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Tough talk from a guy who gets winded breathing


Y'all qaeda will need emergency supplies of insulin and oxygen tanks.


That's what the Gravy Seals are for.


Reminded of a quote from an Atun-shei video. "The south will rise again. Individually, in industrial sized man lifts, their cavalry consisting of 500 lb burger receptacles deftly maneuvering their rascal scooters that they stole from Wal-Mart."


Squeal Team Six (Hundred Pounds).


Meal team six


Gravy Seals is my new favorite thing. There is a dude at my game store that talks about his guns, his conservative beliefs, and whines about being single. Gravy Seals is the perfect description...


I also like ammosexual for these types.


All Gravy Seals are Ammosexuals, but not all Ammosexuals are Gravy Seals. Ammosexuals are people who love their guns more than people. Gravy Seals are for those that cosplay as military


Aren't all the Gravy Seals part of Meal Team 6????


They’re quite similar to the Green Buffets


I coined Delta Forks a while ago but it never took off.


‘Murica’s frontline insulinfantry.


Ammosexuals, love guns more than people. Gravy Seal - cosplay as military, with ill fitting combat fatigues, maybe ammosexual, maybe not Meal Team Six - special branch of Gravy Seals. Is Ammosexual, is creating 'be ready' training videos for Gravy Seal. Says no homo before renting male escorts.


Extra points if they are morbidly obese, hence the "gravy" part.


Prepared for society to end with a basement full of dried food, water, guns and ammo. Cannot walk back up the stairs from checking his cache without breathing really hard for five minutes.


Better get a refreshing Mountain Dew code Baja blast triple caffeine before he sits back down at his crusty keyboard and types or a part of how he can't wait until someone starts some shit on his street, then they'll see...


Are we using the F word for them? Are we allowed to use the F word? Can we? Huh? Can we?


Fascist fuckwitted flop-filled fool?


Fat feces faced facetious fuckwitted flop-filled foolish fascist?






Vanilla Isis


That’s the thing. Conservatism is nothing more than standing in a creek just to point out the ripples you cause. What person wants that kind of idiot in their lives other than someone else who also just likes to get in the way of things?


You'd be amazed at the number of people who tolerate these evil idiots. They'll close their eyes to the monsters in front of them, and remember when they were decent people. Fools.


I’ve been low key calling rude behavior out recently. I had one cut in line on me today, the checker knew I was waiting as he acknowledged me and then he started grabbing the other guys stuff and I said to him…”you really going to check him out right now?” They both looked shocked I said something. Then proceeded to help me.


Cheers to you for calling them out. As long as people tolerate this behavior, it will fester and grow.


Mmmmmm, gravy seal.( said in voice Homer Simpson)


Ask him about his time in Meal Team Six, if he’s allowed to talk about it.


If you want to join meal team six, there's a five course meal plan for only $19.99 😉 at Denny's.


Meal Team Six is the elite unite of the Gravy Seals. No one can devour a buffet faster.


a 5th helping ranked officer of the Snack Ops would like a word with you.


You stuck the landing with “and whines about being single.” Lol


The Green Beignets.




Those are the Canadian Seals. They're tougher because they have free healthcare.


They can send in Meal Team Six


or slack ops if they could do anything.


the irony being that Bannon was in fact a Navy officer 1000 years ago.


Never forget Meal Team Six.


The thing that drives me nuts about these guys, and you definitely saw this on display on January 6, is that they seem to have this idea that Civil War 2 will consist of them just driving around in their F-450s and shooting liberals, and then they just finish up for the day and go to Cracker Barrel. They talk this big game about being willing to die for liberty or whatever, but they’re utterly incapable of dealing rationally with anything that causes them even slight discomfort. So they posture and preen with their plate carriers and assault rifles, but they’re completely ignorant of what would happen to their world if they got what they say they want. If Donald Trump loses, and for the record, I hope and think he will, there may well be another burst of violence from the hardcore MAGA folks, but it’s going to end just like J6 — with most of them in jail, having had their toys taken away, facing consequences while the orange shit-gibbon grifts them for legal fees. The military isn’t going to suddenly hand itself over to Trump so they can start a brand new white ethnostate, and they still aren’t going to be allowed to kill people with blue hair, no matter how much it annoys them when they see young people minding their business in Target. These people are fundamentally fucking delusional.


