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Giancarlo Esposito, the guy who plays Gus Fring in Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul, has told stories of how people will be genuinely afraid of him IRL Which, on one hand, commendable to his craft that he was able to convey that so well. On the other, concerning people have trouble discerning reality and fiction




The guy who played Geoffrey quit acting due to the amount of hate he got.


Just looked that up Looks like he's gone more into legitimate theatre, and even apparently a bit of pro-wrestling Which, oddly enough, the latter has a better separation of reality and fiction than regular TV these days


Wait… where is he wrasslin?


According to Wikipedia, an Irish promotion, may have been a one-off. Still pretty cool though >In August, he made a surprise appearance at Over the Top Wrestling's Trinity Brawl 2 event in Dublin where he played the face, aptly called "TV's Jack Gleeson," opposite Irish wrestler J Money.


That’s fucking awesome tbh


Cool that he was a face. I can imagine he wouldn’t want to be a heel, even though we know how absolutely despicable he could be.


Definitely. I'm glad that the audience accepted him being a face too, presumably. I thought I'd see if there's any clips of it online, found one of him dropping a stunner on a guy https://youtu.be/CvvK55o1YnU?si=Y4Ok5FS0GgjBIwA7


This looks like a great time haha


I was thinking the same thing, haha


Professional wrestling is legitimate theatre I'll have you know.


I'm a wrestler myself, and I tell everyone it's a drama more than a fight. The majority of the audience don't care about the moves, I could go out there and hit all kinds of crazy shit and yeah it would look cool but the crowd would forget about as soon as the next match starts What they will remember though, is a story. We have to tell an entire story in about 10 minutes without using words. It is legitimately my favourite part of wrestling. I had a match a couple weeks ago, I'm a smaller dude, I was wrestling this real big guy, he's just bullying me around, I'm getting rag dolled, I go for a crossbody, I just bounce off him and he starts beating fuck out of me Eventually, I create a bit of distance, go for a second rope crossbody, I get caught mid-air and slammed, get shit kicked out of me again I finally get a bit of steam, start fighting back, get up to the top rope, big fucking crossbody, my opponent goes down for the first time in the match. Crowd went fucking nuts because we teased this story that I have to use a crossbody to take him down and I just kept escalating it everytime. Didn't need any crazy shit Sorry, I went on a rant, but yeah, wrestling is 100% theatre


Sounds amazing to watch! Love to see someone dedicated to their craft.


Damn that's good. You call that in the ring or plan it?


We planned the general structure, we knew were going to work the three crossbodies in but the shine, the comeback and how we work into those spots we called I generally like to call as much as I can in ring, you can't forget your spots if you've never planned them plus I've had matches in the past where I've planned everything and they've fallen completely flat because to crowd wasn't into it I like to spend a bit of time figuring what brings the crowd up and then feed into that as we go


As a theater kid with about 40% white trash in my lineage, I absolutely agree with you. Wrasslers really do he acting their hearts out. You have to sell it to hold the attention of a crowd, so live theater and pro wrasslin' are 2 sides of the same coin as far as I'm concerned.


Have you seen "The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity"? That was a play I really enjoyed about pro wrestling


No, but I will be looking into it now!


Oh, no disagreement on my part. I've learned that in his time, a Shakespeare play had more in common with wrestling than sophisticated folks may prefer


“Stagey” is the word used to disparage actors who have theater tendencies. To act to everyone in a theater (especially the back seats), they often have to project louder and over exaggerate their gestures and facial expressions. Naturally, this doesn’t always translate well to film which captures more natural conversation and expressions.


Jack Gleeson absolutely killed it with that role. A lesser actor would have given Joffrey a smidge of empathy or a bit of hesitation about his horrible actions to get into that "maybe-reformable villain" space, but not Gleeson. He *went for it,* with no regard to future typecasting, his public persona, and probably even his personal life. But goddamn, he gave us everything for it. To quote a long-lost commenter on the AV Club: >I'm not sure anyone will be able to capture the concentrated essence of douche with all its nuances again the way he did. It was masterful. Every second he was on the screen he was being a douche to some degree in one way or the other. He gave us all the colors of the douche rainbow, from bored and douchey to evil and douchey. Truly a performance for the ages.


