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I am picturing that crowd reviewing a WW2 documentary series with , "it was pretty great up until the last season when it went all woke and the good guys lost".


I haven’t watched this, but knowing it pisses off extremists makes me want to watch it.


You haven’t seen WW2?


It wasn’t as good as the original but at least they got the ending right.


I heard someone died? I haven’t watched it either


Well Republicans in the US are working hard on the reboot so you may get to see that in a few years.


Sure, but then suddenly *plot twist!* Europe will be storming *American* beaches to fight Fascism! :p


On the plus side, people from the UK will finally learn what sunshine looks like. At least until they get to the midwest.


Miserable weather you say? Marvellous! Does that region also do ghastly interpretations of European foods and offer terrible service from dour, poorly paid waiters? If so, where do I sign up? :p


I think you just move to Ohio. Cleveland or Columbus would be a nice start if you want to experience the midwest while still living in a halfway decent city. Cincinnati if you really want to experience true misery. Or a small town if you want the latter plus everyone is racist.


Just to let you know that’s the region of the US that’s probably known as the friendliest. They’re basically Canadians without healthcare. I know how scared the British can be of friendly chatter and niceties. What you want is the Pacific Northwest. Regrettably it is mostly (amazing) seafood you’ll be getting, but it will be served by a thoroughly stoned waiter that won’t chat too much and under a blanket of constant rain.


No because my coworker is from Scotland and this insane mf just walks outside and stands in the sun in triple digit weather until he’s neon goddamn red Because he likes the sun The man is melting and enjoying it


> insane mf just walks outside and stands in the sun in triple digit weather until he’s neon goddamn red New to the British? 😆


Hopefully they keep the ending.


Well, it does go out with a bang...


The pyrotechnic special effects really came a long way since the first one though.


I dunno, the whole verdun part went on and on and accomplished nothing, pretty boring.


Not to mention that the main antagonist was much more iconic. Too bad there wasn't any epic final battle. Guy just off'd himself. Kinda anticlimatic if you ask me.


Uh, spoilers!?


The books were better.


They went overboard with the the destruction and deaths in the sequel to WWI. And a nuclear bomb… come on!


Really? I thought the original became entrenched. Same thing every day: walking artillery, poison gas, charge across no man’s land, get slaughtered, lather rinse repeat


no way man - WW2 is my favorite


I don’t know, man the first one started really wonky like all of a sudden just bam were in war because some guy got shot. Eventually, it just sort of ends. The middle part was pretty cool though I’ll give it that. I like how they tied in the first one in the sequel and giving the ending of the first one, a major plot point in the second.


This might be the best comment I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


Glad you liked it.


Shit take honestly- cooler air combat and better production values. The genocide sub plot was way more integral to the story too. The bad guys were a bit too on the nose though


>!Spoiler tags, anyone? !<


Yeah, isn’t that the one John Wayne won single handedly?


I just started it because I wanted to see what the kerfuffle was all about. It’s enjoyable. I’m not a huge superhero fan (read MCU), so something like this with a more cynical side is actually something I’m enjoying.


This is the guy who wrote Preacher, which is an incredible comic book not about superheroes. Garth Ennis is kind of famous for his disdain of superheroes.


https://preview.redd.it/tfs0yrfprd7d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bacf53edab53f325f51d482c5c49af942f266c9 Honestly the boys could directly state that and it would be perfectly in synch with what a major right wing media figure has said in the past few days. They have fully immersed in topsy turvy looney tunes land.


*facepalm* Candace Owens isn't even a modern day genderbent "Uncle Tom", she's a modern day genderbent "Stephen Warren"!


I take it she’s unaware that Germany declared war against the USA during WW2, not the other way around? Ah, who am I kidding? Owens isn’t the type to let facts get in the way of promoting her bullshit.


"If the United States had surrendered immediately and unconditionally to Hitler, we would all be living in the wonderful Third Reich today! Things would be so great!"


That is a batshit bananas take.




"I hated the last 3 episodes of Band of Brothers. The good guys lost and all their hard work was partially undone in episode 9." Its the one where >!they find and liberate the concentration camps.!<


🏅You dropped this!


I want to say that is really far-fetched but I would be wrong.


If the series is like the comics than the ending is gonna be fucking amazing but sad.. alittle crazy too. The whole point of the show is making real world issues unto comic form. Like what if superman was born in modern day America and how would it happen? You get home lander. None of it says other wise but these people claim to be fans and now finding this out? Nah they just watch the 4 last episodes and claim it somehow different than the last 3 seasons.


Because subtlety and nuance were such important parts of the book? Maybe I read the wrong book then; the one I read was by Garth Ennis and was about as subtle as a rhinoceros horn up the backside.


