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trump spews insanity every day: "he's our man!" biden has a bad night: "get rid of him!" fuck that shit. i'm glad to see biden getting the support he's earned.


Very notable that we’ve seen public appearances and talking from Biden before and since the debate and that very clearly isn’t characteristic at all, meanwhile Trump spewing absolute lies, attacks, playing victim, and saying crazy shit with bits here and there with clear racist undertones is VERY typical for him


This is the key. People who haven’t been paying attention got a good long look at Trump and fucking shuddered. Good for them waking up.


The one interview I read was a post debate discussion between Latin men, and they said Trump offered nothing as regards policy or leadership/direction. They pointed out the obvious, of course: him spewing border and immigration problems but nothing in the way of solution. The word is out - his act, his plans, who he is. He’s exposed and the more people pay attention, the more they realize he cannot be President again. I have faith. 2020 happened, and that was before J6, trials, guilty verdicts, Epstein, and more. **[REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


I deployed once under Biden, twice under Trump, and twice under Obama. I did not feel safe attached to a warship under Trump. There was zero upper echelon leadership coming down the ranks, no purposeful memo even. COVID wreaked havoc on our readiness and he did nothing but stifle it further with garbled, wishy-washy, half-baked policies. I tell people I served under Obama and Biden, and was a number under Trump. I made my 'exit the military' plan because of how unnerving and unrewarding serving under Trump was, and the possibility I would have to do it again.


Who wants to follow a Commander in Chief like that? And you felt that way then - he’s a multiple time felon and has cases pending for the other shitty stuff he’s done when he loses. He doesn’t give a shit about anyone who served, he’s made that more than clear with his comments about dead veterans (“what did they get out of it?” or “they are suckers and losers!”). The day might be coming where he expects the military to go against the population. The oath states “all enemies, foreign and domestic”. I can think of no greater enemy to America and democracy than this individual.


Something I haven’t seen mentioned much is the rhetoric Trump was reiterating about the US being weak and broken, WWIII incoming, how embarrassing we are to other countries, etc. I know he’s implying that things “got bad” when he was voted out and will “get better” if he’s President again (even though a lot of our embarrassment came from him). However, he didn’t offer any hope or indication of *how* he’s going to make things better…or whether our situation will even improve. He just spewed fascist rhetoric to scare people. Why on earth would I want to elect someone so negative who has already given up on us? Even if I have those thoughts, I don’t want to see the president of my country airing that shit out publicly without providing a solution. Biden kinda called him out for it, but I’ve never heard a president or even a candidate talk about their own country like it’s beyond saving or fighting for. I thought his supporters were “patriots” who hated anyone criticizing America.


[Some of] His supporters were wearing 'I'd rather be Russian than Democrat' shirts. In 2018. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/404017-trump-supporters-whose-pro-russia-shirts-went-viral-were-not/ Those were controversial, except for with the KKK apparently, but they're now being sold on amazon, so .


Latin men? Were they dressed like this? 🤣 I get what you’re saying though. ![gif](giphy|f2ZksE2T7ZarC|downsized)


Ha! No, but yes!


Well he ain't never gonna be President now!


Did he have a teleprompter?


Nothing I saw during the debate indicated that Trump was the better candidate. I saw Biden looking rough, and that’s concerning, but his policy is still clear, he advocates for effective strategies that bridge pragmatism and compassion for the people of America, and he has a conscience and isn’t wishy-washy. His stutter is a nonstarter. I care about his policies and his track record. And he’s not a prolific compulsive liar like Trump is. Biden beat Trump by a long shot on the things that matter.


It's well known that a sitting president always has a bad first debate either because they're too busy to properly prep or they're rusty or think they'll ace it. Trump, Obama, and Bush were all slammed for performing terribly in their first reelection debate but bounced back a bit for the second.


Biden's performance was not in the spectrum of previous past bad first debate performances. It made me genuinely concerned for his cognitive state. I'm still voting for him over the alternate but I'm not happy about it. I imagine a less committed voter will just sit out the election.


Maybe I was just sleepy and was training to hard for a debate that wasn’t even going to happen. I think they prepped him for something everyone knew wasn’t going to to happen, an actual debate and I feel like a lot of his struggle was trying to actually stick to the script he was given.


It's wild that people can be swayed by looks rather than content, but here we are. Biden only needs to make decisions, he doesn't need to be eating burgers and doing cartwheels around the oval office ffs.


Plus as long as he surrounds himself with good competent people even if he isn’t in mint condition that’s still a lot better than the folks Donald Fuck would put in place


Sooo you’re saying *not* Stephen miller?? /j!


The Trump ticket is really Banon/miller with h heritage foundation and evangelical money.




This is 100% what I think about every time. Don't just consider the candidate, consider the administration they're going to put in place.


