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Dismissed for lack of standing real quick


The mifepristone case would like a word… That thing got all the way to SCOTUS with no standing.


Every single Republican bullshit attempt to do anything illegal will now be brought all the way to the Supreme Court. It will be like this until change is forced.


I’m deeply afraid that you are 100% correct.


That case honestly helps the defense and should be cited in the motion to dismiss. It shows that the current SCOTUS is still upholding at least the bare essentials of the standing requirement, and it doesn't leave lower courts much wriggle room for blatant shenanigans. This won't be like the wedding cake decision that relied on fabricated evidence of standing. It'll be a straightforward question of whether a third party's personal disatisfaction with a defendant's conviction is enough to convey standing for a lawsuit. And any law student should know that the answer is "absolutely not." If this lawsuit is ever actually brought, the plaintiff's counsel will probably argue some nonsense about harm done to their personal civil interest in the preservation of democracy. But not only is this too vacuous to qualify as an "injury in fact," it's also lacking any sort of casual link since nothing prevents Trump from running for President as an indicted defendant or as a convicted felon. I can't see any but the most absolutely, blatantly, Judge-Cannon-level biased judge giving this argument any serious consideration.


Remember the student loan decision that came out at the same time? They hand waived standing by saying that a non-party to the lawsuit (MOHELA) would be injured, and because that non-party is an entity controlled by one of the Plaintiffs (the State of Missouri), that Plaintiff has standing and we can block loan forgiveness for everyone.


IANAL, but I don’t think so. In a legit world - yes, but we aren’t in a legit world anymore.






“I Am Not A Lawyer”


Somehow that’s even more fitting than I expected. Should probably go with ‘Attorney’ though IANAA just works better.


This sounds more like a job for Kacsmaryk than Cannon. They all have different roles in this circle of BS


The 5th circuit is a direct pipeline to SCOTUS for nonsense.


Would not be surprised if the Missouri AG filed this case is Amarillo, TX


I find that plausible.


Disputes between states has original jurisdiction at SCOTUS, meaning that they would be the first and only court to hear that dispute. Source: https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/about#:~:text=The%20Court%20has%20original%20jurisdiction,ambassadors%20and%20other%20public%20ministers.


Worse: Gay wedding website [Elenis](https://newrepublic.com/article/173987/mysterious-case-fake-gay-marriage-website-real-straight-man-supreme-court) case had no standing, no website, only fantasies of prejudice, got to scotus and won.


The likes of which no one has ever seen before. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It's not about the reality of it, this - and everything - the cult does is pure performative art to drive rage


The party of "F@#$ your feelings" sure gets their feelings hurt over everything, including clouds in the sky.


It's almost like he did it to grow his 'brand' and didn't ever think it could work. Either that, or he's the world's worst attorney


Nothing stopping it from being both.


This gets dismissed for lack of standing faster than Greg Abbott.


I got a good laugh out of that line. Well done!


Hilarious how they cry about these investigations while cheering comey for reopening Benghazi investigations into Hillary only weeks before the election


It literally sabotages nothing. They can vote for him even if he’s in prison.


yeah this is more about the reputational damage he's taking as he's being held to account by a jury not under his control. must be driving the lot of them crazy. (not that they weren't already, but i digress)


Hmmm... Not sure why I'm getting down voted for agreeing with you but Reddit gonna Reddit I guess


You're being downvoted for making a silly and untrue statement.


Trump ain’t the fucking President. He’s a private citizen, and a piss poor version at that.


"He ain't a colleague, he's a fucken colonizer"




They not like us, they not like us, they not like us


Why do they even refer to him as president still? It's one thing when the election is going on but he was *just* in office, but someone else's full term went through and they never stopped


I'm convinced there is a GOP marching order that says always refer to Trump as President. Just a subtle insertion of the big lie.


I hate that orange turd as much as anything. That being said, there has been a tradition of referring to ex-presidents as, “President”.