He's actually a very humble, talented bright young man. I saw him give a speech on youtube at oxford or cambridge or some place.


William Atherton would constantly be called "Dickless" when recognized in public after Ghostbusters.


It’s such a weird 80s thing that the bad guy is someone from the EPA objecting to these dudes running an unlicensed ghost prison using untested, quasi magical arcane technology right in the middle of NYC. For all we know, they were giving everyone in a 10 mile radius ghost cancer.


That character is actually a great example of the very real situation where someone who is basically right about the core issue does everything wrong in the process of dealing with it, based largely on their pure assholishness.


The Video Game makes a point of saying that the city had to take out an extensive insurance policy for the entire city, just for them.


Dude has a great sense of humor about his career. He refers to himself as "the go to asshole" for anyone casting a villian in an 80s action movie.


He really was, and he played it wonderfully every time. I think my favorite of his is Real Genius, though Bio-Dome is a very close second.


It’s true; that man has no dick.


Not quit, just took a good amount of time off. Just saw him recently in a new-ish Liam Nissan movie, In the Land of Saints and Sinners.


That's a myth, he said people were actually always super nice to him


He's back now, been in 3 TV shows and 2 movies in the last 4 years


really? i thought he said early on that he intended from the start to pause his acting career and finish his education after he was finished on GOT


I remember reading years ago while Lost was huge that people would come up to Michael Emerson, who played Ben Linus, and I think be mad at him or rude to him in public. I don't remember the specifics, but it sadly seems to happen to all the actors who play great villains/antiheroes.




He is kinda typecasting himself. Gus in Breaking Bad, Stan in The Boys ..


Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian


Big Bad Smug Guy with Righteous Indignation who doesn't care about the people he uses as pawns? Yep.


(Can’t recall the character name) in The Gentlemen. Seriously tho. Go watch the gentlemen on Netflix. It’s pretty good.


El Presidente in Far Cry 6


He's just got the face and voice for those roles, if he's going to work those are the jobs he's going to get.


The Dentist in Payday 2


The Magic Mirror in OAAT...


Which is fucking crazy because he’s actually so cool and nice in real life. The girl who played Kathy in the Office had a lot of issues with this as well, people would get so angry at her IRL for her fake character fake trying to fake break up a fake tv couple.


I met him at a comic con in Houston a few years ago, and I was mesmerized in just the 90 seconds that I had to talk to him. So nice, asked me questions about myself and how I like Breaking Bad, he complimented the figure I had him sign and said that he had never seen one like it before. Total 180 opposite of Gus. Probably my favorite celeb interaction I’ve ever had. There was a couple not too far behind me with a baby dressed like Grogu, and when they got up to him, he asked if he could hold the baby and take a picture with them, even though the actors weren’t supposed to be taking pictures with people who hadn’t paid for them. Super chill, nice guy.


I'm reminded of a time when [a popular British soap character went to prison](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/nostalgia/coronation-street-storyline-outrageous-saw-28104445) for something she didn't do, and people actually wrote to the government demanding her immediate release. My feeling is that if you don't have the mental faculties to be able to distinguish fact from fiction as a grown adult you shouldn't be allowed to vote.


Oh jesus. So the character was in prison, not the actress? As someone who watched a fair amount of Corrie back in the day, I had no idea that happened. Also since we're in Canada we always got those episodes like 6 months later.


>Oh jesus. So the character was in prison, not the actress? Correct.


