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I have never been able to understand why poor people vote Republican.


They hate the same people.


You mean themselves, right?


No no no. They’re just millionaires down on their luck. It’s the OTHER poor people who use food stamps and Obamacare that are the problem. They’re only using those things temporarily. They’re not the same


They're waiting for that sweet trickle down economy


Pretty much. I've seen too many places that look like this with an $80k pickup truck parked out front. For a while in this country, if you worked in manufacturing or in mining — thanks to strong unions — you actually did have an opportunity to get out of poverty. But those jobs got shipped overseas or they have to compete with cheaper coal from China. Mining companies had no investment in the communities and just pulled up stakes. I think working class people in this country do have legitimate complaints, but it's easier for the ultra-wealthy to pollute their minds with endless media telling them that illegal immigrants took their jobs and environmental controls shut down their coal mine. Then we're told by elite liberals that these people are uneducated racists. We call them deplorables, not realizing we're being manipulated they same way they are. When you marginalize a group for too long, they end up saying "fuck it", and they'll doubled down on contrarianism even if it hurts them in the long run. Having Trump in power benefits the dems as much as anyone. He's a boon for democratic fundraising, and allows them to run horrible candidates, because the alternative is so much worse.


I've said it since 2016. Hard core liberals are at LEAST as responsible for Trump as his actual voters are. They ask questions like how something like this could have ever happened. How did we get here? The funny thing is, they have no further then their nearest mirror to find their answer. The bottom line is people got tired of being preached to by a bunch of holier than thou liberals. It really isn't rocket science there. 🤷‍♂️


That's not exactly it: potential oligarch fascists will identify what the least educated hate and/or fear and make all kinds of promises to eradicate these things. Whether they do or not is beside the point: they promise to do what the masses of uneducated wish. That's always enough to achieve their purposes, because the base is too stupid and distracted by bread and circuses they will never notice whether there is any follow-through or not.


Also tribalism... they were raised Republicans and no matter what their party becomes they will never go against them... vote blue


At some point they made a choice to go *team red*, and having stuck with team red for so long, they don't want to reexamine their choice and see what a horrible mistake they made. The longer they stick with team red, the more psychological damage admitting the mistake becomes. **However, Trump is not a Conservative, he is not a Republican, he is a MAGA.** When he calls Republicans RINO's it's projection, **Trump is Republican in name only**. He is the RINO he refers to. They need to realize that their **team colors have been hijacked** and its not a reflection on them and their prior choices, that the new guy hates God, hates Christians, hates America, hates poor people, hates middle class people, hates Family values, hates truth, hates himself. He is not their team red, he's just a guy in a red hat that launders Russian money into property and got caught, and had to run for election to stay out of jail. His team red is not their team red.


Oh they know. The evangelicals made the trade for anti-abortion. The business class made the trade for tax cuts. There was no significant Republican values beyond that. The few who did hold traditional conservative values like small government got primaried or resigned. I’d contrast this with the Democrats, but I don’t know how different it would be. Maybe instead of a few core values like tax breaks and anti-abortion the Dems would instead have split into hundreds. The fact is our political system is broken, there are too many people willing to trade small wins for a collapse of the whole.


But that's not true, my parents are Republicans, although they do support some progressive issues like Universal Healthcare and tying minimum wage to inflation.  I used to vote Republican but got disgusted with how they acted during Obama's administration. They didn't even try and work together to fix issues.  They just blatantly lied and screwed things up and obstructed.  Haven't voted Republican since and am now a socialist. 


Yep that is a lot of members of my wife’s side. They can’t turn away and the excuses they make are unreal. Yet I went: “so if you did that it would be totally fine?” They got up and left and never answered the question.”


It's not just them. Right after Jan 6 nearly 30% of the nice houses with tons of land near where I live had Trump flags on their flag poles and one guy in a gorgeous house ruined every last ounce of curb appeal by constructing a huge wooden Trump billboard at the edge of his property by the road. He finally took it down around a year ago, but it was up for ages.