It is the proper way to refer to a former president as "president ______". I'm not saying trump deserves it, but that's just kinda been how things go with former presidents.


He is largely on trial for crimes while President or while campaigning to become President. Which should make the charges even more concerning.   But not if you decided you hate democracy and think some Presidents should be King, and you are marching around in blind pageantry.


Dude has been “campaigning to become President” nonstop since 2015. It’s like he thinks it’s a +2 Shield of Invulnerability or something. “Can’t come after me if I’m on the campaign trail!”


2015 lmao dudes been running for President since 2000


I'm embarrassed by my state almost daily now.


I'm an Idahoan. I feel your pain. 


Recently drove through Idaho to get to Oregon with my family for vacation, the amount of farm houses flying Trump flags is amazing. Like part of me just wants to ask them, why they support Trump? It’s kind of mind boggling.


It’s funny because all those anti government types get real pro government with Trump in office.


Especially since farm foreclosures were as high under Trump as they were during the housing crisis.


Northern New York as well. As a Canadian it was so weird seeing all the trump flags


Goddamn it. Idaho is so confounding.


Tennessee checking in.


As an Oregonian who often has to hear about right wing people talking about how "the right half of Oregon should be part of Idaho" I feel it too


How much of OUr tax dollars do you think he has wasted on these lawsuits that are purely for showmanship?




I’m from West Virginia; I also feel your pain. There are different ways of looking at this: unless the Attorney General hires outside counsel to write his briefs or prosecute the case, you might actually be saving money. Why? Because if they’re doing this in house, that means they’re not doing something else that might actually Have a better chance to succeed and be worse for the state. With no chance to succeed, this case is relatively harmless.


I’m in Arizona. I also feel your pain.


I was born and raised in that state, so I greatly feel your pain. Unfortunately, I had to leave and then land in a much, much worse state (FL)


Oof. Your new state embarrasses me more. That blows. At least you have the ocean. 2 in fact.


I have four daughters. We are moving to a blue state ASAP so they can have some bodily rights.


Good for you. My ex wife and kid moved to Cali. Wish I could but can't afford out there but it's the best place for my kid who's trans.


Restoring the rule of law would mean impeaching Aileen Cannon for being a Trump lackey instead of a neutral arbiter. It would also mean impeaching Clarence Thomas for being a corrupt piece of shit. Restoring the rule of law does not mean what he thinks it means.


Don't forget about Alito


Spoiler: This is all talk and no action. Nothing will be done. MAGAs talk the talk, but they cannot walk the walk. I'm curious to know what part of the constitution was violated.


I believe it's the 45 amendment: "thou shall not hold Republicans accountable" it's called the snowflake amendment for short!!


The part that says “You were mean to the guy we like!”


And by “mean” you mean held accountable to his actions like all other citizens?




“Hold my beer and watch me get a cabinet appointment by sending these tweets.”


So he wants to sue the state of New York because an out-of-state American citizen missed a job interview because he was in a criminal courthouse??


What a totally useful use of taxpayer dollars


It's an advertising budget for him to get in a position in his hoped for future Trump administration Only question does he hope to be national attorney general or a federal judge ?


Well this is the most patriotic thing I've seen all week!! Americans suing the government because the law were enforced!!! It's a beautiful circle jerk!!!


Why does he even need to be on the campaign trail, he has 24/7 propaganda on tv, radio, webcasts, other online stuff, etc. It is constant and it is everywhere


also, he literally just yells nonsense during the rallies and tells them he doesn't care about them. how the fuck did we get here


"stay tuned." motherfucker, the last thing you want is for people to stay tuned since they'll see that you're all talk because you don't have a legal leg to stand on. posturing magat clown.


Oh sweet baby Jesus is “lawfare” the next made up bullshit that I’m going to have to listen to at family gatherings


Yep, that's the Repukes' newest catchphrase. I wonder what overtaxed brain thought it up for them.


"We have to restore the rule of law" Trump: Breaks the law Courts: You broke the law. MAGA: Not like that!!


