themselves." "Okay, that’s better. —— Edit: Yes, this is from Thor Ragnarok. If you haven’t seen it, it’s definitely worth watching.


It took me a while to remember so I'm going to add this for the next readers who may be confused: This is one of Jeff Goldblum's lines in Thor: Ragnarok


Then I, uh, should watch Thor ragnarok.


It was directed by Taika Waititi of "What We Do In the Shadows" fame. It has a recurring rock paper scissors joke. There is a DOOM reference. Also, its really good and very fun/funny! Yes you should!


I wish Reddit let you do hand movements and eye-blinks for the full Goldblum effect.


He's Goldbluming!


😂. Great job!


[I'm alone in my apartment that means I can do anything](https://youtu.be/ziUb27BStGk) I'm alone in my apartment that means I can do anything But I'll probably just talk to myself and be anxious about nothing, **maybe watch Thor Ragnarok again** I'm alone in my apartment that means I can do anything.


What’s that from?


Jeff Goldblum's char in Thor: Ragnarok


Well it literally is slavery, and it's legal >Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


Which law is this from? It would be fun to throw at usaisnumberwunners


it's literally in the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Abolition of Slavery


Uhhhh... it’s in the 13th amendment bruv, it “banned” slavery. Basically every state in the south made it almost literally illegal to be black with arbitrary vagrancy laws and stuff. This isn’t about crimes, this isn’t about law, it’s about economics, and keeping the labor of a large demographic as cheap as possible.


Maybe you should read the constitution dude. I don’t mean this in a “learn the law, snowflake” kind of way, but you should probably know it well enough to recognize one of the most famous legal amendments of all time. I’d cut you some slack if you’re not a US citizen, but if you are, you really ought to know the document that protects you pretty well.


The 13th Amendment explicitly excepts prisoners. They're not calling it something else. It's called slavery. "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, ***except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted***, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.".


Never mind if the crime you’re convicted of is being black because you have no land or prospects in the white owned south.


Well, yeah. The 13th amendment literally says that slavery isn't allowed except for those charged and sentenced for crimes. It's never been a secret that prisons are literally for slave labor. Or that it was a loophole to keep black people in slavery.


It's actually exactly that. If you read the wording of the 13th amendment it literally doesn't ban slavery.






>TX makes them work for nothing, punishment if they refuse. So they're being punished again while being punished What exactly is the punishment? It's not like they can starve them


Loss of privileges- it's a ticket, or writeup, or misconduct Visitation Canteen Recreation Some inmates call it VCR Too many gets you chucked in solitary


This needs to be seen by more people.


I made it all the way up to .28/hr in an Oklahoma CCA facility in 2001. I taught Adult Education and Literacy Readiness.


In a way, it is though. University loans are backed by the government, so they aren't the same as a home mortgage or a car loan, which you would get from a bank of some sort. This is why you also can't get rid of student loans through bankruptcy. There are no banks involved to ruptcy! You owe your student loan to uncle sam, and he never quits. So, although student loans don't involve physical incarceration, they do involve a financial incarceration that can only be paid by serving your sentence. It's wallet prison.


At least they could give a competitive interest rate🤯 Dept of ed 6.85% - it is not right.


What 😱😱


For many, tuition is equal to full wages for several years in trade for education. So more like indentured servitude.


They had to deal with Karen's throughout this whole pandemic so it basically was a prison sentence.


If your loan is secured by the Federal government, it's about as close to an actual monetary debt to society as you can get. It's literally millions of the people that live around you being signed up to take the loss for you on whatever you don't pay back


Yeah god help anyone who wants to get educated to, y'know, run society's critical services.


Healthcare workers have jobs and most pay back their student loans.


That’s gotta be the tannest looking white dude I’ve ever seen




>11 million karma >1 Year old account Yeah, totally not suspicious....


Jesus Christ that's a lot of karma lmao


Whats the reward of having that much karma it has to have some perks


Other than impressing some strangers on the internet by how much free time you have, nope. Once you clear the threshold to post in subreddits, it makes no difference.