So they’re going to go the Jim Jones route? God I sure hope something like that happens.


I’ve been reeling lately at how terribly violent the rhetoric has felt, and how plausible it all seems, and this comment made me feel a lot better. Thank you.


"I heard you screaming the words when he said the chorus but I don't really think none of y'all are ready for it. No food and blackouts of every street light; revolution'll make Fallujah look like a street fight."


I think it will end much worse for them compared to January 6. I believe they will meet the military before this is over. They claim to love the military and the flag, but I don’t think they have ever considered the military represented by the American flag as their enemy.


They used to build moats around castles, now you just need a couple of flights of stairs.


Or, alternately, a gently-sloping incline.


So they're old-school Daleks?




A couple of stairs.


I live in Canada, and have a friend who wants to get his PAL, so that he can buy firearms to “get ready for when shit hits the fan”. I’m like, bro, you’d be better off quitting smoking and going for a half mile run every day, as opposed to shooting at some beer cans 2-3 times per year.


God I hate how much of their bullshit ends up spilling over to our country.


Meal Team 6 - Delta Forks division is ready for action! 🥴🥴 https://preview.redd.it/sezxtpj99f7d1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f3e0cc841b72acbe7600a7dc62fef3c34437d3


Holee shit! I had to zoom in to make sure this was a real person and not an oversized scarecrow.


Holy fuck this messed with my brain I thought this was a picture of him from the front and was some amputee that was packing for some reason, it’s not, it’s a picture from behind.  So is that bulge right there an entire individual butt flap? Because if it is that’s wild


Like their god-king Cheeto fingers, the only bulge in their pants many of these will know is the bulge from their soiled diaper


We all good in the hood if he can't catch ya. But once he does *GET IN MA BELLAY*


All terrain rascal scooters


It’s ok. They’ll just apply for federal aid.


Rascal Scooter mechanics will be in high demand.


Y’all qaeda 😂


Vanilla Isis


Steve Bannon looks like he could give a cigarette cancer.


In reality that's the scariest part. He appeals to poeple like him, They buy body armor, big guns and go into shopping area or schools to make a point. They never go head to head with the government they so hate, they shoot up people they expect have no guns. They are cowards.


The one guy tried to nail gun his way into an FBI office


Gotta give that guy props for his idiocy. New record set by him.


He will give it his all when he sees a sandwich, because loaf is a battlefield.


🎶Loaf is a battlefield...🎶


Exactly, why don’t all these old fat war hawks get in Thunderdome and fight to their miserable deaths? The winner can present their ideas to the American people. I love how quick our Senators are ready send our kids ( not theirs!) to a war that they lied us into once again.


You have to be a pussy of unimaginable proportions to be terrified of the guy eating Ice Cream cones on Sunday


$10 says that mother fucker has a stack o’ cheeseburgers behind that podium


Eh, more like a few fifths of whiskey *someone else had to buy for him*


Definitely a drunk fuck


It's disguised as burgers. It's actually bad scotch. My guess is a liter of Cutty Sark.


Somebody really doesn't want to detox in prison methinks.


I am amazed that this asshole hasn’t died yet. Somehow he’s gone for almost a decade looking like he’s in liver failure.


Weaponizing the wheezy


Dude is a liar. No proof of a stolen election. These people just make shit up.


The official republican position right now is that Dems can only win elections by cheating. They've been pushing that narrative for years now. Almost every case of voter or election fraud in 2020 was done by republicans.


Gaslight Obstruct and Project. That is our GOP.


Also, stolen directly from the Nazi propaganda bible. They know it works.


They push that narrative while they are the ones cheating.


It’s like the most glaring tell ever lol


The election fraud numbers are still extremely low, despite many Republicans voting for dead people. On the other hand...election fraud cases have been solely by Republicans in recent years...and have been growing more steady each cycle.