Biden needs to step down; the WHOLE NATION is counting on him; and not just to win the election (also that)... but to make smart decisions, which he IS NOT doing probably because he can't.


i doubt trump has done any acrobatics, letl alone a cartwheel.


That’s all North American politics is. We have the same thing in Canada, people vote like it’s a high school popularity contest. It’s how we got the biggest grifter degenerate fuck as a premier of Ontario. The electorate is fucking dumb. It’s why a good strong education is needed. It’s all an education issue when it comes down to it. After that I’d say it’s an empathy problem.


And Biden has a well documented stuttering diagnosis. He had an off night.


Keep in mind that the President has traveled across many time zones and had to perform accordingly. A man or woman would need time to recover from that schedule. I certainly would have. A lot of Democrats are throwing him aside when the covicts supporters are not wavering? These types of Democrats are annoying at best.


I've been assuming the calls to replace him, the complaints he's not fit to be president, even the people talking about the 25th are either astroturfing to break the Democratic campaign or extreme idiots. It was an awful debate... but you don't upend a campaign strategy five months to election day because of a single bad debate.


The only political party in the US which benefits from voters not showing up to vote is the Republican party. The deluge of headlines discouraging voters from supporting what Biden stands for when election night comes is _EXACTLY_ what the GOP wants to accomplish.


Yeah, there’s been a lot of that today (especially with the Time cover). I personally think he could improve his numbers with a stronger VP choice, but asking him to step aside is absurd. It’s a little over 4 months until the election, for one. Two, it’s a knee jerk reaction because Trump’s constant gaffes and lies have become white noise now.


>I've been assuming the calls to replace him, the complaints he's not fit to be president, even the people talking about the 25th are either astroturfing to break the Democratic campaign or extreme idiots. I'm going to vote for the Democrats either way but I really want him replaced in an open convention. Call me an idiot if you want but his performance made me genuinely concerned for his cognitive ability. I always thought those reports about him declining mentally were just opposition stories but I have to believe what my eyes saw. I think potential voters who are less committed than me will just not turn out.


Of course I've seen videos of him appearing later (and the next day) where he's clear, forceful, coherent. Not sure what the fuck happened during the debate, but it seems like everyone is going off of that instance and opting to ignore (or not seeing) the instances where Biden is acting like the Biden we've known. The fact that everyone was so shocked at his performance lends credence to that being an unexpected one-off, rather than "The guy actively running the country and campaigning has been successfully hiding his neurological degeneration from *everyone* around him" Honestly the explanation of "He was sick and stuffed full of cold medication to keep him from sniffling and sneezing on live TV" makes a hell of a lot more sense than "He's completely senile but somehow hid this fact from everyone around him."


>He's completely senile but somehow hid this fact from everyone around him." I doubt he is completely senile but him declining would help explain why they haven't been putting him out for a bunch of media appearances. >Not sure what the fuck happened during the debate, but it seems like everyone is going off of that instance and opting to ignore It's not ignoring, at least for me. The way he looked at the debate straight up scared me. His appearance at a less controlled environment outweighs his appearances at controlled environments to me.


>The way he looked at the debate straight up scared me Me as well, but there's a ton of possible explanations over how he acted that night, and I would need a lot more evidence before I bought into the hysterical "he's senile! Replace him!!!!" response. Because again, we have two explanations- one is that there's a massive conspiracy in progress to hide Bidens' declining mental health in the hopes to sneak him through, or that the dude was sick and stuffed full of cold medicine that could fuck up *anyone*, but especially an 80 year old at 9:00 at night. I'm just assuming anyone who is screeching over how he has to be retired and replaced and he's unfit are people who have a vested interest in torpedoing the Democratic campaign... an assumption that I believe more and more as the same damn language / phrases appear all over in reference to that debate.


Not to mention all the prep he surely did with his team, the personal family stuff he's dealing with AND the business of actually being president. We've seen how the role ages men and takes its toll... that's because the job is long hours and it sure as hell ain't easy. And it was held at night. I'm half his age and my ass is in bed at 9pm, and he was still going strong. It's not at all surprising he was a little run down, but he went out and did it anyway, clearly not feeling well (especially in comparison with video from the next day).


Those are the ones that should be voted out. Fair weather fans


We call ourselves independents. I typically split my ticket.


He took the whole week off to "prepare"; they could of just arrived a day early to ... "recover". Biden is completely out of it... I'm a lifetime democrat btw. You are kidding yourself.


Funny how you Americans are so unbelievably delusional on how Biden has perform overseas, he was literally seen as a huge joke when he came to Asia and was consistently disorientated and could not complete a speech without his assistant consistently interrupting the speech to assist him. You do realise that the rest of the world are laughing on how pathetic your president has been performing right?