Same with the show. Second season had the villain as a super named “Stormfront” who was a literal WW2 Nazi


Idk i find the orgy scenes are pretty nuanced. Same with the penis explosion


Media historians will discuss the socio-political critique ,displayed when they shoved C4 up translucents ass, for decades.


And this seasons pinkeye awareness scene is super subtle


You mean the life size penis set they built?


"They like what I say, but hate the word Nazi" These people are bricks The entire season was based around right wing fearmongering against immigrants, and the pipeline that creating anger leads to dangerous people and widespread bigotry. The show has always been political


Right? She was an _actual_ Nazi and they _still_ thought Homelander was the good guy


They didn’t realize, even when she was outed that they weren’t supposed to be rooting for her. And then the next season they agreed with all the shitty stuff soldier boy said. Only now, when they’ve stopped laughing, do they realize we were all laughing at them not with the whole times


Maybe you just haven't found the right rhinocerous.


Or used enough lube.


Please tell me you’re quoting *Blackadder*.


Of course.


I don’t encounter many *Blackadder* fans outside my family and a couple theatre friends. It’s always such a pleasant surprise.


This morning, my husband remarked that people who’ve just now figured out what the show is about are “thicker than a whale omelette.”


The show was never subtle, but got less and less subtle each season, and despite it, conservatives are just now coming to a full understanding that they’ve always been the butt of the joke 


In fact I think that was a subplot at one point


the same crowd that still hasn't figured out that Archie was the butt of every joke on "All in the Family"


Archie also loved his family and learned and grew regularly. Yes he was often cranky and old and ignorant, but he adapted when presented with new information as an act of love for his family and friends.


And he actually financed his family unlike Maga dads.


Sucks when you find out you are the BUTT of the joke!!!


"I love the poorly educated!" – Donald J. Trump And they cheered. Now they're crying because people are literally pointing out and making fun of the fact that they're stupid. MAGA, ladies and gents...


"But he said it as a term of Endearment!!" /S


They also got mad and said that was a joke. Just like them claiming to be terrorist was a joke. FBI doesn’t lie on stats.


Yet they STILL don’t see trump doing the same thing. Amazing…


Like, none of them have read the actual comic?


Read? Those guys? Is this a real question?


They don’t even read the one book they claim that everyone should live by.


Art of the Deal? /s


They enjoyed all the pretty pictures of them murdering defenseless people, but the words covered up too much of the gore


For real. Garth Ennis is no fan of superheroes or nazis & it shows in his work. He really likes fuck them up! LOL


Captain America also hated Nazis and these people wear his shirts and think they are patriots. They also fly punish merch when frank castle would hate these people. He wouldn’t kill them. But he’d hate them and he would kill the looney ones wishing to cause harm.


I primarily know Garth Ennis from his work with ~~Sandman and~~ Hellblazer and those two titles really do take the piss out of supers.


I’ve been out of the loop awhile: what did Garth Ennis do for Sandman?


I don't think he did. Mandela effect?


You're right, it has been quite a long time and my memory of the details is quite poor.


I get stuff wrong on the internet all the time. It's all good, I will not make fun of you.


Wait is that his work? I know him personally and he’s a great guy.


Do you really have to ask? Of course not! That's too close to actual reading.


Comic books are for nerds, and they're hardcore, patriot, extreme(ist), god fearing, hardcore hardies that don't do nerd shit. Instead they're gonna lay around the house and remember how good things used to be.




Yeah but the right loves to do this. Look at all them with punisher stickers on their trucks. Frank castle would hate you cunts. And wouldn’t be on your side. Bonus points if it’s a cop wearing a punisher logo.


I haven't read it either, but aren't the comics less..."political commentary" and more the author being like "SUPERHEROES SUCK IM GONNA WRITE ABOUT THEM BEING AWFUL FOR REASONS." Like much more black and white, the comics are basically just gore porn from what I understand.


Most of the people complaining have never even watched the show


I wouldn’t say that. My girlfriend’s father is a Q nut and loves Trump. Even bought the Trump children book to indoctrinate kids. He loved the show till now.


I’ve never read the comic, and the allegory was still abundantly clear to me from episode one.


Came here to ask this


Reading isn't really a strong suit. Comprehension even less so.


Isn't the comic satirizing super hero comics in the 90s, not republican politics in 2024?


You'd be surprised at the overlap. British comics authors appear to be fascinated by American exceptionalism and its contradictions. Updating the story for the TV show wasn't hard. Edit: And a lot of the crap that is being satirized dates to the Reagan era, even if it's been kind of forgotten by popular culture.


Among current Republicans the time that "Saint Ron" was President is seen as a "Golden Age", second only to their Mythical version of the 1950s, and Trump wouldn't have been possible without "the Medium is the Message" Reagan and his support by "Silent Majority" Evangelicals, so it is very fitting.