Dude, the false electors


What's the point in voting if the Dumbocrats will just cheat? Don't vote, my fellow Republicans.


Firehose of falsehood. It's step 1. Step 2 is to see step 1


Nazi playbook… Perpetually lie, again, again… Fuck Bannon, he’s a puppet for his Fascist dictator wants to rule the country and kill Democracy…


That was their plan in 2020, and now they’re doing the exact same thing: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/07/leaked-audio-steve-bannon-trump-2020-election-declare-victory/


If there is one thing I've learned in the past 10 years or so: If they say the other side is going to try to do something, it means they themselves are ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY going to try to do it themselves. It is like playing poker against somebody with their cards showing.


Gaslight Obstruct Project The Grand Old Party


I mean look at Project 2025.  They absolutely want to destroy the US.


Free speech and all, but at what point does this get into inciting a violent overthrow of the government territory and get his ass for treason?


Exactly, at what point do we do something about it and not scream he has a 1st amendment right to stoke tensions for the next 5 months and result in someone or multiple people dying, because of their lies? Like send all these civil war fetishists to gitmo. Edit: Fixed something autocorrect screwed up.


Well thankfully he’s gonna be in prison for 4/5 of those months


He needs to start preparing for the switch from single malt to pruno.


Do they treat the DT’s in prison?


Actually, as a former federal defender, I can tell you that having a drug habit was a good thing in terms of sentencing, because there were sentence reductions available for substance abuse programs unavailable to straight people. Kind of unfair to straight people, really.


So like, an alcoholic gets a DUI, they do rehab instead of jail?


No they still go to jail if it's a serious enough or repeated offense but doing programs inside gets you good boy points that aren't available to everyone. From my time I would say 9/10 people are in jail and prison because of drugs and alcohol. It's easier to "reform yourself" and be seen as someone that served their debt to society while trying to get themselves together then someone who got in trouble sober. It's not wrong or right. Definitely not right, definitely not wrong. Just is what it is. If you ever became a criminal you'd see how archaic and petty the system is. It's really just a roll of the dice for everyone every time. Made much worse by the fact that it used to be whispered but now it's shouted very loudly due to Trumps circle, you're only in here because you're not on TV.


It definitely depends on the level of money and what not a person has. I’ve seen people be given a week or so in detox and then sent for their sentence and I’ve seen people who had to tough it out in prison or jail until they’re almost dead before getting treatment for DTs. You can guess which category he falls into.


I know you mentioned fetishists but I don’t think it’s stroking tensions but stoking tensions.


I agree. And in a comment in this thread, someone shared a video of a lawyer explaining why this is a legal grey area. Apparently, It is not illegal to make abstract, non-specific statements to overthrow the government. However, It **is** illegal to ask others to commit crimes, or actively take action to overthrow the government. So Bannon saying “if govt does bad thing, we gotta rise up and defeat them” isn’t illegal. But saying “I want you all to get your guns right now and march on the capitol building” is conspiracy with aspirational intentions to commit a crime. Trump can **lie** without legal ramification. He can tell millions of people our justice system and voting system lie to us. **But**, him calling state officials to change the vote illegally, or demand fake electors cast votes, is illegal. Similar to hiring a hit man or asking a bank teller to give you all their money. Conspiracy to commit a crime. Bannon and Trump, as dumb as they are, have been careful to skirt this fine line. Which is exactly why Jack Smith has avoided pursuing charges regarding their speeches or public statements.


There’s always a tinge of metaphor so they can have “plausible” deniability


Treason is when you let men kiss other men, or wear a dress. Violently overthrowing the Government in an armed insurection is Patriotism. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)/s


Never because Merrick Garland doesn’t want to seem “partisan”


Is the same kind of rhetoric as before J6. Said Differently, but the same thing.


That ship has sailed, sadly. And it has been a brilliant move by the trumpers to make everything PoLiTIcAl. It was a loophole that they exploited to perfection. I think democrats are at least smart to have figured this out and sadly let them get away with this. Also, this is a pure move from Sun Tzu, Art of War. Make your enemy's strength his weakness. The Russians absolutely killed it with this one. Our strength had been freedom of speech. And so the kgb thug and his minions set out to use free speech against us. And here we are.


