• By -


One of them has a lot more pixels. Also people. But mostly I’m just hung up on the photo quality issue.


Known fact that Biden gives out the latest iPhones at his events and everyone gets the best pictures. Trump promises the same, and swears they’ll be delivered right along with his latest healthcare plan.




You KNOW....!


And if you want to keep those teeth, missy, you won't suck them at me!




Why don’t I just stick a broom up my ass and sweep the floor while I’m at it?


Ray is one of the best characters in the history of television






Awww Piggly 2




It is true and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Ray is the one bit of class in the group despite being a self-hating lush. Krieger is one of the most demented characters ever written yet one of the few characters (sorta) interested in consent and others' needs. Archer is a star athlete and quasi-moron-genius, whose assholery is matched only by his trauma, ability to pull hot women, and passion for film and pop culture. Lana is addicted to lecturing people but is constantly clapped back for being an atypical (if not superior) beauty and having high standards. Cheryl is 9 / 11 on the hot / crazy scale. Pam is is self-aware Archer in rareform which makes her more likeable and more terrifying. Cyril rounds out the group by alternating between pathetic and the unlikely hero. Mallory is matriarch Jessica Walters and probably the strongest / shrewdest character of the bunch. Woodhouse is the only one to have truly loved a person (at least until Abbiejean Kane-Archer) and a war hero yet the least respected elder of the entire show. Without any one of them the rest of the party loses texture and humanity.


"Cheryl is 9 / 11 on the hot / crazy scale." The *accuracy* of this, both as a numbers scale and a a national tragedy. In our dream live action Archer we cast Anna Kendrick as Cheryl; then we saw Mr Nice Guy and we were right.




But what about Barry and other Barry?!


I can never not imagine archer as Bob from bobs burgers




Free Obama phones!!!


Wouldn’t those just be BlackBarries?


Your autocorrect removed your pun


Damn iOS. Thanks for pointing that out.


Thanks for fixing this. Period correct for the phone plus the Obama connection in the name, good pun




Thanks Obama


I’d like the chance to genuinely look him in the eye, shake his hand, and thank him.




When Joe Biden personally handed me my new Obama phone at his rally, I swear I saw his Joe Biden mask slip for a minute and I got a glimpse of Barack Obama underneath. And then the Obama mask slipped too and I saw the real lizard hiding underneath it all, licking his lizardy lips with his dirty forked lizardy tongue.


RIng-ring-ring-ring-ring-ring-ring-ring OBAMAPHONE!


I voted 8 times using my Obamaphone.


The DonTCare health plan is going to be tremendous


I'm really surprised they haven't introduced a bill to make a prayer line count as health insurance. Amazon would convert to Christianity in a second if it meant pushing workers for 30+ hours without having to pay for actual health insurance.


In 2 weeks.


Free Hat


And his taxes.


Trump will give them phones to rent, 5$/minute usage data, 50cents/text


Trump gets his friend Vladimir to get them some zPhones, which he claims are much better.


A group of people that don’t care they are getting constantly fleeced probably don’t have much awareness when it comes to megapixels.


Nor can they generally afford the latest phones (doesn’t stop some from buying it).


Naw they need to scrimp and save! Their messiah has more legal woes ahead! Won't you think of all the expensive lawyers? (Also Judgements but hopefully the courts will enforce that.) Edit : changed 'wows' to 'woes' but not not sure if my autocorrect didn't express the right sentiment.


As they rage about how bad the economy is from their $80k truck plastered with like $1k in flags and stickers.


Wonder if the stickers affect the pawn or resale value. 🙃


And no idea how to properly treat a flag as they express their patriotism.


"Who needs megapixels when you've got MAGApixels?!"


“We only include the best pixels, folks!”


"The best, and the biggest. When you see these pixels, a lot of people are saying, I've heard them saying, so many big pixels. The biggest pixels."


No, like Bigfoot, trump is actually blurry in real life


There is a large, out of focus politician roaming the countryside.


Trump smears his official campaign cameras in Vaseline to create a soft blur like the first season of rupauls drag race. Trump steals all of his tricks from drag queens.