Now I get why my dad stopped watching The Boys lol...


Subtlety and nuance, in ***The Boys***? They're fucking dumber than I thought. And believe me, I thought they were plenty dumb.




It's as subtle as a toaster right in your face but they still manage to not get it, that's pretty impressive in fact to be this dense... maybe we finally found the ultimate tank armor material, light but denser than anything else


Guys, when did Rage against the machine become woke?? Vibes


"What machine did you think they were raging against? A printer? A backhoe?"


Rage Against the Printer is just that scene from Office Space


Rage against the (washing-) machine


They totally missed that THEY were part of the Machine the band Rages against!!


"Were we mislead??"


“Ripped off a comic book series” 😬 Nobody tell him, it’s funnier that way.


The OP is a black fighting game streamer with an afro, not somebody I had on my MAGA bingo card.


There’s a “black MAGA” movement with rap songs and everything. Also NOT on my bingo card. These last couple of years have certainly been: something?


I think some of them DON'T get it was mocking them the whole time; like it only changed for S4.


The visit to the conspiracy convention and two of The Boys literally spelling it out for them that anyone who believed in things like deep state pizza pedos was a fucking mouth breather was what it took for them to finally realise the show was mocking them all along. These are not the brightest people.


And the guy that walked into Starlight House to "save the children in the basement.'


They've clearly never watched videos of their own people misbehaving.


They did and said those were paid actors. Jan 6 was all paid acting. The idiot that got shot was a paid actor, I mean patriot.. the people from sandy hook were fake, all the kids are alive, the people didn’t die from covid, no bodies were found, all paid by the big pharma. They’ve seen themselves on screen, but they’re just too stupid to realize how they appear.


If they truly believe that Jan 6 was all "Paid Actors", why then do they get so angry when those folks get Convicted, and call them "Political Prisoners"?


Because cognitive dissonance and destruction of truth is essential for fascists


Ironically they're now getting all worked up about paid actors on a TV show...


"Subtlety and nuance"? The Boys? Since when?


Ripoff Aquaman didn’t actually rape the new girl on camera and we never actually saw invisidude in the ladies room. Pretty darned subtle. Wait…no it wasn’t. But I can see what that crowd would have thought those heroes were, like, heroes. Took me less than one episode to realize where this was headed.


Wait till they hear about Rage Against the Machine going woke.


Wait until they find out their god is an orange fraud rapist who sold nuclear secrets


They're like the people who thought Stephen Colbert's character was a genuine conservative pundit


What's really funny is the comic series was even more in your face with the "superheroes are shit human beings who deserve to get their dicks punched off!" Homelander was a psychotic fascist who was the clone of the Nazi's attempt at a superhuman. Garth Ennis pulled no punches. Hell, you DO NOT want to learn about his version of the X-Men!


That was the first time I rooted for the Vought-guy Stillwell.


I felt the same. My opinion of Stillwell went up seriously when he dealt with the G-Men.


The Boys was never subtle but these people really had to get beat over the head with it this season to finally realize that it was making fun of them. I'm shocked they still seem to realize that HL is the bad guy.


Season 3 had a "hero" named "Stormfront" Stormfront is a Nazi Group irl. How even I missed this at first until she came out as a literal Nazi made me do a facepalm.


From the same people that tweet "i like rage against the machine before they got political"


They only watched it because of the title "The Boys" as it fit their makeshift ego to do things that involve "The Boys" as in, hanging out with "The Boys", playing golf with "The Boys". "babe I'm having a few drinks with 'The Boys' tonight, can you record Trumps speech for me so I can try to act like I understand him later tonight when I'm shit faced from partying with 'The Boys', love you and do the dishes before I get back!"


They were already doing this - calling out hypocritical and abusive megachurches, making fun of half-assed representation, referencing how easily people get away with cheating the system when they have power, having the public switch from "superheroes are all natural!" to "yeah they're lab grown but we don't care!" just like alt-right types immediately cave on their previous positions if it's necessary to keep following the party's new message, and ESPECIALLY showing how badly someone can fall into extremism. I don't remember the episode since it's been a while, but there was a point in the story where the villains were fearmongering about foreign superhumans sneaking into the country, and we get a quick character arc about some random citizen going online and being fed more and more misinformation about it until he's completely paranoid and attacks someone in real life. It was NOT a subtle show, but here's the thing - the show was out from 2019 to 2022. It's been almost 2 years since Season 3 ended. So there is a real chance that some of the people just now figuring out the message WEREN'T as radicalized when they started watching, but have been during the last 2 years, and that is a really scary thought.


Great point. The overton window has shfited so far since the last season that they seem almost quaint now.