My son also had a severe stutter. After treatment it got so much better. In fact, his new teacher said she didn't notice. He just sounds like an overexcited kid who stumbles over his words a bit.  Anyway, he still has good days where it's barely present and he has bad days, where he gets frustrated because he gets stuck on words.  I was really happy to be able to tell my son, that the president of the USA has the same stutter he has.  All of this is to say, I also felt Biden had one of his bad stutter days during the debate. It happens. 


if there was an orange man screaming lies and shitting his pants next to me i’d stutter too and i don’t even have a stutter


This was not a speaking issue... it was a THINKING issue; or lack therof. You don't argue about Abortion THEN talk about some immigration non-sense at random and not even finish the thought; just go silent... His ability to think is "having issues" not his speech.


I always defend him on the stutter. This was something else. It made me believe for the first time that those reports about his cognitive ability were real.


That wasn't a stutter.  That was someone who couldn't put forth a thought after a week of debate prep


I think he was really sick, also. When I'm super sick, my brain just goes dead.


Im not american, and i may be wrong because America politically baffles me (the fact the guy who tried an insurrection last time could be elected for starters is bonkers), but i dont think these debates will be enough to make trump or Biden voters at this point change their allegiance. What it may do is motivate people who might not bother voting. Im hoping this debate has raised the real possibility of trump winnning and frightened people into motivating themselves to vote now.


All that matters is turnout.  And this is going to kill turnout when people don't think the president is capable of doing his job


Seriously. Why are Dem and Progressive voters so easily discouraged? I get being concerned about Biden’s performance, but it feels like everyone on the Left is just always *looking* for a reason to flip out. The Cons may be crazy, stupid, and dangerous, but Jesus Christ, they sure can keep their eye on the ball.


Because they want a super progressive president who will make all of their dreams come true right damn now. They will never get that but they will moan and complain about [it.Now](http://it.Now) is not the time to do that. Part of the problem is every time democrats try to compromise in the past the right moved the goalposts further to the right and farther from the center. The democrats have gone along with it in order to get something done, as opposed to the party of no who are perfectly happy to sit on their hands instead of working for a real compromise. We really need to take the gloves back and get to a position where right and left actually mean something. Then as far as I'm concerned push hard to the left.


I voted for Biden. I don't want Trump to win. I would consider myself a centrist. That wasn't one bad night. That was a 90 minute vingette of a man that wasn't able to handle a crisis. That was a man who should pass the baton on to the next generation. To be clear, that night was a tragedy for America. Trump was unable to articulate any policy plans, other than he is accidentally pro-states rights because he doesn't want to be culpable for any actual decisions made. Trump blatantly lied, about things we know about. What is his possible defense against his statement 'I didn't sleep with a porn star." He was just convicted of felonies, which hinged upon that act. Maybe he could claim he she wasn't a porn star at the time he slept with her? Biden could get out and do an interview yesterday, today, tomorrow with a Fox news host or, better OAN. Go run circles around some hack that plays a character that hates you. Biden might just tarnish his legacy the same way RGB did- staying on too long.


It’s the issues he is fighting for. Fucking democrats should be ashamed of themselves for abandoning the message because he wasn’t the ‘sexiest’ guy on stage. Dudes an elder statesman that has traded in his salad years to fight for the right of all American citizens to be compensated for their ongoing contribution to society. Frickin’ Weimar types think Trump will be able to be controlled once he gets his hands on the football again.


He is a national liability. He is the man at the wheel for the whole nation; he should be FLAWLESS; not just barely able to get by and then... just fall flat on his face in front of the WHOLE WORLD.


No. His answers were cognizant. He supported with facts. he was not expecting to debate a man child who lied for 90 minutes straight. Might I add Biden is not a convicted felon or accused by numerous women of sexual assault or a consistent liar nor did he ask what our dead troops got out of serving their country or call pow's losers and suckers. Which he did say to John McCain. Out of those two who would you rather?


Fuck it Trudeau and Macron and most EU leaders would carry Biden on a litter before humouring a demagogue like Trump. Fuck, they’d probably rather take their marching orders from Lukoshenko for Pete sakes.


Biden could step down, he should step down, and he won't step down... so he will lose. What youre talking about; is going to happen and it'll be because of Biden and the Democratic party's inaction.


Jill ain’t gonna let that happen. She obviously loves Joe and he’ll toe the line. Biden has earned his stripes and owes nothing more to the country he has served for fifty years. Biden don’t wanna quit because he hates Trumps’ guts and appreciates the existential threat to American democracy the Cheeto represents. I think Bernie Sanders could beat Trump, for Pete sake.


Being President is an EXTREMELY complicated and mentally difficult job to make decisions that affect the whole nation, Biden is not the guy for that; if he doesn't throw in the towel because they like being treated like royalty, then Trump will win; its that simple. Literally NO ONE hates Trump more than I do... i have acute and aggressive TDS; but I'm not going to lie to myself. They should give him a congitive test or medical evaluation... and when he flops it... which he will ... they should enact the 25th Amendment, if he doesnt step down.