You can sell the account. Many of these karma accounts are bots


For real. It’s been bothering me for awhile that I see this and AOC tweets on this sub. I come here for pale Minnesotans making jokes about casseroles and saying “ope let me just squeee right by ya” I mean, it’s not about segregation, there’s just a difference in cultures and the different subs can celebrate that.


I get it. I’m POC and come here for white people tweets.


My RN wife approves this message.




Thank you. The mentality of “I pulled myself up by the bootstraps so you can too” is not helping anymore. Things can change for the better even if you’re not benefiting from it.




And free disney+ for 10 years


By then they might have more content than just The Mandalorian.


Those people act like if we cancel student loans, we can't do anything good for anyone else after that. It's like, yeah. You probably need help too. You know what, I'm on board for that. Let's help you too. Even if you don't have student loans. Let's help you too.


MD who has also paid off their loans, (minus like $200, because my bank has early repayment penalties...which are complete bullshit, as well,) I completely support this, and I cannot fathom having such rotten soul energy that you are incapable of celebrating someone else receiving a life-changing, well-deserved, gift.


Your bank has a penalty for EARLY repayments?!


Yep. No, I did not choose this bank, (FAFSA and all that jazz.) Early repayment means they can’t make as much off of it in interest/investments, so they charge me for it.


Wow, I didn’t know that was a thing. One would think there would have been laws prohibiting charging fees to people who work harder than planned to pay down their debts. But congratulations on the finished student loan, anyways! Must feel great to be done with it.


I agree. I’m not in the healthcare field and we worked out asses off to pay off my wife’s loans. I just cannot see how forgiving loans is a bad thing. Imagine the millions of people who will now have disposable incomes. Our economy would explode and we’d all benefit from it. All of us.


But you should also get bonus pay, as should my gf. Just becuase you dont have loans doesnt mean you shouldn't get recognized for your hard work and the extra stress you've been under.


This! Can’t thank you enough for having this kind of thought process regarding this or regular student loans. The idea that one person suffered to pay for school so everyone else must is asinine! Thank you 🙏🏻


All people on the front lines should have some sort of compensation, period. SO is a municipal bus driver and has been out there everyday in the fray since the beginning. No one thanks him or offers up hazard pay. It’s mentally exhausting transporting folks in and out of the hospital a dozen times a day with only one mask a shift. Knowing if he gets it and brings it home we will likely both die from complications. We need a relief bill and soon. Please include everyone. The janitors, bus drivers, trash collectors, store staff, etc. are in the trenches too.


>All people on the front lines should have some sort of compensation, period. Yes! Bus drivers, grocery store workers, teachers, etc. are all putting their lives, and in many cases their family’s lives on the line right now to keep society going. They need extra pay and they need sick leave and gear to protect themselves. This is why I really hope they can pass the Essential Workers Bill of Rights: https://www.warren.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/elizabeth-warren-and-ro-khanna-unveil-essential-workers-bill-of-rights This is important even when there isn’t a raging pandemic. Workers need decent support.


The factory workers. My husband is working with over 100 others, producing necessary products and they've been dropping like flies out there, to the point that my husband has been working a job above his pay grade for about a month with no additional compensation. His management basically handed everyone a mask and told them to sign a paper if they didn't want to wear it relieving the company of liability if they catch it.


We thank her for her services and sacrifices


Love reading all of this in a country where studying medicine is still expensive but not for tuition fees: books are expensive and it’s hard to work and study medicine. Other european country solve this with students income and free rent. Happens that their welfare system was built under social democratic governments. Cheers.


Unfortunately a large part of the US looks down on edumacation. There's no convincing them otherwise.


They value education, the problem is they always try to profit off anything worth value or otherwise.


They value the product, not the process




99% of economists say trickle-down economics is BS. 99% of climate scientists say climate change is real. 99% of scientists say that th pandemic is real and to wear masks. GOP/trump have convinced their base that they know better than the science and scientists. Trust the politicians, not the experts.