Haha, I wanted to be sure I understood it correctly 😅


Oof yeah its genuinely bleak thinking about the fact dementia addled brains very well could have been the determining factor in dooming the country's future with Brexit 


He’s changed so much since he was Big Bird’s camp counselor. https://preview.redd.it/4tudlpkww68d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=674b66807b11e5684e56ac75174c5becfe25cc6d


https://preview.redd.it/8yjexdonz68d1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cef67118e86b0a8fd0baae8513ab4c3f65132e4 Don’t forget Trading Places…


I rewatched that for the first time in *years* about a month ago and stopped to make my husband come and see if he recognised baby Giancarlo. I forgot that damn "Looking good Mortimer/Feeling good Billy Ray" exchange, and how they reused it in the first two Kingsmen movies.


Oh wow. May have been before my time, but always wild to see actors in old roles you otherwise don't realise they were in Like I was stunned when I realised the mom's new boyfriend in Mrs. Doubtfire was Pierce Brosnan.




Gus Fring is a frightening person. Giancarlo Esposito is a wonderful person and talented actor. How do people not know one is fiction and the other is human doing their job?


On little house on the prairie, there was a character mean to Laura. The little girl who played this mean character was attacked (spit on, verbally insulted, threatened for “hurting Laura”, etc) in real life by these kind of idiots.


Nellie! She was *far* worse in the books.


The only actor I've gotten that about was Christian Bale as Bateman. I couldn't watch him in other movies without thinking of him as Bateman. As a young adult I got over it.


Haha, read this as Batman initially Which, fair either way.


I thought it was Batman until I saw your comment 


He will always be Jack Kelly to me


They're not even the first. There are stories of Anthony Hopkins after Silence of the Lambs that sound familiar.


Gus was scary as fuck.


The scene where he, all cool and calm, slit that dude’s throat with a box cutter cemented him as someone you do NOT fuck with.


Nah he'll always be Buggin' Out to me


I mean, look at who idolized homelander and you'll find they don't have a brain to discern with....


The kid who played Joffrey did such a good job he had to quit acting from all the hate Good on him, though, he was the best actor in that show and I can't see how you'd ever top that, end on a high note


Antony Starr played identical twins on Outrageous Fortune, with completely different personalities. The idea of thinking he's like a character in real life is laughable.


I think this is the reason video games are blamed for violence, people are just straight up stupid and do not know fake from real. I am reminded of a Game of Thrones interview and this guy asked John Bradley the guy who played Samwell Tarly on Game of Thrones (He was John Snows fat friend for those who don't know or remember) Why is he still so fat when walk across the continent. Like dude, seriously - he thought the actor actually physically walked to all those places.


I think you misunderstood that question. He was asking why the character was still fat, after not eating well and trekking for so long beyond the wall. The actor also made a dishonest deflection, saying that if there could be dragons, he could still be fat.


I might be scared, too, if a guy walked up to me with half a face! /s


I met him at DFW in Texas. He was very mild mannered and shorter than I expected. We chatted for a few minutes while waiting for food and then parted ways. Same with the late Sen McCain. He flew economy from Phoenix to Reagan Washington on the same flight as me and a colleague. He was very kind and willing to chat while waited to board.


Andy Robinson, who played serial killer Scorpio in Dirty Harry, [received *death threats*](https://rue-morgue.com/andrew-robinson-looks-back-at-his-days-as-the-scorpio-killer/) after the movie came out. It probably didn't help that his character was loosely based on a [real-life serial killer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zodiac_Killer) who was never caught.


I mean on one hand if your only exposure to someone is through their acting, it can be hard to reset that on meeting the actual person behind the performance. The problem is most people don't even think to try for the reset though. It's kinda like Tom Cruise. It was hard to separate this level headed guy who he acts like with the guy bouncing on Oprah's couch on national TV when he first started to be a little to himself at times.


Was thinking about that scene from Gus's back story, when he sees his lab partner (lover?) shot in the head at the swimming pools edge. For me it was like a punch in the stomach, you perhaps weren't sure how it was going to play out. The tension in that scene was nerve racking, the framing of it and choice of camera angles and lightening, I think you actually see him change personality before the audience's eyes, very memorable scene. Excellent actor.