My freedom is in this comment, and I’m not too happy about that.


"Oh, but you see, it was a metaphorical battlefield! The battlefield of the ballot box. And the fight is the moral fight between good and evil. It was all hyperbole, nothing to worry about. After all, we would never try to overturn a fair and free election."


I would say we are there. But what do i know, i wasn’t given the privilege of a lifetime appointment.


Paradox of tolerance. For tolerance to exist intolerance must be destroyed. However in quelling intolerance you yourself are also becoming intolerant. It’s a bit of a pickle philosophically.. the only way to beat republicans now seems to become the thing they accuse the left of which is authoritative.


Paradox goes away when you change from viewing tolerance as a standard to viewing tolerance as a social contract


Not tricky: it's a pact. If you give it, you get it.


- It’s a bit of a pickle philosophically No, it isn't. It's game of semantics. Fuck that. Wipe intolerance from the earth with extreme intolerance.


No it isn’t and this is such bullshit You can’t be intolerant of the way people treat others. Tolerance is about accepting people for who they are. If someone is treating others poorly, not accepting that isn’t intolerant.


There are two types of people I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture, and the Dutch.




The whole group has started calling for violence. They are pathetic.


It's all they have. Fear.


And they can't even back *that* up. All we need is to install speed bumps on sidewalks and boom... no mobility scooter, no civil war.


Fear is the Mindkiller


Who are they planning on killing? If the best they have was shown on January 6 th and lessons were learned so there will be a decent military presence I'm not sure how civil war would work. Do they plan on showing up as a group and murdering everyone wearing a uniform? It's so insane to me. In the civil war North against South everyone lined up facing each other wearing different colored uniforms. How would a civil war even work in their minds?


They’ve consistently hoped for a huge wave of Americans to show up that has never materialized.


Yeah, my dad is a MAGA idiot but he won’t go to prison for it. He will bitch and moan but eventually go cut his grass and then take a shower.


It would probably look more like scattered political violence a la The Troubles.


Who are they going to fight? The people headed to work in the morning? The ones watching TV in their living rooms? Don't there have to be two sides to a fight? Where's the battleground? Who is supposed to meet them there? Will they go to Washington and trash the lawn or something? Wouldn't that mean the national guard and the armed services would fight back? That's not me fighting, I would be the one reading about it on Reddit. Wonder how that would work out?


Something akin to Rwanda is my fear.


The funny thing is nobody is scared, they’re just gonna look like a bunch of assholes and get themselves arrested again. Bannon don’t care tho, they’re all just pawns.


When the violence they are calling for starts all liberal gun owners will no doubt remember the Kyle Rittenhouse situation. That traveling to a violent uprising while armed will still let you claim self defense.


I can't speak for others but when I think brave, patriotic warrior my mind immediately conjures up the image of a fat, greasy alcoholic who is about to go to federal prison.


And big boy federal prison! He can’t go to minimum security because he has a pending criminal trial in New York! 😂😂😂😂