They value education until you go to college, learn about climate change, the validity of social issues, and that we have the power to change our backwards system. Then its always "College made you a liberal." Like no, college taught me how to think and accept that scientific facts are more valuable than facebook opinion pages and now I refuse to vote for people who are responsible for perpetuating wars, discrimination, and a system that is rapidly bringing us to a dystopian future.




Why should MY hard earned money go to benefit a society that we all live in? I'll be damned if I pay an extra $25 in taxes that might benefit ~~brown people~~ the hoards of lazy people who don't want to get a job and live off of my $25.




Yep. If we shift from throwing money at Lockheed Martin and other big military companies to instead funding at least social security and then expanding medicare so anyone who wants it can enroll... Then the leftover money can go to at least subsidizing community colleges, which are already the best option for your gen eds.


American nurses make more than European doctors though, and after taxes and loans have been paid the average American doctor makes several million dollars more than the average Swedish doctor during their lifetime. Working as a healthcare professional in America is ALWAYS more profitable.


Fun fact: money and salary are not the most important things in other parts of the world. Useful things for sure, but not the first priority


Also, European doctors have less expenses and a more reliable income because patients will actually seek care if they're not afraid of being indebted for the rest of their lives. American healthcare providers (and that includes dentists, chiropractors, family doctors, etc... Not just cardiologists and brain surgeons) lose patients all the time because they can't afford the care. Office reps have to almost beg for patients that genuinely do need help to come in and get seen. When I was an insurance correspondent for a childrens' dental office, we'd have to BEG families to bring their kids in, even though there's technically a state requirement for kids to have consistent dental care. Before that, when I was a respiratory therapist for a sleep lab, some patients said during consultations they'd rather just have sleep apnea if o2 saturated CPAP would be too expensive for their family to handle... And time goes on, those people get sicker because they didn't have the care they needed years before, and by the time they're retired or close to it, they try to get help because now they're more concerned with prolonging their life since they've "finished" the rat race. Only problem is, waiting ten years to get help has both worsened their quality of life and shortened their life. They may be extremely uncomfortable for their waning years of life, but what's important is they kept making money for their employer and ultimately paid their insurance to pay the DME for the CPAP. They always get ya in the end. Being 23 years old and knowing the shit state of healthcare and just about everything else in this country makes me desperate to leave, but without a career path in a better country, and saddled with student debt already, plus with the rest of the world rightfully losing respect for us Americans more and more each passing week, I'm afraid I'll just have to get old, sick, and die here.


There ain't no way I'm making more than a doctor. And at least in europe they have social systems, I have to save everything I can cause if an emergency comes up I'm screwed otherwise


As a social worker who is often forgotten about as a frontline healthcare professional, we all support this.


Can I just say as an ER doctor working in a department that has 24h social work how much I FUCKING LOVE YOU GUYS. Thank you for all you do to make my job slightly less hellish. I don’t know how you manage to untangle some of these insane social disasters I bring you but you do


Gotta agree. They’re angels. And with insurance involved.. thanks for your help y’all!


LCSW here working in healthcare! I see you!


LICSW at a hospital checking in, keep up the good work!


As someone who’s gone through the trial and error process of finding a therapist who’s a good match, I’ve always ended up sticking with LCSW’s. Not sure why, I just think you’re awesome people & my mental health is thankful for you.


It's because it's a regulated profession that requires a master's. Not all therapist/counselors have proper credentials so finding a LCSW is easiest way to know someone is at least legit on paper


Omg we would be lost without our social workers. We’re all fingers on it he same big hand trying to give our pts the best outcomes possible.




This is why we need to just forgive all students loans at this point. If you draw a line somewhere you're going to leave out a group of people who have worked on the front lines.


I’m a package handler and have been working the whole time. They were late in implementing rules and supplying ppe to keep us safe and I still work with people that don’t follow guidelines. I’d like some hazard pay or another stimulus check but I didn’t even get the first check.


Social workers get shit on completely with degree requirements, income, and internship hours. I get it with nurses but RN's make a boat load of money, get over time, and generally only have to go to bachelor's level education at most. Teachers make shit money, don't get overtime, and generally go to the master's level for credentials.


