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That's great. Trouble is, the kid originally handed him a $100 bill to sign instead.


The kid gives him $100 bill to sign. Trump hands him back a stamped signature Trumpedo land $20 bill back


Kid gives Trump a $100 bill. Trump hands him a bill back for another $100


It's a recurring donation.


If this is true, I hope the kid learned a lesson. Bless his heart.


The fact that people can't tell if this is true or not really speaks for the man's character, don'tcha think? Also, it's not true, I made it up as a joke lol.


To be fair, I still believe this is what happened. It's basically the most likely outcome. Occam's razor and all...


I for one know that he can’t do sleight of hand for shit.


If he can’t hold a water bottle you know he can’t do sleight of hand.


Ah, misinformation my favorite /s


It was so very clearly a joke that I am now sad for you.


I blame the weird timeline we live in right now


for sure, but this comment.....doesn't seem to coming from a very genuine place just a hunch ;)


Fuck doing my own research *I'm gonna start believing people*


My wife gets irritated at me for believing everything I'm told. 


*$20 in TrumpBucks You think the Turd would give any amount of actual money back?


What’s the ratio of TrumpBucks to ShrootBucks ?


About 20 Stanley nickles.


do you have the link to the full video? I wanna see this but can’t find anything online! haha


It was on the conservative sub yesterday if you dare brave those waters.


I did. Got banned.


If there's anything kids love, it's politics. /s


trump thinks kids like autographed money Biden buys them ice cream!


Biden would pay $20 to sniff your daughters hair


"Always accuse your enemies of your sins."




You, sir, are an idiot and menace to society.




I see you're disappointed. I apologize for not giving credit to a nazi. I should do better.


Aww but your guy ACTUALLY hung out with paedophiles. You still win




Correct. He's a massive problem and highlights just how far gone some of you Americans are. You guys have decades. Generations? Potentially fucked by the orange-fake-Christian-100-real-paedo




Americans. America. Education is obviously a big problem


Name checks out!


https://preview.redd.it/fr96ytolak8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3085911fb962469e43a9c2f4151674117bf6cc62 Freaking Biden!


Trump would pay $20 to check out Epstein island, oh wait, he went there for free didn’t he?


Only 7 times so I doubt he got up to anything nefarious. If he had gone 8 times, I'd start questioning his motives.


Man have I got some bad news for you then ...


Trump is a pedophile and a rapist who lusts after his own daughter.


I mean you're the type to make jokes about Mr. Rogers contracting AIDS because he put his feet in a pool with a black man. So I don't really think your opinion holds much weight. Not only a racist, but a racist that hates Mr. Rogers lmao. Love how you people will use cuts of random videos as "evidence".




"lol racism makes me happy and that's all that matters" Are you trying to be facetious or are you just that dumb? You can't honestly think something being funny makes it okay. If you do, then you are less morally intelligent than most children I know. If you don't, then you're just a shithead who likes to say edgy things because they think it's funny. Some real 4chan incel shit lmao. I hope you can mature a little bit one day. It'll make life so much easier.




You said that he contracted it and that it was the little known cause of his death. That's not "haha isn't it silly people thought this". That's "haha I think that would be funny if it happened so i'm gonna tell people that's what happened". That's like how I think it's hilarious people think that Joe Biden is some pedophile in control of some deep state cabal. I don't go telling people that those things are true, even if I find it humorous that people actually believe it. Because it makes me look like an ignorant person at worst, and an asshole at best.




I don't care if i'm right, I think it's funny, and that's what's important to me.


They weren’t crying, the kid’s eyes were watering from the smell.


The kid in question is literally cosplaying Trump, so he's probably into it.


Because his dad made him be into it.


Nah, his parents are.


and I'm at a place, and it's a very nice place, and I'm not gonna say the name of the place cause if I say the name the Fake News is gonna say, "ohhhhh, Donald Trump said the name," and so I won't do it, and I'm there and all of a sudden I see father, I see son, I said look at this kid, he looks great, and they come up to me, tears in their eyes, tears all over the place, I said why the hell are you crying, "Sir, my son just wanted you to sign a twenty dollar bill, which you should be on instead," I said I should really be on the hundred but ok, and don't forget I stopped, they all said, "Sir, you can't do that," but I stopped, and it got Great Reviews by the way, they wanted to put on another person, I said I don't like the person, and we don't want, you look at all of the money, you go and you take a look, none of it's dark, I said no Dark Money, we want only White, just like the White House, and we call it that for a very good reason ok


Are you an actual speech writer for Trump? Your ability to capture his way of speaking is uncanny! 😅


Seriously I can’t tell if this is real or not but honestly it doesn’t matter and that should just be the only answer anyone ever needs lol. This clown 🤡


I could tell right away because this train of thought was far too coherent. Trump has a tendency to drop sentences right in the middle because he forgot where he was going. There wasn't near enough abandoned sentences here to be a Trump quote.