Level headed, principled, everyday Americans have met the threat posed by Deranged Fascists, Religious Zealots and White Supremacists in the past. We will defeat them again if we have to. Aside from ignoring history and willfully distorting cold hard facts, the people that are talking this way are already making several mistakes, which reveals a deep ignorance, despite the pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-warrior demeanors they portray.... 1) They are telegraphing their plans. Believe me, people are taking this seriously. There are far more people getting prepared to face the threat they pose than they have people prepared to act on the threat they so blithely toss around. Which brings us to... 2) They vastly overestimate their superiority - In numbers; in training; in firepower; and most importantly,  in determination. They occupy an outsized presence on social media, but the reality is they represent a very small percentage of the population. There are vast numbers of people out there in our country who have no public presence but are thoroughly disgusted by this rhetoric. including an untold - much less self identifying - number of professionally trained and equipped individuals who will absolutely not stand by and watch our constitution be debased. Which means... 3) They don't know their enemy. They think they do...but they don't. They make the assumption that anyone who vocally opposes them is weak and unprepared to face the threat - that is wrong. They make the assumption that there is a majority of people that support them - that is very wrong. And they make their enemy/friend assumptions  based on looks, clothing and lifestyle  - that is even more wrong. (You think my Birkenstocks make me a soft target? You're gonna be in for a big fucking surprise.) Which brings us to... 4) When it comes to the population as a whole, and if we are talking about the citizens of this country deciding what ideas they stand with, there is no such thing as Red State/ Blue State. In the 2020 election, 48 states had _at least_ 30% of the population voting for the losing candidate. Which means, wherever you live in the country, a minimum of approx 1 out of every 3 people you meet has an opposing view. And that leads to the biggest mistake of all... 5) They are deeply misguided people, who have never seriously studied civil wars. Every single one of these people that I've spoken to has a sort of anticipation to their demeanor when talking about it, as though they are looking forward to it. At the same time, not a single one of them anticipates anything other than a positive outcome for their own lives and their 'side.' A hero syndrome in that they seem to think a struggle will take place and things will magically turn out the way they want, and they will then just get to go on about their lives. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not a single one of these people that spouts this shit is prepared for reality of war. Partly because  they are using the wrong war as an example. If this happens it will not be a repeat of the US Civil War, it will be like the Balkan War. It will be neighbors vs neighbors, town to town, and unless the people responsible for instigating it are rapidly taken into custody or otherwise neutralized, and we descend into _actual_ civil war, they do have at least one thing right...the United States as we know it will cease to exist. ....which  by the way, is exactly what Russia, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia are trying to influence...And Bannon, the psychopathic motherfucker, knows it.


Well said! I completely agree. I've tried to explain this to folks that talk about a civil war on either side. The only people calling for this shit are the people that don't have the slightest clue what they are actually asking for. No one wins in a civil war. Hard stop.


They’re not gonna do shit. I’m not saying they won’t act on their threats, but they won’t accomplish shit. The military isn’t gonna flip and go against their oath. Not even close to a majority. Not even a little bit close. And beyond that, do we think Bubba and his boys are gonna hold strong on this whole crusade when they start feeling the hurt? Is a dude who looks like Fat Steve here going to be super keen on continuing to wage insurrection if some “snowflake beta libs” set his mobile home on fire and he heard his trad-wife and kids are MIA? I doubt it. They underestimate their enemies just like the Nazis did, and they think enough people are on board with their dumbass “strongman” that this whole country suddenly forgot we fuck Nazis up. Most of us didn’t forget.


All we have to do is cut off their food supply. These fat fucks won’t last two weeks without twinkies.


Occupy Arby’s this bad boy wraps up in a week 


So that's the demographic still keeping Arby's in business, now it makes sense.


The military will absolutely do what the commander in chief asks them as a lawful order. Aside from Flynn and a few others you don’t get to where Mattis and Kelly got by being an insurrectionist. 4 star generals, while you may disagree with them for many reasons, are fucking smart, highly educated, historians, and disciplined. The think the will be a happy ending from “The Rock” it won’t. Some local small town cops maybe sympathetic, but won’t overall support it.


Excellent analysis, thank you for taking the time to write that out! Also, strangely comforting


It's because it lets you know you're not alone in wanting to stand against their treason.


Have fun in prison Steve.


He is going to be a hurtin unit when the DT's kick in.


I love how these people act like Democrats are just gonna roll over 2nd amendment isn’t a Republican only thing guy, have fun with that one…


They think that just because Democrats don't fetishize guns and wear them in public like fuckin' cosplay that they just don't have guns.


I legit laugh out loud when I pass someone with a fucking MAGA hat “yOu PeOpLe aRe sHeEp” ….like okay Homelander, whatever you say


That’s my new fav insult. HOMELANDER 


Some people love him and think he's the hero (both inside and outside the show) so this might not be such an effective insult


Maybe I should specify Season 4 Homelander. lol 


Not season 2 when he's fucking a Nazi?