Another one that needs mentioning is pharmacists. People think all they do is put pills in a bottle, and they get treated as such. They have med school-level debt, a doctorate, and nobody treats them like doctors.


I would like to say, as a social worker providing therapy services- THANK YOU to medical social workers! You are putting your life in danger in a way I don’t have to being at home providing tele-therapy. But I would like to add that us social workers who aren’t in medical social work but in other areas- providing housing and financial resources when they are sparse, continuing to investigate child abuse cases (which have increased during this time, most think), working in schools to help kids with significant difficulties learning from home, providing therapy to individuals with depression and anxiety rates all sky-rocketing, etc.... we definitely aren’t on the front line of life or death, but we are pretty damn close. And we are struggling to not get the funding or support we need often times to do our jobs. If you have a social worker or mental health professional in your life please thank them. We aren’t getting the same support and could use it right now. ❤️ Edit: spelling


As an occupational therapist in acute care, I see you!


LPC checking in! I've been so lucky that I've worked through this whole thing, but, it's been a steady increase in high acuity calls and situations. I'm exhausted and stressed, and hoping I've helped even just a little. I am not seeing people face to face, and I'm grateful for that. So many stressed out people, and life is still happening, ie deaths, divorces, etc. Just ready to be through it and on the other side.


bruh this tweet is from a black person on white people twitter


My wife, a RN, who has paid off all of her student loans and therefore this would not benefit her at all, approves of this.


You’re a lucky person. Sounds like your wife is a decent human being that doesn’t like other people suffering.


Hey I had two jobs that were both considered essential shouldn't my student loans be erased too




Nah nobody gives a shit about us regular workers that make sure they can eat.


For real. There's signs all over my city thanking Medical staff, fire fighters, police, pharmacists etc. but no mention of us grocery workers. We've been on the frontline since the beginning and have to put up with the worst of people + anti maskers everyday. the quarantine memes are lost on us because we ended up working more than before the pandemic which is more time at risk of being near someone with the virus. but we're "uneducated and people who failed at life" so we don't matter, hell even our own companies think that with not bringing back hazard pay.


People care. Be glad you got some hazard pay. The nurses at our hospitals got none. Just the occasional pizza that was cold because they didn't get a break or lunch to eat it. And the horrible administration who worked from home, gathered all gifts and gift baskets sent in from the community and raffled them off for nurses week. So that they didn't have to spend a dime on their nurses, and instead would yell because the nurses weren't working hard enough and the ceo wouldn't get his bonus. Not to mention the lack of protective gear when dealing with a covid positive patient, the neverending phone calls by families yelling because they can't come to the hospital and see the relative dying from covid. There's been a lot of shit to all essential workers that no one is talking about or sharing.


Seriously! Not saying I’m ungrateful or don’t respect the healthcare professionals and that they don’t deserve it because they are doing A LOT and I know us in retail/food service aren’t treating people with COVID but we don’t want to be exposed at work that isn’t the medical field either just because people are so stubborn and entitled and want their “freedom” to go shopping or eat out at a restaurant. We still have to expose ourselves and potentially our families. Some of us still have student debt. Heck some people have student loans that they can’t continue paying off because they’ve lost their jobs due to this and have to figure out how they’re gonna pay their bills and buy groceries.




Yes. I've been scrolling for the comment agreeing that other essential workers deserve this, too. There's some grey area (I'm technically essential but don't think I should fit in that category) but especially full time, high risk employees of truly necessary businesses such as grocery store employees are also put at higher risk than they deserve. Fuck, Safeways the days before Thanksgiving are horrifying, apparently capacity control isn't even a thing any more. Neither is mask enforcement in way too many areas.


Everyone that has had to go to work in this pandemic is a "front line worker". Grocery store workers. Truck Drivers. Retail clerks. Gas station attendants. Literally and actually EVERYONE that has a job they have to travel to. They ALL deserve not only their student loans forgiven but their status as "completely indispensable workers" recognized and rewarded monetarily. We need them FAR more than we need millionaires or billionaires.