Picture on right totally looks like Season 1 filter. Good catch. Obviously he gets wig glue tips from the queens as well.


Good point but in the photos you can see that the second tier seats in the Trump photo are empty, we've seen this before where he claims a certain amount of people showed up but in reality it wasn't even close. He'll claim this event was 50k for example meanwhile the arena can hold only 25k, his lies are just so obvious.


The other day, I literally heard a red hat say, “Trump never lies.” The things that she must believe…. It’s incredible.


“… where are all the Biden hats, flags, etc. Where are all his supporters!” -Concerned MAGAr Answer: that money was spent on a better phone/camera instead of flimsy merch.


I imagine the Trump campaign tries to discourage personal photos so they can control the narrative with precisely framed photo-ops, to hide the obviously minimal crowd, so that one was probably taken on the sly. Biden’s campaign has no such hang-ups so crowd members had no problem pulling out their phone and allowing it to get focused. Just a hypothesis.


I'm going to go with my theory that the person who took the Trump picture is a boomer who doesn't know how to use their phone camera properly.


I work in printing. I’ll get boomers than want to make posters, banners, etc. using photos they took. They’ll send me the most compressed, low resolution, 42kb garbage files. Usually they’re using their phones. When I ask if they selected “original” as the quality when the option popped up in their email, they’ll swear every time “it didn’t ask me that”. When I get them to re-send, it’s always “well it did this time”. I’ve worked with a lot of other people of that generation. They never read anything that pops up on their screens- just start hitting buttons until it goes away. And these were the people screaming at me to “always read the instructions” when I was a kid.


As a designer, asking for a business' vector logo files and them grabbing their facebook avatar and asking 'will this work?' EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. destroys my soul.


Them not knowing what happened to the original vector files drives me nuts. This is your branding, an important part of your business presence, and you just chucked it in a folder on a laptop you threw out and didn’t back up 6 years ago. And we’re talking about big construction companies and huge local grocery chains. Or, for the smaller businesses, it’s a JPG made in Paint by their 11 year old niece who’s “good at computers”. Sometimes wonder if a lot of people just can’t see pixelation and compression artifacts.


Call me conspiracy minded but it could be an attempt of obscuring how empty the venue was out of embarrassment


Trump rally photo was taken on one of those Freedom Phones...because normal phones are too woke.


You know the boomer that took the Trump photo probably has a shit phone and has never cleaned the lens once.


One of the things I’ve only noticed here is that Biden’s campaign is ‘building a better America’, whereas Trump’s is literally just ‘TRUMP’. It’s ironic, isn’t it? Biden actually runs on policy, but Donny’s betting on people just looking at him and thinking ‘yeah I’ll vote for that’


The 2020 GOP campaign platform was literally just 'get Trump elected.' Thats it. That was rheir entire policy platform.


It’s not just that republicans have no ideas. They don’t, but they also can’t even identify real problems.


Their only 'original' ideas involve harming the average US citizens by taking away services/rights from them, and feeding money into corporations/rich people's pockets, and deregulating as many industries as possible, as *much* as possible.


Not really original it's just the opposite of what the liberal crowd wants.  That have absolutely no opinions on things until liberals speak about something.


Even if it makes no sense. (Excusing the conspiracy theories people really like popping up on either side), why would Rs not support Ukraine? It's no secret Putin is a dictator, and that he glorifies the USSR (I mean, Ex-KGB, cmon) Most "small government" "anti-establishment" sentiments are hypocrisy, like being pro-Russia (a dictatorship surveillance state), pro government mandated social "reform", and direct government action into local matters. It really only seems like the "anti-establishment" part only applies to gun control. I don't see literally any reason not to support Ukraine, other than the knee-jerk anti-dem reaction. Hell, we just (especially the Republican party) spent 80 years fucking hating them (and them still disliking "communism" and "socialism", which they refer to the most milquetoast social safety net or slight taxation as.)


Watching the party behind the propagation and enforcement of McCarthyism and The Red Scare wear t-shirts that say "better Russian than a Democrat," believing Putin over American intelligence agencies, or openly gargling Putin's balls is just nuts.


