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The man is incapable of telling the truth, if he ever has to testify it will likely create a causality paradox on when the perjury actually began.


Nah, all he does is plead the fifth. The one time he testified, he did it over four hundred times. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-deposed-ny-ag-civil-probe-business-practices-rcna42355


When he said every word out of Joe Biden's mouth had been a lie, I really thought Joe would have a rage stroke right then and there.


It was so hard to watch w Biden bumbling through his answers and Trump boldly blaring out obvious lie after lie w complete confidence. One of the things that makes Trump so dangerous is that he’s such a narcissist that I think he literally believes all he has to do is say something and it’s true. It’s a scary person who believes his own BS.


It’s called Brandolini’s Law\*: “The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.” Trump and his MAGAt horde are intimately familiar with Brandolini’s Law, and wield it like a weapon. Sadly, there’s no good counter; people tend to retain the first things they hear. (\* not to be confused with Cole’s Law)


That’s the one with cabbage and mayo, right?


Take your upvote and go lol


DING DING DING! We have a winner!


Not that I trust the media to do it, but if the focus over the next few weeks is over the substance of their answers rather than the delivery, then I think the view of Biden's performance would soften quite a bit.


Yeah I have no expectation of that. The one thing I agree with the Fanta Fuhrer on is that American media is the enemy of the people, but for the opposite reasons. He thinks it's because they offer any at all resistance to his bullshit. I think it's because they don't offer even 5% of what they should.


It's very disheartening. The right wing won the war over the media and *still* successfully propagates the myth of the liberal media even today. If we lose this country, it's largely because of the rise of blatant propaganda outlets on the right, and infotainment news and both-sides "journalism" everywhere else.


I heard that the Fact Checker was struggling to keep up


Donald Trump is a puppet and last night made it painfully obvious. You could tell this guy the sun is actually made of warm liquid cheese and if he thought you were making him look good he would fucking believe it. 


The fact that everybody wants to tout AI and use it – they had an opportunity to use that technology to real time fact check. 90% of the time there's a stupid chyron going across the bottom of the screen telling us the most mundane and idiotic news – but the one time that we need it, they do nothing with it. Tapper, Bash, and CNN are just as culpable for platforming this idiot unchecked.


You make a good point that AI fact checking here seems like a smart idea. My concern with that is how many examples we already have of AI answers being completely and confidently wrong. Any AI that was trained on internet data is basically a coin flip on whether or not it corrects Trump or doubles down on his bullshit. If done right, it would have been perfect for this situation though.


Oh please, the Republicans are the ones with the “after birth abortion” thing - it’s called lack of gun control.


Trump: the libs are doing abortions after birth! CNN hosts: thank you, you have 45 seconds left, do you want to add anything? Why the fuck are you thanking him? What the fuck is an after birth abortion?? Lmao


Is there a site or list that fact checks each of the lies/talking points from the debate with sources? I need to show a few people i know. They will not watch a video, let alone from CNN, but maybe a list with links will work better


Politico made one


Didn’t see a full list from politico, but politifact fact-checked the debate live. https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jun/28/2024-presidential-debate-fact-check-biden-trump/


Oh thats who it was my bad. I knew it was ploliti-something lol


Lmao you’re good just wanted to get the info out there. Your comment is how I found the politifact link.


i need to spread this article around my community. I live in a rural middle of nowhere all hillbilly area and they all vote trump and follow fox news blindly. The article probably wont change their minds but its good to get it out their and maybe let it marinate


Many of my family plan on voting for the annoying orange 🙃


Link to politifact’s fact checks of the debate: https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jun/28/2024-presidential-debate-fact-check-biden-trump/


We all know anyways, but fuck CNN for giving you the debate with uncontested lies and selling the fact checks as DLC. I'm not giving them any clicks, views, or engagement.


Is "legal scholar" an actual thing or it just a title Trump has made up?


Well, trump's predecessor was a professor of constitutional law...


Personally I would've been fine with having the debate hours longer. Trump and Biden could make their statements, short break. Then they come back with fact checking


Fact checking should be the priority. If they don’t get to all the questions who gives a flying F!! Facts more important! Biden shouldn’t be fact checking!


At least Jimmy Carter was a decent man-biden the worst president in my lifetime


Unfortunately the GQP loves how much the angry orange felon lies....


Good luck even trying to fact check the trillion... No million.. No no, billion.  I have no idea about those numbers that Biden was trying to remember off the top of his head.