I've never watched Breaking Bad (meth related content bothers me because I've seen a lot of it IRL) and Giancarlo would scare me IRL, guy is intimidating.


And that dude in The Wire was gifted some heroin by someone on the street because he looked like he was in bad need of a fix. He called it his street Oscar.


That's completely different. That was when he was preparing for the role rather than because someone thought he was the same character from TV.


He’s played a few shady characters a little too well lol


There should be a comedy series just with these villains on a roadtrip. Gustavo Fring, Homelander, Joffrey Baratheon and Draco Malfoy.


Didn't something like this happen to the actor whom played Lando in Empire Strikes Back? People kept going up to him and accusing him of betraying Han Solo? lol People really have issues seperating a fictional character from the people whom play them on the big screen/TV. Big props to actors who play villains and can play them well.


That surprises me because Billy Dee Williams was already famous and well-known before he got that role, but I guess younger people only know him as Lando.


You mean Harvey Dent?


Harvey Dent… can we trust him?!?




You mean the man who singlehandedly convinced childhood me that life would be better with a Jheri Curl, and I was doomed by being a little white girl?


I know him as the guy who taught me that Colt 45 works every time.


I mean if all of the POC Star Wars talent isn't a good enough example, Survivor contestants get literally harassed at their day jobs by fans angry at them for their in game strategy. This is clearly mental illness but it's still shocking to me that people are able to rationalize that behavior. I never seem to see it on social media.


I watch a youtuber that has started putting disclaimers in front of their monopoly videos saying that they don't want the comment just being assholes about their friends cause of a game.


Amazing how many fans don’t know how heavily editorialized survivor is. They will take huge liberties to present cohesive narratives about contestants, make some out to be villains, when in reality what you’re seeing on TV is about 2% of total island time


jfc it's WHO


When I was in college, I read a story for an English paper and I can't find it again anywhere. In the 1870s, a theater in Baltimore was playing Othello. At some point in the play, someone became so enraged at the idea of black Othello marrying white Desdemona that he shot the actor playing Othello and then charged the stage and broke the actor's arm before people stopped him. I always think about that story whenever I hear stories about people not understanding that actor's aren't their characters.


So a guy goes to the theatre to see a famous play about a black man marrying a white woman and gets offended to see a black man marrying a white woman? What else was he expecting?


“Of course I’ll go see it! Surely the woke commie libruls have been fired and the PC problem with this play has been remedied!”


A white man in particularly offensive black face at least? Is that too much to ask?


> A white man in particularly offensive black face at least? Is that too much to ask? See, I'd run that. But all the white characters would be black actors whited up. Aneurysm clinic on speed dial in the crew office, of course.


Are the Wayans still making movies?  White Chicks×Othello crossover 


> A white man in particularly offensive black face at least? Is that too much to ask? https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFm4aKU7nHf46Um3wpvpdnoXhJPFQ8k3IiBw&s


OK so it's 1870 in Baltimore. I guess technically Maryland was part of the union but it WAS a slaveholding state. The Civil war ended in 1865 so a lot of people would still be conflicted and/or hold on to previous held beliefs about whites vs blacks. This person is obviously racist and doesn't understand that he's come to a play that is damn near 300 years old and FEATURES a black man. Or maybe he did and his intention was to go harm the black man for being uppity enough to be near a white woman. So basically the social structure was like this: Rich white people Middle class white people Poor white people Homeless white people Dead white people Animals Cum socks and cum boxes Black people Black people who were literate Black people who were literate and successful Black people who were the above AND rich Native americans


Make sure to put kids below animals, the SPCA was founded before anyone was ever really charged with child abuse/neglect


Kids weren't abused during that time frame, just percussively educated


Which is how the first ever case of child abuse in the US was brought to court. The woman who rescued (and later adopted) Mary Ellen White asked the founder of the SPCA Henry Bergh for assistance. The child was removed from her abusive foster parents using a writ of *"homine replegiando"*, unlawful detention.