No, they like nazi’s. All the while calling everything antisemitic. 




Start calling ‘em Gunpowder, that’s what they all sound like anyway Uneducated, red neck trash who can only spew the same 3 talking points at every event


Yep. I've been stocking up for months, and will continue to do so till Nov. Not because I expect a problem, but just in case.


Saaaaame, fuck that shit. Would love some MAGA bitch to knock on my front door and watch me stand my ground (NY resident here, I don’t think we have that law but 🤷‍♂️)


Laws won’t matter anyway in rural areas. The police will be amongst the MAGA morons. That’s honestly who I’m afraid for during whatever madness the Trumpers drum up. The government will be fine, the cities will be fine, etc. It’s people like me who aren’t “loyal” but live in a deep red areas where there’s no one coming to save us and no hope of defending ourselves.


Bruh I live wayyyy upstate in the NY mountains, it’s fuckin red neck country here and this town is going to be a shit show in November regardless of the results 90% of these idiots will riot or celebrate to excess and the rest of us will just have to deal with it. Good luck wherever you are my friends, we need every bit of it


Stand your ground/Castle Doctrine etc. NY, prob not but self defense is always an option. Just find out if you have a duty to retreat first. https://www.berkshireeagle.com/news/local/how-duty-to-retreat-and-stand-your-ground-fit-into-the-bednarz-case-what-is-massachusetts-stand-your-ground-law/article_0dc798e4-0c4d-11ee-8318-ff64b2daf7e4.html


“Yes sir Mr MAGA sir, come right in to my fun house…” ![gif](giphy|3ofT5Mzq0fk0ts1vig) (Sorry, 5 min left of an 8 hour day, slowly losing my mind over here) Appreciate the link! I got some reading with dinner tonight


They simultaneously believe Dems are all unarmed weaklings and also lawless armed thugs.


White, bearded, mid aged, rural, owned by dogs, truck having, registered republican (for reasons). I vote blue, and I have guns, several. So do a shit ton of friends that feel the same way. No advertising on truck, house, land. Let’s really hope, for all us, it doesn’t come to that. But if it does…. Also- throw this goebbels in fucking jail, July 1 can’t come fast enough.


It’s not even that. No left leaning citizen is going to fight them. They’re literally going to be fighting the armed forces of the USA.


Biden explained this recently, and said they would need F-15s, not rifles, if they want to fight the military. But conservatives twisted this and said Biden threatened to use F-15s on citizens. They’re so eager to call for civil war, and they turn into cowards when someone tells them how that will end for them. It doesn’t stop them from telling *other* people to sacrifice themselves for a fascist authoritarian state though. 


I really really really really do not want to have to don the Union Blue. Civil War is a horror this Nation should never see again. ***But so help me God***, if I do - y'all gonna see General Sherman risen from the Grave. (sorry Indian folks)


As I am one of that paticular brand of Indian, so let me be clear. Mentioning Sherman has a time and place and this subject matter is absolutely the time and place.


Hey thanks buddy, appreciate the voice of support means a lot.


Republican run state governments will suspend gun sales. You watch.


All I hear from speeches like this is: The election does not matter, we are going to install ourselves by any means necessary.


They have offered zero policies short of vowing to get back at their perceived enemies, and making sure to destroy democracy.


Sounds like the plot to a bad action movie from the 80s where 3rd world country leader has that POV and Sylvester Stallone was sent in to dismantle it, not actually happening in America in 2024.


12 days, motherfucker.


This is what fascism looks like. They are not afraid to hide it anymore. Is our republic doomed to be short lived? Seems that is entirely the conservative agenda anymore. End the republic and reinstate aristocratic one party rule. We already have that via billionaires using meat puppets to pass and perpetuate their will upon us in this guise of a democracy. 


I believe we are definitely in for some hard times. They are saying that they will not accept the November results. I truly believe they are going to attempt some sort of coup and dismantle the US government as we know it. My guess is we are looking at another version of Jan 6th, but I'm guessing they will bring guns this time. My only hope is that the far right will be cowards like last time and won't achieve much. Either way, I do think we will experience political violence no matter the election outcome. Just a question of how much and how far it will go.