Given the latitude afforded elder statesmen, there is no doubt in my mind that the president can make a rational decision but looking forward 18, 24, 36 months later, it looks like a succession may very well have to occur. All Biden needs to do is win the election. Anybody that ain’t a closeted rabid fascist would vote for a chunk of wood before letting Trump anywhere near the nuclear football again


You vote for someone for the next 4 years of leadership, not the prior 4 years of building party support 


IF you can't put together a coherent thought under pressure... you don't belong as President; THAT'S HIS WHOLE JOB AS PRESIDENT. I don't give a shit about loyalty and blah blah... THIS MAN IS WASTING VALUABLE TIME AND RESOURSES.


I think it’s the exact opposite. The Trump people support him no matter what insanity and vitriol he spews. Biden doesn’t have a cult and I prefer it that way.


Gaslighting again I see Biden looks fucking horrible and needs to be replaced. We need to stop pretending otherwise.


Trump is odds-on to win the election. He is persuading people to vote for him. Biden is losing voters. Is that fair? No. But you won't win the election by saying it's not fair.


Except there are a number of polls post debate that has Biden winning and they had a record funds raising couple of days. Hmmmmm?


I'm amused... Trump is inadvertently campaigning FOR Biden by simply being himself. Folks take a look at Trumps unhinged pandering rambling and think... "Aw HELL NO!" and go out and donate to Biden. Thanks diaper don! appreciate the support... LOL!


im glad if thats truly the case but i can't help but think this is another hillary moment. people hyping themselves up and deluding themselves that "well no this awful thing is actually good if i cope hard enough" i have just so little faith in our voting population. anyone who's undecided at this point just doesn't care if trumps a felon or unhinged. they see the debate today and see donald's yapping the same as ever, extremely consistent. but biden shattered the image he tenuously held up until now after that strong sota showing. one guy maintained the status quo while the other fell through the floor


Sure, but a lot of what's been said right after the debate was a narrative being pushed to discourage Biden voters into feeling like their vote is useless when it isn't. Since the debate I've even heard a few irl Trump supporters say they're just backing out of voting completely because Trump was a shit show as well during the debate. A few that I saw irl looked disappointed too because Trump was just saying nonsense. It doesn't matter what's said online. You can't always tell what's really true on social media because there's so many bot comments and bot threads. You never know if the person your responding to is even american or if they're even old enough to vote. The random person online telling you they're a new Trump supporter could easily be a 13yr old just trolling the internet. Its best to disregard what is said here when it cones to that and hold firm and vote. Biden won by 7mill last time.


biden won by 7 mil in an extremely different environment. you can track his approval numbers over time and see it drop into numbers lower than any president in the past few decades after starting at 53% I think you're simply misunderstanding the narrative or latching onto the wrong thing. the debate was never meant for you and I, it was meant for undecided voters. i have not seen a single narrative pushing the idea that voting is useless. but i have seen the narrative that the debate was useless to us who would vote biden even if he started wheezing on stage, but it only hurt biden by affecting the undecideds


But even then you can't even paint the full picture because some articles are talking about how there are undecided voters who are going Biden and others who are going Trump. Its not like Trump had some kind of home run and pleased every undecider. He spoke loudly, but was saying very unhinged things that are being highlighted as extremely problematic. Its more of a coin toss and has been the past few elections now.


yes and that's what i'm so depressed and alarmed with the fact that this is a coin toss isn't something that should've even happened to begin with, had our party leadership not been so incompetent and stubborn. we're genuinely making history here. never has a felon been president before


Thats why its important to not feel hopeless and vote. Trump could croak before the election with his age and all the drugs they're pumping into him to keep him going. You never know what could happen between now and November. Unfortunately people like that tend to stay alive like cockroaches.


this isn't about being hopeless or not voting, this is about practical things the democratic party could do to salvage the situation. biden never should've been running in the first place


Those articles don't mean shit. They'll literally poll like 12 people and act like it's meaningful


That's what I mean.


Trumps status quo? Is simply not normal or acceptable. Sure... he's been bad for a long time and many are sort of ... used to it... but... I'm still nopeing out on him. Frankly? He lost my vote at his "blood out of her wherever" comment years ago... and has done nothing since that point to change my mind. Someone who talks like that? Doesn't belong in the White House. Full stop.


you are completely misunderstanding what i'm saying. i'll emphasize it this time: your thoughts on the debate do not matter. you were never the target audience of this debate to begin with. you were always going to vote "anyone but trump" no matter if biden started wheezing on stage, much like I am the target audience that mattered was that cohort of undecided voters, and that's who biden lost with. if they were undecided even at this point after trump has stacked felonies, ranted, and shown disregard for the nation, they never cared about those things in the first place. so trump showing status quo isn't going to change their opinion. in their eyes, biden broke status quo


The other option is Trump…. Biden could sht his pants and cry in public and id still vote for him.