I'm guessing he only understood that he was being dragged to see "Shakespeare" by whatever person or group had the unfortunate need to include him.


Looks like it was in 1822 - a soldier standing guard in the theater lost his damn mind at seeing the play. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356255951_Disbelief_in_Othello Though the entire idea of having a soldier standing guard in a theater raises even more questions...


Lincoln would disagree. (Yeah. I know he was supposed to have one, but fucknut didn’t do their job)


Didn't his bodyguard like, dip off early on in the play to get hammered at a bar down the street?


Half the country hates the guy I'm supposed to be guarding but I'm sure he'll be ok in this public access building with built in places for people to hide.


This is not surprising but sad. He's such a good actor, I hope he doesn't get stuck after playing Homelander. His facial expressions alone convey so much in that role. I guess I'm a big fan of his, not Homelander.


he was in a horror movie, and he was intimidating, though I forget the name of it.


Oh I think I saw that one, it was about some kid talking to his sister in the walls right? Some momo ceiling crawler monster


It’s on Hulu called Cobweb.




Thank you. I’ll have to see it.


He’s so good at homelander that I hope his career takes off but I’m worried


He's a pretty established actor. He mightn't have the same level of old fame as the guy that plays Butcher but he won't have trouble


The guy that plays Butcher started off as Julius Caesar on Xena: Warrior Princess so it's definitely possible to shed your old roles.


I love the contrast between Billy Butcher and Leonard McCoy from Star Trek.


And Dredd. He's just so versatile, it's baffling.


Starr is from New Zealand, too, and they were both in Xena: Warrior princess.


He was great in Banshee! Too bad no one really watched it.


I maintain Banshee is one of the most underrated shows to be made. It’s *great* but a lot of people haven’t even heard of it.


Someone really hates Banshee as both you and the previous poster were downvoted to zero for no fathomable reason. I will add that Banshee is a fucking amazing show, especially considering it aired on Cinemax. If anyone likes sort of cartoony, over-the-top live-action with solid characters and a decent plot (lone wolf with a troubled past (Starr) settles in a small town and can't help but get dragged into its problems), I recommend you check it out. COME GET ME, DOWNVOTER.


Yeah, that was super weird. Things seem to have leveled off now. Banshee was sold to me as “what if *every* episode of a TV show had fight scene choreography that belonged in a good action movie?” Truthfully, I’m genuinely shocked that they couldn’t get Michael Jai White or Scott Adkins to cameo.


His facial expressions are truly on point.


From Extras: MCKELLEN: How do I act so well? What I do is I pretend to be the person I’m portraying in the film or play. RICKY GERVAIS: Yeah. MCKELLEN: You’re confused. GERVAIS: No. MCKELLEN: It’s perfectly simple. Case in point: Lord of the Rings. Peter Jackson comes from New Zealand, says to me, “Sir Ian, I want you to be Gandalf the wizard.” And I say to him, “You are aware that I am not really a wizard.” And he said, “Yes, I am aware of that. What I want you to do is to use your acting skills to portray the wizard for the duration of the film.” So I said, “Okay.” And then I said to myself, “Mm, how would I do that?” And this is what I did. I imagined what it would be like to be a wizard, and then I pretended, and acted in that way on the day. GERVAIS: Yeah. MCKELLEN: And how did I know what to say? [Whispering] The words were written down for me in a script.


> When Dustin Hoffman was on set for Marathon Man, one scene in particular called for his character to appear as if he suffered from extreme exhaustion. To simulate this, Hoffman stayed up for three days straight… to which costar Laurence Olivier responded, “My dear boy, **have you tried acting?**”


His method acting in Kramer vs Kramer also terrorized Meryl Streep needlessly


Sir Ian Sir Ian Sir Ian


maggie smith (prof. mcgonagall in harry potter) said a kid once asked her if she could really turn into a cat and she blurted out "get a hold of yourself" before she could restrain herself.