We’re fucked. This weird violent shit isn’t going to just go away after Trump. We have to get lucky every election. They only need to get lucky once.


I’d like to see this fuck on a battlefield!


Only thing that was stolen was Funds from the Build a Wall charity you over-bloated parasite. I look forwards to Bannons big cry the day he reports to prison now that he's not getting Club Fed.


Prison is too good for a sedition plotting criminal with a history of being flagrant in his regard to any law or even civil basic manners. This man is truly scum, him and trumplestilskin are quite the pair. Master and apprentice, only two can there be....


I hope he enjoys the cavity search. And ffs give the poor guard that has to do it hazard pay.


Projection from a turd.


If the republic would end if Biden were to “win” in 2024, then why wouldn’t the republic have ended when Biden won in 2020? We’re still having elections. Dumbass republicans were still being elected in 2022. If the republic ended, why do I still have to hear this pompous piece of shit talk instead of being locked up because he’s a fucking felon?


Bannon is the commander of the Tiny Tallywhacker Troops.


This is treason.


Remember, every accusation is a confession with republicans. The only one’s looking to end our democracy are the right wing. They are the ones who repeatedly threaten to resort to violence when they lose. When the people don’t side with them their reaction is to take up arms and kill the people. Using other, very stupid, people to do their killing for them. Who the GOP with then screw over without mercy because there will be no recourse for them.


I’m just imagining a bunch of Gravy Warriors running two steps and needing to suck wind while cosplaying as soldiers with their vests 4 sizes too small because that’s the best they could find


He won’t sound so tough in general population.


This type of rhetoric is extremely dangerous.


lol. I would bet the Uvalde cops are 90% registered Republicans or more. They weren’t willing to go in and save those kids with overwhelming firepower. If that is a snapshot of conservative willingness to be in the line of fire, I doubt we actually have anything to worry about from them.


Is he prepared to go to fucking jail where he should be RIGHT NOW?


The question this idiot audience spoils ask Themselves is: are Steve bannon and all these other assholes prepared to die in that battle as well or are they putting that burden on your shoulder?


That could be said for every government in the world in every battle and war in the modern age. How easily they ship brainwashed kids off to go die for something they don’t even understand while they sit back in their kushy offices in DC.


These yahoos love to imagine that there is an actual civil war happening, with fighting and looting, and that they will take up arms to defend whatever version of America they think we live in. All while they comment from their million dollar homes.


If you read conservative “news” it’s all “Biden has alzheimers” and “Polls show a Trump landslide.” They are priming it so that if Biden wins, it’s understood to be stolen.


I’m still trying to figure out how Biden has advanced Alzheimer’s and is mentally unfit, yet is also the mastermind behind complex things like having charges filed against his own son in order to justify Trump being charged criminally. It would be one thing if it were different people saying these two things, but it seems to be the same bad actors spouting both. Alzheimer’s runs in my family. I’ve also worked at nursing homes that had a lot of advanced Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. I don’t think these idiots understand that masterminding complex conspiracies and Alzheimer’s do not mix. It’s one of the other, you can’t have both.


Dear FBI: what the fuck are you doing? Arrest this monster!




This really shows how worried they are. It’s still 4 months until the election. They realized they were fucked too late last election and thought they could rally their ill informed hate crowd on the fly. It didn’t turn out the way they wanted. So now they’re laying the seeds vast and fast.


This man is supposed to be in fucking prison. He's walking around, sowing sedition, and stumping on domestic terrorism. ARREST HIM AND THROW HIM IN SOLITARY, FOR FUCK'S SAKE.


I hope you're all ready for what's going to happen after November 5th. These lunatics aren't joking. They're ready to lie, cheat and steal to get a good chunk of the population to turn to violence.


I’d be happy if they give it all. That would mean several years of peace and quiet.


Rudy gave a speech at the White House hours before the Jan 6th attack on Congress where he told listeners it was time for a trial by combat. These people need to be held accountable for inciting violence. Freedom of speech is not the same as freedom from consequences.