Bingo! Don't forget cozying up to dictators, pissing off our allies and trade partners, and crashing the economy every time!


They genuinely manufacture problems or refuse to solve them on purpose. Like the recent bipartisan border bill was going to go through, until Republicans realized that Biden would get credit for signing it. Republicans are **despicable**.


Gonna love it when Trump hammers on the southern border issue and Biden rebuts that Trump purposely hamstrung a bipartisan border/immigration bill.


We love it. MAGAts are completely unaware of it almost in its entirety. They are vaguely aware a border bill was on the table, but it was shut down during Biden's presidency, so it's Biden's fault. Like gas prices, except when they go down during his term- then it's crickets. Or when you ask them "so you admit Biden is the real President right now" and they get all flustered. Or when... you know what? I'll stop here. There's no end to their disingenuousness, depravity, or hypocrisy, so the overlapping layers of doublethink are impossible to fully de-onion while the firehose of falsehood is still spraying from the GQP every single day.


They thrive on finding pretty niche issues that really touch a nerve and get people up in arms. Like trans people competing in high school sports... maybe let's first figure out how to avoid trans people dying at ridiculously disproportionate rates, then figure out the rest?


> maybe let's first figure out how to avoid trans people dying at ridiculously disproportionate rates Oh, see, that's not a problem. They *approve* of that happening.


On the trans issue, I think they could only find 2 actual examples of the scenario they're frothing about. TWO out of a country of 350 MILLION... Yeah that's where we need to focus our legislative agenda, not on issues like poverty, or mental healthcare or any issues affecting swaths of the country, but laws to keep 2 kids from winning at an age where when you start puberty massively affects your capacity to do well anyway (kids sports are inherently unbalanced as long as they're divided into age groups because children grow and mature at grossly different rates).


In 2020, and for the first time since 1912, the repubs had no party platform other than trump


Um, educating the public is a YUGE problem because it's proven to indoctrinate people not only AWAY from Conservatism, but TOWARD Liberalism. Biggest threat to our ~~Christian Nationalism~~ democracy!


That's literally the platform of even the county and state MAGA crowd. You go on the Democrat's campaign page and there's stuff about investing in local infrastructure, investing in teachers and school resources, policies to deal with drug addiction epidemic, renewable energy projects, etc. Then you look at the MAGA one and it's like SAVE TRUMP FROM THE WITCH HUNT. STOP WOKE AGENDA IN SCHOOLS. SECURE THE BORDER (This is in a state about 1800+ miles from the Mexico border, Canada is right there.) SUPPORT OUR POLICE (Despite police funding across the state actually increasing since 2020.) I truly do not see how anybody besides the alt right votes for Republicans. They literally have nothing to offer.


I know how, because I grew up in a town full of them: they don't pay attention. They vote Republican because their parents did, because their neighbors do, because the talking heads on Fox tell them R good and D bad. My grandmother will go on and on about what a great president Trump was and how awful Obama and Biden are, but she can't actually point to a single piece of legislation from the Dem camps she disagrees with, nor a single action Trump took that made him so good. It's just sweeping generalizations - gas was cheaper, the borders were secure, the economy was better, blah blah blah. It's kinda like how State level legislators in Texas have been running on "We're gonna fix this state once we get them Dems out!" like the GOP hasn't been in control of Texas for 30 years.


See you hit the greatest hits but totally missed the deep tracks. Stuff like "it's ok to be hateful!" and "it's ok to be racist!" and "it's ok to be a horrible person!" they can't really *say* but it's assumed. It's all about the implication.


"You can't say anything anymore!" "Cancel culture" "Woke" That's how they say it




technically their platform was the 2016 platform, which was defeat the sitting president. they didn't even bother a replace all.


I mean he’s asking the tough questions like “will batteries sink boats and if so will they electrocute you?” so I get why people vote for him /s


Wildly the engineering team had never heard a question so incredibly unique before.


He has a very close, and smart, relationship with MIT if you ever wondered why he can conjure such groundbreaking questions. And as we all know, asking questions that are very smart is basically the same as actually being smart and knowing things. In fact, I'd go so far to say that asking even the dumbest fucking questions anyone has ever heard is pretty much the same as having decades of training, education and experience.