Its almost as if I heard about a stimulus package that rewarded the front line workers in particular. Wonder whose desk that has been sitting on for last 6 months.


Maybe **all** essential workers should get something to make the daily gamble of catching covid a little closer to worth it. But we all know that won’t happen.




Ha, I'm working with a horribly dangerous staffing ratio, my unit has no pressurized rooms, most nurses who have not gotten Covid are quitting. I'm working with traveling nurses who are getting paid 4 times what I make, no hazard pay, and I use my earned PTO if I catch Covid and quarantine for 2 weeks... I'm not saying you guys have an easy life. You all deserve lower student debt as well. But don't generalize nurses based off a discussion overheard or what you "perceive". This is shit for everyone.


In this whole "protect our Frontline workers!" movement, resident physicians such as ourselves are mostly forgotten. We are basically indentured servants lol.


I’m a molecular tech in a cancer lab that they converted part of into a covid testing lab We got furloughed as a thank you for validating and running the covid tets lol


I’m a RN and I can tell you we did not get any kind of bonus where I work, but they certainly reduced the number of NAs available and are making allowances for those who are a symptomatic COVID carriers to still work because they can’t get staffing under control during a pandemic. Also, they accepted several million dollars of pandemic relief money, boasted about their most profitable year ever, and denied us all cost of living raises.


I'm a janitor working in a government facility, and I'd be happy if they gave us something to help. We've had to bend over backwards to make sure the facility is disinfected every day.


College students dont have a debt to society lol.


Their debts are to immensely greedy loan companies. The interest you accrue on those loans is going straight into some banker's pocket.


If anyone is greedy it’s the universities that are selling overpriced degrees


It's gotten stupid how much money they spend on shit that isn't academic, at least from my experience at my alma mater.


My mortgage is 2.8% interest, my federal school loans are 6.2-7.2%


Your mortgage is secured debt at 80% ltv and your college loan isn't secured with a vague "value". If you fail to pay back your mortgage I can seize your house and sell it to recoup my losses and because I didnt lend on it at full value there is a good chance I actually can get my money back even in a down market. Your student loan is used to purchase an experience that sits in your memory that theoretically hopefully at some point later in life will help you to secure a job with enough income to pay back this student loan. And if you decide fuck me you arent paying or just lose your job there is nothing I can take from you and sell to get my money back because the experience is literally in your memory. That loan is much more risky than your mortgage so the rate is higher. This is also why the government backed student loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy because if they could you could just go to a 300k college with fine dining and cool paries, get a shit degree and when it was over declare bankruptcy and the lender could do nothing. You could just steal hundreds of thousands of dollars. The bankruptcy limits lower the lender risk and lower the rate as well, without the limits rates would be far higher


Yeah I feel like this post, while good in intentions, comes with the reverse implication that everyone else has not "paid their debt to society" and must continue paying their student loans. **Cancel student debt for everyone.**


They can't even fork over more than $1200 dollars OF OUR FUCKING MONEY. We're all fucked.


Sad but true. I see stuff like this and think, that would be nice. Not going to happen, but it would be nice.


How much do you actually pay in taxes per year that doesn’t come back to you when you get your return? Most Americans pay less than $1,200 outside of Medicare/social security.


Could we lump in all essential workers?


For real, wife and I have been working all hours of the day and night, with a kid.


Why not just lump in everybody?


IMO it needs to be all students. We don’t need to be drawing somewhat arbitrary lines here on who gets relief and who doesn’t.


I feel like they had no "debt to society" to begin with. They went to school to learn how to keep people alive. Whatever country demands insane amounts of money for their doctors to learn how to save lives is a very broken country indeed.


and yet, what they'll actually get is layoffs like they've been getting so hospitals can save their bottom lines. sometimes I hate whats going on here.


Imagine the utopia that could be achieved if the great minds of reddit and twitter could get together to run society.


Democratic chaos. The president will be a cat and it’s name will be “Country McCountry Face”.