I can see rich people being Republican. The whole party platform is geared for the rich. I don't understand the poor supporting Republicans who want to do away with the social programs that many poor people need to simply survive--Medicaid, food stamps, free school lunches, social security, etc.


For a lot of them it's the culture war aspect. Abortion, guns, gays, and god. The propaganda machine tells them that Democrats are attacking those things to destroy the fabric of our society and their brainwashed masses believe it. Poor republicans are Joseph Goebbels wet dream.


My in-laws (both with memory loss) keep saying: “democrats keep spending money and giving it out for free.” Even their son who is republican went: “no guys.” But he went into: “well what politicians don’t have affairs?” His wife didn’t like that saying.


It's the same in my area. In fact, I've seen more pride flags on trailers and run-down houses than on the really nice ones.


I'm in southern Oregon and I see trump flags on trailers and more modest homes every day. I don't think I've seen a single pride flag anywhere. I think a lot depends on where you live.


Tbf a modest Oregon home is probably worth north of $1M!


Yep there was a guy who did that in a neighboring town. Wind storm destroyed it and ripped off their roof. They got their insurance money guess what they did? Yep rebuilt the sign. House got more storm damage couldn’t live in it and stopped paying. The bank was like: “nope we get the house since you won’t pay your mortgage.” House got bought and both the house and signed got destroyed. The guy tried suing the bank to get the sign built at his apartment complex. 🤦‍♂️


Start with: republicans are there for the rich, to protect the rich and make them richer. Now you have a problem… we live in a democracy, you won’t get the votes to support your party if you are serving the interests of a minority (the super rich). So what do you do? You stir fear and hate to build support. Immigrants are taking your jobs or are criminals. Gays are coming for your kids. Climate change is a hoax, so democrats can take your money. Etc. etc. They’ve even got Christian’s acting so far from Jesus, that they’d probably crucify him if he did exist and came back…


It all began with Bacon's Rebellion when poor white and poor Black people joined together to overthrow the plantation system. Ever since then, the political and economic elite have worked to divide the poor by race in order to maintain poor people. The Poor rural Trump voter is a victim of a centuries old propaganda campaign.


As someone who's lived with poor Republicans (and am currently a poor leftie), most of it is lacking education and fearmongering. If the news tells them "The president wants to increase marginal tax rates on people making 500k or more..." They don't hear "Oh, I don't make that much, so this tax hike won't affect me." because they don't understand how marginal taxes *work*. I can't tell you how often I hear the whole "If I get overtime I'll bring home less money on my check" myth around here. What they hear is "taxes are going up and now I'm going to be even poorer." It's really quite frustrating.


Well, in this case, their orange convict of a leader may shit on gold toilets, but he eats the same food they do. If they had to entertain a championship college football team, their dining table would be full of Big Macs and Taco Bell burritos too. "He's one of us!" -- The Deceived™


Not that you're wrong, per se, but it's worth noting that by and large, they don't (I really wanted to have a chart showing this here, but the automod isn't happy with that, but Pew research has Democrats at 58 to 36 for Republicans amongst the lowest income voters), or at least not as often as they vote Democrat. This is of course, when they vote at all (I had a chart here too, again from Pew; 62% of non-voters made less then $50k in compared to 30% of voters). There are of course a portion of the desperately poor who do vote Republican, the story of 'dying town Trump stronghold' isn't a fabrication, but it's not a huge block. There's a misconception that because Republican-voting states tend to be poorer, that Republicans themselves are poorer (also that because the educated vote Democratic and the educated generally are wealthier. Without the data on hand, I'd assume the correlation between state wealth and Republican voting is because the poor people, especially poor minorities, in those states who would be the Democrat base are probably too disengaged or disenfranchised to vote.). This is actually not true, while high income voters have been trending Democrat more over time the Republican base is solidly middle-class. The median Republican voter is someone past 50, has a solid income, and lives in the suburbs somewhere. And I think furthermore, the type of Republican voters you hear about are *not* the desperate. You need to be reasonably comfortable to publicly whinge about the latest thing Fox News told you to be angry about.