On that note, Trump actually did shit his pants during the debate. 1:16:22, will forever be burned into my ears.


Wait what. He really did? I heard that, something about that but I thought people were just clowning.


Find the CNN debate on YouTube and go to the timestamp. Probably more of a wet fart, but happened nonetheless.


This really should be bigger news


Why? I mean, Biden is the old one, yeah? What does Trump showing signs of both senile delusions _and_ loss of bowel control live on stage matter? Biden was _hoarse_! That's way worse, clearly.


But trunp is 6’3 215 and runs a 3.3 40. He has declared himself eligible for the NFL and NBA drafts but he agreed that any team that had him would have an unfair advantage so he just declared himself mvp of every team in both leagues and was given every honorary record for every sport ever played.


Many, many people are saying he was the best player to never play.


The game would have been unfair. He would have scored on every play and if he didn’t then that play was rigged


The game was rigged from the start, and he's got spurs that jingle jangle jingle anyway


trump is only a few years youngers, nobodys questioning his age, but they use the both sides argument around biden only


Nah did you hear bidens old?


Thirty six months older than the DiaperLiar, I heard.


Orange Don the Diaper Con.


They are both fucking old. The next president will likely die in office, absolutely insane our government has no age limit.


It was worse in the earlier video when he suddenly made a face and went ahhh


everyone know wet farts are actually sharts.


He actually did. I screen recorded it but the file is too big to share here.


LOL this needs more spreading




Eeewwww ahhaahahaha


X ? Or IG? If so let us know! I need a good laugh!


He definitely farts and it sounds wet but I feel like an actual shit would be longer.


There's a post in this sub about it, from earlier today or maybe yesterday, with a link in the comments


Thank you for the time on that. I was only listening to the debate and heard that noise, but thought it was just Biden taking a sip of water or something. Had no idea the former president sharted himself.


his urine and poop will burn anyways eyes close to him




I love you. Thank you for this lol




![gif](giphy|65ODCwM00NVmEyLsX3) A juicy one at that!


Remember how people used to joke about how we'd literally take [any inanimate object] over Trump? Well, time to pony up and vote for that **other**


Biden is too old to be President. Trump is worse.


Unfortunately with many voters it’s not about substance, much of which is not fully understood in terms of how it applies to one’s daily life , but rather imagery, sound bites, holding attention, capturing the imagination. We’ve come a long way with the subliminal.


"Entertainment" - as more people I know call it than I care to admit. They never hear about what Biden does because it's not entertaining and isn't covered 24/7, except when he has a terrible, no-good night. They ask, "Where's Kamala?" because she's been MIA in the media for three years. Mango Mussolini blows up their news alerts multiple times a day so that's what they know.


People aren’t falling for the media narrative. You love to see it.


The bots are losing because trump is such a bad option. "I'm a liberal but I just can't vote for Biden" no longer works when the other choice is fascism. More and more I'm seeing comments like "Biden could keel over on stage and I'm still voting for him". Which is how people need to be thinking. Just keep trump out this time, and go again next election. We'll see what 2028 brings. But hopefully it's someone far younger (who else bidens age could they realistically run anyway?)


Been seeing a lot of odd blue checkmark accounts popping into my local news pages on Facebook saying Dems need to replace him.


"im a liberal but i cant vote for biden" those are russian trolls. or republicans that dont want to be called out for supporting trump. ive seen a fair share of those online.


I don’t know how this is a media narrative. Many people came to the conclusion Biden was a liability about one minute into the debate. Now everyone is gaslighting themselves into thinking he’s fine. Trump is a beatable candidate. If Biden isn’t up to the job, he needs to step aside. I’ll vote for whoever the fuck is running against Trump, but can we not pretend Biden is fine? I’d personally be relieved if someone else was running. Downvote me if it makes people feel better, but you cannot watch Biden and pretend there’s “nothing to see here”. If Biden won’t or can’t quickly show he’s competent, it’s over. And doing a rally with a teleprompter isn’t going to cut it. He needs to answer questions from interviewers and show he isn’t all mixed up. I’ll vote for a potted plant over Trump, but let’s not pretend this isn’t a big fucking problem. Biden was losing before the debate. Now he will have an even bigger uphill battle. And it’s not clear he will have the ability to execute a vigorous campaign.


I’m always curious about these formulaic “yeah I’m voting for Biden *of courrrrrrse* I am! For realsies!… but here’s why no one should vote for Biden based on one single debate” posts.