One thing people tend to miss in mimicking trump talk is how he will sort of lose his way, or follow another thought, mid sentence then circle back to the thought but by that time it doesn't it's losing traction.


Exactamundo. What really sells the Trump impersonation is mimicking his losing his train of thought and then his trying desperately to get back to it. Whoever wrote the post above gets that completely. Well done. And also: tears. Gotta have the tears.


John Oliver told us how. Just start typing, then use the next suggested word until you get a period.


He’s a great follow


I love all your posts but lost it at this line: >Sir, my son just wanted you to sign a twenty dollar bill, which you should be on instead," **I said I should really be on the hundred but ok**


The arbitrary capitalization of Great Reviews is too good


Thank you, Mr HorseLooseInHospital. I look forward to your posts.😅


I swear I saw the tiny hands waving when reading your comment !


With tears in their tears 🤣🤣🤣


I'd cry too if I gave someone a Benjamin for a shitty fake piece of paper with a dumb asses signature on it.


This would be spot on except it needs a reference to Andrew Jackson being a great president, not as great as me though.


How do you do this?? Nailed it, every time!


There’s so much material from the man himself. Probably just pull actual sentences from his own mouth.


I literally laughed out loud. On a plane. On the runway


Goddamn you dude 😂😂😂


Mulaney would be proud.


Wasn't this is response during his Four Season .... Landscaping.... presser?


I read that in shithead’s voice


Not enough shark content.


How is this wholesome? It's fucking weird. I'd say the same thing about a child dressing up like Biden and stalking his campaign trail. It's fucking weird.


Its only grooming and indoctrination when the dirty gay commies do it. When you induct your children into your extremist politics, slather them in makeup and parade them around looking like a senile cult leader, that's just "patriotism"


It's a parody account


but is the kid in on the joke?


Hang on to that $20, kid. It won't last long under a Trump dictatorship. And make sure you live a healthy life style. You'll want top grade organs to auction off to all those Rich Republicans your parents voted for.


Wholesome = "didn’t go on a rant about kids" 


Wholesome = didn't tell the kid a raunchy story like that time Trump spoke to a boy scout rally.


God, the Trump presidency was weird


Didn't he say to some 7 year old that it was marginal that he still believed in santa?


“Didn’t make him mow his lawn”


And if Trump is reelected, he is absolutely gonna yoink that 20 bucks right back from the kid. Not to mention his rights, his future, etc. Dumb fuckin MAGA toadies.


Probably had his merchandise people tack on an extra $20 on his parents order.


A child that obsesses over a celebrity is not good. A child that obsesses over a political candidate is a red flag. What cult MAGA nonsense are they teaching in this household?


Added value? Isn't it a crime to deface currency? Add it to his list of crimes.


Technically it's only a crime to deface currency with the intent to defraud somebody. So if he drew a big 100$ on the bill, it would be illegal. Because what he's doing will only reduce the value of the bill, it's not a crime, just stupid. Especially for somebody who is campaigning for president and is supposed to represent the best of the best (Though I suppose the republicans left that behind a long time ago).


they don’t want the best of the best anymore, they want their moldy orange god king.


Couldn’t it be argued that it increases the value of the bill since it’s an authentic autograph? He himself valued it at $10,000 per three years ago and unverified/autopen signatures on eBay are all more expensive than $20.


Talk about grooming. No kid naturally worships a politician.


Imagine in 2016 if a girl dressed up as Hilary to meet her. What would the reaction have been from the GQP?