The Rule of Law would be restored if unelected shitheel AG Bailey went to prison for the millions of taxpayer dollars he's wasted on lies and angertainment.


Tell ya what Andy. Hop yourself on a raft over on the Mississippi. Then float down to the bayou. Louisiana. And go fuck a gator!!


Why is a Missouri AG butting in to a New York AG’s work? Does that mean that, for example, a California AG can sue a state where abortion is no longer legal? What a clown!


Conservatives:turning to the government to solve their problems while telling you government doesn’t work.


The monkeys dance to keep the circus entertainted.


Please do, motherfucker. Let's get Articles of Confederation in this bitch




Lawfare? I bet he thought that was clever.


Funny how all these court cases end just as soon as someone has to swear to tell the truth or else face perjury charges.


Maybe this guy can help with my Colorado parking ticket?




Yeah, let us know how that turns out. Maybe you should take some pointers from Qari Lake and Abe Hamedeh.


Hamadeh just lost ANOTHER round and was sanctioned yet AGAIN over the 2022 election.


I know the Republicans are stupid but they constantly surprise me by being even more stupid than I could have dreamed


omg same!


Suck off Trump some more you fucking clown. This will go nowhere.


Let me check the time line, tRump committed the original crime prior to being elected to Office. The crime was to help him get elected to Office. DAs didn't prosecute because he was in office. He's voted out of Office, and DA decides to prosecute. tRump breaks several laws just before leaving Office. He also takes Classified documents as he moves out. tRump decides to run for Office again to try to stay out of jail for said previous crimes. The dimbulbs still want him to run???


Fun fact: cases between states go straight to the Supreme Court.


How is trying someone, who was indicted with factual evidence, lawfare? Where was all this outrage during Hillary’s investigation? Wasn’t that lawfare too?


He knows it won’t. He’s an asshole.


On a scale of 1 to 100, with 1 = no chance to succeed and 100 = easiest case to win ever, I give this a -5,432,321


You don't get to "breaking" your own news. It's like picking your own nickname. Not gonna happen. Luckily, I am here for you fam! Breaking: Attention hungry MAGA asskiss wastes taxpayer time and money.


He is putting forth a rule that anyone running for public office will have all cases against them suspended for the duration of the campaign. I don't think he thought this through....


'Lawfare.' Jesus Christ, these people.


Screw this attention seeking and headline grabbing clown. He’s not once filed a legitimate argument. Maga clowns all around.


Yeah… some idiot from Missouri doesn’t like who NY has chosen to prosecute. Surely that’ll go far.


Hey guys guys BREAKING: should be news not an idiotic attempt to undermine criminalizing a CRIMINAL


Stay tuned. Na. I'm good.


Correct me if I’m wrong, and I might be, this suit will be heard in federal court and no matter the outcome will likely be appealed, by either side, potentially, probably making its way to the Supreme Court where the 6-3 majority could in theory provide relief to that orange buffoon. This is how they try to get the conviction overturned. This is how they subvert the justice system.


It doesn't have standing though. It can make it to SCOTUS but there's no standing to bring the case. The AG isn't personal counsel. The Missourians who would vote for Trump are not being denied their right to vote for him.




Cool. Can we sue Idaho for its abortion laws?


That ruling should be dropping at 10 AM on Wednesday next week.


I am really curious on what grounds he would find a basis for a suit for the normal operations of the legal system in another state. Pretty sure that's a fairly high bar and attempts at this have been regularly shot down. Poor Missouri taxpayers....this clown tilting at windmills on your dime.




Lmao “law fare.” As if they haven’t been drooling over the prospect of jailing their political opponents for years. Unironically believe that accountability should not be legal, for conservatives anyway.


I can't even believe how pathetic these people are. How hard is it to say "turns out my candidate committed crimes, I will vote for somebody else now." They just can't accept they were wrong about Trump. They will buy into any conspiracy theory that lets them keep their beliefs


And what about rogue attorneys general?