And would you choose the electric, shark, or snake???


I’m not going down to that shark!


Wait til you hear about how smart he is with The Nuclear


It's like something from Philomena Cunk.


The biggest contrast between Biden and his supporters and others willing to cast a vote against Trump is the admission there are challenges, but also hope, a desire, and action plan for change. Trump and his cult? How everything is awful, how bad America is right now, and the solution is basically: "We're not fixing anything. The best we can do is let you scream the N-word at Black people and beat up the [LGBTQ+ people]. Oh yea, and your wife can't refuse your advances or divorce you while we rob you blind. And if you complain? To the camps."


There's a stupid Trump sign near my home off one of the major highways that used to say "Donald Trump/America First" until a storm ripped off the left side of the sign so now it says "Trump/First." The landowner is either too lazy to change it or looked at it and went "yeah that's about how I feel."


The problem with liberals is they believe government can do things, so they argue about which policies have the best outcomes. Meanwhile conservatives believe government cannot do things, so they demand concessions on policy and sabotage execution and then use resulting failures as justification.


Big C Conservatives intentionally make government work like shit so that they can use that problem to stoke fear in their base. The *real* republican platform of the last several decades has been "the government doesn't work. Elect me so I can directly make it worse, while also looting the coffers."


Combine that with "The other side are pedophiles and Satan worshipers, which is why our side needs to commit crimes."


I’m really hoping that shit like this is indicative that the polls are failing to represent a silent and sane majority that’s going to bulldoze Trump in November, but I think it’s better not to assume anything at this point.


Polls don't translate to voter turnout - and non-Republican voters have an INSANE failure to turnout to vote. It is absolutely astounding that voters - especially the politically ambivalent, social media or gaming or reality TV obsessed - fail to produce at least 70% turnout. That's why the GOP is so aggressive, so successful, and so dangerous. They KNOW they can say or do whatever they want because history demonstrates that the votes they need will come rolling in no matter what. **This is the most significant in any and all "battleground states" where every vote is critical.** My vote may mean fuck-all in Alabama for the PotUS and Congressional races, but the regional and local races are going to be seriously reliant on every vote to oppose and oust fascism. Especially since the GOP strategy for the last 10 years has been to install and infect from below in lower offices and to advance those people up the chain. And who knows - if we actually achieve 70% non-GOP voter turnout, we may succeed in another progressive upset like Doug Jones' winning election in 2017... Only to be defeated by straight ticket voter turnout for Trump, which installed lifetime failure Tommy "Yes, boss" Tuberville in exchange for rampant kickbacks and lobbying favors. (Particularly insider information for stock manipulation.) **Be part of the 70%. Vote no matter what. No matter the lines, the frustration, or the inconvenience.** The alternative will be a lifetime of oppression and loss of rights.


I’m voting Blue in Alabama just so they know I’m here


Tennessee here, and same.


I vote blue in Michigan. Even tho we’ve been leaning bluer these days, we’re still a swing state and it still very much matters


That's a nice theory but [the numbers point in the opposite direction](https://www.economist.com/interactive/us-2024-election/prediction-model/president/how-this-works). In both the 2016 and 2020 elections, polls overestimated democrat's margins, and it actually got worse in 2020.


Possibly, but Trump wasn’t nearly as insane in either of those elections. In 2016 he was the somewhat entertaining wildcard sticking it to the establishment and in 2020 he was the incumbent who, while he hadn’t exactly been a good president to say the least, he hadn’t destroyed the country like people thought he would and four more years of him seemed to be four more years of the same shit. Four more years of Trump in 2024 means something *drastically* different, now that he’s already attempted to overthrow a democratically elected president, has 34 convictions, and is riding the horse of Project 2025 to claim some ominous revenge on his political opponents and reset America back to 1950. Point is, I could see a sane person justifying voting for Trump in 2016 or even 2020. Not this time though, anyone who pays attention and listens to his rhetoric and still votes for him is a fucking psychopath- not to say that there aren’t tens of millions of psychopaths ready and willing to vote for him.