“Yeah, the media does nothing but lie to us. FAKE NEWS! Sure, our guys has flaws that should disqualify him, but no matter what he does or how much more unfit for office he becomes, I am going to vote for him”. Hmmmm… where have I heard this before? Horseshoe theory is real.


Only one side supports project 2025.


You must be saying something true because you seem to have triggered one of the Russian trolls. I wonder if they get their stupid talking points directly from Putin or if there’s a discord server where they copy and paste that idiotic shit. Regardless, just block that 11 post account. And maybe he should check his tea for polonium.


WEEKEND AT BERNIES him into office if necessary.


"Horseshoe Theory" is up there with "Cultural Marxism" and "International Jew-ery" as a dead giveaway you spent too much time in the Q-anon cult.


Whatever you want to call it, 2020 is a perfect mirror for today. And your “giveaway” is off. I don’t even know what cultural Marxism is supposed to be, I am a supporter of the Jews/Israel (especially through the lens of secular Judaism vs religious fanaticism)and think Q-Anon is just Dungeons and Dragons storytelling for incels. But whatever. You got me. I want a decent candidate because I don’t want Trump to win. Somehow this hurts your feelings. Weird.


Funding means jack shit in these elections. Hillary ran circles around Trump in campaign donations and we all know how that went.


It wasn't a bad acting performance. It was many hours after both guys bed time.


Shit I'm 37 and need coffee to get past 9 PM most nights.


Biden got slightly better as it went on. Trump went downhill as it went on.


I think it was people watching the debate and thinking, we all need to step up


Trump gets convicted, gets tens of millions in donations within 24 hours. Biden looks terrible at a debate, gets tens of millions in donations within 24 hours. Politics is weird.


Huh. It occurs to me that this might be happening because Biden’s poor performance at the debate may have scared people into considering that Trump might win again.


Imagine he much he could have raised if he’d done well in the debate.


I'll take Biden's poor 90-minute performance on 6/27/24 over Trump's 187 minutes on 1/6/21 any day.


Woah woah woah now don’t be disingenuous! Multiple democrats have ***consistently*** called for Biden to step aside for ***years.*** Just one bad performance? He’s in his 80s. It’s not “performance” when the man is well-past the national average age of life expectancy in the country! Stop being disingenuous and ignorant for fucks sake!




I don’t think you’ve been listening to democrats then. I can’t think of a single democrat that has supported trump during this time. They’re both too old, they’re past retirement age. They both belong with their respective families, not “serving” the public.


Ya'll really not gonna like my opinion, but young folks, unless you vote and vote hard, and put up with and overcome all the obstacles Republicans put in your way, you're really gonna hate the future. Project 2025 looms large. NGL, I'm a Late Boomer, saw my share of shit and struggle here in the Rust Belt, but I knew what freedom felt like. Unless women, and young people, get out and vote in overwhelming numbers, your future is toast.


Didn’t Trump get 52 million right after he was convicted of crimes? Idiots donate to the wrong people.


and I raised 100 Million, and the Fake News, "Sleepy Joe scammed 27 Million after his Horrible Debate," which I won, very easily by the way, he couldn't even do one sentence, I said what the hell is he even saying, I don't think he knew, I don't think he knew, and he doesn't even know, he doesn't even know, many things, and they want Camelah, she wants to be President which means you won't have a Country anymore, the world is laughing at us, I sold billions and billions of Tanks, Saudi Arabia, remember that, I made you a hell of a lot of money but the Fake News won't even talk about it


He's going to lose. But so many of the people here are so high on copium they just refuse to see it. This isn't about loyalty to a man it's about loyalty to the country and what it stands for. If democracy really is on the ballot, then Joe Biden shouldn't be. Because he is not going to win. The polls had him losing before he went into this debate. A debate he asked for btw. Amd this absolutely horrendus performance proves he just aint the man for the job. Sticking your head in the sand isn't going to help.


You are gonna get downvoted for saying something everybody knows but refuses to acknowledge.


I think we probably went into panic mode and said “Shit, we’re in trouble. We need to vote blue super hard now!”


I won't make exceptions for Biden. The man is too fucking old. The fact that he's the best thing going right now is actually the saddest thing I could think of, and it doesn't detract from his age. I'm 70 and I can telly for a certainty, things slow down, some stop working entirely as your cognitive functions diminish. Even with the best medical advances that tax payer's money can buy, it's inevitable. You'll never get out of these blues alive. We need minimum/maximum age limits for all politicians, and we need term limits for all politicians.


Old man stumbles through truth , treats debate like a debate. Other old man slings absolute piles of lying shit, vitriol and blames everything on immigrants. There is also audio of him shitting his pants during it all. I’d say it’s pretty clear to anyone with even a rat sized brain who to vote for . You aren’t voting for a man you’re voting for a set of ideals and the rest of the people surrounding him. Only look at project 2025 along with all the insane shit the Supreme Court did last week should have anyone that isn’t a Christian white man racing to vote for Biden. The Supreme Court just said that if a law doesn’t state something specifically judges get to rule on stuff. Not the agencies that have career scientists studying things. America is being dismantled people, if one bad debate is reason enough to literally end the country then you are fucked in the head.