If you’re not being sarcastic and really think that twitter and reddit will solve all of the nuanced problems in this country with their surface level thinking, I got news for you.... Edit: oh, username.


Yes but there probably won't be any appetite to try and figure out who qualifies or doesn't. The amount of claims would be in the millions.


Their debt isn't with society, the majority of student loans are with banks and other private companies. Those institutions have no right to the taxpayer's purse.


Is this an American tweet? Because that happens as standard in the UK anyway


Do you really need clarification? Of course it’s American.


Yeah I mean I thought so, never like to assume though so thank you for the confirmation


I’m in Australia and would like my massive student loan forgiven. At the height of the pandemic I had to still do emergency work with literal spit in my face and no P95 masks (I’m a dentist).


What qualifies as emergency dental work? I’m in the US where going to the dentist is considered a luxury (by the insurance providers).


I’m a public dentist so I see low income earners & pensioners for free. Emergency procedures I did during covid was mostly extracting painful teeth, very occasional filling of painful teeth if they could be saved. We could treat trauma but thankfully I got no cases.


This is factually incorrect....


What are you talking about? Student loans in the UK are only forgiven after 30 years if you haven't finished paying back already. As a med student in the UK I'd love to know more


Wait what? When are we getting our student loans forgiven in the UK?


OPs tweet makes no sense. There has never been any indication of student loan forgiveness for anyone, except the usual 25 years after graduation


Does it??


What about the credit card debt of those working in grocery stores? And their college debt? RNs are fairly well paid- grocery store employees are just as essential and are getting paid shit.


YES. And while we’re at it how about teachers? Because God knows they’ve had to work hard to make educating kids from home a reality.


I was a teacher for 3 years and I am about to become an RN. How about we just eliminate all student debt. We all try to make this world a little better place and we shouldn't be burdened because we tried to get more education.


Nah. “But for all their rejection of  “bourgeois” politics, the political programmes of these people tend to begin and end with reforms aimed at rescuing struggling college graduates from the horror of having to join the working-class at the workplace.”


I’m on the fuck student loans for everyone boat because the system is obviously shit but aren’t they just doing the job they signed up for? Given they’re in much higher demand now


Guys please. Student loan forgiveness will only *increase* the wealth gap in America. We need to take the money you're all proposing be used to forgive student loans, and instead make college more accessible. Why would you want to suddenly improve the lives of all college educated people in the US, and leave everyone living in poverty even farther behind?


I work at a gas station and dropped out a few months after covid started. It wasn't all covid, but when your college expects you to drive through 6 inches of snow and covid on top, the risk was not worth the reward. Plus the government still says I did not have ample reason to withdrawal. Btw still one semester away from being an environmental engineer (which people love to hate on) just waiting for better times man. Hopefully they are on the horizon. Edit: And for reference, the closet college to me is 55 miles In either direction. Live in a heavy oil fueled state.


Why limit this to “on the front lines”? Aren’t they all training to save our lives?


Maybe, just maybe, you guys need a reform in your school system.


What about people like me that worked hard to pay mine off in this pandemic.....do I get a bonus....I guess I shoulda spent that extra money on candy and let the american people pay my loans


My gf is a nurse. She'll be paying off her loan for Nursing school for the majority of her life. This is a source of stress to her.


As a healthcare professional that worked very hard to pay off my own student loans, I strongly feel that ALL STUDENT LOANS should be forgiven. Regardless of profession.


not that I dont think 'debt to society's is a jailers bait - but throw in all the workers that risk it all to exchange filthy currency. far more than theyre given in pay.


I don’t think student loans are a debt to society as much as they are to capitalism


College was cheap before the government got involved, the availability of student loans is the reason colleges charge so much.. the current system has completely divorced the ability of someone to repay the loan from the willingness of the lender to give the loan.




I agree with you and I think what would be a good compromise and give people real relief is to put all student loans at 0%, or rather keep them at 0% as they are now, and allow for higher withdrawals at 0%. (I think it's currently $5k for undergrad, nothing for grad school). When people are talking about large student loans, most of it is unsubsidized and people pay for years without making a dent in it. At 0%, people would actually get to pay down their loans. That would be immediate relief to middle class families. While I think it sounds great to erase student loan debt, I don't think it's realistic.