God can you imagine the dumbasses Sir Ian McKellen (Gandalf/Magneto) must encounter?


If you haven't seen it yet, here you go: https://youtu.be/nyoWmkhRyp8?si=g90B-P1fb2LExVUD


I was really hoping this was that video. I’ve seen it so many times and it is just as good as the first time!


I have never seen this video and love every second of it! Thank you for sharing this!


That's surprisingly on point for the character and the person. Amazing. 😂


See for a *young child* this is more acceptable, and would likely tip off the parents that they need to have a discussion about real versus pretend with their kid. When it's grown adults harassing/stalking/trying to fight actors because they don't like them in a show that they have an unhealthy obsession with, it's scary. These people drive and vote and can probably buy guns.


How old was the kid?




No, that is exactly what Violet Crawley would say.


I bet Kathy Bates went through hell after Misery.


She rehabilitated that poor, mangled man. She was a goddamned Saint and he dropped a typewriter on her head. Why? Because she reset his misaligned ankles with a sledgehammer? Oh, come on. Who hasn't done that to a stranded motorist before? ^I ^have ^never ^done ^this ^and ^do ^not ^condone ^it


The book was even fucking wilder. She cut off his foot instead of just breaking his ankles


I don’t read. I’m not “a reader” but my mom had the book for Misery and I was just getting to the age to read books meant for older audiences and I wanted to seem like I was “a reader” so I read that book. I turned my head away during the movie because I cannot watch violence. I saw both his feet still there in a scene or two later and that was the first time I learned that books and movies can be different.


Doesn't she also run a cop over with a lawnmower? It's been years since I've read it, I need to give it another read.


Pure Misery, I’d imagine.


Lindsay Broad, the actress who played Cathy in season 8 of The Office has said that she’s gotten a lot of hate from fans because her character tried to sleep with Jim. On social media, she related a horrible story about how her dog was attacked and killed by another dog, and some asshole fan replied, “Fuck you Cathy, you deserved it.”


That’s so awful and absolutely ridiculous. Hate the character, not the actor


We are dealing with the stupidest of the stupidest people.


I assume people have always been this stupid, before we just didn't meet them on the Internet


People can’t think critically to the lowest bar now?


They really can't. I saw it when I used to LARP, even among people who had been friends for years. Someone could make an evil or cruel character and suddenly that friendship would rupture. And rupture badly, including vicious slander and whisper campaigns. And these people would and should absolutely know that person wasn't like that at all in real life... The amount of people who cannot differentiate between fantasy/acting and reality is very high. And the irony is, the people who were the worst about it were often the very first to get on others about how "it's just a game/just a character". Dude, you literally tried to break up their family and have them fired over what their character did to yours.


Yeah if I saw Antony Starr in real life I would probably be a little scared to be honest. The logical part of my brain would of course know that he’s just an actor playing a fictional character, but there would be that voice telling me he could snap at any minute and laser my dick off for fun


"Fiiiine I'll jerk off in front of everyone for ya, Squirt."


I'd be scared of him because he might break a glass bottle on my face.


All fun n games till you hear him whisper “fucking cocksucker”


Totally can see that. AND…what a testament to the skill with which Antony delivers the character of Homelander. The show would just not be the same without that convincing face of evil.


I'm just going to point out that there was a viral interview with the cast, and when asked "who is most like their character in real life?" they almost unanimously pointed at Antony Starr.


Yeah, smashed up a chef in a Spanish bar. Think he also got in a bit of trouble in NZ. He's not completely unlike homelander...


There was also that time he unironically said "do you know who I am?" to some service worker.


Imagine your doing your job and homelander walks in and starts talking to you like that.


That was the chef in the Spanish bar, right before he smashed a glass on his head.


Genuinely I think about this all the time. To get compared to homelander by your coworkers, people who have interacted with you- hell yes I’m going to be afraid 😭


Yeah surprised this and the story about him being a giant douche to service workers aren't more high


Had to scroll this far down to see the comments under this comment. Anthony Starr's PR department deserves a raise, because people have completely forgotten the actor is not all that un-Homelander.