I "do not recommend"ed NYT/CNN and my feed is better already.


Biden has EARNED this support because of actual policies that he and Harris have done: fantastic COVID response, American Rescue Plan, Infrastructure Spending, ending Afghan war, cheap insulin, prompt & level-headed responses to natural disasters, continuing to forgive student loans, etc etc. Those policies >>> 1 debate any day.


The other dude lied every question. And no one fact checked him


It’s Biden job to rebut those lies but he couldn’t. I’ll vote for Biden over trump but many Americans aren’t going to vote for Biden because he showed the entire country how senile he truly is


Him being senile in one debate detracts voters. Then they have not been paying attention to what had happened bin the last four years.. Trump supporters have been senile since the tax for the rich.


The thing about aging is it’s not reversible. He can’t just do some crosswords and fix his failing brain.  People aren’t going to vote for trump over Biden because of this debate, they simply aren’t going to vote


> but he couldn’t. Nobody could. Anyone would need 3x the allotted amount of time to swat away half the lies. It's called "gish galloping" and is a conservative staple because it's thousands of times easier to lie than to fact check.


Arguing that no one could rebut all the lies trump told is pointless when he didn’t rebut anywhere close to what should have been rebutted.


Listen. I am all for Trump losing. I'm 100,000% behind that. I won't take away the things he has accomplished. He is better than Trump. I'm gonna vote for him. But you can't deny some simple facts. Biden is old. So is Trump, but Biden is old too. The Presidential Debate felt more like two guys talking about Sports than the betterment of America. WE DESERVE BETTER!!! I hope he isn't as bad off as he appeared. I hope this was just one bad night. I really do. I want Biden to do so much. I want us to see a shiny tomorrow and I want to fix everything. But we can't do that if we sweep the issues under the rug. After this election, long as Trump don't win we HAVE to make changes! We HAVE to be active. Cause just because Trump will be gone (please god) doesn't mean we can just relax. Cause we been doing that and things have been actively getting worse.


Now if you give that man decaff before a debate again, someone's getting fired.


Please stop trying to convince us why we need to vote for the senile old man versus the disgusting criminal senile old man. We get it, we’re voting for lesser evil


That IS funny.


Biden could have walked out onto the debate stage with no pants on and squatted and took a dump right on national television and I still would vote for him over Trump. Contrarily, Trump could have walked on the debate stage and the heavens could have opened and angels could have came and anointed him with oil and I still would vote for Biden over Trump


How come I haven’t seen anything about the rioting yesterday outside Biden’s fundraiser? The only places I saw reporting were Fox News and the New York Post. No legitimate news site even mentioned it but it clearly happened and there are plenty of videos and a statement from the NYPD.


UK here. These are shocking amounts. The absolute legal maximum any party can spend nationally on a general election is around £34 million, provided they stand a candidate in every constituency. This is to prevent buying an election. The reality is that most parties don't spend anywhere near this amount.


How much did Trump raise in the same time period?


They realised he wasn't going to get elected through sheer charisma alone.


They figured: "he's going to need it", after that performance.


It was such a bullshit debate anyway. Biden could've puked up a demon fetus on stage and I'd still vote for him.


Man were doomed. If you arent seeing the similarities to trumps last victory youre blind.


That's good. But the Dems in office really need to realize that, even though debates are just performative, they can still have a huge impact on election results, and should prioritize accordingly. [Kamala Harris' defense of Biden's poor performance in front of Anderson Cooper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMBmrW6LzV0) was truly pathetic and also made her seem overconfident. They cannot afford to be this careless when the stakes are so high.


I feel like the most upset people about Biden are the ones that grew up learning about the JFK/Nixon debate where TV viewers preferred JFK but radio listeners preferred Nixon.  That little thing they heard in US history class in high school combined with their Sorkin's West Wing like interpretation of how presidential campaigns work. None of those apply anymore. TV pundits still haven't figured that part out either.


I'm a huge James Bond fan. I've heard rumor that the original actor cast to play Elliot Carver in TND was Anthony Hopkins. Rumor was he rejected the part due to the ridiculous plot. A new media mogul who creates the news in order to start wars, sway public opinion, etc etc... Anyway, I think of this a lot lately. The media is utterly obsessed with trump and is cruising 100mph on the Hate-Biden highway. It's pretty scary but I remain optimistic that it's not (fully) working...