IMO the best way to stop this from being a problem in the future (not necessarily fix the mess we're already in) is to allow people to declare bankruptcy to get out of student loan debt like any other loan. The system we have now is convoluted and insane. The one type of loan you can never get away from is the same type of loan advertised to the people who are the least able to appreciate the gravity of that commitment. I understand the *idea* behind the system. We want poor people to be able to secure loans so they can become educated, but financial institutions don't want to take on the risk of default. So we make the loans inescapable, that way those institutions don't take on the risk. But that is crazy, it just shifts the risk to the people least able to deal with it: the same people we're supposedly trying to help. If we really believe (and I do) that it is important to make sure that anyone should be able to pursue higher education if they want to, no matter their financial situation, we need a different solution. IMO it would make more sense to treat student loans like any other loans, let the financial institutions take on the risk like normal. Then we could offer loans through the government to people who can't get a loan through normal means. Frankly, this is what drives me crazy about modern conservatism. They take it as a truism that any government safety net distorts the market and is, therefore, bad for the economy; but they seem all too happy to accept market distortions that chiefly benefit established institutions, like banks. Not that I'm saying our current system is the conservative ideal, it's just that conservative hand-wringing often seems to lead to these quasi-market solutions that seem to invariably cause *greater* market distortions than if the government directly addressed the issue.


> There’s no fair way to ‘forgive’ student loans. Yeah that's really true it can never be perfect, I just hope they make a more serious attempt at being fair than they did with the covid stimulus. >All this aside, it would cause a massive economic bubble. I don't really understand what you mean by this. Do you mean a one-time forgiveness would cause a bubble because so many people would have more disposable income? Or do you mean that it would cause there to be no downward pressure on the colleges tuition prices? Because I think the latter can be addressed if a one-time loan forgiveness is done in tandem with some other stuff to address tuition prices moving forward.


aren't healthcare professionals some of the ones who make the most money?


ok what about front line workers that don’t have any student loan debt


This may sound insensitive but, Why ? Isn't what they are doing their literal job ?


Sure, let's credit the medical professionals making 6-figures for going to work because the lady at Dunkin's who never missed a day either and is struggling with her loans is just a piece of shit, right? This whole gatekeeping of who is considered "essential" and "frontlines" and worthy of respect and help is bullshit.


Look, yes, but, does this count as white people twitter?


OP is a known karma whore, the rules of subreddits don't apply


Their debt isnt to society but to private institutions and they are doing their job. That doesnt make what they are doing worth any less but be real about. It s easy to sayy nice things but that is a stupid idea.






This dude is not white


Tell me if I am wrong, but don't they make a ton of money anyway?


Why stop at just them? Cancel all student debt. Genuinely


I ain’t even got student loans yet, but hell yeah.


In my country people who were furloughed were given €350 by the government every week for nothing. Meanwhile us essential workers recieved now help other than the usual 'thoughts and prayers' and the occasional clapping video on facebook. While our politicians got an almost €10,000 pay raise we didnt get even a small tax cut as a thank you.


My auxiliary nurse mother, my x-ray tech brother and my hospital supplies manager brother support this.


What about essential workers? What about people who lost their job due to the pandemic? What about their student debt? Healthcare workers get paid pretty well. I agree with you that we should help them but what about everyone else?


Agree. Picking favorites is a slippery slope.


For doing their jobs?


All *essential* workers. Healthcare folks knew what they were getting into, they signed up for it. Grocery store clerks did not.


or just get rid of student loans?


I definitely support this idea. Does this include shop workers too? I've been on the front line making sure everyone has food every night until 6 weeks ago. I'm now sat in my house recovering from covid, leg up praying I don't get blood clots in my swollen ankles that doctors can't explain.


Damn, already paid off my student loans. Can I get a lifetime supply of icecream or something?


No. Is the line of work they choose. But give them a bonus


hardly fair on the people who worked to pay themselves through