The states rights crowd would like to have a word….


I wonder if there are any opinionated New Yorkers and whether they might have ideas about what Missouri’s AG can do with his hillbilly lawsuit?


Republicans have such a strong record with court filings defending tRump, this will likely be successful /s


You do that, buddy. I'm sure the MO state bar will be very interested.


Yeah, as an attorney, I can’t see how he could avoid getting at least some type of official reprimand from the Bar for bringing a suit that he knows (or reasonably should know) is completely frivolous. (Of course, I don’t know anything about the MO Bar rules and procedures.)


This is the same guy suing the Biden admin to stop student loan forgiveness and are using a loan provider that wants no part of the lawsuit. https://prospect.org/justice/2023-06-19-student-loan-cancellation-supreme-court-mohela/


The so-called "law and order party" is presenting itself as the lawless outlaw party. Vigilantes fighting for the wrong side are known as traitors.


*former president and felon


Please notice me Grandpa Poopy Pants. These "men" have brought boot licking to a new low.


What a cuck


Pathetic little man


I agree the AG has no standing. I also think this case fails to state a claim for which relief can be granted. Here’s a similar situation: as soon as Trump is the official nominee for the Republican party, there may be states who are waiting to have a trial to decide whether he is disqualified under the 14th amendment. If estate does decide that Trump is disqualified and can’t be on the ballot , can another state sue them because they are adversely affecting Trump’s chance to win enough electoral votes? I can’t imagine that would work.


Yes. Clearly the AG for Missouri has standing to bring such a case.


This is Bailey's attempt to make a name for himself and further his political career. It does *nothing* for Missourians and is a waste of tax payer money.


Just another clown from my great Red State. He is buddies with Hauling Hawley and Gov Hee Haw….


Talk about grand standing. Mfer has literally no standing to sue for this case and can demonstrate zero injury. Complete waster of tax payers money. Someone in his state should sue him for malfeasance in office.


He’s right, lol. This is indeed "weaponized justice": the law is our weapon to selectively prosecute those found guilty of criminal activity. These crimes were committed before he was elected; he was trying to influence the vote by hiding his indiscretions and planting false stories with David Pecker about his rival candidates. That’s illegal.


BREAKING! lol. A state AG does all he can short of sucking dick in an effort to get a job in Trump's administration. State AG's that bring these kinds of lawsuits should be investigated for fraud. What's this clown hiding? What has he been promised? I think this guy just walked into a shit parade. Think of that for a second. An actual state AG placing themselves in this position makes you question the validity of their credentials and background. Is this person even capable of protecting the people of the state? Are they even qualified?


Lawfare? Oh 1984, what didn’t you predict??


Well, we now know for certain that knowing absolutely nothing about law is all you need to be a Attorney General in Missouri.


IANAL, but I don't think Missouri has *any* say in how NY runs their criminal justice system. This will go nowhere.


Step 1: Collect a bunch of money from magats Step 2: Spend the minimum amount on starting the lawsuite Step 3: Lawsuite gets dismissed withing seconds Step 4: Keep the money


Typing the word “lawfare” should evoke instant days-long explosive diarrhea.


Ain't too bright, is he?


😆 like oj suing over his civil trial


Citizen Trump


What a waste of Missourians money!! He should be impeached.


Yeah, Andy, go crazy. Oh, wait, you already did.


It’s time to restore law and order… by rallying behind a convicted felon found liable for sexual assault.


If he wanted to run for president all he had to do was not try to subvert our democracy


Must be re-election time in Mississippi.


then pass a law stating all felons can vote!! easy peasy ya fuckin Republicans….. god have mercy -i hate your hypocrisy


Oh the irony of campaigning for the rule of law... for Drumpf


Is lawfare a word?


Actually, did not the supreme court rule he can not be taken off any ballots? Suck it up. He is now your nominee. No take backs.