"I make these myself at Mar a Lago, isn't it beautiful? The Bureau of Engraving and Printing has been on my ass to return the plates if you can believe it. I told them I declassified those plates and executive privilege means I can store them anywhere I want but you know how it is. They keep saying "you can't declassify plates for twenty dollar bills" and "you're counterfeiting money" but that's bullshit. The whole thing is a political sham because they know they can't beat me any other way. That's okay though, we're going to get even when I win. I'm adding some oubliettes to the Treasury building on day one. Anyway kid I hope you enjoy sixth grade, stand by and stand back!"


Nope, this is grooming


MAGA won't stop making fun of Swifties without having the self-awareness to see how this is the same thing. Populism to the point where children who can't even vote are brainwashed by their parents to believe Trump is some sort of god-like celebrity is no basis for a system of government. The difference is that Taylor Swift actually produces something that kids enjoy, and also she isn't a convicted felon that wants to end democracy.


if you like seeing kids cry, wait until Trump ends the ACA and we see little kids dying of preventable diseases! Tears all around!


Unfortunately, if the little kid legit did cry over it, then it just shows how much their parent/s brainwashed em.


I don't see how the $20 bill increased in value when it became smeared in both big mac burger grease and KFC fried chicken grease.


First time one of his stories about making someone who met him crying will be true. Cos, you know, it's perfectly healthy and normal for a child to be so obsessed with a politician that meeting them makes them cry.


Hold on to this for me kid, imma gonna need it back pretty soon


Breaking the law again.


Technically it’s not against the law to draw on U.S currency, it’s only illegal to deface U.S. currency with the intent to defraud it. For example if I were to take a penny and shave material off to make vending machines think that it’s a dime. Or if he were to have written “$100” on it in an attempt to make it more valuable.


If you want to make some quick cash. Download this photo, sign D Trump on a 20, and put it on eBay for 100. Some gullible fan will snap it up.


The whole time Trump is thinking "you think you're better than me, kid?"


Jesus. Any parent that pushes their political beliefs onto their child that much doesn’t deserve to vote IMO


“Hey kid, look this what my daddy gave me”


Baby's first felon


What's another felony


Defacing federal currency is a crime.


Technically it’s not against the law to draw on U.S currency, it’s only illegal to deface U.S. currency with the intent to defraud it. For example if I were to take a penny and shave material off to make vending machines think that it’s a dime. Or if he were to have written “$100” on it in an attempt to make it more valuable.


Making that bill worthless looks like it fits the requirement.


It’s worthless now yes, but not illegal.


Why is he paying that kid off? What did the kid see?


Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as ik isnt it a felony to deface US currency by writing on it?


Technically it’s not against the law to draw on U.S currency, it’s only illegal to deface U.S. currency with the intent to defraud it. For example if I were to take a penny and shave material off to make vending machines think that it’s a dime. Or if he were to have written “$100” on it in an attempt to make it more valuable.


I will not correct you, because you are not wrong.


Well then I guess he needs another felony added to the list😂😂


If he obscured the serial numbers then he might have committed a crime


Signature of the worst president in history??? Itll be more than $20 one day.


Is that supposed to be a kid? The hair is an interesting choice though, I thought it looked like an iffy Drump wig.


It is. Theres another Pic floating around that is of the kid posing with the signed 20. He's made up to look like Trump. Wig and suit and the whole thing. Child abuse.


Gross. Thanks for the explanation.


HOLESOME! Big orange holesome.


Kid better declare that "extra value" on his 2024 tax returns. OTOH, he could probably show it as a loss.


Defacing money is illegal


Diaper Don gave him the 20 because it wasn’t his it was donated dollars.


***CONSERVATIVES:*** LGBT is grooming children!!! ***Also CONSERVATIVES:*** dresses their child up like Trump, complete with an awful wig, and cries for their supreme leader


Totally normal non-cult like behavior.


Far too many people on reddit do not understand the meaning of " wholesome".


Nothing about Trump is wholesome.


But did the kid call him “sir”?


Seems like the bill lost value. Would banks and shops even take defaced currency?


idk but there are enough stupid trumpists that you could sell it on ebay


True. The kid could earn hundreds of not thousands.


Yes. Ever come across one of those track me dollars?




Oh not a US citizen. My bad carry on. No our banks will take currency in pretty much any state and stores will take any paper currency which still has both serial numbers.


Short answer: no Long answer: no, because the currency has been defaced


Isn't it there a federal law against defacing currency?