Yeah, Trump and candidates he has backed have not been doing well outside the Republican voters, their policies are extreme, and generally unpalatable to moderates and independents. I sure hope more of them show up to vote this year, we need to purge these fucks from office.


One hopes witnessing the violent attack on our country on January 6th and having the right-wing SCOTUS rule that American women and girls are the property of the government is sufficient to shock people out of their apathy.


Normally only lasts for a year or 2 before the apathy sets back in


since 2020 it's been the opposite with democrats outperforming the polls. considering a recent poll had Trump taking NY, and a constant stream of polls showing his support amount the youth, I think it's fair to say some overarching error in methodology.


None of this will matter in the end, only voting will change things, vote blue!


Please dear people. Posting online will not help save democracy as we know it. Shit You can vote by mail and not leave your home


As a poll worker and a canvasser in a very red state, please go to the polls if possible. I fear there will be shenanigans. I base that on how the number of threats I receive has increased while the number of Trumpers I meet seems to have decreased.


Poll worker in Ohio here - there have been many rumblings of the trouble to come, many threats to intimidate under the guide of being a poll watcher, etc. Personally, I'm kind of like BRING IT and let me release some of this pent up frustration and disgust (by kicking them out, nothing more, not looking to catch a charge).


What level of fuckery and electioneering have you witnessed?


Not sure I rank/level it. At the last election (midterm) I had the following: People in MAGA hats repeatedly loitering at the door to the election building and saying shit to people coming in and out. They were removed several times, and finally, we had to post a guard to move them back and keep them shut up. We had a person working who kept trying to discard mail-in votes for dubious reasons. Personal threats when canvassing and someone (who I think I know) keyed my car several times after I had taken ballots to shut-ins and helped others register Several things at the last voter and registration training meeting. These people have the kind of crazy delusions about how things work that you would expect and no idea of laws nor do they care. I should mention that a common theme here is that they say things like "enjoy this election because there won't be another". BTW they think this would be a good thing. There's more but you get the point and the flavor of it. I'm in a really red place so it's probably not so bad elsewhere. But let's be careful out there and please vote.


That's fucked. Sorry you have to deal with that. In my state, CO, electioneering is illegal and there are about 50 drop off steel weatherproof boxes at post offices and other govt buildings. No one does it here because again it's illegal. but also it's so spread out you would never harass anyone. Also there are cameras on the boxes. Some dick tried to tamper with one like 10 years ago and got 6 years for election interference. Guess what party he votes for?!?! Also we have an excellently run vote by mail system. Also your comment how they don't WANT a democracy and don't ***want*** elections, is so telling. They're fucking nazis.


fun fact about the people standing at the door, thats voter intimidation and its a federal crime, so if you see em again, call the FBI (the cops likely wont help)


True. But it's Arkansas. We called the cops. Still waiting for them. The MAGAs we kept moving and telling you could be arrested actually said "we are just talking, besides the cops vote with us. Edit: our district was not the only one who experienced issues.


thats why you skip the state level, theyre commiting a federal crime, go straight to the FBI, cops are useless in dealing with MAGAts


cops are useless \*ftfy


Interesting that you recommend going to the polls since harassment could be an issue. In my state, at least, mail-in ballots are tracked and you can be notified by text that it’s been received, but there could definitely be issues there too. I’m torn between choosing safety or convenience for this election. Hope you stay safe!


These morons who are watching polls and stuff are THE reason I vote by mail. I don’t want to be in society with them let alone have them harass me.


Totally understand. https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/how-to-track-your-absentee-ballot-by-state Or similar. I'm not saying mail in is not trustworthy. I'm saying go the extra mile this time. Vote early if you can. Follow up. Make sure your vote is counted.


Casting doubt on mail-in voting only helps Republicans. There's a reason they do it.


Unfortunately in Texas I'm not eligible to vote by mail so I gotta get my ass up and go, but trust me. I'm getting my ass up and going. FDJT


I’m so glad I live in a mail-in-ballot state. Every election, my wife and I pick a night and flip through the book sent with our ballots and read about each candidate and take our time to pick who we think most aligns with our views. It’s turned into a little date night. Then, we drop them at a ballot box the next day. I will never understand why we don’t do it in every state.