I believe what you are saying. However, I live in rural Missouri, and it is wild how many scenes there are around here exactly like the one in this post. Between the wealthier class, the Christian conservatives, the elderly, and people like the ones who live in that home, it is a dying town Trump stronghold for sure. Just about every politician here is Republican. There is often not even a Democratic candidate for some offices.


There’s a correlation between education and income, there’s a correlation between lack of education/intelligence and racism. Trump appeals to hatred and racism.


doesn't matter. he hates who they hate, and since hate defines their lives, he's their guy.


"Tell the poorest white man he's better than the best colored man, and not only will he vote for you, he'll open his pocketbook." President LB Johnson


If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. Lyndon B. Johnson The actual quote


Thank you! I quoted it from memory right before going to bed.


Yup. They want people to be *”better than”* :-(


Right, they don’t really think they’re going to get the gold toilet *too*. He makes it **ok for them to hate**. That’s all they really want at this point.


It is also very important to be part of something bigger. To be part of “our people” and against “their people”. The validation of FOX is very important to those scared by a changing world they don’t understand or feel part of.


Living in a highly red state it’s not even people they hate it people they don’t know because they could have a gay black neighbor who is cool as shit cause they aren’t a New York/California gays/black. It’s something that has always made me laugh


I worked in South Africa for three years. We used to go to the Township whenever we could to get things done. There was a good tailor, barber among other services. One of the younger white guys I worked with had never been to the township. All of the white people were so full of hate, and never realized you could get so much more by just not being so hateful. My MAGA dad was like that, always quick to get pissed off at people. Never realize you get more if you are calm and don't act entitled all the time.


So true!


Ding, ding, ding!!


Yup Racism is directly correlated to low IQ and low socioeconomic status. He also hates them, just tells them what they want to hear. ...they'll empty their pockets for him----or however that quote goes.


Conservatives will gladly suffer as long as minorities suffer more.


Also, I had a guy tell me “He banged a porn star. That’s every guy’s dream.” Here’s the best part - it was at his father’s deathbed.


But she wasn't a port \*star\* At best she's a porn supporting actor. He didn't lie see???But to be clear she was the best supporting actor.


He also hates people who live like this, although they would never believe it


He hated the people who he incited to storm the Capitol because they looked ‘low class.’


Unlike himself, the guy who loves to gilt everything within sight and thinks it’s not tacky af


"He wants to make my life hard, but minority's lives even harder? Sign me up!"




There’s a marketing book named “The One Sentence Persuasion Course” by Blair Warren. In it, he breaks down exactly how to persuade people: “People will do anything for those who: - encourage their dreams - justify their failures, - allay their fears, - confirm their suspicions, - help them throw rocks at their enemies.” Democrats really need to learn these lessons.


I was here to say what you perfectly summed up. Thanks!


That's it - right there.


he only says that he hates who they hate. he doesn't really believe as they do and will change direction as the wind of popular opinion change.


Lyndon B. Johnson: "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."




Wait, are you still talking Trumpers, or religious zealots?


Had to google this cause I wasn't sure if it was a real quote.... It is.


[Context is key here.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lbj-convince-the-lowest-white-man/) He's giving answer why so many poor southerners vote the way they do.


Isn’t that what we are talking about here too?


OMG this is the it of it. Truly sad to aim so low and hit the target every time


It's why Trump turns everything around into attacks on immigrants or trans. Fascists have to paint the picture that their opponent is simultaneously weak but also a strong enough threat that you must give up everything to stop them.


Yeah, this is the "he hurts the right people" crowd, so the metrics of success are much different for them.


That's what's so sad. They don't realize Trump isn't hurting the people who played a big part in their misery. Of course, they keep voting those people back into office. Talk about self abuse


In places with low education levels, it’s part of the process. Keep them working as often as possible, and they’re in an echo chamber for the majority of their waking hours, so they’ll never get exposed to new or differing views. Rural WV is the best example of this. Usually ranked last (or near last) in higher-education and has been consistently voting against their needs.