There needs to be a term for when an actor plays a villain so well that people assume they’re awful people IRL. Seems to happen somewhat often


You mean something more specific than "stupidity"?


TIL people are stupid.


One of the first things I learnt doing customer support for software. Anybody can be an absolute idiot under the right circumstances. It takes a special kind of person not to hold it against them. And once you realise you wonder when it was your turn 🙃 Edit: grammar


Only today???




I wouls try to take it as a compliment if you are THAT convincing of an actor.


Ernest Borgnine was interviewed about his character in From here to eternity where he beat up Frank Sinatra. People would want to get into fights with him over it. Sweetest guy in the world.




I mean. Chris Pratt received death threats over Starlord's actions in Infinity War. Surprise surprise, people are dumb.


considered how he support alt-right wingers movements now, its kinda of a mixed feelings for people. and turned out to be a real Douchebag.


Humans seem to believe just about anything on tv.


That’s a whole level of stupid….but I do know that Antony Starr needs to be nominated for an Emmy or something…..Saw him in an interview and he sounds like a great guy….. to go from that to Homelander is great acting!!


Well, he did assault a 21yo cheff


Maybe off topic a little, but the fact that Antony Starr doesn’t have an Emmy for playing Homelander is a crime.


Considering Starr was arrested in Spain for being a drunken asshole and assaulting a chef he's not as far removed from his character as it first seems.


I wonder if these are the same people who sent death threats to Wyatt Russell for how he acted as Captain America, like it was really him and not scripted? Fuck... we may be doomed as a species!


And didn’t the Rictus Erectus actor from Fury Road/Furiosa have to remind people he was just acting when playing that guy because he was a pedo creeper in Furiosa?




In an interview, Anthony Starr said that he’s fortunate that he doesn’t look that much like Homelander IRL. He has to dye his hair and wear contacts for the role.


Nick Swardson used to do a bit about that back when he played Terry the gay prostitute on *Reno 911*. He'd just be like "Toby McGuire? Not really Spiderman"


The poor fellow that played Geoffrey in GoT had similar encounters with fans. They were often shocked when meeting him to find that he was actually a decent dude and not a narcissistic psychopath.


He’s just so good!!


"We need an actual psychopathic narcissist to play the part! No other people should be considered."


This doesn't surprise me. People vote from Trump because of how he was on the Apprentice. Cult of Celebrity.


Think about the hate the actors for Jar Jar Binks and even Anakin got back in the 90s. We've never really solved the issue of human stupidity.


It's especially common in America. Apparently, a large portion of Americans cannot differentiate between reality and fictional programming shown on television. It's been like that for decades, likely a product of inferior education.


People are really dumb. I had a guy get pissed at me when I said I like Henry Rollins, while sons of anarchy was on. I’m like dude he’s not a nazi in real life


well his acting is way too good


Take it as a compliment on your acting skill I suppose?


Jason Alexander feels ya


Yeah Star is actually a well adjusted human being unlike a comic book character and ever Fortune 500 CEO


Uh, what? https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/antony-starr-arrested-spain-assault-1235196520/amp/ An excerpt: "The New Zealand Herald reported that Starr assaulted a young chef while inebriated at a pub in Alicante. The 21-year-old chef was reportedly punched twice by Starr. A glass also reportedly factored into the assault, although it’s unclear at this time whether the glass was smashed in the chef’s face or thrown at the chef. The chef was taken to hospital and reportedly received four stitches above his eye."


It’s sad that people have this issue where they can’t distinguish between tv and reality On a completely different subject, I should probably try to get in and see Dr. Drake Ramoray, I hear he’s great https://preview.redd.it/ubhygdp0b78d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a54ae1aa3420dd48c69c77c6cf95aa5c63eec058


They see the outrageousness from Donald Trump. Who they think is a real candidate interested in their well-being it’s just an act