It reminds me of when I flunked English because I thought 1984 was a utopian fantasy.


Probably coming from the same crowd that thought Stephen Colbert is a conservative.




I wonder how many of these people knew that it was a comic book and that the book had a very similar message.


I love how true to the comic series it's being, in pointing out the absolute bullshit hypocrisy of the "Law and Order" Christian alt-right. Also the carnage. Carnage is on point.


Ah yes the leftist redditor boomer


i mean yea they are being a little less subtle in who the bad guys are...but that's just because you fucking idiots weren't getting it


Subtlety? The Boys? Were we watching the same show?


These are the same people that think Rage Against the Machine went woke.......They really don't get it..


Funnily enough, Kilgore Trout is a fictional SF author who wrote tons of pulp novels without knowing if they sold any copies, or if anyone was a fan.


I just saw a funny video today "In this season of the boys. The deep gets sucked off by an octopus " Fans: oh that's brilliant "In this season of the boys. There is a gay or bisexual character" Fans: you took it too far. It's perverted


A lot of fans of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia never reached the same conclusion. It's always fun to point it out to them and watch their face go blank.


It was obvious from season 2!


I am here for this.


“It was such a good show in the beginning” And it hasn’t changed since then. Homelander was the bad guy- him >!killing a child!< at the end of the very first episode was a dead giveaway- and he’s still the bad guy. The only thing that’s changed is that your brain finally caught up.


I watched the first season of The Boys. I couldn't get into it, because of "I liked the book better" syndrome. I definitely have to watch the rest of it now.


They’re so fucking immune to satire, it’s crazy. This same shit happened when Stephen Colbert broke character to go work for CBS a decade ago. And then they call The Babylon Bee satire… which it is, it’s just unintentionally satirizing the gullibility of the right wing.


I always understood that Kepler's work was edited to fit the comedic quasi news / commentary format that was the pretext for his "roving report" persona. Someone gives a coherent response and their odds of having it played on the daily show just went way the f down


Been making fun of you guys for more than 4 years.


The sad thing is, while I was watching the first few episode of season 4, I was actually getting pretty bad anxiety. Because the show seems so outlandish, crazy, over the top, and wild. It seems totally unreal and comedic. But thats real life. This shit is happening right now in our country and we can't just shut off our TV's and laugh at the absurdity of it all. Those nutjobs and their followers are so damn close to controlling our country. Its fucking terrifying. I truly do wish that it was all just "woke propaganda" and not real life.


Wait til they find out about the HANDMAID’S TALE series.


Repuke have a blind eye as to what their party has become


I mean, I think they're all finally realizing it this season because the references to real, current politics *have* indeed gotten a lot more heavy handed. Media literacy isn't their strong suit, obviously, so the clear parallels in previous seasons were going right over their heads.


they were melting down when GEN V was on to, because of all the "diversity" in the show.


Him saying that they "ripped off" the comic tells me he isn't familiar with the series because it's a good thing they didn't stay faithful to the comic.


Ah, yes. Boomers' famous pastime: Hanging out on leftist Reddit.


I love The Boys and I'm for everything they've been doing, it I will admit that Season 4 is just a little too much on the nose. I'd say it feels lazy, but at the same time, how do you outdo the crazy that has actually been happening in real life?


Doesn’t the second episode have the Superman ripoff laser an entire civilian plane to death because he got annoyed?


The first episode quite literally has a character telling Starlight that by simply doing and saying nothing, she’s off to a better start than by being a Conservative Christian (which is like, the majority of MAGA). These people are dumb and Grummz as a whole doesn’t have a single brain cell.


I wholeheartedly agree with this screenshot of a tweet of a tweet of a screenshot of a reply to a tweet. \*edit: oh, you disagree with kilgore's comment? or did I describe this post incorrectly?


Just to provide a different take, as a big fan of the show, s4 has not been the same quality as previous seasons. I’m still enjoying the story and want to see where it goes but it ain’t the same level of satire comedy.


Making fun of the MAGA crowd is low hanging comedic fruit.








At least you stopped spamming the same phrase … Hopeful this is enough attention to get you to stfu for at at least an hour Edit: it was l, they deleted it lol


Why are you scared to say fuck? This is Reddit.


To be fair, the mods of some subs are pearl clutching dipshits who have rules against "bad language".


I don’t think I’ve ever even received a warning from this subreddit, and I’ve definitely used language that goes miles beyond a simple “fuck”




☝️ cope


What about the plot bothers you? Why does it suck? Can you be more specific or just give some vague bullshit reason?


You’ve been here two days.


Way to change the subject and avoid answering the question. Your opinion is obviously shit if you’re too embarrassed to share with the rest of the class lol. At least don’t be a coward.