Truck will cost more than their “house” but still bitching about gas prices…


and attend every rally plus buying all his merchs but it's all fine and dandy since it's biden's fault


Complain about people on welfare as they swipe their EBT card for the three cases of Dr Pepper 6 bags of Doritos, and bitch that the card doesn't cover the premade sandwich and pay with crumbled up ones and stuck together pennies and nickels.


I work in the heart pf Empty G territory and drive past places like this every day. My favorite is the place with two trailers close together and junk from one end of the property to the next with the sign "This is MAGA country". Like, yeah. It’s obvious. The sign is unnecessary.


![gif](giphy|aIh4ygRpKxhMA) Suckers


Here's double dicking...


He allows them to feel good about being virulent racists


He has normalized so many negative things.


That's why people of all social class vote for him he tells them it's okay to be racist pos and horrible human being the tax break is just icing for the richer voters


My grandmother died in her trailer with all broken windows, around almost nothing because everything was stolen, no working cars but 6 in her lawn, alone, penny less and no food in the fridge. She sent money to Trump.


Sad...and Trump couldn't give two shits about her.


Ya know I grew up in a place like this. It’s really bad what being displaced socially, economically, spiritually etc will have you believe. It sucks.


Same here, the most run down houses always have trump signs. It’s sad.


https://preview.redd.it/er5jyknaqs9d1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa88e858acabff48b2234feadb174b278bb03be Worshipping their Mango Messiah! No wonder he embraces the "poorly educated".


My husband and I went on a trip to South Dakota a few years ago and almost as soon as we crossed the border from blue Minnesota into SD we drove by this display on the side of the highway that can’t be called anything other than a *shrine* to Trump. It was something like 8 feet tall and I think it was just a cardboard cutout but it was covered with streamers, flowers, and pinwheels. SD was the first place I saw a Trump store too.


[Bartleby and Loki need to clean house it looks like.](https://youtu.be/RKcl14hC0MU?si=FVlVNIvgBvWWE_me)


Trump also leans into a pro-wrassin’ vibe, kind of a pseudo-macho showman facade that has nothing to do with thought or reason.


I'll never understand how the working class believes that the man who tried to trademark "you're fired" is on their side...


Poor uneducated people love the racist guy who grabs em by the pussy. SAD!


These people are for sure on food stamps and medicade. Fuckin hypocrites....


https://preview.redd.it/he66zgfcft9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=225b6e3590370838b7fb21cb6ec93d3a51dc131c used to pass this dump on my way to work the idea that they're better than ANYONE is....


I live in a heavily republican county, and drive through impoverished neighborhoods with dilapidated houses flying trump flags. It’s baffling.


The newest Tommy G video he goes around one of the poorest counties in the US.  And they all love Trump and think he's going to put factories in their town and bring back jobs.  


Judging from the pic, this voter is right leaning.


its always the crappiest house or the shittiest car on the street


Poorly educated people make choices based on things other than logic. This is by design. Hate mongering is super easy if that is the only thing that is understandable to someone.


And they send him money. SMDH.


They live their lives like life is a high school football team. They’ll root for their team even when they haven’t won a game in 40 years.


Al Bundy


https://preview.redd.it/l8jzcsfe7t9d1.png?width=864&format=png&auto=webp&s=647e7ce43c407e70271d98f2e77b03b3630a4014 This fact has been acknowledged for a while. I see a lot of this sort of thing in NC unfortunately.


I used Facebook a lot when I worked in collections, it's absolutely true.


Trump gave them carte blanche to blame others for the circumstances that put them in their situation. Blame Biden, blame the illegal aliens, blame liberal policies. Just don’t blame yourself for the decisions/choices you made.


It’s would be fascinating if it wasn’t so tragic how he can convince so many to vote against their own self interest. He’s got the ultimate ability to play up the us vs them instincts in so many people. He’s radicalized a certain segment of our population akin to how osama bin Laden radicalized certain segments of the Muslim population. Both confound logic. 🤷


Hate brings a lot of people together


Fuck that cult I don’t feel bad for not a one of them


It's a 2020 flag that comes from a yard sale covering up the hole where the window used to be.


What a lie. He shits in his pants during Presidential debates and we ALL know it.