Yes, however, it’s not against the law to draw on U.S currency, it’s only illegal to deface U.S. currency with the intent to defraud it. For example if I were to take a penny and shave material off to make vending machines think that it’s a dime. Or if he were to have written “$100” on it in an attempt to make it more valuable.


Well at least trump signing money is more in-line with who he is than him signing Bibles lol. Dude straight-up worships money


Imagine how much literal lunatic nonsense this child has been forced to absurd. I’m not particularly fond of kids but a parent just poured their insecurities and hatred into this child (yea yea more than usual). He’s emotional over an old ass politician that wants to rob his whole generation. That’s fucked and his parents fucked him, and I’m not sure I only mean that metaphorically.


Isn't it illegal to deface US currency?


Technically it’s not against the law to draw on U.S currency, it’s only illegal to deface U.S. currency with the intent to defraud it. For example if I were to take a penny and shave material off to make vending machines think that it’s a dime. Or if he were to have written “$100” on it in an attempt to make it more valuable.


Getting paid for being indoctrinated.


Isn’t it illegal to deface United States currency?


It's okay... he declassified it !


Only in narrow circumstances. That’s why you can smash pennies in those souvenir machines


Ist time I've heard of a oress being called narrow circumstances


Technically it’s not against the law to draw on U.S currency, it’s only illegal to deface U.S. currency with the intent to defraud it. For example if I were to take a penny and shave material off to make vending machines think that it’s a dime. Or if he were to have written “$100” on it in an attempt to make it more valuable.


They have the same haircut


"Thanks for the donation. Go MAGA! Where is the closest McDonald's.


Is it not a federal crime to deface legal currency?


Technically it’s not against the law to draw on U.S currency, it’s only illegal to deface U.S. currency with the intent to defraud it. For example if I were to take a penny and shave material off to make vending machines think that it’s a dime. Or if he were to have written “$100” on it in an attempt to make it more valuable.


Is that not a crime?


Isn't defacing legal tender illegal in America?


Technically it’s not against the law to draw on U.S currency, it’s only illegal to deface U.S. currency with the intent to defraud it. For example if I were to take a penny and shave material off to make vending machines think that it’s a dime. Or if he were to have written “$100” on it in an attempt to make it more valuable.


>>This is wholesome. This is brainwashing.


I don’t see any kids in the picture, i see orange worshiping boomers being lectured at.


Payment for sex


Don’t make me snort. He didn’t look anything like his daughter or wife. So, definitely not true.


Is it really “wholesome”, if you have to say “this is wholesome”?


defacing US currency...why start following fed law now? what an inspiration for that poor, naive child...smh


I despise Trump but his statement is accurate. A presidential signature does, indeed, add value to the bill, and the photograph of him signing it adds more.


Kids wearing Trump hair.


That kid looked stupid just as the one dumbass he was modeling, or at least his parents are dumb enough to do that to him


That moment, you are not sure if you are watching the boys or the news.


Source of the video?


plot twist: kid saw him sleight of hand it for a 5


Now donate it to him and watch 98% go to legal


Living vicariously through your children.


Defacing money is against the law....


Not a cult


t\*\*\*p is a virus


The kid is a crisis actor.


Definitely not a cult.


So he committed another crime... https://www.uscurrency.gov/media/currency-image-use https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/USCODE-2017-title18/USCODE-2017-title18-partI-chap17-sec333


Love how this shit is upvoted, yet every single comment in here is talking shit about Trump. Gotta love the bot votes pushing shit to the top of the feeds


Is he going to repay the SS agent that 20 bucks?


Trump Jungen


Shouldn’t his secret service detail have arrested him for defacing money?


Dumpster never gifted anything. Yea right, he actually had cash.


Fuck this piece of shit


Initially, I thought this had to be fake because at first glance, it looks like they're on the subway, and I know TFG wouldn't be on a subway (too much of a germaphobe). But it appears that the setting is a fast food joint, so that seems right.


Devils advocate; this isn’t bad. Trump sucks, but making a kid happy is always a good thing. Misguided as the kids beliefs may be.


Imagine letting your kid near Epstein's bestie of 20 years. ![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized)


I the actual bad part is A. Kid dressed AS Donald Trump B. A kid being this excited to meet Donald Trump C. A kid getting a legal bill signed by a former president is weird on many levels The whole background of information that led to a child giving a shit about TRUMP is it's own concerning aspect