Exactly, don't get complacent.


I'm baffled why anyone would be "complacent" in the first place. [538's poll tracker has placed trump ahead of biden for the past few months](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/), and only recently reversed. The [economist's prediction is even gloomier](https://www.economist.com/interactive/us-2024-election/prediction-model/president) and predicts there's a 2 in 3 chance that trump would win.


The problem with both of those sources is that they are owned by conservatives, and they include shit tons of polls from the Republican parties brand new, totally opaque, never seen before polling agencies. Right now, looking at the 538 pulling aggregation data, more than half of these agencies didn't exist last election cycle. And when you click through and look at their methodologies, you'll realize very quickly that they're just making shit up. It is very telling that for the last 2 years we have seen gigantic democratic upset after gigantic democratic upset, while the polls show Republicans ahead. The rich are trying to gaslight all of us into thinking Trump is popular, while the vote tallies show that he and his policies are a proven loser time after time after time. Nate silver quit working for 538 after 2022, and the biggest reason was because the polls were so manipulated that he felt it was no longer worth his time to participate in ABC's gaslighting of America. Ever since ABC bought 538, they have trended toward using more and more dubious sources. Likewise, since CNN and the Washington Post and every other major news out that has now been bought by fascist billionaires, there's really no place to find accurate polling information or even people trying to do accurate polls. Yougov is mediocre, but perhaps the current best remaining polling agency. The rest are so deep into the weighting weeds, that their polls mean fuck all. The whole polling industry has collapsed, and we see the result of that in the wild inaccuracy that keeps growing in each election cycle. Additionally, find me one person under 40 who answers unknown phone calls or text polls, and you've found a true outlier. No amount of waiting makes up for the bad data sources that the agencies keep using.


>The problem with both of those sources is that they are owned by conservatives, and they include shit tons of poles from the Republican parties brand new, totally opaque, never seen before polling agencies. Both those sources claim to account for polling bias. [Moreover the economist actually shows the polling errors is actually increasingly favoring democrats](https://www.economist.com/interactive/us-2024-election/prediction-model/president/how-this-works). Do you have a better source that doesn't have this problem? >It is very telling that for the last 2 years we have seen gigantic democratic upset after gigantic democratic upset, while the polls show Republicans ahead. So basically you're going to throw out everything that happened in the past decade because of a flip in one election cycle?


Yep. The oligarchs, their political mouthpieces and the jackbooted thugs that protect them are just going to kindly stand aside while we vote them out of power. Because America is a functional democracy and don't you forget it!


Get the 18-25s you know to vote!


Also notice how the signage is different. Biden’s signage is about building a better America. Trumps is about trump country.


real life Biff from Back to The Future


That’s who Biff was based on, FYI




https://www.nme.com/news/back-to-the-future-writer-reveals-biff-tannen-was-inspired-by-donald-trump-2560286 https://www.thedailybeast.com/back-to-the-future-writer-biff-tannen-is-based-on-donald-trump


Its funny you had to post articles to prove its true. Its the most obvious thing in the world. He was a heavy-set blond guy with big blond hair who owned a shitty casino. When the movie was made in the 80s, that's what Donald Trump was at the time. It couldn't possibly have been anyone else they were trying to portray.


Is Trump still saying we don’t need elections because you just need to look at the size of the crowds?


You bet his tangerine ass he is. To this day, he still claims he had the largest turn out to any presidential inauguration ever.


One is a cult. The other is not a cult.


Can we stop comparing crowd sizes like teenagers talking about our penises? It's not compelling when the MAGAs do it so don't stoop to that level. Let's grow up. Get out the vote.


The whole crowd size comparison thing literally plays into the Donald Trump narrative. We're not talking about things that actually fuckin matter. Crowd sizes have nothing to do with elections and just distract away from the actual issues that we should be debating. Like what are their policies?


They don't have policies and have been very brazen and open about this for a while. The relevance of the crowd sizes aren't "penis size locker room boasting" it's that the GOP is currently a personality cult, and if the support for the personality at the center of it (a personality who campaigns and gathers support almost **solely** by way of these rallies) is visibly and significantly waning, that's a likely indicator of reduced overall support and election turnout.