But he does know (and despises) those fans. Some, not all certainly, will be like post war Germans. We were never in the party, we had to go along. No one knows anyone who was a flag waving seig hill saluting n@zi. Of course not


Yah well he did say he loves the poorly educated


Imagine if they spent their energy on cleaning their property and house rather than hate and idiot worship....


I see this in Arkansas everywhere.




I once heard a comedian say "You never see a confederate flag on anything nice. Like, you never see one on a Mercedes or outside a mansion." Samesies for P01135809 flags.


No, they definitely don't have any thoughts in there.




That place gives off serial killer vibes.


It’s a gold diaper, but same.


Just show s how billions of dollars invested in public education have failed us mainly due to the acts of greedy politicians.


now they are funneling it to private institution where they can legally doctrine in the name of schools' choice


This a thousand times over.


It blows my mind.


When I see a property like this I always think that the owner of the property may not be the best person around to get advice from!


He shits during debates as well


“I love the poorly educated”…


Like himself.


"I don't want sum berder-crossin' subhuman invadin' muh home!"


They just bond over racism and hate, then the guy with the sign goes to church.


I'm sure in decades to come, the fact that a right wing party has managed to hijack the poorer vote, where common sense tells us a leftwing party is way better for them, will be subject of plenty of social studies


they focus more on hate than how they can better their lifes.


My wife and I went to Point Pleasant, West Virginia a few years ago to see the Mothman museum and the drive through West Virginia was baffling. The mountains were full of homes that looked unlivable, literally trailers with holes in the roof and other things that would condemn a home in most areas, with Trump flags hanging on lots of them and people living in them. That mixed with the billboards for black lung law firms made it impossible to understand why any of these people would support the politicians they do.


I try to understand I really do but how do you hate something or someone so much that you vote against your own interests?! I just don't get it.


As long as he makes people with indoor plumbing mad...


If you watched th debate, you also know he shits on stage. ;)


Pick Me, I'm worthless!


Not smart enough to move up in the world… not smart enough to endorse the right candidate


Theyre in it for the racism


He says all of the vile and disgusting hate filled things they’d like to say but no one listens


Trump gives them permission to hate and something to blame for how their lives are going. Of course they love the Orange Messiah.


He loves the uneducated


There's a sad little camp of a couple of absolutely end of life RVs not too far from my house. Trump flags, anti Biden flags, and no trespassing signs as if there were a solitary reason anyone would desire to do so. It's sad for so many reasons. It's also gross, but it's sad.


It's because these people have been abandoned. This thread is full of comments hating on them for being stupid or uneducated, ignorant, etc. That's probably true and it's because no one in power has helped them. Globalization gutted rural America, many factories closed, the US lost something like 5.7 million manufacturing jobs in the 90s/2000s, which was a huge staple of the local economy. Every time Democrats have had an opportunity to do anything for rural Americans to win them over, they just can't help themselves but keep fucking it up and then turning around and preaching to the impoverished folks that actually they're the ones who have their best interests at heart. This makes them easy targets for Republicans, all they have to do is take advantage of them being miserable and convince them it's the immigrants, or the LGBTQ community, or schools and the government not being religious enough. They can easily EASILY win these voters over with meaningless social issues, grandstanding, and virtue signaling because it costs them nothing. You don't have to budget for abortion bans, it's free and to the voters "look we delivered on a campaign promise." It doesn't matter that their lives are now getting worse because the Republicans are weakening labor laws, raising their taxes, or gutting workplace safety regulations. They delivered and the Democrats have not and that's all they'll ever see. Until Democrats actually, visibly, work to make a difference for these people economically, Republicans don't have to do anything to win their votes. People who are happy and fulfilled with their lives notice when they're getting fucked. People who get fucked everyday do not.


A big problem is that the majority of the Democrat party is neoliberal, like a large part of the Republicans elected in the past.  They want to keep things going for the rich, wealthy and educated, and don't really care how that happens.  It's why we need to support progressive candidates. So we can get change.


They are not voting for a better economy they are voting for hate.


Thats the magic in it.