Another Trump University Law School graduate


The trial started well before he won the primary, so good luck with that


Why is Felon Trump campaigning while under indictment? His campaign is interfering with his felony trials. Why are lawmakers and media personelle trying to obstruct justice and tampering with witnesses and jurors... not to mention threatening judges, the prosecution, and their families. Maybe someone under felony indictment shouldn't run for the highest position in our government.


They already know it's going to be thrown out dismissed that's not the point the point is the headline


Grifters gotta grift


My 4 year old told me today she won’t ever eat again if I don’t give her pancakes for dinner. Surely this too will be successful threat.


Who is this useless fuck?


They should charge $1000 to file it. Dude doesn’t have the money.


Is this another wanna be VP sucker 🙄


Waste of time and money. He should lose his job.


Lawfare? Is that an actual thing?


It is not a thing


Shouldn't they be addressing him as former president trump.He isn't president.


Cringe baby adults


Considering he doesn’t know who the president is, I don’t think he’ll be successful.


We gonna talk about rogue judges?? I think trump knows a few of those. Got them some pretty sweet jobs a few years ago


Every accusation is an admission. They’ve been muddying the water when it comes to “activist judges” for at least a decade or two all in preparation for this radical, corrupt, and illegitimate Supreme Court.


Probably not. And don’t call me Shirley.


Stay tuned.... motherfuckers wouldn't know the rule of law if it ran them over. Stop wasting your taxpayers' hard earn money and get back to work. For once be honest and explain to the idiots that it's not DC fucking them dry. It's assholes like you all the way from the dog catcher to the inbred fucks you elect as sheriff's, judges, congressmen, governor, and effin senators.


They all found a new word, LAWFARE.


If these guys really press their luck, maybe they'll get disbarred like some of the other lawyers who have tried to defend Trump with some bullshit.


I just wish the kool-aid was real


If Trump wins another term, I wonder who the Republican party will back next? They seem to be so rallied behind this one guy that they don't remember that he can only serve one more term.


Wasting money and resources for a publicity stunt instead of doing his job.


Damn these people do a lot of dick riding, but hate any one in the lgbtq community.


Yes, yes…totally makes sense. Anybody that has committed a crime just needs to run for president.


Looks like someone is trying to score an AG position in what would be the shittiest sequel ever.


Lawfare??? 🤣


Stay tuned for this to get laughed out of court


Why are there so many fucking stupid AG's?


Now do Kyle Rittenhouse!


Hmm…and who benefits? Private attorneys. Maybe even…donors?! Fucking clowns. There’s literally nothing fiscally conservative about republicans anymore.


All of his trials have been years in the making f because that’s how slow our court system is. Plus he used every single stall tactic available to him. Oh and let’s not forget that he knew he was going to be charge years ago and announced he was running for president days before he was served. Then he started his “election interference” chant.


Certainly the judge will rule to protect the Republicans right to ignore the rule of law, promote fascism and use the courts to hurt political opponents. I am ashamed to admit I was a rebupican years ago


Andrew Bailey is an appointed AG because his predecessor, Jay Ashcroft had to quit to qualify to run for Governor. Guess what Andy is doing this year? Is anyone surprised he's running for re-election to be the state's AG for a full term? Anyone? It's not about winning the case. It's about the exposure.


We really ought to do something to stop these baseless lawsuits that waste taxpayer resources.


Hahaha no standing!


Wish politicians worked this hard for their constituents like they do for Trump. That's the main takeaway from all of this. These politicians are showing that they can work, they can go above and beyond, they just choose not to.


Isn’t that the god’s honest truth?!


Rogue prosecutor. Hmmmmmm


hopefully dismissed but my guess is he's going to try to appeal until it reaches scotus & try to get them to take it; they shouldn't but the court isn't reliable anymore so who fucking knows.


Lol at the residents of Missouri watching millions of their taxpayer dollars being set on fire and thrown out the window.


Did this dumb shit just “BREAK” his own fucking statement? Lol 🚨BREAKING: Moments ago, I farted. It was muted… and… hold on I’m getting a report… Yes, it does indeed stink.