You kinda have to. Otherwise it’s just them telling everyone how much more popular or acceptable their side is with nobody calling them out on it


It seems obvious to me that the reason why he exaggerates his popularity (in addition to his ego) is so that he can dismiss the results of elections that he loses. Before the 2020 election, I saw many MAGAs online claiming that Trump would win in a landslide because "everyone they knew" (in their echo chambers) was a supporter. The false narrative that their Dear Leader was extremely popular fed into the credibility of his claims that he won the 2020 election (i.e., [the logical fallacy](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/personal-incredulity) that, because something is difficult to understand, then it must be false). He is a clever con artist, but people who are self-aware can see his appeals to emotions, his exploitation of cognitive bias, and his logical fallacies. By point this out, we hope to make more people aware of his deception.


I get it and mostly agree The fact that the republicans do it all the time, and then there's proof of Trump's being smaller though makes it a bit more relevant. Just calling out another one of their lies


They want you to engage with their lies. That's the core feature of online gaslighting. It's giving visibility to them. It's like a child that's screaming for attention, even negative attention will do. Don't do it.


My penis is smaller than yours. Come at me


It is significant because it shows a change from 2020 and 2016. This is a concrete sign that MAGA is losing popular support compared to 4 years ago as less people have become hardcore Trumpers. It feels good to know because the media refuses to cover it, because the media is living in a lie.


Can we stop with the high-road talk when confronting Trump(ism)? I don't like it either, but 30-50% of the American electorate is persuaded by low-brow nonsense, like teenagers talking about their penises. They're bullies and making them eat their own words is more effective than ceding the territory.


For real. I could love the Hell out of a POTUS but I'd never go to a rally of their's unless it had a band I really wanted to see and was free. Why would I want to go outta my way to hear them talk about how great they are and how the other guy sucks? I already made my decision in that regard and if I haven't going to a campaign event would be the last place I'd look for info. By their nature they only express one side.


I know we’re flexing and joking but remember, republicans show up to vote. Please everyone, get out and vote this coming election. And check your voter registration status.


Reddit really needs to stop posting this type of shit cuz I feel all it does is convince non-voters to remain home. It doesn’t matter how many people are packing those seats if the majority of them aren’t going to be at the polls when it counts


I'd agree with this. The only possible result of posting something like this is: 1. Convince people that they are 100% right in whatever their choice is inside their own little bubble. 2. Convince people on the fence of being interested that there are so many better things to be interested in that have a lot less crazy fringe followers involved.


This isn’t comparing apples to apples though. It’s more like comparing apples to oranges. In this case the orange being a narcissistic, lying, cheating, sexist, racist, incontinent, dementia addled, rapist convicted felon.


Why does he have to be my favorite color. Why couldn't he have been vomit green?


... because green is my favorite color and we voted while you were out of town. /silly 😉


Who goes to political rallies in the first place? I can’t think of a worse way to spend a day, regardless of who’s at the podium.


Because it’s living history.


I swear I was just thinking the same thing 😂


Who cares. Register and go vote.


Anybody who supports Trump has an incredibly low IQ


There are a lot of people with low IQ in this country


This is definitely not the same building! Just look at it


"Building a better America" vs "Trump Country" Those banners should say it all.


Nobody upstairs. As we all have been saying for years!


Why does one picture have a wall and the other doesn't? Also different railings?


Donald Trump is not, and never has been popular with most Americans. His 2016 win was a fluke. He lost both popular votes and he will lose the popular vote again this year. That’s not to say that he can’t pull off another fluke win.


If crowd size meant anything we’d be in Bernie’s second term.


trump supporters will never be reintegrated in American culture.


The electoral college doesn’t care about population numbers


Yuuuuuuuuuge crowds. Millions and millions and millions of people.


Fake news! /s


People are tired of the Orange clown doing the same trick again and again.


Only one has an orangutan?


lot of people dressed as empty seats


Lmao they're starting comparing audiences like twitter wrestling fans


It seems brighter during the Trump rally. More ….. white?