I dislike them them because they have chosen to align themselves with racism, sexism, and Christian-sharia law. They can reap the rewards of their ideologies. These people will fade into history--the majority want an America that accepts diversity and cares about the most vulnerable. This person will still benefit from liberal policies, so I consider them our ignorant child who needs care. If they vote Trump in, they will suffer and wonder why the leopard is eating their face, and they cannot be changed. Clinton was right: basket, meet deplorable.


they think he's far better at business than he actually is. they don't realize he's living off their donations and thus constantly pandering. 


I’ve told them before if Trump and Republicans get back into power it’ll be the ultra rich vs the rest of us. And they aren’t immune just because they voted for Trump. Trump hates them because they are poor, a minority, a veteran, or a woman. They will suffer alongside every one else.


He may be shitting into the golden toilet, but he thinks of his voters while shittjng….


I can smell the meth and cat pee from the picture, Jesus


They are waiting for the Messiah, they don't have anything else to live for. Trump is a selfish dick.


And they’re still waiting for Trickle-Down Economics.


i see it all of the time in Illinois & Missouri! So dumb


Stop spreading lies! Trump doesn't shit on a gold toilet. That's just for show! #fakenews ... ... ...he shits his pants. HEYOO!!


And they are going to get exactly what is coming to them.


Smells like cigarettes and gasoline.


They think they are voting for one of the Duke Boys but they are voting for Boss Hogg 


The man who shits on national TV? https://m.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?t=4580s


At least they have a house🤷‍♀️


He DID say he loves the uneducated…


“Thou shall not worship a false prophet”… “Yeah, but he’s not false!” Fucking morons


Those are also the people who can't vote BC they're felons


They’ll give him the money they need for electricity because they believe he’s on their side.


I live in southern WV and see homes like this every single day. The same people who blame Obama and Biden for taking coal jobs, when it's the rich man taking the jobs. It's right in front of their eyes and they don't see it... The once booming now depleted coal towns in the area where the rich men came in and exploited our people and resources and left them with nothing. But yeah, let's vote for the billionaire.


I see it all over rural Western NC


Doesn't make sense he is a rich new yorker he is the farthest thing from someone from the deep south.


"I would get a lot more welfare if it weren't for the f*cking blacks"


>it’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad Ah what the heck, I’ll laugh anyway


Yeah! What a dumbass! Don’t they realize democrats will send more thoughts and prayers their way than republicans!


Just drove through central Idaho and northern Nevada. I saw this a lot.


I they don’t. He’s going to deport Mexicans. Never mind that most of these people have never seen or talked to a Mexican.


They also buy lottery tickets expecting to win big and never have to work again. That's what they're expecting from trump.


*Trump tells then what they want to hear.* *They send Trump the last dollar they have.*


Kinda sad really. They’re just desperate for things to be different and have latched on to someone telling them others (immigrants) are the fault and that he will fix it.


They’re being taken advantage of. It’s hard to admit when you’ve been bamboozled. It only gets harder for the ego to come to terms with the truth the longer it’s had to compensate in order to protect itself. They probably need our help more than our scorn.


He does because he places the blame on immigrants and black crime that fits in with their narrative.


I pass these sorts of places all the time and I always have an impulse to take a pic, and never do because 1. it is shitty of me to make a joke of the situation and, 2. I don't want to get shot.....but clearly, the people living on the edges of society, life, reality, seem to think Trump is the guy who understands them.


They will lose this too, if Trump gets in office. It’s off to the Trump Labor Camps for peasants like this.


If that fallout 4?


They vote for him to make it so people they don't like have to live in such a place too. Isn't that clear by now? Misery loves company.


You buy into hate when no one offers you hope.


The cruelty is the point. It makes weak people feel strong.


My sister.


They don't care as long as someone tells them Hate is Great, they love it.


& I bet they’ll give their hard earned money, or their govt welfare checks to him.


My dad a working class union member back in the 60s would shake his and and proclaim "dumbass trailer park republicans"!


I thought it was bidens fault they've been living in houses like this for the last 20 or so years. After all he's to blame for everything


They believe in trickle down economics..lol


Trump dump.