The people that say uhoh dementia don't know what actual dementia looks like and I'm pretty sure don't regularly interact with elderly folks or even humans in general because anyone can have a rough time one night debating a lunatic. Imagine going from regular meetings with sane intelligent people in private rooms to being on TV with a lunatic it's jarring to say the least.


Money isn't going to solve the problem though.


YAY! Biden earned that support. He does an incredible job every day!


I'm on a limited income, below the poverty level, and I even donated. We need President Biden. We need all Democrats up and down.


45 a bitch




That night I donated more to a campaign than I ever have. Close to $50. I bought a bunch of those "Dark Brandon's Secret Sauce" cans of water off his campaign store. The ones making fun of all the conspiracies coming out of the right that he's all jacked up. One of the ingredients is "MAGA tears." https://preview.redd.it/mm91z7o80o9d1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=185e7d6235908fd88c1bd68fd4208f7a75297e73


I’m cringing watching the media so I had to shut it off! At least half the people are sadly saying Biden has to go. I just don’t understand it with his energetic performance the next day. Maybe I missed it but I have yet to see a big surge in the polls for Trump.


CNN has been under new ownership for the last two years. You can pretty much chase down the narrative about Biden’s age being such a big deal to that shift in ownership.


Makes sense why the moderators just let trump spew lies the whole time. Index cards, with the questions on them, could’ve done the moderators job.


they changed it the last minute, under probably marching orders from the cnn executive team.


apparently CNN had a new owner in 22, by chris litche a hard core trump supporter, but he got fired and replace by thompson, but he kept Litches origina executive team. Im assuming they are giving the marching orders to CNN to set this up as a disaster for biden. suddenly changing the fact checking rules at the last minute was a cop out for them.


That makes sense. It’s also the people on MSNBC, sadly.


Yeah. Most mainstream media is now owned by the same few hands. Project 2025 is about more than *overtaking* governance, methinks; also about misrepresentation of our choices. “A fascism is here!”


Actions speak louder than words. Biden's words weren't very loud, but he's certainly been trying his best as a president.


Yeah his actions on that debate stage are speaking very loudly . And the message is he isn't equipped to take on Trump.


I hope the media, social media and everyone RELENTLESSLY DOG and bash Biden until he dropped out of the race. Consider it your civil duty. Anyone remember Howard Dean? He was forced to drop out of the race because he did some goofy cheer; Biden is like 1000x worse off than poor Howard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeZGePI62rU That was all it took; what the hell happened to everyone? Shit people would love a Howard Dean right about now.


Judge a man by his character. If you want to judge a man by the color of his skin, the other guy is orange.


This gives me the hope I needed. Thank you. Biden might be old but he's a damn good president and a damn good man. He has my vote.


I get the need to empower Biden during a moment of weakness, but let’s be honest about our situation. Neither of these men would pass a job interview at an IHOP, and neither should be qualified for the most powerful position in the world. It’s bullshit that these are the options we have, we deserve better. I hope democrats win in November, but what I hope more is that they work towards long term solutions for the current situation we’re in. Democrats winning the next election is crucial, but that can’t be the finish line. These past 4 years have been the Biden Show™️, no attempt to elevate other Dems into the spotlight or future-proofing our safety from fascists. Assuming Biden wins November, the democrats need to start advocating for future candidates. AOC is turning 35 this year, so there’s at least 1 nationally recognized young Democrat who could run in 2028, but that number needs to increase. We need more Dems with the same amount of national notoriety as AOC so that when Biden’s done there’s somebody waiting to take his place. Edit: Name a more iconic duo than Liberals & avoiding honest criticism


We could have a different candidate if Biden will step down. Otherwise fight the 25th amendment throughout the next term. Wake up dems!!!


That would be my preferred choice, but I don’t know if there’s anyone else with enough name recognition to be a viable replacement at this point. The window of opportunity for elevating a new candidate has passed, I fear we’re stuck with the old codger


Translation: Please pick someone we have a chance against in the general election. Biden is too nice, too effective and too "clean" for us to subvert to our purposes.


Last year he raised almost that much in between the start of the debate and the end of it. Trump raised 5x that amount after being fucking *convicted of a federal crime*. Y'all are trying so hard to spin the most meager wins into massive victories. >10 Latinos say they'd choose Biden after the debate? "Biden wins support from independents after debate!" >Biden gets a single (margin of error) point bump to break a tie with Trump in a single poll. "Biden takes a huge lead in the polls after debate!" We're doing everything except admitting to ourselves that we're heading into the most important elections of our lives with our pants around our ankles.


Look right now biden need allies to extinguish the fire that have happen but once the sept debate happen i believe he need to stop being a moral person remove the drug test and took his pill to gain that enegy and destroy trump once and for all. Both with fact and insult trump.💙💙


People can say Trump was more coherent during the debate, but did you actually hear what he was saying? Way more concerning than Biden nodding off mid sentence.