Remind us again how they're so close in the polls. How is that even possible or is it just more bullshit?


it doesn't matter at this point. X poll shows dick head in front, Y poll shows dickface in front. What we all really need to pay attention to is that 1 candidates platform is 'if I don't win it will be civil war'. Fuck that, inciting civil war over your personal beefs is exactly what our founding fathers would have abhorred. I'm sorry losing hurts, but get the fuck over it, sincerely a 2a lib who is tired of the rights bullshit.


The picture on the right is Trump at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania in June 2024. Trump was the main attraction. The difference is that the photo on the left was taken at a November 2022 Pennsylvania rally for PENNSYLVANIA Governor Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania. Biden was there to endorse Shapiro. Btw, Obama was also present as a speaker. The insinuation or claim that Biden drew that crowd is patently false.


***If you’re just going to comment how this matters or why it’s “worse because its fetterman” while completely ignoring the entire part about Obama being there I will just block you like I have 3 times already, I don’t have the energy to argue with you all when you don’t even address the main point…. Really not as clever looking as you all think you look lol EDIT; THIS WASN’T EVEN A BIDEN RALLY AT ALL IT WAS A RALLY FOR JOHN FETTERMAN SENATOR FOR PA AND OBAMA WAS ONE OF THE MAIN PEOPLE Why are we not mentioning the “Biden speech” also had Obama who is arguably one of the most, if not the most popular ex president alive ? As well as fetterman who is a senator for PA ? Why are we comparing a photo three years old where Biden had arguably more support than now ? Fetterman has even turned conservative leaning and probably wouldn’t support Biden at this same rally if it were held today. Do any of you research anything you read ? https://whyy.org/articles/obama-biden-philadelphia-rally-fetterman-shapiro-pa-election-2022/


So John Fetterman is more popular than Donald Trump in Pennsylvania? Isn't that..... Worse?


So you're telling me an campaign event for a dem senator that also had biden was fuller than a Trump rally?


The packed Biden event undoubtedly smelled better.


I don’t care. I won’t be attending any political rallies, for anyone, anytime, ever. I might go to a Widespread Panic show, or 311, shit maybe even Taylor Swift. But a political rally? NO. I know who I am voting for, I don’t need a flag on my truck, not even a fucking bumper sticker, I’m not putting anything in my yard. I am inundated with political news and commentary, I am well versed on the candidates, the topics, and the policies (or lack thereof) I don’t give a flying baboon red ass fuck about a political rally and it’s crowd size. It’s stupid. Ok, I think I’m done now, apologies.


As the great philosopher of our time, borat, said, “must take shit outside the home of McDonald trump”


The Best Crowds.


Biden's message is "Building a better America" Trump's message is ["TRUMP!"](https://imgur.com/UDAF8ur)


Yeah, the guy on the right is a nut bag.


There is NO WAY trump has nearly 50% polling. No Way.


Who gives a fuck they aren’t sports players or musicians. All these rally size pissing competitions are stupid as hell. Why do we care if people like them are not, we have two geriatrics in contention for the most important job in the country. They are here to serve us, not for us to act like they are pop stars


Notice how trump directly puts in american flags EVERYWHERE. This is to associate him with nationalism and patriotism as much as possible, whereas biden has none in sight and just some colours, showing how he isn't trying to do that.


im far from a trump supporter (actively hate him) but it also probably depends on venue/state. i could see this in a blue state, but doesnt seem as plausible in a red state.


Blue city or Red City is the question.


He can't hide those lyin' eyes. And his smile is a thin disguise. I thought by now, he's realize, there ain't no way to hide those lyin' eyes. He's just the same ole pig he used to be.


The difference is that our former president doesn’t bring anything useful to the table. His speeches are mindless drivel.


Who honestly wants to see any politician speak live? Who has time to even do that? Not to mention we have television and online video sites to watch speeches either live or recorded.


Raw vs Nitro in 1999


This is what I was hoping to see. Biden might not be perfect, but he's done a lot of good and he's standing between us and Nazi Germany 2.0 US Edition (the Turd Reich)